public IRestResponse <FileMessage> Upload(UploadInput input) { try { //LogInput(input); var req = new RestRequest("upload", Method.POST); req.AddFile(input.FileType, input.Data, input.FileName, input.MimeType); req.AlwaysMultipartFormData = true; req.AddParameter("reply_keyboard", input.ReplyKeyboard); req.AddParameter("inline_keyboard", input.InlineKeyboard); var response = RestApi.Execute <FileMessage>(req); LogOutput(response, new { hasData = response.Data != null, method = "Upload", input.FileName }); return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log("Upload", LogErrorLevel.Error, ex); return(null); } }
public ActionResult <UploadResult> UploadDocument([FromForm] UploadInput input) { var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName(); if ( == null ||"")) { return(new UploadResult { success = false, message = "Please provide email." }); } if (!emailChecker.IsValid( { return(new UploadResult { success = false, message = $"{} is an invalid email." }); } if (input.file != null && input.file.Length > 0) { // Could swap out parser based on document type (hubdoc etc.) // Document type could be user specified or deduced? HDInvoiceParser parser = new HDInvoiceParser(); Document document = null; try { document = parser.Parse(input.file.FileName, input.file.OpenReadStream()); document.uploadedTimeStamp = DateTime.Now; document.uploadedBy =; document.fileSize = input.file.Length; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); return(new UploadResult { success = false, message = "File might be invalid, please verify tempalte configuration." }); } long newId = DocumentStore.Instance.AddDocument(document); return(new UploadResult { id = newId, success = true }); } else { return(new UploadResult { success = false, message = "File is empty." }); } }
public async Task <ActionResult <ResponseData <FileItemDto> > > UploadFileAsync(Guid groupId, string storeId, string fileName, bool depGroup = false) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(storeId) || Guid.Empty.Equals(groupId)) { return(ResponseData <FileItemDto> .BuildFailedResponse(message : "参数错误")); } var uploaderId = GetEmployeeId(); var group = !depGroup ? await _groupAppService.GetByIdAsync(groupId) : await _departmentAppService.GetDepGroupByIdAsync(groupId); if (group == null) { return(ResponseData <FileItemDto> .BuildFailedResponse(message : "群组不存在")); } if (!IsMemeberInGroup(group.Members, uploaderId)) { return(ResponseData <FileItemDto> .BuildFailedResponse(message : "无上传权限")); } var attachment = await _attachmentAppServiceFactory(storeId).GetByIdAsync(storeId); if (attachment == null) { return(ResponseData <FileItemDto> .BuildFailedResponse(message : "文件上传失败")); } var input = new UploadInput { FileName = fileName, GroupId = groupId, StoreId = storeId }; await SendMessageAsync(groupId, GetUserId(), fileName, attachment); var result = await _groupFileControlApp.UploadFileAsync(input, uploaderId); _cache.Remove(groupId); if (result != null) { result.Size = attachment.Size; result.UploaderName = GetUserFullName(); return(ResponseData <FileItemDto> .BuildSuccessResponse(result)); } else { return(ResponseData <FileItemDto> .BuildFailedResponse()); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(LogError(_logger, ex))); } }
public async Task Upload([FromForm] UploadInput input, [FromServices] IFileVerifier fileVerifier) { var fileInfo = fileInfoProvider.GetFileInfo(input.File, HttpContext.Request.PathBase); using (var uploadStream = input.Content.OpenReadStream()) { fileVerifier.Validate(uploadStream, fileInfo.DerivedFileName, input.Content.ContentType); using (Stream stream = fileFinder.WriteFile(fileInfo.DerivedFileName)) { await uploadStream.CopyToAsync(stream); } } }
public async Task Error_IfCredentialsAreInvalidAndThrowExceptionOnErrorResponseIsFalse() { var input = new UploadInput { FileMask = "TestFile1.csv", FilePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"../../../TestData/"), S3Directory = @"\" }; var options = new UploadOptions { ReturnListOfObjectKeys = true, ThrowErrorIfNoMatch = true }; var param = new Parameters { // Invalid AwsAccesKeyId. AwsAccessKeyId = "fnvfdvfkdjvn", // Invalid AwsSecretAccessKey. AwsSecretAccessKey = "bvfjhbvdjhvbjdhf", BucketName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HiQ_AWSS3Test_BucketName"), Region = (Regions)int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HiQ_AWSS3Test_Region")), ThrowExceptionOnErrorResponse = false }; async Task <List <string> > UploadThatThrows() { var response = await UploadTask.UploadFiles(input, param, options, new CancellationToken()); return(response); } try { await UploadThatThrows(); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Expected no exception, but got: " + ex.Message); } }
public async Task <FileItemDto> UploadFileAsync(UploadInput param, Guid uploaderId) { using (var db = new ServiceDbContext(_dbContextOptions)) { var fileItem = new FileItem { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), DownloadAmount = 0, GroupId = param.GroupId, Name = param.FileName, StoreId = param.StoreId, UpdatedOn = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, UploaderId = uploaderId, }; await db.FileItems.AddAsync(fileItem); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(_mapper.Map <FileItemDto>(fileItem)); } }
public void Error_IfSourcePathIsInvalid() { var input = new UploadInput { FileMask = @"*.test", FilePath = @"c:\there_is_no_folder_like_this\" }; var options = new UploadOptions { ReturnListOfObjectKeys = true, ThrowErrorIfNoMatch = true }; void UploadThatThrows() { UploadTask.UploadFiles(input, _param, options, new CancellationToken()); } Assert.That(UploadThatThrows, Throws.TypeOf <ArgumentException>() .With.Message.StartsWith("Source path not found.")); }
public void Error_IfCredentialsAreInvalidAndThrowExceptionOnErrorResponseIsTrue() { var input = new UploadInput { FileMask = "TestFile1.csv", FilePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"../../../TestData/"), S3Directory = @"\", CannedACL = S3CannedACLs.Private }; var options = new UploadOptions { ReturnListOfObjectKeys = true, ThrowErrorIfNoMatch = true }; var param = new Parameters { // Invalid AwsAccesKeyId. AwsAccessKeyId = "fnvfdvfkdjvn", // Invalid AwsSecretAccessKey. AwsSecretAccessKey = "bvfjhbvdjhvbjdhf", BucketName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HiQ_AWSS3Test_BucketName"), Region = (Regions)int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HiQ_AWSS3Test_Region")), ThrowExceptionOnErrorResponse = true }; async Task <List <string> > UploadThatThrows() { var response = await UploadTask.UploadFiles(input, param, options, new CancellationToken()); return(response); } Assert.That(UploadThatThrows, Throws.TypeOf <SecurityException>().With.Message.StartsWith("Invalid Amazon S3 Credentials - data was not uploaded.")); }
public void Error_IfSwitchIsOnAndNothingMatches() { var input = new UploadInput { FileMask = "there_is_no_spoon.text", FilePath = Path.GetTempPath(), S3Directory = @"\" }; var options = new UploadOptions { ReturnListOfObjectKeys = true, ThrowErrorIfNoMatch = true }; void UploadThatThrows() { UploadTask.UploadFiles(input, _param, options, new CancellationToken()); } Assert.That(UploadThatThrows, Throws.TypeOf <ArgumentException>() .With.Message.StartsWith("No files match the filemask within supplied path.")); }
public ActionResult Upload(UploadInput input) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(input)); } try { using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(input.RectanglesFile.InputStream)) { var rectanglesString = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); var grid = gridService.InitialiseGridFromString(rectanglesString); var model = new SolutionRectanglesDisplay(grid, grid.GetMinimumVerticallyStackedRectangles()); return(View("Solution", model)); } } catch (LogicException ex) { ModelState.AddLogicErrors(ex); return(View(input)); } }
public ActionResult Upload() { var model = new UploadInput(); return(View(model)); }
public JsonResult Upload(UploadInput input) { myFileService.Upload(input); return(Json(new { msg = "success" })); }
public int Upload(UploadInput input) { var userId = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserID"].ToString(); var userName = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserName"].ToString(); UserDto userDto = new UserDto { UserID = userId, UserName = userName }; userService.SaveUser(userDto); PersonalFile personalFile = _context.PersonalFiles.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == input.Id); DocumentInfo documentInfo = null; CreateDocumentInput createDocumentInput = new CreateDocumentInput { CreateUserID = userId, CreateUserName = userName, FileName = input.FileName + "." + input.FileType, FileType = input.FileType }; //新建文件 if (input.CreateType == CreateType.newFile.ToString() && (personalFile == null || input.FileType != personalFile.FileType)) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); if (input.FileType == FileType.xlsx.ToString()) { stream = new MemoryStream(NPOIHelper.CreateExcelFile()); } documentInfo = documentService.CreateDocument(createDocumentInput, stream); } else if (input.CreateType == CreateType.uploadFile.ToString() && (personalFile == null || HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.Count > 0)) { if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.Count == 0) { return(-1); } var uploadFile = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files[0]; createDocumentInput.FileName = uploadFile.FileName; createDocumentInput.FileType = createDocumentInput.FileName.Substring(createDocumentInput.FileName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1); input.FileName = createDocumentInput.FileName.Substring(0, createDocumentInput.FileName.LastIndexOf('.')); if (createDocumentInput.FileType == FileType.doc.ToString() || createDocumentInput.FileType == FileType.docx.ToString()) { input.FileType = FileType.docx.ToString(); } else { input.FileType = FileType.xlsx.ToString(); } documentInfo = documentService.CreateDocument(createDocumentInput, uploadFile.InputStream); } if (personalFile == null) { var createTime = DateTime.Now; personalFile = new PersonalFile { DocumentID = documentInfo.Id, CreateType = input.CreateType, FileName = input.FileName, FileType = input.FileType, CreateUserID = userId, CreateUserName = userName, CreateTime = createTime, ModifyUserID = userId, ModifyUserName = userName, ModifyTime = createTime }; _context.PersonalFiles.Add(personalFile); } else { //personalFile.CreateType = input.CreateType; personalFile.FileName = input.FileName; //personalFile.FileType = input.FileType; documentInfo = _context.DocumentInfos.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == personalFile.DocumentID); documentInfo.FileName = input.FileName + "." + personalFile.FileType; } _context.SaveChanges(); var shareUserList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <FileUserDto> >(input.ShareUserList); fileShareService.AddShareUser(new AddShareUserInput { FileId = personalFile.Id, FileUserDtos = shareUserList }); return(personalFile.Id); }