private void getPicture(ProductChildInitializer item, ProductChild pc) { IHasUploads pcHasuploads = pc as IHasUploads; pc.IsNullThrowException(string.Format("Programming Error. Product Child is not showing as IHasUploads. It is. Currently initializing '{0}'", item.ProductName)); string originalname = item.ProductName.RemoveAllSpaces().ToString(); string relative_SrcPath = pc.MiscFilesLocation_Initialization(); string relative_targetPath = pc.MiscFilesLocation(UserName); string filenameNoExtention = getFileNameWithoutExtention(relative_SrcPath, originalname); if (!imageFileExists(filenameNoExtention)) { return; } #region Copy File string originalnameWithoutExtention = originalname; List <UploadedFile> uploadedFileLst = new List <UploadedFile>(); //copy the actual file to the new spot. We need to do it here so we can get it's new name //== COPY FILE string newNameWithMappedPathPlusExtention = CopyFile(relative_SrcPath, relative_targetPath, Path.ChangeExtension(originalnameWithoutExtention, ExtentionFound)); //create the upload file UploadedFile uf = new UploadedFile( originalnameWithoutExtention, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(newNameWithMappedPathPlusExtention), ExtentionFound, relative_targetPath); //add to uploadlist uploadedFileLst.Add(uf); #endregion if (!uploadedFileLst.IsNullOrEmpty()) { foreach (UploadedFile file in uploadedFileLst) { file.MetaData.Created.SetToTodaysDate(UserName, UserId); //initializes navigation if it is null //You need to add a refrence here to save the file in the UploadedFile as well. file.ProductChild = pc; file.ProductChildId = pc.Id; if (pcHasuploads.MiscFiles.IsNull()) { pcHasuploads.MiscFiles = new List <UploadedFile>(); //intializing } pcHasuploads.MiscFiles.Add(file); UploadedFileBiz.Create(CreateControllerCreateEditParameter(file as ICommonWithId)); } } }
public override void Event_AddUploadedFileInfoIntoDb(IHasUploads entity, UploadObject uploadObj) { if (uploadObj.NumberOfFilesInFileList > 0) { foreach (var file in uploadObj.FileList) { file.MetaData.Created.SetToTodaysDate(UserId, UserName); file.MenuPath1 = entity as MenuPath1; file.MenuPath1Id = entity.Id; //add the owner of the file here.... entity.MiscFiles.Add(file); UploadedFileBiz.Create(CreateControllerCreateEditParameter(file as ICommonWithId)); } } }