public BanCommand(string ServerName) : base(ServerName) { sBan = new Ban(ServerName); sUnban = new Unban(ServerName); _regex = new Regex(@"((?<year>[0-9]{4,4})(?:[\.\s]+|))?" // Year + @"((?<month>[0-9]{1,2}|[a-zóüöúőűáéí]{3,20})(?:[\.\s]+|))?" // Month + @"((?<day>[0-9]{1,2})(?:[\.\s]+|))?" // Day + @"((?<hour>[0-9]{1,2})(?:[:]|))?" // Hour + @"(?<minute>[0-9]{1,2})?" // Minute + @"((?:[\s]+)(?<text>(.*)))?", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); _hamregex = new Regex(@"((?<hour>[0-9]{1,2})(?:[:]|))?" // Hour + @"(?<minute>[0-9]{1,2})?" // Minute + @"((?:[\s]+)(?<text>(.*)))?", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); }
private void SocketOnMessageReceived(object sender, MessageReceivedEventArgs messageReceivedEventArgs) { PubSubMessageEventArgs msg; var type = parser.Parse(messageReceivedEventArgs.Message, out msg); // ReSharper disable once BitwiseOperatorOnEnumWithoutFlags (enum is not really using flags) if ((type & PubSubMessageType.Unknown) > 0) { Unknown?.Invoke(this, (UnknownMessageEventArgs)msg); return; } // ReSharper disable once SwitchStatementMissingSomeCases (handled by the if above) switch (type) { case PubSubMessageType.Response: Response?.Invoke(this, (ResponseMessageEventArgs)msg); break; case PubSubMessageType.Pong: pongTimeoutTimer.Stop(); Pong?.Invoke(this, System.EventArgs.Empty); break; case PubSubMessageType.Reconnect: HandleReconnect(); break; case PubSubMessageType.Timeout: Timeout?.Invoke(this, (TimeoutMessageEventArgs)msg); break; case PubSubMessageType.Ban: Ban?.Invoke(this, (BanMessageEventArgs)msg); break; case PubSubMessageType.Unban: Unban?.Invoke(this, (UnbanMessageEventArgs)msg); break; case PubSubMessageType.Host: Host?.Invoke(this, (HostMessageEventArgs)msg); break; case PubSubMessageType.Bits: Bits?.Invoke(this, (BitsMessageEventArgs)msg); break; case PubSubMessageType.StreamStart: StreamStart?.Invoke(this, (StreamStartMessageEventArgs)msg); break; case PubSubMessageType.StreamStop: StreamStop?.Invoke(this, (StreamStopMessageEventArgs)msg); break; case PubSubMessageType.ViewerCount: ViewerCount?.Invoke(this, (ViewerCountMessageEventArgs)msg); break; default: Error?.Invoke(this, new ExceptionEventArgs(new ArgumentOutOfRangeException())); break; } }
public static void HandleCommand(JObject o) { try { string type = (string)o["type"]; if (type == "IDENT") { if ((string)o["data"] == "PASS") { Log.Debug($"Server {ServerConsole.Port} passed identification."); } else if ((string)o["data"] == "FAIL") { Log.Warn($"Server {ServerConsole.Port} failed identification."); } } else if (type == "UPDATE") { EventHandlers.tcp.SendData(new Update()); } else if (type == "ROLESYNC") { Log.Warn(o); string userid = (string)o["userid"]; if (o["group"] == null) { Log.Debug($"No role sync found for {userid}"); SCPDiscord.VerifyReservedSlot(userid); return; } string group = (string)o["group"]; UserGroup userGroup = ServerStatic.PermissionsHandler.GetGroup(group); if (userGroup == null) { Log.Error($"Attempted to assign invalid user group {group} to {userid}"); return; } Player player = Player.Get(userid); if (player == null) { Log.Error($"Error assigning user group to {userid}, player not found."); return; } if (SCPDiscord.setRoleGroups.Contains(group)) { Log.Debug($"Assigning role: {userGroup} to {userid}."); player.Group = userGroup; } string tag = (string)o["tag"]; if (SCPDiscord.setTagGroups.Contains(group) && tag != null) { Log.Debug($"Changing tag of {userid} to {tag}."); player.RankName = tag; } if (SCPDiscord.reservedSlotGroups.Contains(group)) { // grant reserved slot Log.Debug("Player has necessary rank for reserved slot, checking..."); List <string> lines = File.ReadAllLines(SCPDiscord.reservedSlots).ToList(); if (!lines.Contains(userid)) { Log.Debug("Reserved slot not found, adding player..."); lines.Add(userid); File.WriteAllLines(SCPDiscord.reservedSlots, lines); // This only reloads the slots on the current server, change this to reload on every server? // Might not work ReservedSlot.Reload(); } } else { SCPDiscord.VerifyReservedSlot(userid); } } else if (type == "COMMAND") { GameCore.Console.singleton.TypeCommand((string)o["command"]); } else if (type == "BAN") { bool isuid = false; string uid = (string)o["user"]; if (!uid.Contains("@steam") && !uid.Contains("@discord")) { if (!uid.Contains(".")) { isuid = true; uid += "@steam"; } } else { isuid = true; } Player player = Player.Get(uid); int min = (int)o["min"]; string reason = (string)o["reason"]; Ban ban = new Ban { player = null, duration = min, success = true, offline = false }; if (player != null) { PlayerManager.localPlayer.GetComponent <BanPlayer>().BanUser(player.GameObject, min, reason, "Server"); ban.player = new User { name = player.Nickname, userid = player.UserId }; } else { if (isuid) { ban.offline = true; ban.player = new User { name = "Offline Player", userid = uid }; if (SCPDiscord.instance.Config.SteamApiKey != string.Empty) { string data = null; try { data = webclient.DownloadString($"{SCPDiscord.instance.Config.SteamApiKey}&format=json&steamids={uid.Replace("@steam", "")}"); } catch { Log.Debug("Failed to get profile data from SteamAPI."); } JObject o2 = JObject.Parse(data); if (o2 != null) { = (string)o2["response"]["players"][0]["personaname"]; } } BanHandler.IssueBan(new BanDetails() { OriginalName =, Id = uid, IssuanceTime = TimeBehaviour.CurrentTimestamp(), Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes((double)min).Ticks, Reason = reason, Issuer = "Server" }, BanHandler.BanType.UserId); } else if (uid.Contains(".")) { ban.offline = true; BanHandler.IssueBan(new BanDetails() { OriginalName = "IP Address", Id = uid, IssuanceTime = TimeBehaviour.CurrentTimestamp(), Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes((double)min).Ticks, Reason = reason, Issuer = "Server" }, BanHandler.BanType.IP); } else { ban.success = false; } } EventHandlers.tcp.SendData(ban); } else if (type == "KICK") { string uid = (string)o["user"]; if (!uid.Contains("@steam") && !uid.Contains("@discord")) { uid += "@steam"; } Player player = Player.Get(uid); Kick kick = new Kick { player = null }; if (player != null) { kick.player = new User { name = player.Nickname, userid = player.UserId }; ServerConsole.Disconnect(player.GameObject, (string)o["reason"]); } EventHandlers.tcp.SendData(kick); } else if (type == "UNBAN") { Unban unban = new Unban(); List <string> ipBans = File.ReadAllLines(SCPDiscord.ipBans).ToList(); List <string> userIDBans = File.ReadAllLines(SCPDiscord.useridBans).ToList(); string id = (string)o["user"]; if (!id.Contains(".")) { if (!id.Contains("@steam") && !id.Contains("@discord")) { id += "@steam"; } } List <string> matchingIPBans = ipBans.FindAll(s => s.Contains(id)); List <string> matchingSteamIDBans = userIDBans.FindAll(s => s.Contains(id)); if (matchingIPBans.Count == 0 && matchingSteamIDBans.Count == 0) { unban.success = false; EventHandlers.tcp.SendData(unban); return; } ipBans.RemoveAll(s => s.Contains(id)); userIDBans.RemoveAll(s => s.Contains(id)); foreach (var row in matchingIPBans) { userIDBans.RemoveAll(s => s.Contains(row.Split(';').Last())); } foreach (var row in matchingSteamIDBans) { ipBans.RemoveAll(s => s.Contains(row.Split(';').Last())); } File.WriteAllLines(SCPDiscord.ipBans, ipBans); File.WriteAllLines(SCPDiscord.useridBans, userIDBans); EventHandlers.tcp.SendData(unban); } } catch (Exception x) { Log.Error("SCPDiscord handle command error: " + x.Message); } }
public void Add(Unban item) => Unbans.Add(item);