public static async Task <string> UpgradeAccountForT24(UpgradeAccountForT24 upgradeAccountForT24)
            string responseData = string.Empty;

                _apiService = new ApiRequest();
                var response = await _apiService.Post <UpgradeAccountForT24>(upgradeAccountForT24, "", URLConstants.SwitchApiBaseUrl, "Switch/UpgradeSwitchProfileForT24Acct", "OnboardingAccountPINVerificationPage");

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    responseData = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                string log = ex.Message;
        async void DoAccountCreation()
            string password = _crypto.Encrypt(Pin);

                if (Pin != PinTracker)
                    MessageDialog.Show("OOPS", "PIN and Confirm PIN Mismatch. Kindly review and try again.", DialogType.Error, "OK", null);
                    var key = await Microsoft.AppCenter.AppCenter.GetInstallIdAsync();

                    DateTime _dob  = _vm.DateOfBirth;
                    var      model = new SwitchUser()
                        UserEmail                  = _vm.Email,
                        Password                   = password,
                        Gender                     = _vm.Gender == "Male" ? "M" : "F",
                        DateOfBirth                = _dob,
                        FirstName                  = _vm.Firstname.Trim(),
                        LastName                   = _vm.Lastname.Trim(),
                        MiddleName                 = "N/A",
                        Title                      = _vm.Gender == "Male" ? "Mr" : "Mrs",
                        TPIN                       = password,
                        PhoneNumber                = _vm.WalletPhone,
                        RefferedBy                 = _vm.ReferralCode,
                        ReferralCode               = GlobalStaticFields.RandomString(8),
                        Device                     = GlobalStaticFields.Device(),
                        IMEI                       = GlobalStaticFields.DeviceIMEI(),
                        OS                         = GlobalStaticFields.DeviceOS(),
                        UniqueKey                  = key?.ToString() ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        AddressLine1               = string.Empty,
                        AddressLine2               = string.Empty,
                        Nationality                = 0,
                        AccessLocation             = GlobalStaticFields.GetUserLocation,
                        AccountType                = "",
                        CustomerTimeZone           = DateTime.Now.ToString("yymmddHHmmss"),
                        HomeAddress                = "",
                        IsTPIN                     = false,
                        SignupVerificationCode     = "",
                        SecurityQuestionAndAnswers = _qanda //new List<SecurityQuestionViewModel> {_qanda }
                    var pd = await ProgressDialog.Show("Sending Request..... Please wait.");

                    var response = await OnBoardingService.DoSwitchAccountCreation(model);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                        var dt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <NewStatusMessage>(response);
                        if (dt.Status == true)
                            MessageDialog.Show("SUCCESS", "Account registration was successful.", DialogType.Success, "OK", null);
                            var upgradeModel = new UpgradeAccountForT24()
                                BVN         = GlobalStaticFields.Customer.ListOfAllAccounts.FirstOrDefault(g => g.BVN != null || g.BVN != String.Empty)?.BVN ?? "",
                                CUSNUM      = GlobalStaticFields.Customer.ListOfAllAccounts.FirstOrDefault(g => g.CustomerId != null || g.CustomerId != String.Empty)?.CustomerId ?? "",
                                HomeAddress = "",
                                NUBAN       = GlobalStaticFields.Customer.ListOfAllAccounts.FirstOrDefault(g => g.nuban != null || g.nuban != string.Empty)?.nuban ?? "",
                                PhoneNumber = _vm.PhoneNumber
                            var upgraded = await OnBoardingService.UpgradeAccountForT24(upgradeModel);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(upgraded))
                                if (upgraded.Contains("true"))
                                    string message = $"Dear Customer You have successfully Onboarded on Switch. kindly ignore this message if it was you, or report to the nearest Sterling bank office if otherwise.";
                                    DoLogin(_vm.Email, password);  // loguser in and navigate to dashboard.
                                    SendMail(message, _vm.Email);  // send mail to the specified email address
                                    // registration was successful
                                    await pd.Dismiss();
                            await pd.Dismiss();

                            MessageDialog.Show("OOPS", "Sorry, an error occured at our end. Kindly try again later.", DialogType.Error, "OK", null);
                        await pd.Dismiss();

                        MessageDialog.Show("OOPS", "Sorry, we are unable to create your account at the moment. Kindly try again.", DialogType.Error, "OK", null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string log = ex.Message;