public static void ShowTooltip(string s, int length, int xpos = 0, int ypos = 30) { tooltipTimer.Reset(); tooltip = Game.Manager.Ui.GetTooltip <UiTooltipSimple>(TooltipType.SIMPLE); tooltip.Populate(s); tooltip.Show(new Vector2(xpos, ypos)); tooltipLength = length; tooltipTimer.Start(); }
public static bool ChangeTooltipText(UiCellphoneAppProfile __instance, UiTooltipSimple ____tooltip, PlayerFileGirl ____playerFileGirl) { //enable the Girl Profile head to choose pairs, but only when cheating / using all pairs mod if (HP2SR.cheatsEnabled || HP2SR.AllPairsEnabled.Value) { string text = ____playerFileGirl.girlDefinition.girlName + "'s Profile"; text = text + "\nAge: " + ____playerFileGirl.girlDefinition.girlAge.ToString(); text = text + "\nClick to visit any\nof this girl's pairs!"; ____tooltip.Populate(text, 0, 1f, 1920f); ____tooltip.Show(Vector2.up * 50f, false); return(false); } return(true); }