Пример #1
            public override object GetTimeSeries(
                locationParam lp,
                VariableParam vp,
                Nullable <W3CDateTime> startDate,
                Nullable <W3CDateTime> endDate)
                if (lp.isGeometry)
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("Geometry not supported ");

                TimeSeriesResponseType result = null;

                //string Network;
                //string SiteCode;
                ////WSUtils.ParseSiteId(siteId, out Network, out SiteCode);
                //    locationParam sq = new locationParam(siteNumber);
                //    Network = sq.Network;
                //    SiteCode = sq.SiteCode;
                //    if (sq.isGeometry)
                //    {
                //        throw new WaterOneFlowException("Location by Geometry not accepted: " + siteNumber);
                //    }
                //catch (WaterOneFlowException we)
                //    log.Info("Bad SiteID:" + siteNumber);
                //    throw;
                //catch (Exception e)
                //    log.Error("Uncaught exception:" + e.Message);
                //    throw new WaterOneFlowException("Sorry. Your submitted site ID for this getSiteInfo request caused an problem that we failed to catch programmatically: " + e.Message);

                //// string WaterQualityList = "&parameter_cd=" + variable;
                //string[] StationsList = new string[] { SiteCode };
                string[] StationsList = new string[] { lp.SiteCode };

                //VariableParam vp;
                //    vp = new VariableParam(variable);

                //catch (WaterOneFlowException we)
                //    log.Info("Bad Variable Request '" + variable + "'");
                //    throw;
                //catch (Exception e)
                //    log.Error("uncaught exception duing Variable Request '" + variable + "'");
                //    throw new WaterOneFlowException("Sorry. Your variable parameter caused an exception that we failed to catch:" + e.Message);


                result = CuahsiBuilder.CreateTimeSeriesObject();

                //// all data are provisional
                //List<note> notes = new List<note>();
                //note urlNote = new note();
                //urlNote.title = "USGS Data Provisional";
                //urlNote.href = "http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/help/?provisional";
                //urlNote.Value = "All data are provisional, and subject to revision";
                //result.queryInfo.note = notes.ToArray();

                result.queryInfo.criteria.locationParam = lp.ToString();
                result.queryInfo.criteria.variableParam = vp.ToString();

                // result.queryInfo.criteria.timeParam  = CuahsiBuilder.createQueryInfoTimeCriteria(startDate, endDate);

                // look for siteInfoType in cache, and use if it is there

                /* SiteInfoType sit = (SiteInfoType)appCache[sitCache + SiteCode];
                 * if (sit == null)
                 * {
                 *   // just use the values for now.
                 *   ((SiteInfoType)result.timeSeries.sourceInfo).siteCode[0].Value = SiteCode;
                 *   ((SiteInfoType)result.timeSeries.sourceInfo).siteCode[0].network = "NWIS";
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *   // in the cache, use it
                 *   result.timeSeries.sourceInfo = sit;
                 * }
                 * */
                result.timeSeries.sourceInfo = DataInfoService.GetSite(lp);

                // vaiable info
                // result.timeSeries.variable = vp.getVariableSchemaType();
                //result.timeSeries.variable = NwisVariableCatalog.getVariable(vp.Code, variableDataSet);
                //result.timeSeries.variable = ODvariables.getVariable(vp.Code, variableDataSet)[0];

                // not fully correct, but just choose the first one.
                VariableInfoType[] vits = DataInfoService.GetVariableInfoObject(vp);
                result.timeSeries.variable = vits[0];
                string aURL = GroundWater(startDate, endDate,
                                          StationsList, USGSCommon.option2AgencyCode(lp));

                    // refactor too much abstraction
                    //CreateRealTimeSeriesObject(result, RealTime(StationsList));
                    result.timeSeries.values =
                        CreateGWTimeSeriesObject(vp, aURL);
                catch (WaterOneFlowException e)
                    //log.Error(e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                catch (WaterOneFlowSourceException e)
                    //log.Error(e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                catch (WebException e)
                    log.Error(e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("Connecting to External resource failed.", e);
                catch (Exception e)
                    log.Error(e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("An External resource failed.", e);

                result.timeSeries.sourceInfo = DataInfoService.GetSite(lp);

                List <NoteType> notes   = new List <NoteType>();
                NoteType        urlNote = new NoteType();

                urlNote.title = "USGS URL";
                urlNote.Value = aURL;
                result.queryInfo.note = notes.ToArray();

Пример #2
            public override object GetTimeSeries(
                locationParam lp,
                VariableParam vp,
                Nullable <W3CDateTime> startDate,
                Nullable <W3CDateTime> endDate)
                if (lp.isGeometry)
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("Geometry not supported ");

                TimeSeriesResponseType result = null;

                string[] StationsList = new string[] { lp.SiteCode };

                result = CuahsiBuilder.CreateTimeSeriesObject();

                result.queryInfo.criteria.locationParam = lp.ToString();
                result.queryInfo.criteria.variableParam = vp.ToString();

                result.timeSeries.sourceInfo = DataInfoService.GetSite(lp);

                // not fully correct, but just choose the first one.
                VariableInfoType[] vits = DataInfoService.GetVariableInfoObject(vp);
                result.timeSeries.variable = vits[0];
                string aURL = InstantaneousData(startDate, endDate,
                                                new string[] { vp.Code }, StationsList, USGSCommon.option2AgencyCode(lp));

                    result.timeSeries.values =
                        CreateWQTimeSeriesObject(vp, aURL);
                catch (WaterOneFlowException e)
                catch (WaterOneFlowSourceException e)
                catch (Exception e)
                    log.Error(e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("An External resource failed.", e);

                List <NoteType> notes   = new List <NoteType>();
                NoteType        urlNote = new NoteType();

                urlNote.title = "USGS URL";
                urlNote.Value = aURL;
                result.queryInfo.note = notes.ToArray();
