public static bool IsValidEmail(string Email)//check if the string follows an email structure { int AtCount = 0; foreach (Char C in Email) { if (C.ToString() == "@") { AtCount++; } //Increment the amount of @s in the string else if (!NumberSet.Contains(C) && !LowerSet.Contains(C) && !UpperSet.Contains(C) && C.ToString() != ".") { return(false); } //if the character isnt upper,lower or number } if (AtCount != 1) { return(false); } //If we have more than one @ return false to indicate it is invalid if (!Email.Split("@".ToCharArray())[1].Contains(".")) { return(false); } //If the string after the @ doesnt contain a . return false to induicate it is invalid return(true); }
public static bool IsValidValueInJsonConfig(string JsonValue)//Check if the value inside the json conforms to our valid charcter set { Char PrevC = Char.MinValue; int ClosableBrackets = 0; foreach (Char C in JsonValue) { if (!LowerSet.Contains(C) && !UpperSet.Contains(C) && !NumberSet.Contains(C) && !SpecialSet.Contains(C)) {//if the character isnt Lower,Upper,Number or special if (C.ToString() == ">" && ClosableBrackets > 0) { ClosableBrackets--; } //where we have the end of a paramater decreas the closable bracket count else if (C.ToString() != "<") { //if it isnt the start or end of a bracket return false to indicate that it is invalid return(false); } } else if (PrevC.ToString() == "<" && C.ToString() == "@") { ClosableBrackets++; } //Where we have a start of a paramater increase the closable bracket count PrevC = C; //Set the last character } return(ClosableBrackets == 0); //If we have closed all paramater brackets }
public static bool IsAlphaNumericString(string Str)//Check if all characters in the String are either numbers or letters { foreach (Char C in Str) { if (!NumberSet.Contains(C) && !LowerSet.Contains(C) && !UpperSet.Contains(C)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public static bool IsValidPassword(string Password)//Check if the string contains at least 1 capital,number and special { bool HasNumeric = false, HasCapital = false, HasSpecial = false; foreach (Char C in Password) { if (UpperSet.Contains(C)) { HasCapital = true; } else if (NumberSet.Contains(C)) { HasNumeric = true; } else if (SpecialSet.Contains(C)) { HasSpecial = true; } } return(HasCapital && HasNumeric && HasSpecial); }