public ActionResult UpdateCardPosition(int cardId, int listId, int positionCard, int oldListId)
            var updateCardPositionDto = new UpdateCardPositionDto()
                ListId       = listId,
                CardId       = cardId,
                PositionCard = positionCard,
                OldListId    = oldListId


            return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK));
        public void UpdateCardPosition(UpdateCardPositionDto updateCardPositionDto)
            using (var db = new PGSBoardContext())
                if (updateCardPositionDto.ListId == updateCardPositionDto.OldListId)                                             // first case when you sort cart in the same list
                    var currentListCard          = db.Cards.Where(card => card.ListId == updateCardPositionDto.ListId).ToList(); // take whole card from list, just one call to db
                    var cardToUpdate             = currentListCard.Single(card => card.Id == updateCardPositionDto.CardId);      // take  card to Update (card which we drage and drop)
                    var cardChangedAutomatically =                                                                               // select card which have to change position after our drag and drop move
                                                   currentListCard.Single(card => card.PositionCardId == updateCardPositionDto.PositionCard);

                    cardChangedAutomatically.PositionCardId = cardChangedAutomatically.PositionCardId > cardToUpdate.PositionCardId // 2 cases: First, if you take card from up to down then position card which have to change  will be smaller about -1
                        ? cardChangedAutomatically.PositionCardId - 1                                                               // Second, if you take card from down to up, then position card which have to change will be larger about +1
                        : cardChangedAutomatically.PositionCardId + 1;
                    cardToUpdate.PositionCardId = updateCardPositionDto.PositionCard;                                               // update position card which we drag and drop
                else // second case when you sort( drag some card) to another list
                    var cards         = db.Cards.Where(card => card.ListId == updateCardPositionDto.ListId || card.ListId == updateCardPositionDto.OldListId).ToList(); //take card from two lists
                    var cardToUpdate  = cards.Single(card => card.Id == updateCardPositionDto.CardId); // take our card which we drag and drop
                    var prevCardsList =
                        .Where(card => card.ListId == updateCardPositionDto.OldListId && //take old list, where was our card
                               card.PositionCardId > cardToUpdate.PositionCardId && // take all card which had larger position
                               card.Id != updateCardPositionDto.CardId).ToList(); // don't take card which we drag and drop
                    var nextCardsList =
                        .Where(card => card.ListId == updateCardPositionDto.ListId && // take new list, where we drop our card
                               card.PositionCardId >= updateCardPositionDto.PositionCard).ToList();

                    foreach (var prevCard in prevCardsList)
                        prevCard.PositionCardId = prevCard.PositionCardId - 1; // old list, reduce position about -1

                    foreach (var nextCard in nextCardsList)
                        nextCard.PositionCardId = nextCard.PositionCardId + 1; // new list increase position card about 1
                    cardToUpdate.ListId         = updateCardPositionDto.ListId;
                    cardToUpdate.PositionCardId = updateCardPositionDto.PositionCard; //update dropped position card

 public void UpdateCardPosition(UpdateCardPositionDto updateCardPositionDto)