Пример #1
        void InternalDrawString(char[] textBuffer, int startAt, int len, float x, float y)
            //unscale layout, with design unit scale
            _glyphLayout.Layout(textBuffer, startAt, len);

            if (this._pxScaleEngine != null)
                //scale to specific font size
                _pxScaleEngine.Layout(_glyphLayout.ResultUnscaledGlyphPositions, _outputPxScaledGlyphPlans);
                DrawFromGlyphPlans(_outputPxScaledGlyphPlans, x, y);
                //no custom engine
                //then use default scale
                DrawFromGlyphPlans(_outputUnscaledGlyphPlans, x, y);
Пример #2
        public override void DrawString(char[] textBuffer, int startAt, int len, float x, float y)
            //1. unscale layout, in design unit
            _glyphLayout.Layout(textBuffer, startAt, len);

            //draw from the glyph plan seq

                new GlyphPlanSequence(_reusableUnscaledGlyphPlanList),
                x, y);
Пример #3
        }         // End Sub DrawFromGlyphPlans

        public override void DrawString(char[] textBuffer, int startAt, int len, float x, float y)
            this.TargetGraphics.SetTextAndFont(new string(textBuffer), this.Typeface.Name, this.FontSizeInPoints);

            //1. unscale layout, in design unit
            _glyphLayout.Layout(textBuffer, startAt, len);

            //draw from the glyph plan seq
            DrawFromGlyphPlans(new GlyphPlanSequence(_reusableUnscaledGlyphPlanList), x, y);

        } // End Sub DrawString
Пример #4
        public void Draw()
            //List<UserCodePointToGlyphIndex> userCharToGlyphIndexMap = _line._userCodePointToGlyphIndexMap;
            if (_line.ContentChanged)
                //TODO: or font face/font-size change
                char[] textBuffer = _line._charBuffer.ToArray();

                //read glyph plan and userCharToGlyphIndexMap
                _printer.GenerateGlyphPlan(textBuffer, 0, textBuffer.Length, _reusableUnscaledGlyphPlanList);
                _line.ContentChanged = false;

            if (_reusableUnscaledGlyphPlanList.Count > 0)
                    new GlyphPlanSequence(_reusableUnscaledGlyphPlanList),
                    X, Y);
                //draw caret
                //not blink in this version
                int caret_index = _line.CaretCharIndex;
                //find caret pos based on glyph plan
                //TODO: check when do gsub (glyph number may not match with user char number)

                if (caret_index == 0)
                    //_printer.DrawCaret(X, this.Y);
                    //UserCodePointToGlyphIndex map = userCharToGlyphIndexMap[caret_index - 1];
                    //GlyphPlan p = glyphPlans[map.glyphIndexListOffset_plus1 + map.len - 2];
                    //_printer.DrawCaret(X + (p.ExactX + p.AdvanceX), this.Y);
                //_printer.DrawCaret(X, this.Y);
Пример #5
        public override void DrawString(char[] textBuffer, int startAt, int len, float x, float y)
            //TODO: use typography text service
            //it should be faster since it has glyph-plan cache

            //1. update

            //2. unscale layout, in design unit
            this._glyphLayout.Layout(textBuffer, startAt, len);

            //3. scale  to specific font size


            DrawFromGlyphPlans(_resuableGlyphPlanList, x, y);
Пример #6
        private void cmdMeasureTextSpan_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //set some Gdi+ props...
            g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
            g.ScaleTransform(1.0F, -1.0F);           // Flip the Y-Axis
            g.TranslateTransform(0.0F, -(float)300); // Translate the drawing area accordingly

            //textspan measurement sample
            _currentTextPrinter.HintTechnique     = (HintTechnique)lstHintList.SelectedItem;
            _currentTextPrinter.PositionTechnique = (PositionTechnique)cmbPositionTech.SelectedItem;
            //render at specific pos
            float x_pos = 0, y_pos = 100;

            char[] textBuffer = txtInputChar.Text.ToCharArray();

            //Example 1: this is a basic draw sample
            _currentTextPrinter.FillColor      = Color.Black;
            _currentTextPrinter.TargetGraphics = g;
            //Example 2: print glyph plan to 'user' list-> then draw it (or hold it/ not draw)
            //you can create you own class to hold userGlyphPlans.***

            _currentTextPrinter.GenerateGlyphPlan(textBuffer, 0, textBuffer.Length, _reusableUnscaledGlyphPlan);
            //and we can print the formatted glyph plan later.
            y_pos -= _currentTextPrinter.FontLineSpacingPx;
            _currentTextPrinter.FillColor = Color.Red;
                new GlyphPlanSequence(_reusableUnscaledGlyphPlan),
            //Example 3: MeasureString

            //TODO: review here again
            MeasuredStringBox strBox = _currentTextPrinter.GlyphLayoutMan.LayoutAndMeasureString(
                textBuffer, 0,

            //draw line mark

            float x_pos2 = x_pos + strBox.width + 10;

            g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, x_pos, y_pos, strBox.width, strBox.LineSpaceInPx);
            g.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos2, y_pos);                                                  //baseline
            g.DrawLine(Pens.Green, x_pos, y_pos + strBox.DescendingInPx, x_pos2, y_pos + strBox.DescendingInPx); //descending
            g.DrawLine(Pens.Magenta, x_pos, y_pos + strBox.AscendingInPx, x_pos2, y_pos + strBox.AscendingInPx); //ascending

            _currentTextPrinter.FillColor = Color.Black;
            //transform back
            g.ScaleTransform(1.0F, -1.0F);           // Flip the Y-Axis
            g.TranslateTransform(0.0F, -(float)300); // Translate the drawing area accordingly
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// generate glyph run into a given textRun
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputTextRun"></param>
        /// <param name="charBuffer"></param>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="len"></param>
        public void GenerateGlyphRuns(TextRun outputTextRun, char[] charBuffer, int start, int len)
            // layout glyphs with selected layout technique
            float sizeInPoints = this.FontSizeInPoints;

            outputTextRun.typeface     = this.Typeface;
            outputTextRun.sizeInPoints = sizeInPoints;

            //in this version we store original glyph into the mesh collection
            //and then we scale it later, so I just specific font size=0 (you can use any value)
            _glyphMeshCollection.SetCacheInfo(this.Typeface, 0, this.HintTechnique);

            GlyphLayoutMan.Typeface = this.Typeface;
            GlyphLayoutMan.Layout(charBuffer, start, len);

            float pxscale = this.Typeface.CalculateScaleToPixelFromPointSize(sizeInPoints);

            GenerateGlyphPlan(charBuffer, 0, charBuffer.Length, _resuableGlyphPlanList);

            // render each glyph
            int planCount = _resuableGlyphPlanList.Count;

            for (var i = 0; i < planCount; ++i)
                //glyph path
                UnscaledGlyphPlan glyphPlan = _resuableGlyphPlanList[i];
                //1. check if we have this glyph in cache?
                //if yes, not need to build it again
                ProcessedGlyph processGlyph;
                float[]        tessData = null;

                if (!_glyphMeshCollection.TryGetCacheGlyph(glyphPlan.glyphIndex, out processGlyph))
                    //if not found the  create a new one and register it
                    var writablePath = new WritablePath();
                    _currentGlyphPathBuilder.BuildFromGlyphIndex(glyphPlan.glyphIndex, sizeInPoints);

                    //do tess
                    int[]   endContours;
                    float[] flattenPoints = _curveFlattener.Flatten(writablePath._points, out endContours);

                    tessData     = _tessTool.TessAsTriVertexArray(flattenPoints, endContours, out int vertexCount);
                    processGlyph = new ProcessedGlyph(tessData, (ushort)vertexCount);

                    _glyphMeshCollection.RegisterCachedGlyph(glyphPlan.glyphIndex, processGlyph);

                    new GlyphRun(glyphPlan,
Пример #8
        void RenderAndShowMeasureBox()
            bool flipY = chkFlipY.Checked;

            //set some Gdi+ props...
            g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;

            Typography.OpenFont.Typeface typeface = _currentTextPrinter.Typeface;

            float pxscale     = typeface.CalculateScaleToPixelFromPointSize(_currentTextPrinter.FontSizeInPoints);
            int   lineSpacing = (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)typeface.CalculateLineSpacing(LineSpacingChoice.TypoMetric) * pxscale);

            if (flipY)
                g.ScaleTransform(1.0F, -1.0F);    // Flip the Y-Axis
                g.TranslateTransform(0.0F, -500); // Translate the drawing area accordingly

            //textspan measurement sample
            _currentTextPrinter.HintTechnique     = (HintTechnique)lstHintList.SelectedItem;
            _currentTextPrinter.PositionTechnique = (PositionTechnique)cmbPositionTech.SelectedItem;

            //render at specific pos
            float x_pos = 0, y_pos = lineSpacing * 2;

            char[] textBuffer = txtInputChar.Text.ToCharArray();

            //Example 1: this is a basic draw sample
            _currentTextPrinter.FillColor      = Color.Black;
            _currentTextPrinter.TargetGraphics = g;
            //Example 2: print glyph plan to 'user' list-> then draw it (or hold it/ not draw)
            //you can create you own class to hold userGlyphPlans.***
            _currentTextPrinter.GenerateGlyphPlan(textBuffer, 0, textBuffer.Length, _reusableUnscaledGlyphPlanList);
            //and we can print the formatted glyph plan later.
            y_pos -= lineSpacing;//next line
            _currentTextPrinter.FillColor = Color.Red;

                new GlyphPlanSequence(_reusableUnscaledGlyphPlanList),

            //Example 3: MeasureString
            UnscaledGlyphPlanList glyphPlans = new UnscaledGlyphPlanList();

            MeasuredStringBox strBox = _currentTextPrinter.GlyphLayoutMan.LayoutAndMeasureString(
                textBuffer, 0, textBuffer.Length,

            int   j           = glyphPlans.Count;
            float backup_xpos = x_pos;

            for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                UnscaledGlyphPlan         glyphPlan = glyphPlans[i];
                Typography.OpenFont.Glyph glyph     = typeface.GetGlyphByIndex(glyphPlan.glyphIndex);
                Typography.OpenFont.Bounds b = glyph.Bounds;
                float xmin = b.XMin * pxscale;
                float ymin = b.YMin * pxscale;
                float xmax = b.XMax * pxscale;
                float ymax = b.YMax * pxscale;
                float glyph_x = x_pos + glyphPlan.OffsetX;
                g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, glyph_x + xmin, y_pos + ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);
                x_pos += glyphPlan.AdvanceX * pxscale;

            x_pos = backup_xpos;

            g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, new RectangleF(0, 0, 5, 5));//reference point(0,0)
            g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Green, new RectangleF(x_pos, y_pos, 3, 3));

            float x_pos2 = x_pos + strBox.width + 10;

            g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, x_pos, y_pos + strBox.DescendingInPx, strBox.width, strBox.ClipHeightInPx);
            g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, x_pos, y_pos + strBox.DescendingInPx, strBox.width, strBox.LineSpaceInPx);

            g.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos2, y_pos);                                                  //baseline
            g.DrawLine(Pens.Green, x_pos, y_pos + strBox.DescendingInPx, x_pos2, y_pos + strBox.DescendingInPx); //descending
            g.DrawLine(Pens.Magenta, x_pos, y_pos + strBox.AscendingInPx, x_pos2, y_pos + strBox.AscendingInPx); //ascending

            ////draw another line (for reference)
            y_pos -= lineSpacing;//next line

            _currentTextPrinter.FillColor = Color.Black;

                new GlyphPlanSequence(_reusableUnscaledGlyphPlanList),
            //transform back
            if (flipY)
                g.ScaleTransform(1.0F, -1.0F);    // Flip the Y-Axis
                g.TranslateTransform(0.0F, -500); // Translate the drawing area accordingly


            //txtMsgInfo.Text = "choice:" + choice.ToString() + "=" + lineSpacing.ToString();
Пример #9
        void RenderAndShowMeasureBox()
            bool flipY = chkFlipY.Checked;

            //set some Gdi+ props...
            _g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;

            Typography.OpenFont.Typeface typeface = _currentTextPrinter.Typeface;

            float pxscale     = typeface.CalculateScaleToPixelFromPointSize(_currentTextPrinter.FontSizeInPoints);
            int   lineSpacing = (int)System.Math.Ceiling((double)typeface.CalculateLineSpacing(LineSpacingChoice.TypoMetric) * pxscale);

            if (flipY)
                _g.ScaleTransform(1.0F, -1.0F);    // Flip the Y-Axis
                _g.TranslateTransform(0.0F, -500); // Translate the drawing area accordingly

            //textspan measurement sample
            _currentTextPrinter.HintTechnique     = (HintTechnique)lstHintList.SelectedItem;
            _currentTextPrinter.PositionTechnique = (PositionTechnique)cmbPositionTech.SelectedItem;

            //render at specific pos
            float x_pos = 0, y_pos = lineSpacing * 2;

            char[] textBuffer = txtInputChar.Text.ToCharArray();

            //Example 1: this is a basic draw sample
            _currentTextPrinter.FillColor      = Color.Black;
            _currentTextPrinter.TargetGraphics = _g;
            //    textBuffer,
            //     0,
            //     textBuffer.Length,
            //     x_pos,
            //     y_pos
            //    );
            //Example 2: print glyph plan to 'user' list-> then draw it (or hold it/ not draw)
            //you can create you own class to hold userGlyphPlans.***
            if (chkEnableMultiTypefaces.Checked)
                _currentTextPrinter.GenerateGlyphPlans(textBuffer, 0, textBuffer.Length, _ftmGlyphPlansList);
                //and we can print the formatted glyph plan later.
                y_pos -= lineSpacing;//next line
                _currentTextPrinter.FillColor = Color.Red;


                //Example 3: MeasureString
                //3.1 use data in formatted_glyph_plan_list to measure string => OK, OR
                //3.2 use another 'light-weight' text printer to measure string (without drawing actual string)

                _currentTextPrinter.MeasureGlyphPlanList(_ftmGlyphPlansList, out int measureWidth);
                _g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, x_pos, y_pos, measureWidth, 30);

                float baseline = y_pos;

                //3.2 draw each glyph bounds
                    int m = _ftmGlyphPlansList.Count;

                    for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
                        FormattedGlyphPlanSeq seq          = _ftmGlyphPlansList[i];
                        ResolvedFont          resolvedFont = seq.ResolvedFont;
                        Typeface localTypeface             = resolvedFont.Typeface;

                        pxscale = resolvedFont.GetScaleToPixelFromPointInSize();
                        GlyphPlanSequence glyph_seq = seq.Seq;
                        var snapToPxScale           = new GlyphPlanSequenceSnapPixelScaleLayout(seq.Seq, 0, glyph_seq.Count, pxscale);

                        x_pos += (resolvedFont.WhitespaceWidth * seq.PrefixWhitespaceCount);

                        int nn = 0;///
                        while (snapToPxScale.Read())
                            //float cx = (float)Math.Round(snapToPxScale.ExactX + x_pos);
                            //float cy = (float)Math.Floor(snapToPxScale.ExactY + baseline);

                            UnscaledGlyphPlan glyphPlan = glyph_seq[nn];
                            Glyph             glyph     = localTypeface.GetGlyph(glyphPlan.glyphIndex);

                            Bounds b = glyph.Bounds;
                            float xmin = b.XMin * pxscale;
                            float ymin = b.YMin * pxscale;
                            float xmax = b.XMax * pxscale;
                            float ymax = b.YMax * pxscale;
                            float glyph_x = x_pos + (glyphPlan.OffsetX * pxscale);
                            _g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, glyph_x + xmin, y_pos + ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);

                            x_pos += glyphPlan.AdvanceX * pxscale;


                        x_pos += (resolvedFont.WhitespaceWidth * seq.PostfixWhitespaceCount);

                _currentTextPrinter.GenerateGlyphPlans(textBuffer, 0, textBuffer.Length, _reusableUnscaledGlyphPlanList);
                //and we can print the formatted glyph plan later.
                y_pos -= lineSpacing;//next line
                _currentTextPrinter.FillColor = Color.Red;

                GlyphPlanSequence seq = new GlyphPlanSequence(_reusableUnscaledGlyphPlanList);


                //Example 3: MeasureString

                float descending_px    = _currentTextPrinter.FontDescedingPx;
                float ascending_px     = _currentTextPrinter.FontAscendingPx;
                float lineSpacing_px   = _currentTextPrinter.FontLineSpacingPx;
                float clippedHeight_px = _currentTextPrinter.FontClipHeightPx;

                _currentTextPrinter.MeasureGlyphPlanSeq(seq, out int textspanW);

                UnscaledGlyphPlanList glyphPlans = new UnscaledGlyphPlanList();
                _currentTextPrinter.GenerateGlyphPlans(textBuffer, 0, textBuffer.Length, glyphPlans);

                int   j           = glyphPlans.Count;
                float backup_xpos = x_pos;
                for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                    UnscaledGlyphPlan glyphPlan = glyphPlans[i];
                    Glyph             glyph     = typeface.GetGlyph(glyphPlan.glyphIndex);
                    Bounds b = glyph.Bounds;
                    float xmin = b.XMin * pxscale;
                    float ymin = b.YMin * pxscale;
                    float xmax = b.XMax * pxscale;
                    float ymax = b.YMax * pxscale;
                    float glyph_x = x_pos + (glyphPlan.OffsetX * pxscale);
                    _g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, glyph_x + xmin, y_pos + ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);
                    x_pos += glyphPlan.AdvanceX * pxscale;

                x_pos = backup_xpos;

                _g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, new RectangleF(0, 0, 5, 5));//reference point(0,0)
                _g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Green, new RectangleF(x_pos, y_pos, 3, 3));

                float x_pos2 = x_pos + textspanW + 10;

                _g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, x_pos, y_pos + descending_px, textspanW, clippedHeight_px);
                _g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, x_pos, y_pos + descending_px, textspanW, lineSpacing_px);

                _g.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos2, y_pos);                                  //baseline
                _g.DrawLine(Pens.Green, x_pos, y_pos + descending_px, x_pos2, y_pos + descending_px); //descending
                _g.DrawLine(Pens.Magenta, x_pos, y_pos + ascending_px, x_pos2, y_pos + ascending_px); //ascending

                ////draw another line (for reference)
                y_pos -= lineSpacing;//next line

                _currentTextPrinter.FillColor = Color.Black;

                    new GlyphPlanSequence(_reusableUnscaledGlyphPlanList),

            //transform back
            if (flipY)
                _g.ScaleTransform(1.0F, -1.0F);    // Flip the Y-Axis
                _g.TranslateTransform(0.0F, -500); // Translate the drawing area accordingly


            //txtMsgInfo.Text = "choice:" + choice.ToString() + "=" + lineSpacing.ToString();
Пример #10
        private void cmdMeasureTextSpan_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //set some Gdi+ props...
            g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
            g.ScaleTransform(1.0F, -1.0F);           // Flip the Y-Axis
            g.TranslateTransform(0.0F, -(float)300); // Translate the drawing area accordingly

            //textspan measurement sample
            _currentTextPrinter.HintTechnique     = (HintTechnique)lstHintList.SelectedItem;
            _currentTextPrinter.PositionTechnique = (PositionTechnique)cmbPositionTech.SelectedItem;
            //render at specific pos
            float x_pos = 0, y_pos = 100;

            char[] textBuffer = txtInputChar.Text.ToCharArray();

            //Example 1: this is a basic draw sample
            _currentTextPrinter.FillColor      = Color.Black;
            _currentTextPrinter.TargetGraphics = g;
            //Example 2: print glyph plan to 'user' list-> then draw it (or hold it/ not draw)
            //you can create you own class to hold userGlyphPlans.***

            _currentTextPrinter.GenerateGlyphPlan(textBuffer, 0, textBuffer.Length, _reusableUnscaledGlyphPlanList);
            //and we can print the formatted glyph plan later.
            y_pos -= _currentTextPrinter.FontLineSpacingPx;
            _currentTextPrinter.FillColor = Color.Red;

                new GlyphPlanSequence(_reusableUnscaledGlyphPlanList),

            //Example 3: MeasureString

            Typography.OpenFont.Typeface typeface = _currentTextPrinter.Typeface;

            UnscaledGlyphPlanList userGlyphPlans = new UnscaledGlyphPlanList();


            MeasuredStringBox strBox = new MeasuredStringBox();

            throw new System.NotSupportedException();

            //  textBuffer, 0, textBuffer.Length,
            //  _currentTextPrinter.FontSizeInPoints,
            //  true,
            //  userGlyphPlans);

            float x_pos2 = x_pos + strBox.width + 10;

            g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, x_pos, y_pos + strBox.descending, strBox.width, strBox.CalculateLineHeight());
            g.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos2, y_pos);                                          //baseline
            g.DrawLine(Pens.Green, x_pos, y_pos + strBox.descending, x_pos2, y_pos + strBox.descending); //descending
            g.DrawLine(Pens.Magenta, x_pos, y_pos + strBox.ascending, x_pos2, y_pos + strBox.ascending); //ascending

            float pxscale = typeface.CalculateScaleToPixelFromPointSize(_currentTextPrinter.FontSizeInPoints);

            int j = userGlyphPlans.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                UnscaledGlyphPlan         glyphPlan = userGlyphPlans[i];
                Typography.OpenFont.Glyph glyph     = typeface.GetGlyphByIndex(glyphPlan.glyphIndex);
                Typography.OpenFont.Bounds b = glyph.Bounds;
                float xmin = b.XMin * pxscale;
                float ymin = b.YMin * pxscale;
                float xmax = b.XMax * pxscale;
                float ymax = b.YMax * pxscale;
                float glyph_x = x_pos + glyphPlan.OffsetX;
                g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, glyph_x + xmin, y_pos + ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);

            _currentTextPrinter.FillColor = Color.Black;
            //transform back
            g.ScaleTransform(1.0F, -1.0F);           // Flip the Y-Axis
            g.TranslateTransform(0.0F, -(float)300); // Translate the drawing area accordingly