public static Uni2DSmoothBindingBone CreateNewBone(Uni2DSmoothBindingBone a_rBoneParent, bool a_bCreateFakeBone = false)
     return(Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.CreateNewBone(a_rBoneParent.transform, a_bCreateFakeBone));
Пример #2
    private void UpdatePoseEditGUI(Event a_rEvent)
        //Transform rRootTransform = Selection.activeTransform;
        Vector2 f2MouseGUIPos = a_rEvent.mousePosition;

        if (a_rEvent.isMouse)
            int iMouseButton = a_rEvent.button;

            switch (a_rEvent.type)
            case EventType.MouseMove:
                // Reset state
                m_bIsDragging = false;

                // Something selected, edit tool used => move bone
                if (Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone != null && ms_eEditorTool != BoneEditorTool.Select)
                    Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone.MoveBoneAlongSpritePlane(f2MouseGUIPos - m_f2MouseGUIOffset, a_rEvent.alt);

                // Consume event
                a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;                      // End MouseMove

            case EventType.MouseDown:
                // Left click
                if (iMouseButton == 0)
                    // Reset drag state
                    m_bIsDragging = false;

                    // Selection
                    if (ms_eEditorTool == BoneEditorTool.Select)
                        // Pick bones in scene
                        BoneHandle             ePickedHandle;
                        Uni2DSmoothBindingBone rNearestBone = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.PickNearestBoneInPosingMode(ms_rSprite, f2MouseGUIPos, out ePickedHandle, null);

                        // Outer disc => move
                        if (ePickedHandle == BoneHandle.OuterDisc || ePickedHandle == BoneHandle.Link)
                            if (rNearestBone != null)
                                // Change selection and editor tool
                                Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone = rNearestBone;
                                ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Move;

                                m_f2MouseGUIOffset = f2MouseGUIPos - HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(rNearestBone.transform.position);
                        else                                 // Bone picked via inner disc or no bone picked
                            // A bone has been picked (via inner disc)
                            // Set selection to this bone
                            if (rNearestBone != null)
                                Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone = rNearestBone;
                            else                                     // No bone picked
                                // Get rid of selection if any
                                if (Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone != null)
                                    Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone = null;
                                else                                         // no selection, no bone picked => create a new bone chain
                                    m_rLastAddedBone = null;

                                    // Create a new root and set it as current active bone
                                    Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.AddBoneToSprite(ms_rSprite, f2MouseGUIPos, null);
                                    m_rBoneChainOrigin = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone;

                                    // The bone is not a child of a newly created root
                                    //m_bStartFromExistingBone = false;

                                    // Change editor tool
                                    ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Create;
                    }                                   // end if( editor tool == select )

                // Consume mouse event
                a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;                      // end MouseDown

            case EventType.MouseDrag:
                if (iMouseButton == 0)
                    switch (ms_eEditorTool)
                    case BoneEditorTool.Move:
                        // Something dragged? MOVE IT
                        if (Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone != null)
                            // We're moving an existing bone => register undo at first drag event
                            if (m_bIsDragging == false)
                                                                                #if BEFORE_UNITY_4_3
                                Undo.SetSnapshotTarget(Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone, "Move Uni2D Bone");
                                Undo.CreateSnapshot( );
                                Undo.RegisterSnapshot( );
                                Uni2DUndo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(ms_rSprite.gameObject, "Move Uni2D Bone");

                            // Move/drag along sprite plane;
                            Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone.MoveBoneAlongSpritePlane(f2MouseGUIPos - m_f2MouseGUIOffset, a_rEvent.alt);
                        m_bIsDragging = true;

                    case BoneEditorTool.Select:
                        // Dragging a bone in select mode == dragging on inner disc => add a child to active bone
                        if (Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone != null && m_bIsDragging == false)
                            m_rBoneChainOrigin = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone;
                            m_rLastAddedBone   = null;
                            Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.AddBoneToSprite(ms_rSprite, f2MouseGUIPos, Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone);
                            //m_bStartFromExistingBone = true;
                            ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Create;
                        m_bIsDragging = true;

                    case BoneEditorTool.Create:
                        if (Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone != null)
                        m_bIsDragging = true;

                // Consume event
                a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;                      // End MouseDrag

            case EventType.MouseUp:
                if (iMouseButton == 0)
                    switch (ms_eEditorTool)
                    // Creation
                    case BoneEditorTool.Create:
                        BoneHandle             ePickedHandle;
                        Uni2DSmoothBindingBone rNearestBone = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.PickNearestBoneInPosingMode(ms_rSprite, f2MouseGUIPos, out ePickedHandle, Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone);

                        // Mouse up near the last added bone => close bone chain
                        if (ePickedHandle == BoneHandle.InnerDisc && rNearestBone == m_rLastAddedBone)
                            Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.DeleteBone(ms_rSprite, Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone);

                            m_rLastAddedBone = null;
                            Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone = null;
                            ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Select;
                            m_rLastAddedBone = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone;
                            Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(m_rLastAddedBone.gameObject, "Add Uni2D Bone");

                            // Creating => validate bone and create another one
                            Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.AddBoneToSprite(ms_rSprite, f2MouseGUIPos, m_rLastAddedBone);

                    // Move
                    case BoneEditorTool.Move:
                                                                #if BEFORE_UNITY_4_3
                        Undo.ClearSnapshotTarget( );
                        Undo.RegisterSnapshot( );
                        ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Select;

                    // Reset dragging state
                    m_bIsDragging      = false;
                    m_f2MouseGUIOffset =;
                }                               // end if( left button )
                else if (iMouseButton == 1)     // Delete / stop bone creation
                    switch (ms_eEditorTool)
                    case BoneEditorTool.Select:
                        BoneHandle             eBoneHandle;
                        Uni2DSmoothBindingBone rNearestBone = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.PickNearestBoneInPosingMode(ms_rSprite, f2MouseGUIPos, out eBoneHandle, null);

                        if (rNearestBone != null)
                            if (eBoneHandle == BoneHandle.Link)
                                //Undo.RegisterSetTransformParentUndo( rNearestBone.transform, rRootTransform, "Break Uni2D Bone" );
                                rNearestBone.Break( );
                                                                                #if BEFORE_UNITY_4_3
                                Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Delete Uni2D Bone");
                                Uni2DUndo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(ms_rSprite.gameObject, "Delete Uni2D Bone");
                                Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.DeleteBone(ms_rSprite, rNearestBone);

                    case BoneEditorTool.Create:
                        // Close bone chain
                        Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.DeleteBone(ms_rSprite, Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone);
                        ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Select;

                    case BoneEditorTool.Move:
                        ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Select;
                }                               // End if( right button )

                // Consume event
                a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;      // End MouseUp
            }           // End switch( event.type )
        }               // end if( mouse events )
        else if (a_rEvent.isKey && a_rEvent.type == EventType.keyDown)
            switch (a_rEvent.keyCode)
            case KeyCode.Escape:
                switch (ms_eEditorTool)
                case BoneEditorTool.Select:
                    if (Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone != null)
                        Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone = null;
                        Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.CurrentBoneEditMode = BoneEditMode.None;

                case BoneEditorTool.Move:
                                                        #if BEFORE_UNITY_4_3
                    Undo.RestoreSnapshot( );
                    ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Select;

                case BoneEditorTool.Create:
                    Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.DeleteBone(ms_rSprite, Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone);
                    ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Select;
                a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;                      // End Escape

            // Delete last created bone (if any)
            case KeyCode.Backspace:
                if (ms_eEditorTool == BoneEditorTool.Create)
                    if (m_rLastAddedBone != null && m_rLastAddedBone != m_rBoneChainOrigin)
                                                        #if BEFORE_UNITY_4_3
                        Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Delete Uni2D Bone");
                        Uni2DUndo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(ms_rSprite.gameObject, "Delete Uni2D Bone");
                        Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.DeleteBone(ms_rSprite, Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone);

                        Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.AddBoneToSprite(ms_rSprite, f2MouseGUIPos, m_rLastAddedBone.Parent);
                        Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.DeleteBone(ms_rSprite, m_rLastAddedBone);

                        Uni2DSmoothBindingBone rParentActiveBone = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone.Parent;
                        if (rParentActiveBone != null && rParentActiveBone.IsFakeRootBone)
                            m_rLastAddedBone = rParentActiveBone.Parent;                                        // Grand-pa'
                            m_rLastAddedBone = rParentActiveBone;
                a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;                      // End Escape

            case KeyCode.Return:
            case KeyCode.KeypadEnter:
                ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Select;
                a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;      // End Return / KeypadEnter
            }           // end switch( event.type )
        }               // end if( key down events )
            switch (a_rEvent.type)
            case EventType.ValidateCommand:
                if (a_rEvent.commandName == "Delete" || a_rEvent.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed")
                    a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;                      // end ValidateCommand

            case EventType.ExecuteCommand:
                if (a_rEvent.commandName == "Delete")
                    if (Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone != null && ms_eEditorTool != BoneEditorTool.Create)
                                                        #if BEFORE_UNITY_4_3
                        Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Delete Uni2D Bone");
                        Uni2DUndo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(ms_rSprite.gameObject, "Delete Uni2D Bone");
                        Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.DeleteBone(ms_rSprite, Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone);
                        ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Select;
                    a_rEvent.Use( );
                else if (a_rEvent.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed")
                    if (ms_eEditorTool == BoneEditorTool.Create && Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone != null)
                        Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.DeleteBone(ms_rSprite, Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone);
                    m_rLastAddedBone = null;
                    Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone = null;
                    ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Select;
                    //Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.CurrentBoneEditMode = BoneEditMode.None;

                    a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;      // end ExecuteCommand
            }           // end switch( event.type )
        }               // end else
Пример #3
    private void UpdateAnimEditGUI(Event a_rEvent)
        Vector2 f2MouseGUIPos = a_rEvent.mousePosition;

        if (a_rEvent.isMouse)
            int iMouseButton = a_rEvent.button;

            switch (a_rEvent.type)
            case EventType.MouseMove:
                // Reset state
                m_bIsDragging = false;

                // Consume event
                a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;                      // End MouseMove

            case EventType.MouseDown:
                // Left click
                if (iMouseButton == 0)
                    // Reset drag state
                    m_bIsDragging = false;

                    // Pick bones in scene
                    BoneHandle             ePickedHandle;
                    Uni2DSmoothBindingBone rNearestBone = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.PickNearestBoneInAnimMode(ms_rSprite, f2MouseGUIPos, out ePickedHandle, null);

                    // Selection
                    if (ms_eEditorTool == BoneEditorTool.Select && rNearestBone != null)
                        // Change selection and editor tool
                        Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone = rNearestBone;

                        m_f2MouseGUIOffset = f2MouseGUIPos - HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(rNearestBone.transform.position);
                    }                                   // end if( editor tool == select )

                // Consume mouse event
                a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;                      // end MouseDown

            case EventType.MouseDrag:
                if (iMouseButton == 0)
                    switch (ms_eEditorTool)
                    case BoneEditorTool.Move:
                        // Something dragged? MOVE IT
                        if (Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone != null)
                            // We're moving an existing bone => register undo at first drag event
                            if (m_bIsDragging == false)
                                                                                #if BEFORE_UNITY_4_3
                                Undo.SetSnapshotTarget(Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone, "Move Uni2D Bone");
                                Undo.CreateSnapshot( );
                                Undo.RegisterSnapshot( );
                                Uni2DUndo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone.gameObject, "Move Uni2D Bone");

                            // Move/drag along sprite plane
                            Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone.RotateBoneAlongSpritePlane(f2MouseGUIPos - m_f2MouseGUIOffset);
                        m_bIsDragging = true;

                    case BoneEditorTool.Select:
                        // Dragging a bone in select mode == dragging on inner disc => add a child to active bone
                        if (Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone != null && m_bIsDragging == false)
                            ms_eEditorTool     = BoneEditorTool.Move;
                            m_f2MouseGUIOffset = f2MouseGUIPos - HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone.transform.position);

                            Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone.RotateBoneAlongSpritePlane(f2MouseGUIPos - m_f2MouseGUIOffset);
                        m_bIsDragging = true;

                // Consume event
                a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;                      // End MouseDrag

            case EventType.MouseUp:
                if (iMouseButton == 0)
                    if (ms_eEditorTool == BoneEditorTool.Move)
                                                        #if BEFORE_UNITY_4_3
                        Undo.ClearSnapshotTarget( );
                        Undo.RegisterSnapshot( );
                        ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Select;

                    // Reset dragging state
                    m_bIsDragging      = false;
                    m_f2MouseGUIOffset =;
                }                                                                    // end if( left button )
                else if (iMouseButton == 1 && ms_eEditorTool == BoneEditorTool.Move) // Delete / stop bone creation
                    ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Select;
                }                               // End if( right button )

                // Consume event
                a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;      // End MouseUp
            }           // End switch( event.type )
        }               // end if( mouse events )
        else if (a_rEvent.isKey && a_rEvent.type == EventType.keyDown)
            switch (a_rEvent.keyCode)
            case KeyCode.Escape:
                switch (ms_eEditorTool)
                case BoneEditorTool.Select:
                    if (Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone != null)
                        Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone = null;
                        Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.CurrentBoneEditMode = BoneEditMode.None;

                case BoneEditorTool.Move:
                                                        #if BEFORE_UNITY_4_3
                    Undo.RestoreSnapshot( );
                    ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Select;
                a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;                      // End Escape

            case KeyCode.Return:
            case KeyCode.KeypadEnter:
                ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Select;
                a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;      // End Return / KeypadEnter
            }           // end switch( event.type )
        }               // end if( key down events )
            switch (a_rEvent.type)
            case EventType.ValidateCommand:
                if (a_rEvent.commandName == "Delete" || a_rEvent.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed")
                    a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;                      // end ValidateCommand

            case EventType.ExecuteCommand:
                if (a_rEvent.commandName == "Delete")
                    a_rEvent.Use( );
                else if (a_rEvent.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed")
                    Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone = null;
                    ms_eEditorTool = BoneEditorTool.Select;
                    //Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.CurrentBoneEditMode = BoneEditMode.None;
                    a_rEvent.Use( );
            break;      // end ExecuteCommand
            }           // end switch( event.type )
        }               // end else
Пример #4
     * private void DrawAnimEditBoneHandles( Event a_rEvent )
     * {
     *      // TODO
     * }

    private void DrawPoseEditBoneHandles(Event a_rEvent)
        Color oInnerBoneDiscColor = Uni2DEditorPreferences.InnerBoneDiscHandleColor;
        Color oOuterBoneDiscColor = Uni2DEditorPreferences.OuterBoneDiscHandleColor;

        Color oInnerRootBoneDiscColor = Uni2DEditorPreferences.InnerRootBoneDiscHandleColor;
        Color oOuterRootBoneDiscColor = Uni2DEditorPreferences.OuterRootBoneDiscHandleColor;

        Vector3 f3CameraForward =;

        BoneHandle             eBoneHandle;
        Uni2DSmoothBindingBone rNearestBone = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.PickNearestBoneArticulationInPosingMode(ms_rSprite, a_rEvent.mousePosition, out eBoneHandle, null);

        Uni2DSmoothBindingBone[] oBones = ms_rSprite.Bones.Except(new Uni2DSmoothBindingBone[] { rNearestBone }).ToArray( );
        //Transform rActiveBone = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone;
        //Selection.activeTransform.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>( false ).Except( new Transform[ ]{ rRootBone, rNearestBone } ).ToArray( );

        Transform rActiveBoneTransform = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone != null ? Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone.transform : null;

        oInnerBoneDiscColor.a     = 0.2f;
        oOuterBoneDiscColor.a     = 0.2f;
        oInnerRootBoneDiscColor.a = 0.2f;
        oOuterRootBoneDiscColor.a = 0.2f;

        for (int iBoneIndex = 0, iBoneCount = oBones.Length; iBoneIndex < iBoneCount; ++iBoneIndex)
            Uni2DSmoothBindingBone rBone = oBones[iBoneIndex];

            if (rBone.IsFakeRootBone == false)
                Vector3 f3BonePosition = rBone.transform.position;
                float   fHandleSize    = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(f3BonePosition);

                if (rBone.Parent != null)
                    // Outer disc
                    Handles.color = oOuterBoneDiscColor;
                                          0.25f * fHandleSize);

                    // Inner disc
                    Handles.color = oInnerBoneDiscColor;
                                          0.125f * fHandleSize);
                    // Outer disc
                    Handles.color = oOuterRootBoneDiscColor;
                                          0.25f * fHandleSize);

                    // Inner disc
                    Handles.color = oInnerRootBoneDiscColor;
                                          0.125f * fHandleSize);

        if (rNearestBone != null)
            MouseCursor eMouseCursor;
            //Color oHandleColor;

            if (eBoneHandle == BoneHandle.InnerDisc)
                                #if UNITY_3_5
                // Unity 3.5.x: Display an arrow while moving, and a link cursor while hovering
                eMouseCursor = rActiveBoneTransform != null ? MouseCursor.Arrow : MouseCursor.Link;
                // Unity 4.x.y: Display an arrow with a plus sign
                eMouseCursor = MouseCursor.ArrowPlus;

                oInnerBoneDiscColor.a     = 0.8f;
                oInnerRootBoneDiscColor.a = 0.8f;
                oOuterBoneDiscColor.a     = 0.2f;
                oOuterRootBoneDiscColor.a = 0.2f;
                eMouseCursor              = MouseCursor.MoveArrow;
                oInnerBoneDiscColor.a     = 0.2f;
                oInnerRootBoneDiscColor.a = 0.2f;
                oOuterBoneDiscColor.a     = 0.8f;
                oOuterRootBoneDiscColor.a = 0.8f;

            Handles.BeginGUI( );
                Vector2 f2MousePos  = a_rEvent.mousePosition;
                Rect    oCursorRect = new Rect(f2MousePos.x - 16.0f, f2MousePos.y - 16.0f, 32.0f, 32.0f);

                EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(oCursorRect, eMouseCursor);
            Handles.EndGUI( );

            Vector3 f3NearestBonePos = rNearestBone.transform.position;
            float   fHandleSize      = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(f3NearestBonePos);

            if (rNearestBone.Parent != null)
                // Outer disc
                Handles.color = oOuterBoneDiscColor;
                                      0.25f * fHandleSize);

                // Inner disc
                Handles.color = oInnerBoneDiscColor;
                                      0.125f * fHandleSize);
                // Outer disc
                Handles.color = oOuterRootBoneDiscColor;
                                      0.25f * fHandleSize);

                // Inner disc
                Handles.color = oInnerRootBoneDiscColor;
                                      0.125f * fHandleSize);

        if (rActiveBoneTransform != null)
            Handles.color = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingGUI.activeBone.Parent != null
                                ? Uni2DEditorPreferences.SelectedBoneDiscHandleOutlineColor
                                : Uni2DEditorPreferences.SelectedRootBoneDiscHandleOutlineColor;

            float fHandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(rActiveBoneTransform.position);
            Handles.DrawWireDisc(rActiveBoneTransform.position, f3CameraForward, 0.25f * fHandleSize);
    public static Uni2DSmoothBindingBone CreateNewBone(Uni2DSprite a_rSprite)
        Uni2DSmoothBindingBone rBone = Uni2DEditorSmoothBindingUtils.CreateNewBone(a_rSprite, a_rSprite.transform, false);
