Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the task and run the cooker.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BuildProducts">List of build products for the current node. Cooking build products will be appended to this list.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the node succeeded</returns>
        public override bool Execute(List <string> BuildProducts)
            // Figure out the project that this target belongs to
            FileReference ProjectFile;

            if (UProjectInfo.TryGetProjectForTarget(Target, out ProjectFile))
                ProjectFile = null;

            // Execute the cooker
            using (TelemetryStopwatch CookStopwatch = new TelemetryStopwatch("Cook.{0}.{1}", ProjectFile.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(), CookPlatform))
                CommandUtils.CookCommandlet(ProjectFile, "UE4Editor-Cmd.exe", Maps, null, null, null, CookPlatform, Arguments);

            // Find all the cooked files
            DirectoryReference   CookedDirectory = DirectoryReference.Combine(ProjectFile.Directory, "Saved", "Cooked", CookPlatform);
            List <FileReference> CookedFiles     = CookedDirectory.EnumerateFileReferences().ToList();

            if (CookedFiles.Count == 0)
                throw new AutomationException("Cooking did not produce any files in {0}", CookedDirectory.FullName);
            BuildProducts.AddRange(CookedFiles.Select(x => x.FullName));
Пример #2
        public static void RunCommandlet(string ProjectName, string UE4Exe, string Commandlet, string Parameters = null)
            FileReference ProjectFile;

            if (!UProjectInfo.TryGetProjectFileName(ProjectName, out ProjectFile))
                throw new AutomationException("Cannot determine project file for {0}", ProjectName);
            RunCommandlet(ProjectFile, UE4Exe, Commandlet, Parameters);
        internal string GetEngineSuffix()
            //grab first project listed in order to resolve ini path
            string iniPath = "";
            List <UProjectInfo> projects = UProjectInfo.FilterGameProjects(false, null);

            foreach (UProjectInfo upi in projects)
                iniPath = upi.Folder.FullName;

            //no INI, default to CPU
            if (iniPath.Length == 0)

            //We can't use the ConfigCacheIni file here because it bypasses the Substance section.
                iniPath = Path.Combine(iniPath, Path.Combine("Config", "DefaultEngine.ini"));

                //parse INI file line by line until we find our result
                StreamReader file = new StreamReader(iniPath);
                string       line;
                string       suffix     = "CPU";
                string       startsWith = "SubstanceEngine=";
                while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (line.StartsWith(startsWith))
                        string value = line.Substring(startsWith.Length);

                        if (value == "SET_CPU")
                            suffix = "CPU";
                        else if (value == "SET_GPU")
                            suffix = "GPU";


            catch (Exception)
Пример #4
        public static void CookCommandlet(string ProjectName)
            FileReference ProjectFile;

            if (ProjectName.Contains('/') || ProjectName.Contains('\\'))
                ProjectFile = new FileReference(ProjectName);
            else if (!UProjectInfo.TryGetProjectFileName(ProjectName, out ProjectFile))
                throw new AutomationException("Cannot determine project path for {0}", ProjectName);
Пример #5
    public LibuvSupport(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
         * PublicIncludePaths.AddRange(
         *  new string[] {
         *      "LibuvSupport/"
         *  }
         *  );
         * PrivateIncludePaths.AddRange(
         *  new string[] {
         *      "LibuvSupport"
         *  }
         *  );
        PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] {
            "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine"

        RulesAssembly RA;
        FileReference CheckProjectFile;

        UProjectInfo.TryGetProjectForTarget("NeverSalvation", out CheckProjectFile);
        RA = RulesCompiler.CreateProjectRulesAssembly(CheckProjectFile);
        FileReference FR         = RA.GetModuleFileName(this.GetType().Name);
        string        ModulePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FR.CanonicalName);

        string ThirdPartyPath                  = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(ModulePath, "../../ThirdParty/")); // gets the ThirdParty folder directory path
        string LibuvConnectorPath              = ThirdPartyPath + "libuv/";                                       // gets the Libuv Connector.C 6.1 folder path
        string LibuvConnectorLibraryPath       = LibuvConnectorPath + "lib/";                                     // gets the path of the lib folder
        string LibuvConnectorIncludePath       = LibuvConnectorPath + "include/";                                 // gets the path of the include folder
        string LibuvConnectorImportLibraryName = Path.Combine(LibuvConnectorLibraryPath, "libuv.lib");            // gets the file path and name of the libmysql.lib static import library
        string LibuvConnectorDLLName           = Path.Combine(LibuvConnectorLibraryPath, "libuv.dll");

        if (!File.Exists(LibuvConnectorImportLibraryName))                                                       // check to ensure the static import lib can be located, or else we'll be in trouble
            throw new BuildException(string.Format("{0} could not be found.", LibuvConnectorImportLibraryName)); // log an error message explaining what went wrong if not found
        if (!File.Exists(LibuvConnectorDLLName))                                                                 // check to make sure the dll can be located or else we'll be in trouble
            throw new BuildException(string.Format("{0} could not be found.", LibuvConnectorDLLName));           // log an error message explaining what went wrong if not found
        PublicIncludePaths.Add(LibuvConnectorIncludePath);                                                       // add the "include" folder to our dependencies. I've chosen PrivateIncludePaths since I hide the mysql headers from external code
        PublicLibraryPaths.Add(LibuvConnectorLibraryPath);                                                       // add the "lib" folder to our dependencies
        PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(LibuvConnectorImportLibraryName);                                          // add libmysql.lib static import library as a dependency
        PublicDelayLoadDLLs.Add(LibuvConnectorDLLName);                                                          // add libmysql.dll as a dll
        RuntimeDependencies.Add(new RuntimeDependency("$(ProjectDir)/Binaries/Win64/libuv.dll"));                // 自动添加libmysql.dll到指定的打包目录中
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Optionally compiles and loads target rules assembly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Properties"></param>
        /// <param name="TargetsDllFilename"></param>
        /// <param name="DoNotCompile"></param>
        /// <param name="TargetScripts"></param>
        private static void CompileAndLoadTargetsAssembly(ProjectProperties Properties, FileReference TargetsDllFilename, bool DoNotCompile, List <FileReference> TargetScripts)
            CommandUtils.LogVerbose("Compiling targets DLL: {0}", TargetsDllFilename);

            var ReferencedAssemblies = new List <string>()
            var TargetsDLL       = DynamicCompilation.CompileAndLoadAssembly(TargetsDllFilename, TargetScripts, ReferencedAssemblies, null, DoNotCompile);
            var AllCompiledTypes = TargetsDLL.GetTypes();

            foreach (Type TargetType in AllCompiledTypes)
                // Find TargetRules but skip all "UE4Editor", "UE4Game" targets.
                if (typeof(TargetRules).IsAssignableFrom(TargetType))
                    string TargetName = GetTargetName(TargetType);

                    FileReference ProjectFile;
                    UProjectInfo.TryGetProjectForTarget(TargetName, out ProjectFile);

                    var DummyTargetInfo = new TargetInfo(TargetName, BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development, "", ProjectFile);

                    // Create an instance of this type
                    CommandUtils.LogVerbose("Creating target rules object: {0}", TargetType.Name);
                    var Rules = Activator.CreateInstance(TargetType, DummyTargetInfo) as TargetRules;
                    CommandUtils.LogVerbose("Adding target: {0} ({1})", TargetType.Name, Rules.Type);

                    SingleTargetProperties TargetData;
                    TargetData.TargetName = GetTargetName(TargetType);
                    TargetData.Rules      = Rules;
                    if (Rules.Type == global::UnrealBuildTool.TargetType.Program)
                        Properties.Targets.Add(Rules.Type, TargetData);
Пример #7
    public MyProj(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
        PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;

        PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore" });

        FileReference CheckProjectFile;

        UProjectInfo.TryGetProjectForTarget("MyProj", out CheckProjectFile);
        r = RulesCompiler.CreateProjectRulesAssembly(CheckProjectFile);

        if ((Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32) || (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64))
            bEnableExceptions = true;

Пример #8
    public MySQLConnectorUE4Plugin(TargetInfo Target)
        //File.WriteAllText("c:/temp/qqq.txt", this.GetType().Name);
        //string ModulePath = Path.GetDirectoryName( RulesAssembly.GetModuleFilename( this.GetType().Name ) );

        UEBuildConfiguration.bForceEnableExceptions = true;

        RulesAssembly r;
        FileReference CheckProjectFile;

        UProjectInfo.TryGetProjectForTarget("MyGame", out CheckProjectFile);

        r = RulesCompiler.CreateProjectRulesAssembly(CheckProjectFile);
        FileReference f = r.GetModuleFileName(this.GetType().Name);
        //File.WriteAllText("c:/temp/qqq2.txt", f.CanonicalName );

        string ModulePath     = Path.GetDirectoryName(f.CanonicalName);
        string PlatformString = (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) ? "x64" : "x86";
        string ThirdPartyPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(ModulePath, "../../ThirdParty/"));

        string LibrariesPath = Path.Combine(ThirdPartyPath, "MySQLConnector", "Lib");

        string LibraryName = Path.Combine(LibrariesPath, "mariadbclient." + PlatformString + ".lib");


        PrivateIncludePaths.AddRange(new string[] { "MySQLConnectorUE4Plugin/Private" });
        PublicIncludePaths.AddRange(new string[] { "MySQLConnectorUE4Plugin/Public" });

        string IncludesPath = Path.Combine(ThirdPartyPath, "MySQLConnector", "Include");


        string IncludesPath2 = Path.Combine(ThirdPartyPath, "MySQLConnector", "Include", "cppconn");


        PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Engine", "Core", "CoreUObject" });
Пример #9
        private static void FindAndCompileScriptModules(string ScriptsForProjectFileName, List <string> AdditionalScriptsFolders)
            Log.TraceInformation("Compiling scripts.");

            var OldCWD             = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            var UnrealBuildToolCWD = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot, "Engine", "Source");

            Environment.CurrentDirectory = UnrealBuildToolCWD;

            // Configure the rules compiler
            // Get all game folders and convert them to build subfolders.
            List <DirectoryReference> AllGameFolders;

            if (ScriptsForProjectFileName == null)
                AllGameFolders = UProjectInfo.FilterGameProjects(true, null).Select(x => x.Folder).ToList();
                AllGameFolders = new List <DirectoryReference> {
                    new DirectoryReference(Path.GetDirectoryName(ScriptsForProjectFileName))

            var AllAdditionalScriptFolders = new List <DirectoryReference>(AdditionalScriptsFolders.Select(x => new DirectoryReference(x)));

            foreach (var Folder in AllGameFolders)
                var GameBuildFolder = DirectoryReference.Combine(Folder, "Build");
                if (DirectoryReference.Exists(GameBuildFolder))

            Log.TraceVerbose("Discovering game folders.");

            var DiscoveredModules = UnrealBuildTool.RulesCompiler.FindAllRulesSourceFiles(UnrealBuildTool.RulesCompiler.RulesFileType.AutomationModule, GameFolders: AllGameFolders, ForeignPlugins: null, AdditionalSearchPaths: AllAdditionalScriptFolders);
            var ModulesToCompile  = new List <string>(DiscoveredModules.Count);

            foreach (var ModuleFilename in DiscoveredModules)
                if (HostPlatform.Current.IsScriptModuleSupported(ModuleFilename.GetFileNameWithoutAnyExtensions()))
                    CommandUtils.LogVerbose("Script module {0} filtered by the Host Platform and will not be compiled.", ModuleFilename);

            if ((UnrealBuildTool.BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == UnrealBuildTool.UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) ||
                (UnrealBuildTool.BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == UnrealBuildTool.UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32))
                string Modules = string.Join(";", ModulesToCompile.ToArray());
                var    UATProj = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot, @"Engine\Source\Programs\AutomationTool\Scripts\UAT.proj");
                var    CmdLine = String.Format("\"{0}\" /p:Modules=\"{1}\" /p:Configuration={2} /verbosity:minimal /nologo", UATProj, Modules, BuildConfig);
                // suppress the run command because it can be long and intimidating, making the logs around this code harder to read.
                var Result = CommandUtils.Run(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.MsBuildExe, CmdLine, Options: CommandUtils.ERunOptions.Default | CommandUtils.ERunOptions.NoLoggingOfRunCommand | CommandUtils.ERunOptions.LoggingOfRunDuration);
                if (Result.ExitCode != 0)
                    throw new AutomationException(String.Format("Failed to build \"{0}\":{1}{2}", UATProj, Environment.NewLine, Result.Output));

            Environment.CurrentDirectory = OldCWD;
Пример #10
        private static bool RequiresTempTarget(FileReference RawProjectPath, List <UnrealTargetPlatform> ClientTargetPlatforms, bool AssetNativizationRequested)
            // check to see if we already have a Target.cs file
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath.FullName), "Source", RawProjectPath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + ".Target.cs")))
            else if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath.FullName), "Source")))
                // wasn't one in the main Source directory, let's check all sub-directories
                //@todo: may want to read each target.cs to see if it has a target corresponding to the project name as a final check
                FileInfo[] Files = (new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath.FullName), "Source")).GetFiles("*.Target.cs", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
                if (Files.Length > 0)

            // once we reach this point, we can surmise that this is an asset-
            // only (code free) project

            if (AssetNativizationRequested)
                // we're going to be converting some of the project's assets
                // into native code, so we require a distinct target (executable)
                // be generated for this project

            // no Target file, now check to see if build settings have changed
            List <UnrealTargetPlatform> TargetPlatforms = ClientTargetPlatforms;

            if (ClientTargetPlatforms == null || ClientTargetPlatforms.Count < 1)
                // No client target platforms, add all in
                TargetPlatforms = new List <UnrealTargetPlatform>();
                foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatformType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnrealTargetPlatform)))
                    if (TargetPlatformType != UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown)

            // Change the working directory to be the Engine/Source folder. We are running from Engine/Binaries/DotNET
            string oldCWD = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            if (BuildConfiguration.RelativeEnginePath == "../../Engine/")
                string EngineSourceDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetOriginalLocation()), "..", "..", "..", "Engine", "Source");
                if (!Directory.Exists(EngineSourceDirectory))                 // only set the directory if it exists, this should only happen if we are launching the editor from an artist sync
                    EngineSourceDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetOriginalLocation()), "..", "..", "..", "Engine", "Binaries");

            // Read the project descriptor, and find all the plugins available to this project
            ProjectDescriptor Project          = ProjectDescriptor.FromFile(RawProjectPath.FullName);
            List <PluginInfo> AvailablePlugins = Plugins.ReadAvailablePlugins(new DirectoryReference(BuildConfiguration.RelativeEnginePath), RawProjectPath);

            // check the target platforms for any differences in build settings or additional plugins
            bool RetVal = false;

            foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatformType in TargetPlatforms)
                UEBuildPlatform BuildPlat = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(TargetPlatformType, true);
                if (!Automation.IsEngineInstalled() && BuildPlat != null && !(BuildPlat as UEBuildPlatform).HasDefaultBuildConfig(TargetPlatformType, RawProjectPath.Directory))
                    RetVal = true;

                // find if there are any plugins enabled or disabled which differ from the default
                foreach (PluginInfo Plugin in AvailablePlugins)
                    bool bPluginEnabledForProject = UProjectInfo.IsPluginEnabledForProject(Plugin, Project, TargetPlatformType, TargetRules.TargetType.Game);
                    if ((bPluginEnabledForProject && !Plugin.Descriptor.bEnabledByDefault) || (bPluginEnabledForProject && Plugin.Descriptor.bInstalled))
                        if (Plugin.Descriptor.Modules.Any(Module => Module.IsCompiledInConfiguration(TargetPlatformType, TargetRules.TargetType.Game, bBuildDeveloperTools: false, bBuildEditor: false)))
                            RetVal = true;

            // Change back to the original directory
Пример #11
        private static bool RequiresTempTarget(FileReference RawProjectPath, List <UnrealTargetPlatform> ClientTargetPlatforms, bool AssetNativizationRequested)
            // check to see if we already have a Target.cs file
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath.FullName), "Source", RawProjectPath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + ".Target.cs")))
            else if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath.FullName), "Source")))
                // wasn't one in the main Source directory, let's check all sub-directories
                //@todo: may want to read each target.cs to see if it has a target corresponding to the project name as a final check
                FileInfo[] Files = (new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath.FullName), "Source")).GetFiles("*.Target.cs", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
                if (Files.Length > 0)

            // once we reach this point, we can surmise that this is an asset-
            // only (code free) project

            if (AssetNativizationRequested)
                // we're going to be converting some of the project's assets
                // into native code, so we require a distinct target (executable)
                // be generated for this project

            if (ClientTargetPlatforms != null)
                foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform ClientPlatform in ClientTargetPlatforms)
                    String   EncryptionKey;
                    String[] SigningKeys;
                    EncryptionAndSigning.ParseEncryptionIni(RawProjectPath.Directory, ClientPlatform, out SigningKeys, out EncryptionKey);
                    if (SigningKeys != null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(EncryptionKey))

            // no Target file, now check to see if build settings have changed
            List <UnrealTargetPlatform> TargetPlatforms = ClientTargetPlatforms;

            if (ClientTargetPlatforms == null || ClientTargetPlatforms.Count < 1)
                // No client target platforms, add all in
                TargetPlatforms = new List <UnrealTargetPlatform>();
                foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatformType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnrealTargetPlatform)))
                    if (TargetPlatformType != UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown)

            // Change the working directory to be the Engine/Source folder. We are running from Engine/Binaries/DotNET
            DirectoryReference oldCWD = DirectoryReference.GetCurrentDirectory();

                DirectoryReference EngineSourceDirectory = DirectoryReference.Combine(CommandUtils.EngineDirectory, "Source");
                if (!DirectoryReference.Exists(EngineSourceDirectory))                 // only set the directory if it exists, this should only happen if we are launching the editor from an artist sync
                    EngineSourceDirectory = DirectoryReference.Combine(CommandUtils.EngineDirectory, "Binaries");

                // Read the project descriptor, and find all the plugins available to this project
                ProjectDescriptor Project          = ProjectDescriptor.FromFile(RawProjectPath.FullName);
                List <PluginInfo> AvailablePlugins = Plugins.ReadAvailablePlugins(CommandUtils.EngineDirectory, RawProjectPath, Project.AdditionalPluginDirectories);

                // check the target platforms for any differences in build settings or additional plugins
                bool RetVal = false;
                foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatformType in TargetPlatforms)
                    if (!Automation.IsEngineInstalled() && !PlatformExports.HasDefaultBuildConfig(RawProjectPath, TargetPlatformType))
                        RetVal = true;

                    // find if there are any plugins enabled or disabled which differ from the default
                    foreach (PluginInfo Plugin in AvailablePlugins)
                        bool bPluginEnabledForProject = UProjectInfo.IsPluginEnabledForProject(Plugin, Project, TargetPlatformType, TargetType.Game);
                        if ((bPluginEnabledForProject && !Plugin.EnabledByDefault) || (bPluginEnabledForProject && Plugin.Descriptor.bInstalled))
                            // NOTE: this code was only marking plugins that compiled for the platform to upgrade to code project, however
                            // this doesn't work in practice, because the runtime code will look for the plugin, without a .uplugin file,
                            // and will fail. This is the safest way to make sure all platforms are acting the same. However, if you
                            // whitelist the plugin in the .uproject file, the above UProjectInfo.IsPluginEnabledForProject check won't pass
                            // so you won't get in here. Leaving this commented out code in there, because someone is bound to come looking
                            // for why a non-whitelisted platform module is causing a project to convert to code-based.
                            // As an aside, if you run the project with UE4Game (not your Project's binary) from the debugger, it will work
                            // _in this case_ because the .uplugin file will have been staged, and there is no needed library
                            // if(Plugin.Descriptor.Modules.Any(Module => Module.IsCompiledInConfiguration(TargetPlatformType, TargetType.Game, bBuildDeveloperTools: false, bBuildEditor: false)))
                                RetVal = true;
                // Change back to the original directory
Пример #12
        private static bool RequiresTempTarget(string RawProjectPath, List <UnrealTargetPlatform> ClientTargetPlatforms)
            // check to see if we already have a Target.cs file
            // @todo: Target.cs may not be the same name as the project in the future, so look at a better way to determine this
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath), "Source", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(RawProjectPath) + ".Target.cs")))

            // no Target file, now check to see if build settings have changed
            List <UnrealTargetPlatform> TargetPlatforms = ClientTargetPlatforms;

            if (ClientTargetPlatforms == null || ClientTargetPlatforms.Count < 1)
                // No client target platforms, add all in
                TargetPlatforms = new List <UnrealTargetPlatform>();
                foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatformType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnrealTargetPlatform)))
                    if (TargetPlatformType != UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown)

            // check the target platforms for any differences in build settings or additional plugins
            foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatformType in TargetPlatforms)
                IUEBuildPlatform BuildPlat = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(TargetPlatformType, true);
                if (BuildPlat != null && !(BuildPlat as UEBuildPlatform).HasDefaultBuildConfig(TargetPlatformType, Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath)))
                // find if there are any plugins
                List <string> PluginList = new List <string>();
                // Use the project settings to update the plugin list for this target
                PluginList = UProjectInfo.GetEnabledPlugins(RawProjectPath, PluginList, TargetPlatformType);
                if (PluginList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var PluginName in PluginList)
                        // check the plugin info for this plugin itself
                        foreach (var Plugin in Plugins.AllPlugins)
                            if (Plugin.Name == PluginName)
                                foreach (var Module in Plugin.Modules)
                                    if (Module.Platforms.Count > 0 && Module.Platforms.Contains(TargetPlatformType))
Пример #13
        private static bool RequiresTempTarget(string RawProjectPath, List <UnrealTargetPlatform> ClientTargetPlatforms)
            // check to see if we already have a Target.cs file
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath), "Source", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(RawProjectPath) + ".Target.cs")))
                // wasn't one in the main Source directory, let's check all sub-directories
                //@todo: may want to read each target.cs to see if it has a target corresponding to the project name as a final check
                FileInfo[] Files = (new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath)).GetFiles("*.Target.cs", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
                if (Files.Length > 0)

            // no Target file, now check to see if build settings have changed
            List <UnrealTargetPlatform> TargetPlatforms = ClientTargetPlatforms;

            if (ClientTargetPlatforms == null || ClientTargetPlatforms.Count < 1)
                // No client target platforms, add all in
                TargetPlatforms = new List <UnrealTargetPlatform>();
                foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatformType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnrealTargetPlatform)))
                    if (TargetPlatformType != UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown)

            // Change the working directory to be the Engine/Source folder. We are running from Engine/Binaries/DotNET
            string oldCWD = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            if (BuildConfiguration.RelativeEnginePath == "../../Engine/")
                string EngineSourceDirectory = Path.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.Utils.GetExecutingAssemblyDirectory(), "..", "..", "..", "Engine", "Source");
                if (!Directory.Exists(EngineSourceDirectory))                 // only set the directory if it exists, this should only happen if we are launching the editor from an artist sync
                    EngineSourceDirectory = Path.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.Utils.GetExecutingAssemblyDirectory(), "..", "..", "..", "Engine", "Binaries");

            // Read the project descriptor, and find all the plugins available to this project
            ProjectDescriptor Project          = ProjectDescriptor.FromFile(RawProjectPath);
            List <PluginInfo> AvailablePlugins = Plugins.ReadAvailablePlugins(RawProjectPath);

            // check the target platforms for any differences in build settings or additional plugins
            bool RetVal = false;

            foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatformType in TargetPlatforms)
                IUEBuildPlatform BuildPlat = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(TargetPlatformType, true);
                if (BuildPlat != null && !(BuildPlat as UEBuildPlatform).HasDefaultBuildConfig(TargetPlatformType, Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath)))
                    RetVal = true;

                // find if there are any plugins enabled or disabled which differ from the default
                foreach (PluginInfo Plugin in AvailablePlugins)
                    if (UProjectInfo.IsPluginEnabledForProject(Plugin, Project, TargetPlatformType) != Plugin.Descriptor.bEnabledByDefault)
                        if (Plugin.Descriptor.Modules.Any(Module => Module.IsCompiledInConfiguration(TargetPlatformType, TargetRules.TargetType.Game)))
                            RetVal = true;

            // Change back to the original directory