public static async Task RequestAuthenticationAsync(bool isUnregistered = false) { try { string req; if (isUnregistered) { (_, req) = await Session.EncodeUnregisteredRequestAsync(Constants.AppId); } else { (_, req) = await GenerateEncodedAuthReqAsync(); } var url = UrlFormat.Format(Constants.AppId, req, true); var appLaunched = await DependencyService.Get <IPlatformService>().OpenUri(url); if (!appLaunched) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert( "Authorisation failed", "The SAFE Authenticator app is required to authorise this application", "OK"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); throw; } }
public async Task <string> GenerateAppRequestAsync() { AuthReq authReq = new AuthReq { AppContainer = true, App = new AppExchangeInfo { Id = AppId, Scope = string.Empty, Name = "SAFE Todo App", Vendor = " Ltd" }, Containers = new List <ContainerPermissions> { new ContainerPermissions { ContName = "_publicNames", Access = { Insert = true, Update = true, Delete = true } } } }; (uint, string)encodedReq = await Session.EncodeAuthReqAsync(authReq); string formattedReq = UrlFormat.Format(AppId, encodedReq.Item2, true); Debug.WriteLine($"Encoded Req: {formattedReq}"); return(formattedReq); }
public void SendRequest(string encodedRequest, bool isUnregistered) { var formattedReqUrl = UrlFormat.Format(Constants.AppId, encodedRequest, true); Debug.WriteLine($"Encoded Req : {formattedReqUrl}"); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { Device.OpenUri(new Uri(formattedReqUrl)); }); }
public async Task ProcessNonMockAuthentication() { // Send encoded AuthReq to SAFE Authenticator using Uri var encodedAuthReq = await GenerateEncodedAuthReqAsync(); var url = UrlFormat.Format(Constants.AppId, encodedAuthReq.Item2, true); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { Device.OpenUri(new Uri(url)); }); }
public async Task <string> HandleUrlActivationAsync(string encodedUri) { try { if (_authenticator == null) { return(null); } await CheckAndReconnect(); var encodedReq = UrlFormat.GetRequestData(encodedUri); var decodeResult = await _authenticator.DecodeIpcMessageAsync(encodedReq); var decodedType = decodeResult.GetType(); if (decodedType == typeof(AuthIpcReq)) { var authReq = decodeResult as AuthIpcReq; Debug.WriteLine($"Decoded Req From {authReq?.AuthReq.App.Name}"); var isGranted = true; // await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert( //"Auth Request", //$"{authReq?.AuthReq.App.Name} is requesting access", //"Allow", //"Deny"); var encodedRsp = await _authenticator.EncodeAuthRespAsync(authReq, isGranted); var formattedRsp = UrlFormat.Format(authReq?.AuthReq.App.Id, encodedRsp, false); Debug.WriteLine($"Encoded Rsp to app: {formattedRsp}"); //Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { Device.OpenUri(new Uri(formattedRsp)); }); return(formattedRsp); } else if (decodedType == typeof(IpcReqError)) { var error = decodeResult as IpcReqError; Debug.WriteLine("Auth Request", $"Error: {error?.Description}", "Ok"); } else { Debug.WriteLine("Decoded Req is not Auth Req"); } } catch (Exception ex) { var errorMsg = ex.Message; if (ex is ArgumentNullException) { errorMsg = "Ignoring Auth Request: Need to be logged in to accept app requests."; } Debug.WriteLine("Error", errorMsg, "OK"); } return(null); }
public async Task RequestAuthenticationAsync(bool isUnregistered = false) { try { App.PendingRequest = true; var filePath = Path.Combine(ConfigFilePath, _defaultNodeConnectionFileName); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { File.Delete(filePath); } string req; if (isUnregistered) { (_, req) = await Session.EncodeUnregisteredRequestAsync(Constants.AppId); } else { (_, req) = await GenerateEncodedAuthReqAsync(); } var url = UrlFormat.Format(Constants.AppId, req, true); var appLaunched = await DependencyService.Get <IPlatformService>().OpenUri(url); if (!appLaunched) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert( ErrorConstants.AuthenticationFailedTitle, ErrorConstants.AuthenticatorAppNotFoundMsg, "OK"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); throw; } }