Пример #1
        private static void ShowUpdate(CommandEventArgs e)
            string[] args;

                args = (string[])e.Argument;
            catch { return; }

            if (args == null || args.Length < 8)

            string title = args[0], header = args[1], description = args[2], url = args[3],
                   urltext = args[4], version = args[5], newVersion = args[6], tag = args[7];

            using (UpdateAvailableDialog uad = new UpdateAvailableDialog())
                    uad.Text           = string.Format(uad.Text, title);
                    uad.headLabel.Text = header;
                    uad.bodyLabel.Text = description;
                    uad.linkLabel.Text = urltext;
                    uad.linkLabel.Links.Add(0, urltext.Length).LinkData = url;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
                        uad.newVerLabel.Text     = newVersion;
                        uad.curVerLabel.Text     = GetUIVersion(e.Context).ToString(3);
                        uad.versionPanel.Enabled = uad.versionPanel.Visible = true;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag))
                        uad.sameCheck.Enabled = uad.sameCheck.Visible = false;
                    return; // Don't throw a visible exception from a background check!


                if (uad.sameCheck.Checked)
                    IAnkhConfigurationService config = e.GetService <IAnkhConfigurationService>();
                    using (RegistryKey rk = config.OpenUserInstanceKey("UpdateCheck"))
                        rk.SetValue("SkipTag", tag);
Пример #2
        public static void DoAutoUpdateCheck()
            NewVersionCheck check = new NewVersionCheck(new CurrentVersionInfo());

            check.OnErrorF = (msg) => {
                // ??

            check.DoNewVersionCheck((url, force) => {
                UpdateAvailableDialog.Show_NoForce(CotangentUI.MainUICanvas, url, check);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the current version is the newest version
        /// </summary>
        private static void CheckVersion(bool force = false)
            // Don't check the version if the setting is disabled and we aren't being forced
            if (!force || !Settings.CheckForUpdates)

                // Query the remote Github API for newer releases
                var request =
                request.Method    = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;
                request.Accept    = "application/vnd.github.v3+json";
                request.UserAgent = "SDownload";

                // Process response
                var response = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
                if (response == null)
                    throw new HandledException("There was an issue checking for updates!");

                var contract =
                    new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(GithubReleaseItemContract[])).ReadObject(response) as
                if (contract == null)
                    throw new HandledException("Could not deserialize the version update information!", true);

                var currentVersion = new int[3];
                var i = 0;
                foreach (var num in (Application.ProductVersion).Split('.'))
                    currentVersion[i++] = Int32.Parse(num);

                // Combine any new releases to get the changelog from each
                var newerReleases = (from release in contract
                                     let versionNumbers = (release.TagName.Remove(0, 1)).Split('.')
                                                          where ((Int32.Parse(versionNumbers[0]) > currentVersion[0]) || // Major
                                                                 (Int32.Parse(versionNumbers[0]) == currentVersion[0] && // Minor
                                                                  Int32.Parse(versionNumbers[1]) > currentVersion[1]) ||
                                                                 (Int32.Parse(versionNumbers[0]) == currentVersion[0] && // Incremental
                                                                  Int32.Parse(versionNumbers[1]) == currentVersion[1] &&
                                                                  Int32.Parse(versionNumbers[2]) > currentVersion[2])) &&
                                                          !release.Draft                            // Ignore drafts
                                                          select release).ToList();

                // Remove beta updates if the option is disabled
                if (!Settings.EnableBetaUpdates)
                    newerReleases = (from release in newerReleases where !release.PreRelease select release).ToList();

                if (newerReleases.Count < 1)

                // Current version is not up to date, prompt the user to download the new version
                UpdateAvailableDialog.Prompt(newerReleases[0].Assets[0].Url, newerReleases);
            catch (WebException e)
                CrashHandler.Throw("Unable to make a connection to the SDownload API to check for updates!", e);