Пример #1
        public static UnityEngine.Vector2Int GetSpiralPointByIndex(UnityEngine.Vector2Int center, int index)
            if (index == 0)

            // given n an index in the squared spiral
            // p the sum of point in inner square
            // a the position on the current square
            // n = p + a

            var pos = UnityEngine.Vector2Int.zero;
            var n   = index;
            var r   = Mathf.FloorToInt((Mathf.Sqrt(n + 1) - 1) / 2) + 1;

            // compute radius : inverse arithmetic sum of 8+16+24+...=
            var p = (8 * r * (r - 1)) / 2;
            // compute total point on radius -1 : arithmetic sum of 8+16+24+...

            var en = r * 2;
            // points by face

            var a = (1 + n - p) % (r * 8);

            // compute de position and shift it so the first is (-r,-r) but (-r+1,-r)
            // so square can connect

            //var pos = [0, 0, r];
            switch (Mathf.FloorToInt(a / (r * 2f)))
            // find the face : 0 top, 1 right, 2, bottom, 3 left
            case 0: {
                pos[0] = a - r;
                pos[1] = -r;

            case 1: {
                pos[0] = r;
                pos[1] = (a % en) - r;

            case 2: {
                pos[0] = r - (a % en);
                pos[1] = r;

            case 3: {
                pos[0] = -r;
                pos[1] = r - (a % en);

            return(center + pos);
Пример #2
        public void Validate()
            if (surfaceDefinition == null)
                surfaceDefinition = new ChiselSurfaceDefinition();

            if (surfaceDefinition.EnsureSize((int)SurfaceSides.TotalSides))
                var defaultRenderMaterial  = ChiselMaterialManager.DefaultWallMaterial;
                var defaultPhysicsMaterial = ChiselMaterialManager.DefaultPhysicsMaterial;

                surfaceDefinition.surfaces[(int)SurfaceSides.Top].brushMaterial    = ChiselBrushMaterial.CreateInstance(ChiselMaterialManager.DefaultFloorMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);
                surfaceDefinition.surfaces[(int)SurfaceSides.Bottom].brushMaterial = ChiselBrushMaterial.CreateInstance(ChiselMaterialManager.DefaultFloorMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);
                surfaceDefinition.surfaces[(int)SurfaceSides.Left].brushMaterial   = ChiselBrushMaterial.CreateInstance(ChiselMaterialManager.DefaultWallMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);
                surfaceDefinition.surfaces[(int)SurfaceSides.Right].brushMaterial  = ChiselBrushMaterial.CreateInstance(ChiselMaterialManager.DefaultWallMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);
                surfaceDefinition.surfaces[(int)SurfaceSides.Front].brushMaterial  = ChiselBrushMaterial.CreateInstance(ChiselMaterialManager.DefaultWallMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);
                surfaceDefinition.surfaces[(int)SurfaceSides.Back].brushMaterial   = ChiselBrushMaterial.CreateInstance(ChiselMaterialManager.DefaultWallMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);
                surfaceDefinition.surfaces[(int)SurfaceSides.Tread].brushMaterial  = ChiselBrushMaterial.CreateInstance(ChiselMaterialManager.DefaultTreadMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);
                surfaceDefinition.surfaces[(int)SurfaceSides.Step].brushMaterial   = ChiselBrushMaterial.CreateInstance(ChiselMaterialManager.DefaultStepMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);

                for (int i = 0; i < surfaceDefinition.surfaces.Length; i++)
                    if (surfaceDefinition.surfaces[i].brushMaterial == null)
                        surfaceDefinition.surfaces[i].brushMaterial = ChiselBrushMaterial.CreateInstance(defaultRenderMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);

            stepHeight  = Mathf.Max(kMinStepHeight, stepHeight);
            stepDepth   = Mathf.Clamp(stepDepth, kMinStepDepth, absDepth);
            treadHeight = Mathf.Max(0, treadHeight);
            nosingDepth = Mathf.Max(0, nosingDepth);
            nosingWidth = Mathf.Max(0, nosingWidth);

            width = Mathf.Max(kMinWidth, absWidth) * (width < 0 ? -1 : 1);
            depth = Mathf.Max(stepDepth, absDepth) * (depth < 0 ? -1 : 1);

            riserDepth = Mathf.Max(kMinRiserDepth, riserDepth);
            sideDepth  = Mathf.Max(0, sideDepth);
            sideWidth  = Mathf.Max(kMinSideWidth, sideWidth);
            sideHeight = Mathf.Max(0, sideHeight);

            var realHeight       = Mathf.Max(stepHeight, absHeight);
            var maxPlateauHeight = realHeight - stepHeight;

            plateauHeight = Mathf.Clamp(plateauHeight, 0, maxPlateauHeight);

            var totalSteps      = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt((realHeight - plateauHeight + kStepSmudgeValue) / stepHeight));
            var totalStepHeight = totalSteps * stepHeight;

            plateauHeight = Mathf.Max(0, realHeight - totalStepHeight);
            stepDepth     = Mathf.Clamp(stepDepth, kMinStepDepth, absDepth / totalSteps);
Пример #3
        // Retorna em forma de indíce o ponto para qual esse vetor está apontando.
        // Considere que o angulo de 360º será dividido em fatias(slices). A função vai
        // retornar o indice para qual fatia esse vetor está apontando.
        // Esse indíce  vai em sentido anti-horário.
        public static int VectorToIndex(Vector2 inputVector, int slices)
            // Calcula a distancia em graus entre os pontos cardeais
            float step = 360f / slices;
            // Calcula metade da distância entre duas fatias. Isso vai ser usado para
            // que a fatia que representa o norte esteja sempre alinhada com o centro
            // do circulo.
            float northOffset = step / 2;
            // Calculando o angulo formado entre ponto norte(Vector2.up) e o vetor de entrada
            float angle = Vector2.SignedAngle(Vector2.up, inputVector.normalized);

            // Adiciona o offset para que o ponto norte seja centralizado
            angle += northOffset;
            // Caso o angulo seja negativo, é transformado em positivo adicionando 360
            // O angulo retornado pela função SignedAngle é entre -180 e 180 graus.
            if (angle < 0)
                angle += 360;
            // Calcula e retorna quantas "fatias" esse angulo ocupa
            return(Mathf.FloorToInt(angle / step));
        public void Validate()
            if (surfaceAssets == null ||
                surfaceDescriptions.Length != (int)SurfaceSides.TotalSides)
                var defaultRenderMaterial  = CSGMaterialManager.DefaultWallMaterial;
                var defaultPhysicsMaterial = CSGMaterialManager.DefaultPhysicsMaterial;
                surfaceAssets = new CSGSurfaceAsset[(int)SurfaceSides.TotalSides];

                surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Top]     = CSGSurfaceAsset.CreateInstance(CSGMaterialManager.DefaultFloorMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);
                surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Bottom]  = CSGSurfaceAsset.CreateInstance(CSGMaterialManager.DefaultFloorMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);
                surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Left]    = CSGSurfaceAsset.CreateInstance(CSGMaterialManager.DefaultWallMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);
                surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Right]   = CSGSurfaceAsset.CreateInstance(CSGMaterialManager.DefaultWallMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);
                surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Forward] = CSGSurfaceAsset.CreateInstance(CSGMaterialManager.DefaultWallMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);
                surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Back]    = CSGSurfaceAsset.CreateInstance(CSGMaterialManager.DefaultWallMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);
                surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Tread]   = CSGSurfaceAsset.CreateInstance(CSGMaterialManager.DefaultTreadMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);
                surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Step]    = CSGSurfaceAsset.CreateInstance(CSGMaterialManager.DefaultStepMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);

                for (int i = 0; i < surfaceAssets.Length; i++)
                    if (surfaceAssets[i] == null)
                        surfaceAssets[i] = CSGSurfaceAsset.CreateInstance(defaultRenderMaterial, defaultPhysicsMaterial);

                topSurface     = surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Top];
                bottomSurface  = surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Bottom];
                leftSurface    = surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Left];
                rightSurface   = surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Right];
                forwardSurface = surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Forward];
                backSurface    = surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Back];
                treadSurface   = surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Tread];
                stepSurface    = surfaceAssets[(int)SurfaceSides.Step];

            if (surfaceDescriptions == null ||
                surfaceDescriptions.Length != 6)
                var surfaceFlags = CSGDefaults.SurfaceFlags;
                surfaceDescriptions = new SurfaceDescription[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    surfaceDescriptions[i] = new SurfaceDescription {
                        surfaceFlags = surfaceFlags, UV0 = UVMatrix.centered

            stepHeight  = Mathf.Max(kMinStepHeight, stepHeight);
            stepDepth   = Mathf.Clamp(stepDepth, kMinStepDepth, Mathf.Abs(depth));
            treadHeight = Mathf.Max(0, treadHeight);
            nosingDepth = Mathf.Max(0, nosingDepth);
            nosingWidth = Mathf.Max(0, nosingWidth);

            width = Mathf.Max(kMinWidth, Mathf.Abs(width)) * (width < 0 ? -1 : 1);
            depth = Mathf.Max(stepDepth, Mathf.Abs(depth)) * (depth < 0 ? -1 : 1);

            riserDepth = Mathf.Max(kMinRiserDepth, riserDepth);
            sideDepth  = Mathf.Max(0, sideDepth);
            sideWidth  = Mathf.Max(kMinSideWidth, sideWidth);
            sideHeight = Mathf.Max(0, sideHeight);

            var absHeight        = Mathf.Max(stepHeight, Mathf.Abs(height));
            var maxPlateauHeight = absHeight - stepHeight;

            plateauHeight = Mathf.Clamp(plateauHeight, 0, maxPlateauHeight);

            var totalSteps      = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt((absHeight - plateauHeight) / stepHeight));
            var totalStepHeight = totalSteps * stepHeight;

            plateauHeight = Mathf.Max(0, absHeight - totalStepHeight);
            stepDepth     = Mathf.Clamp(stepDepth, kMinStepDepth, Mathf.Abs(depth) / totalSteps);
Пример #5
        // TODO: code below needs to be cleaned up & simplified

        public void OnEdit(IChiselHandles handles)
            var newDefinition = this;

                var stepDepthOffset = this.StepDepthOffset;
                var stepHeight      = this.stepHeight;
                var stepCount       = this.StepCount;
                var bounds          = this.bounds;

                var steps = handles.moveSnappingSteps;
                steps.y = stepHeight;

                if (handles.DoBoundsHandle(ref bounds, snappingSteps: steps))
                    newDefinition.bounds = bounds;

                var min = new Vector3(Mathf.Min(bounds.min.x, bounds.max.x), Mathf.Min(bounds.min.y, bounds.max.y), Mathf.Min(bounds.min.z, bounds.max.z));
                var max = new Vector3(Mathf.Max(bounds.min.x, bounds.max.x), Mathf.Max(bounds.min.y, bounds.max.y), Mathf.Max(bounds.min.z, bounds.max.z));

                var size = (max - min);

                var heightStart = bounds.max.y + (bounds.size.y < 0 ? size.y : 0);

                var edgeHeight = heightStart - stepHeight * stepCount;
                var pHeight0   = new Vector3(min.x, edgeHeight, max.z);
                var pHeight1   = new Vector3(max.x, edgeHeight, max.z);

                var depthStart = bounds.min.z - (bounds.size.z < 0 ? size.z : 0);

                var pDepth0 = new Vector3(min.x, max.y, depthStart + stepDepthOffset);
                var pDepth1 = new Vector3(max.x, max.y, depthStart + stepDepthOffset);

                if (handles.DoTurnHandle(ref bounds))
                    newDefinition.bounds = bounds;

                if (handles.DoEdgeHandle1D(out edgeHeight, Axis.Y, pHeight0, pHeight1, snappingStep: stepHeight))
                    var         totalStepHeight = Mathf.Clamp((heightStart - edgeHeight), size.y % stepHeight, size.y);
                    const float kSmudgeValue    = 0.0001f;
                    var         oldStepCount    = newDefinition.StepCount;
                    var         newStepCount    = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt((Mathf.Abs(totalStepHeight) + kSmudgeValue) / stepHeight));

                    newDefinition.stepDepth     = (oldStepCount * newDefinition.stepDepth) / newStepCount;
                    newDefinition.plateauHeight = size.y - (stepHeight * newStepCount);

                if (handles.DoEdgeHandle1D(out stepDepthOffset, Axis.Z, pDepth0, pDepth1, snappingStep: ChiselLinearStairsDefinition.kMinStepDepth))
                    stepDepthOffset        -= depthStart;
                    stepDepthOffset         = Mathf.Clamp(stepDepthOffset, 0, this.absDepth - ChiselLinearStairsDefinition.kMinStepDepth);
                    newDefinition.stepDepth = ((this.absDepth - stepDepthOffset) / this.StepCount);

                float heightOffset;
                var   prevModified = handles.modified;
                    var direction = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, pHeight0 - pDepth0).normalized;
                    handles.DoEdgeHandle1DOffset(out var height0vec, Axis.Y, pHeight0, pDepth0, direction, snappingStep: stepHeight);
                    handles.DoEdgeHandle1DOffset(out var height1vec, Axis.Y, pHeight1, pDepth1, direction, snappingStep: stepHeight);
                    var height0 = Vector3.Dot(direction, height0vec);
                    var height1 = Vector3.Dot(direction, height1vec);
                    if (Mathf.Abs(height0) > Mathf.Abs(height1))
                        heightOffset = height0;
                        heightOffset = height1;
                if (prevModified != handles.modified)
                    newDefinition.plateauHeight += heightOffset;
            if (handles.modified)
                this = newDefinition;