static XunitTestProvider()
            // ReSharper automatically adds all test providers to the list of assemblies it uses
            // to handle the AppDomain.Resolve event

            // The test runner process talks to devenv/resharper via remoting, and so devenv needs
            // to be able to resolve the remote assembly to be able to recreate the serialised types.
            // (Aside: the assembly is already loaded - why does it need to resolve it again?)
            // ReSharper automatically adds all unit test provider assemblies to the list of assemblies
            // it uses to handle the AppDomain.Resolve event. Since we've got a second assembly to
            // live in the remote process, we need to add this to the list.
            AssemblyLoader.RegisterAssembly(typeof (XunitTaskRunner).Assembly);
            Comparer = new UnitTestElementComparer(new[] {typeof (XunitTestMethodElement), typeof (XunitTestClassElement)});
Пример #2
 public TestProvider()
     _unitTestElementComparer = new UnitTestElementComparer(typeof(ClassTestElement), typeof(ChildTestElement));
Пример #3
 public TestProvider()
     _unitTestElementComparer = new UnitTestElementComparer(typeof (ClassTestElement), typeof (ChildTestElement));