private void LoadData()
            string where = "1=1 ";
            if (ddlTenTruyCap.SelectedIndex > 0)
                where += " And User_ID = " + ddlTenTruyCap.SelectedValue + " ";
            if (ddlTraCuu.SelectedIndex > 0)
                where += " And Type = " + ddlTraCuu.SelectedValue + " ";
            if (txt_FromDate.Text != "" && txt_ToDate.Text != "")
                where += " and DateCreated>='" + txt_FromDate.Text + " 00:00:59' and DateCreated<='" + txt_ToDate.Text + " 23:59:59'";
            where         += " Order by DateCreated DESC";
            pages.PageSize = Global.MembersPerPage;
            UltilFunc _DAL         = new UltilFunc();
            DataSet   _ds          = _DAL.BindGridT_HistorySource(pages.PageIndex, pages.PageSize, where);
            int       TotalRecords = Convert.ToInt32(_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString());
            int       TotalRecord  = Convert.ToInt32(_ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count);

            if (TotalRecord == 0)
                _ds = _DAL.BindGridT_HistorySource(pages.PageIndex - 1, pages.PageSize, where);
            gdListActionHistorys.DataSource = _ds;
            pages.TotalRecords     = curentPages.TotalRecords = TotalRecords;
            curentPages.TotalPages = pages.CalculateTotalPages();
            curentPages.PageIndex  = pages.PageIndex;