Пример #1
    public void ValidateInvInteraction(string slot, GameObject gObj)
        if (!_inventory[slot] && _inventory.ContainsValue(gObj))
            UpdateSlotMessage.Send(gameObject, slot, gObj);
            SetInventorySlot(slot, gObj);
            //Clean up other slots
            HashSet <string> toBeCleared = new HashSet <string>();
            foreach (string key in _inventory.Keys)
                if (key.Equals(slot) || !_inventory[key])
                if (_inventory[key].Equals(gObj))
//            Debug.LogFormat("Approved moving {0} to slot {1}", gObj, slot);
            Debug.LogWarningFormat("Unable to validateInvInteraction {0}:{1}", slot, gObj.name);
Пример #2
    public void CmdEatFood(GameObject food, string fromSlot)
        if (Inventory[fromSlot] == null)
            //Already been eaten or the food is no longer in hand

        FoodBehaviour baseFood = food.GetComponent <FoodBehaviour>();

        PlayerHealth playerHealth = GetComponent <PlayerHealth>();

        //FIXME: remove health and blood changes after TDM
        //and use this Cmd for healing hunger and applying
        //food related attributes instead:
        playerHealth.BloodLevel += baseFood.healAmount;

        UpdateSlotMessage.Send(gameObject, fromSlot, null, true);
        Inventory[fromSlot] = null;
Пример #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the item to the slot and sends network messages to update character sprites and the player's UI
    /// </summary>
    public static void EquipInInvSlot(InventorySlot inventorySlot, GameObject item)
        if (inventorySlot.IsUISlot)
            UpdateSlotMessage.Send(inventorySlot.Owner, item, false, inventorySlot.equipSlot);

            if (IsEquipSpriteSlot(inventorySlot.equipSlot))
                var att       = item.GetComponent <ItemAttributes>();
                var reference = att.clothingReference;
                    if (inventorySlot.equipSlot == EquipSlot.leftHand)
                        reference = att.NetworkInHandRefLeft();
                    else if (inventorySlot.equipSlot == EquipSlot.rightHand)
                        reference = att.NetworkInHandRefRight();
                if (att.spriteType == SpriteType.Clothing || att.hierarchy.Contains("headset") ||
                    att.hierarchy.Contains("storage/backpack") || att.hierarchy.Contains("storage/bag") ||
                    att.hierarchy.Contains("storage/belt") || att.hierarchy.Contains("tank") || inventorySlot.equipSlot == EquipSlot.handcuffs ||
                    inventorySlot.equipSlot == EquipSlot.leftHand || inventorySlot.equipSlot == EquipSlot.rightHand)
                    EquipmentSpritesMessage.SendToAll(inventorySlot.Owner, (int)inventorySlot.equipSlot, reference);
        inventorySlot.Item = item;
Пример #4
 public void DropItem(string slot, Vector3 dropWorldPos, bool forceClientInform = true)
     EquipmentPool.DropGameObjectAtPos(gameObject, Inventory[slot], dropWorldPos);
     Inventory[slot] = null;
     UpdateSlotMessage.Send(gameObject, slot, null, forceClientInform);
Пример #5
 public void UpdateInventorySlots(GameObject recipient)
     for (int i = 0; i < slotNames.Length; i++)
         InventorySlot invSlot = Inventory[slotNames[i]];
         UpdateSlotMessage.Send(recipient, invSlot.UUID, null, invSlot.Item);
Пример #6
 public void UpdateInventorySlots()
     foreach (KeyValuePair <EquipSlot, InventorySlot> slot in Inventory)
         if (slot.Value.Item != null)
             UpdateSlotMessage.Send(gameObject, slot.Value.Item, false, slot.Key);
 public void UpdateInventorySlots()
     for (int i = 0; i < playerSlots.Length; i++)
         InventorySlot inventorySlot = Inventory[playerSlots[i]];
         if (inventorySlot.Item != null)
             UpdateSlotMessage.Send(inventorySlot.Owner, inventorySlot.Item, false, inventorySlot.equipSlot);
Пример #8
	public static UpdateSlotMessage Send(GameObject recipient, GameObject item, bool removeItem, EquipSlot sentEquipSlot = 0)
		UpdateSlotMessage msg = new UpdateSlotMessage
			Recipient = recipient.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>().netId,
			Item = item.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>().netId,
			RemoveItem = removeItem,
			equipSlot = sentEquipSlot
		return msg;
Пример #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the item to the slot and sends network messages to update character sprites and the player's UI
    /// </summary>
    public static void EquipInInvSlot(InventorySlot inventorySlot, GameObject item, bool isInit = false)
        if (inventorySlot.IsUISlot)
            UpdateSlotMessage.Send(inventorySlot.Owner, item, false, inventorySlot.equipSlot);

            if (IsEquipSpriteSlot(inventorySlot.equipSlot))
                EquipmentSpritesMessage.SendToAll(inventorySlot.Owner, (int)inventorySlot.equipSlot, item, isInit);
        inventorySlot.Item = item;
Пример #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Clears the slot and sends network messages to update character sprites and the player's UI
    /// </summary>
    public static void ClearInvSlot(InventorySlot inventorySlot)
        if (inventorySlot.IsUISlot)
            UpdateSlotMessage.Send(inventorySlot.Owner, inventorySlot.Item, true, inventorySlot.equipSlot);

            if (IsEquipSpriteSlot(inventorySlot.equipSlot))
                EquipmentSpritesMessage.SendToAll(inventorySlot.Owner, (int)inventorySlot.equipSlot, null);
        inventorySlot.Item = null;
Пример #11
    /// <param name="recipient">Client GO</param>
    /// <param name="slot"></param>
    /// <param name="objectForSlot">Pass null to clear slot</param>
    /// <param name="forced">
    ///     Used for client simulation, use false if client's slot is already updated by prediction
    ///     (to avoid updating it twice)
    /// </param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static UpdateSlotMessage Send(GameObject recipient, string slot, GameObject objectForSlot = null, bool forced = true)
        UpdateSlotMessage msg = new UpdateSlotMessage
            Recipient     = recipient.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().netId,        //?
            Slot          = slot,
            ObjectForSlot = objectForSlot != null?objectForSlot.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().netId : NetworkInstanceId.Invalid,
            ForceRefresh  = forced

Пример #12
    public bool AddItem(GameObject itemObject, string slotName = null, bool replaceIfOccupied = false, bool forceInform = true)
        string eventName = slotName ?? UIManager.Hands.CurrentSlot.eventName;

        if (Inventory[eventName] != null && Inventory[eventName] != itemObject && !replaceIfOccupied)
            Debug.LogFormat("{0}: Didn't replace existing {1} item {2} with {3}", gameObject.name, eventName, Inventory[eventName].name, itemObject.name);
        EquipmentPool.AddGameObject(gameObject, itemObject);
        SetInventorySlot(slotName, itemObject);
        UpdateSlotMessage.Send(gameObject, eventName, itemObject, forceInform);
Пример #13
    public bool ValidateDropItem(string slot, bool forceClientInform /* = false*/)
        //decline if not dropped from hands?
        if (_inventory.ContainsKey(slot) && _inventory[slot])
            EquipmentPool.DropGameObject(gameObject, _inventory[slot]);

            //            RpcAdjustItemParent(_inventory[slot], null);
            _inventory[slot] = null;
            UpdateSlotMessage.Send(gameObject, slot, null, forceClientInform);
        Debug.Log("Object not found in Inventory for: " + gameObject.name);
Пример #14
 private void ClearInventorySlot(bool forceClientInform, params string[] slotNames)
     for (int i = 0; i < slotNames.Length; i++)
         Inventory[slotNames[i]] = null;
         if (slotNames[i] == "id" || slotNames[i] == "storage01" || slotNames[i] == "storage02" || slotNames[i] == "suitStorage")
             //Not clearing onPlayer sprites for these as they don't have any
         UpdateSlotMessage.Send(gameObject, slotNames[i], null, forceClientInform);
     //        Debug.LogFormat("Cleared {0}", slotNames);
Пример #15
    public static void UpdateInvSlot(bool isServer, string UUID, GameObject item, string FromUUID = "")
        bool       uiSlotChanged = false;
        string     toSlotName    = "";
        GameObject owner         = null;
        var        index         = InventorySlotList(isServer).FindIndex(
            x => x.UUID == UUID);

        if (index != -1)
            var invSlot = InventorySlotList(isServer)[index];
            invSlot.Item = item;
            if (invSlot.IsUISlot)
                uiSlotChanged = true;
                toSlotName    = invSlot.SlotName;
                owner         = invSlot.Owner.gameObject;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FromUUID))
            index = InventorySlotList(isServer).FindIndex(
                x => x.UUID == FromUUID);
            if (index != -1)
                var invSlot = InventorySlotList(isServer)[index];
                invSlot.Item = null;
                if (invSlot.IsUISlot)
                    uiSlotChanged = true;
                    owner         = invSlot.Owner.gameObject;

        //Only ever sync UI slots straight away, storage slots will sync when they are being observed (picked up and inspected)
        if (isServer && uiSlotChanged)
            UpdateSlotMessage.Send(owner, UUID, FromUUID, item);

        if (!isServer && uiSlotChanged)
            UIManager.UpdateSlot(new UISlotObject(UUID, item, FromUUID));
Пример #16
 public bool ValidateInvInteraction(string slot, GameObject gObj = null, bool forceClientInform = true)
     if (!_inventory[slot] && gObj && _inventory.ContainsValue(gObj))
         UpdateSlotMessage.Send(gameObject, slot, gObj, forceClientInform);
         SetInventorySlot(slot, gObj);
         //Clean up other slots
         ClearObjectIfNotInSlot(gObj, slot, forceClientInform);
         //Debug.LogFormat("Approved moving {0} to slot {1}", gObj, slot);
     if (!gObj)
         return(ValidateDropItem(slot, forceClientInform));
     Debug.LogWarningFormat("Unable to validateInvInteraction {0}:{1}", slot, gObj.name);
Пример #17
    public void RollbackPrediction(string slotUUID, string fromSlotUUID, GameObject item)
        var toSlotRequest  = InventoryManager.GetSlotFromUUID(slotUUID, isServer);
        var slotItCameFrom = InventoryManager.GetSlotFromUUID(fromSlotUUID, isServer);

        if (toSlotRequest != null)
            if (toSlotRequest.Item == item)             //it already travelled to slot on the server, send it back for everyone
                if (!ValidateInvInteraction(fromSlotUUID, slotUUID, item, true))
                    Logger.LogError("Rollback failed!", Category.Inventory);

        UpdateSlotMessage.Send(gameObject, fromSlotUUID, slotUUID, item, true);
 public void DropItem(string slot = "", bool forceClientInform = true)
     //Drop random item
     if (slot == "")
         slot = "uniform";
         foreach (var key in Inventory.Keys)
             if (Inventory[key])
                 slot = key;
     EquipmentPool.DropGameObject(gameObject, Inventory[slot]);
     Inventory[slot] = null;
     UpdateSlotMessage.Send(gameObject, slot, null, forceClientInform);
    public bool ValidateInvInteraction(string slot, GameObject gObj = null, bool forceClientInform = true)
        //security todo: serverside check for item size UI_ItemSlot.CheckItemFit()
        if (!Inventory[slot] && gObj && Inventory.ContainsValue(gObj))
            UpdateSlotMessage.Send(gameObject, slot, gObj, forceClientInform);
            SetInventorySlot(slot, gObj);
            //Clean up other slots
            ClearObjectIfNotInSlot(gObj, slot, forceClientInform);
            Logger.LogTraceFormat("Approved moving {0} to slot {1}", Category.Inventory, gObj, slot);

        if (!gObj)
            return(ValidateDropItem(slot, forceClientInform));

        Logger.LogWarning($"Unable to validateInvInteraction {slot}:{gObj.name}", Category.Inventory);
Пример #20
 public void RollbackPrediction(string slot)
     UpdateSlotMessage.Send(gameObject, slot, _inventory[slot], true);
Пример #21
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates the inventory slot list, transferring an item out of / into an inventory slot (or ground).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="isServer">whether to update this client's inventory slots or the server's inventory slots</param>
    /// <param name="UUID">UUID of the destination inventory slot, empty string if item is not going into an inventory slot (such as when dropping it)</param>
    /// <param name="item">gameobject representing the item being transferred</param>
    /// <param name="FromUUID">UUID of the previous inventory slot that item is coming from, empty string if it's not coming from
    /// another inventory slot</param>
    public static void UpdateInvSlot(bool isServer, string UUID, GameObject item, string FromUUID = "")
        bool       uiSlotChanged = false;
        string     toSlotName    = "";
        GameObject fromOwner     = null;
        GameObject toOwner       = null;

        //find the inventory slot with the given UUID
        var index = InventorySlotList(isServer).FindIndex(
            x => x.UUID == UUID);

        if (index != -1)
            var invSlot = InventorySlotList(isServer)[index];
            //put the item in the slot
            invSlot.Item = item;
            if (invSlot.IsUISlot)
                //if this is a UI slot, mark that it has been changed and keep track of the new owner so we can send the update
                uiSlotChanged = true;
                toSlotName    = invSlot.SlotName;
                toOwner       = invSlot.Owner.gameObject;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FromUUID))
            //if this came from another slot, find it
            index = InventorySlotList(isServer).FindIndex(
                x => x.UUID == FromUUID);
            if (index != -1)
                var invSlot = InventorySlotList(isServer)[index];
                //remove the item from the previous slot
                invSlot.Item = null;
                if (invSlot.IsUISlot)
                    //if the previous slot had an owner, track the owner so we can include it in the update message
                    uiSlotChanged = true;
                    fromOwner     = invSlot.Owner.gameObject;

        //Only ever sync UI slots straight away, storage slots will sync when they are being observed (picked up and inspected)
        if (isServer && uiSlotChanged)
            //send the update to the player who the item was taken from and the player it was
            //given to
            if (fromOwner != null)
                UpdateSlotMessage.Send(fromOwner, UUID, FromUUID, item);
            if (toOwner != null)
                UpdateSlotMessage.Send(toOwner, UUID, FromUUID, item);

        if (!isServer && uiSlotChanged)
            UIManager.UpdateSlot(new UISlotObject(UUID, item, FromUUID));