Пример #1
	public void CreateVariation(DynamicSoundGroup group, AudioClip clip) {
		var resourceFileName = string.Empty;
		if (group.bulkVariationMode == MasterAudio.AudioLocation.ResourceFile) {
			resourceFileName = DTGUIHelper.GetResourcePath(clip);
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceFileName)) {
				resourceFileName = clip.name;
		var clipName = clip.name;
		if (group.transform.FindChild(clipName) != null) {
			DTGUIHelper.ShowAlert("You already have a Variation for this Group named '" + clipName + "'. \n\nPlease rename these Variations when finished to be unique, or you may not be able to play them by name if you have a need to.");
		var newVar = (GameObject) GameObject.Instantiate(_group.variationTemplate, _group.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
		UndoHelper.CreateObjectForUndo(newVar, "create Variation");
		newVar.transform.name = clipName;
		newVar.transform.parent = group.transform;
		var variation = newVar.GetComponent<DynamicGroupVariation>();
		if (group.bulkVariationMode == MasterAudio.AudioLocation.ResourceFile) {
			variation.audLocation = MasterAudio.AudioLocation.ResourceFile;
			variation.resourceFileName = resourceFileName;
		} else {
			newVar.audio.clip = clip;
    private Transform CreateGroup(AudioClip aClip)
        if (_creator.groupTemplate == null)
            DTGUIHelper.ShowAlert("Your 'Group Template' field is empty, please assign it in debug mode. Drag the 'DynamicSoundGroup' prefab from MasterAudio/Sources/Prefabs into that field, then switch back to normal mode.");

        var groupName = UtilStrings.TrimSpace(aClip.name);

        var matchingGroup = _groups.Find(delegate(DynamicSoundGroup obj) {
            return(obj.transform.name == groupName);

        if (matchingGroup != null)
            DTGUIHelper.ShowAlert("You already have a Group named '" + groupName + "'. \n\nPlease rename this Group when finished to be unique.");

        var spawnedGroup = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(_creator.groupTemplate, _creator.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

        spawnedGroup.name = groupName;

        UndoHelper.CreateObjectForUndo(spawnedGroup, "create Dynamic Group");
        spawnedGroup.transform.parent = _creator.transform;

        CreateVariation(spawnedGroup.transform, aClip);

    private void CreatePrefabPool()
        var newPrefabPoolName = _settings.newPrefabPoolName;

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newPrefabPoolName))
            DTInspectorUtility.ShowAlert("You must enter a name for your new Prefab Pool.");

        var spawnPos = _settings.transform.position;

        var newPool = Instantiate(LevelSettings.Instance.PrefabPoolTrans.gameObject, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

        // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
        newPool.name = newPrefabPoolName;

        var poolsHolder = _settings.transform;

        var dupe = poolsHolder.GetChildTransform(newPrefabPoolName);

        if (dupe != null)
            DTInspectorUtility.ShowAlert("You already have a Prefab Pool named '" + newPrefabPoolName + "', please choose another name.");


        UndoHelper.CreateObjectForUndo(newPool.gameObject, "create Prefab Pool");
        newPool.transform.parent = poolsHolder.transform;
    private void CreateDynamicSoundGroupCreator()
        var pc = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath(MasterAudioFolderPath + "/Prefabs/DynamicSoundGroupCreator.prefab", typeof(GameObject));

        if (pc == null)
            Debug.LogError("Could not find DynamicSoundGroupCreator prefab. Please drag it into the scene yourself. It is located under MasterAudio/Prefabs.");
        var go = GameObject.Instantiate(pc) as GameObject;

        go.name = "DynamicSoundGroupCreator";

        UndoHelper.CreateObjectForUndo(go, "Create Dynamic Sound Group Creator prefab");
Пример #5
    private void CreatePlaylistController()
        var pc = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath(MasterAudioFolderPath + "/Prefabs/PlaylistController.prefab", typeof(GameObject));

        if (pc == null)
            Debug.LogError("Could not find PlaylistController prefab. Please drag it into the scene yourself. It is located under MasterAudio/Prefabs.");

        var go = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(pc) as GameObject;

        go.name = "PlaylistController";

        UndoHelper.CreateObjectForUndo(go, "Create Playlist Controller prefab");
    private void CreateMasterAudio()
        var ma = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath(MasterAudioFolderPath + "/Prefabs/MasterAudio.prefab", typeof(GameObject));

        if (ma == null)
            Debug.LogError("Could not find MasterAudio prefab. Please drag it into the scene yourself. It is located under MasterAudio/Prefabs.");

        var go = GameObject.Instantiate(ma) as GameObject;

        UndoHelper.CreateObjectForUndo(go, "Create Master Audio prefab");

        go.name = "MasterAudio";
Пример #7
    private void CreateNewVariable(string varName, WorldVariableTracker.VariableType varType)
        varName = varName.Trim();

        var match = _holder.transform.GetChildTransform(varName);

        if (match != null)
            DTInspectorUtility.ShowAlert("You already have a World Variable named '" + varName + "'. Please choose a unique name.");

        var newStat = (GameObject)Instantiate(_holder.statPrefab.gameObject, _holder.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

        UndoHelper.CreateObjectForUndo(newStat, "create World Variable");

        newStat.name = varName;

        var variable = newStat.GetComponent <WorldVariable>();

        variable.varType = varType;

        newStat.transform.parent = _holder.transform;