public void StartGame(IAi aiModule) { _ai = aiModule; //use the aiModule to calculate the computer movements. _model = new Logic(); // nézemodell létrehozása _viewModel = new TicTacToeViewModel(_model); _viewModel.GameEnded += GameEnded; _viewModel.CpuStep += CpuStep; // nézet létrehozása _view = new MainWindow(); _view.DataContext = _viewModel; _view.Show(); Testing test = new Testing(); UnitTesting unitTest = new UnitTesting(); }
static void test_aux(MINMAX M_W, MINMAX M_B, bool testFirst) { /* System.Console.WriteLine(); * System.Console.WriteLine("======================================================="); * System.Console.WriteLine(); * M_W.printConfigs(); * System.Console.WriteLine(" --- --- ---VS --- --- ---"); * M_B.printConfigs(); * System.Console.WriteLine(" --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---"); * System.Console.WriteLine("from start"); * int[] test_start = UnitTesting.testHeuristic(number_of_games_div4_pertest * 2, M_W, M_B, testFirst, true, false, false); * System.Console.WriteLine("from mid game"); * int[] test_mid = UnitTesting.testHeuristic(testBoards, M_W, M_B, testFirst, true, false, false); * * Console.WriteLine("TOTAL " + "W = " + (test_start[0] + test_mid[0]) + " L = " + (test_start[1] + test_mid[1]) + " D = " + (test_start[2] + test_mid[2]) + ) + ;*/ System.Console.WriteLine(); int[] test_start = UnitTesting.testHeuristic(number_of_games_div4_pertest * 2, M_W, M_B, testFirst, true, false, false); int[] test_mid = UnitTesting.testHeuristic(testBoards, M_W, M_B, testFirst, true, false, false); String names; if (testFirst) { names = "\\cellcolor{blue!15}\\textbf{" + ((Pentago_Rules)M_W.rules).getHeurName() + "} & " + ((Pentago_Rules)M_B.rules).getHeurName(); } else { names = names = ((Pentago_Rules)M_W.rules).getHeurName() + " & \\cellcolor{blue!15}\\textbf{" + ((Pentago_Rules)M_B.rules).getHeurName() + "}"; } Console.WriteLine(names + "& {\\color[HTML]{00009B} } & {\\color[HTML]{9A0000} } & {\\color[HTML]{009901} } & & {\\color[HTML]{00009B} } & {\\color[HTML]{9A0000} } & {\\color[HTML]{009901} } & & {\\color[HTML]{00009B} } & {\\color[HTML]{9A0000} } & {\\color[HTML]{009901} } & \\\\ ");//\\cline{1-2}"); Console.WriteLine((testFirst ? "\\cellcolor{ blue!15}" : "") + ((Pentago_Rules)M_W.rules).getHeurConfigs() + " & " + (!testFirst ? "\\cellcolor{ blue!15}" : "") + ((Pentago_Rules)M_B.rules).getHeurConfigs() + " & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{00009B} " + test_start[0] * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 2) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{9A0000} " + test_start[1] * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 2) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{009901} " + test_start[2] * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 2) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{" + test_start[3] + "} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{00009B} " + test_mid[0] * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 2) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{9A0000} " + test_mid[1] * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 2) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{009901} " + test_mid[2] * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 2) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{" + test_mid[3] + "} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{00009B} " + (test_start[0] + test_mid[0]) * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 4) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{9A0000} " + (test_start[1] + test_mid[1]) * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 4) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{009901} " + (test_start[2] + test_mid[2]) * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 4) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{" + (test_start[3] + test_mid[3]) / 2 + "} \\\\ \\hline"); //Console.WriteLine(12 + " & " + 12 + " & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{00009B} " + test_start[0] * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 2) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{9A0000} " + test_start[1] * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 2) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{009901} " + test_start[2] * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 2) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{" + test_start[3] + "} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{00009B} " + test_mid[0] * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 2) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{9A0000} " + test_mid[1] * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 2) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{009901} " + test_mid[2] * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 2) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{" + test_mid[3] + "} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{00009B} " + (test_start[0] + test_mid[0]) * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 4) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{9A0000} " + (test_start[1] + test_mid[1]) * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 4) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{{\\color[HTML]{009901} " + (test_start[2] + test_mid[2]) * 1000 / (number_of_games_div4_pertest * 4) + "}} & \\multirow{-2}{*}{" + (test_start[3] + test_mid[3]) / 2 + "} \\\\ \\hline"); }
public static void Initialise(TestContext _) { UnitTesting.SetupUnitTests(); }