void CheckField() { if (terrain == null) { terrain = target as UTerrain; } if (texture == null) { texture = new UTextureEditor(this); } if (tree == null) { tree = new UTreeEditor(this); } if (grass == null) { grass = new UGrassEditor(this); } if (height == null) { height = new UHeightEditor(this); } if (settings == null) { settings = new USettingsEditor(this); } if (about == null) { about = new UAboutEditor(); } }
public GameObject createTerrain(USlippyTile tile, string key) { GameObject t = new GameObject(key); if (genTerrain) { /// crete the TerrainData TerrainData tData = new TerrainData(); tData.size = new Vector3(chunkSize / 8, 0, chunkSize / 8); // don't know why 8, but terrain its 8 times bigger than this numbers /// add the terrain Collider and the Terrain based in the TerrainData TerrainCollider tColliderComp = t.AddComponent <TerrainCollider>(); Terrain tComp = t.AddComponent <Terrain>(); tColliderComp.terrainData = tData; tComp.terrainData = tData; /// change the terrain material tComp.materialType = Terrain.MaterialType.BuiltInLegacySpecular; /// create and init the UTerrain that will load the height data UTerrain uTerrain = t.AddComponent <UTerrain>(); uTerrain.init(tile, this); } if (genOSM) { /// create and init the UTerrain that will load the height data OSMChunk osmChunk = t.AddComponent <OSMChunk>(); osmChunk.init(tile, this); } if (genOSM && debugOSM) { /// only for debug visualization OSMDebug visualization = t.AddComponent <OSMDebug>(); } //t.AddComponent<AssignSplatMap>(); return(t); }
public USettingsEditor(UTerrainInspector editor) { terrain = editor.terrain; }