protected void PositionInfoSink(CpAVTransport sender, UInt32 InstanceID, UInt32 Track, string TrackDuration, string TrackMetaData, string TrackURI, string RelTime, string AbsTime, int RelCount, int AbsCount, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { DText p = new DText(); p.ATTRMARK = ":"; try { p[0] = TrackDuration; _CurrentDuration = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(p[1]), int.Parse(p[2]), int.Parse(p[3])); } catch (Exception) { } try { p[0] = RelTime; _CurrentPosition = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(p[1]), int.Parse(p[2]), int.Parse(p[3])); } catch (Exception) { } if (OnCurrentPositionChanged != null) { OnCurrentPositionChanged(this); } _CurrentTrack = Track; this._TrackURI = HTTPMessage.UnEscapeString(TrackURI); if (this.OnTrackURIChanged != null) { OnTrackURIChanged(this); } if (OnCurrentTrackChanged != null) { OnCurrentTrackChanged(this); } lock (this) { --StateCounter; if (StateCounter == 0) { if (OnReady != null) { OnReady(this); } } } }
/// <summary> /// This method is called whenever we need to inspect a list of ConnectionIDs /// to see if any of them are new /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="IDString"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <param name="Handle"></param> protected void IDSink(CpConnectionManager sender, string IDString, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { if ((e != null) || (IDString == "")) { return; } // This is a temp parser that will parse the CSV list of IDs DText p = new DText(); p.ATTRMARK = ","; p[0] = IDString; int len = p.DCOUNT(); for (int i = 1; i <= len; ++i) { // bool FOUND = false; int cid = int.Parse(p[i].Trim()); // lock(InstanceList) // { // foreach(AVConnection _AVC in InstanceList) // { // if(_AVC.ConnectionID == cid) // { // FOUND = true; // break; // } // } // } lock (this.CreateConnectionLock) { if (this.PendingCreateConnection == 0) { ConnectionManager.GetCurrentConnectionInfo(cid, null, new CpConnectionManager.Delegate_OnResult_GetCurrentConnectionInfo(ConnectionInfoSink)); } else { // We possible need to wait a maximum of 30 seconds, just in case events arrive // that involve this connection ID. When/if that happens, we will remove this // object from the monitor, and continue directly. this.ConnectionMonitor.Add(cid, 30); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Processes the results of Browse requests. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="ObjectID"></param> /// <param name="BrowseFlag"></param> /// <param name="Filter"></param> /// <param name="StartingIndex"></param> /// <param name="RequestedCount"></param> /// <param name="SortCriteria"></param> /// <param name="Result"></param> /// <param name="NumberReturned"></param> /// <param name="TotalMatches"></param> /// <param name="UpdateID"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <param name="_Tag"></param> private void OnBrowseDone(CpContentDirectory sender, System.String ObjectID, OpenSource.UPnP.AV.CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag BrowseFlag, System.String Filter, System.UInt32 StartingIndex, System.UInt32 RequestedCount, System.String SortCriteria, System.String Result, System.UInt32 NumberReturned, System.UInt32 TotalMatches, System.UInt32 UpdateID, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { _RequestState state = (_RequestState)_Tag; if (e != null) { if (state.Callback_Browse1 != null) { state.Callback_Browse1(this, ObjectID, BrowseFlag, Filter, StartingIndex, RequestedCount, SortCriteria, e, null, state.Tag, null, NumberReturned, TotalMatches, UpdateID); } else if (state.Callback_Browse2 != null) { state.Callback_Browse2(this, e, null, state.Tag, null, NumberReturned, TotalMatches, UpdateID); } } else { ArrayList al = null; try { al = CpMediaBuilder.BuildMediaBranches(Result); } catch (Exception parseError) { if (state.Callback_Browse1 != null) { state.Callback_Browse1(this, ObjectID, BrowseFlag, Filter, StartingIndex, RequestedCount, SortCriteria, e, parseError, state.Tag, null, NumberReturned, TotalMatches, UpdateID); } else if (state.Callback_Browse2 != null) { state.Callback_Browse2(this, e, parseError, state.Tag, null, NumberReturned, TotalMatches, UpdateID); } al = null; } if (al != null) { if (state.Callback_Browse1 != null) { state.Callback_Browse1(this, ObjectID, BrowseFlag, Filter, StartingIndex, RequestedCount, SortCriteria, e, null, state.Tag, (IUPnPMedia[])al.ToArray(typeof(IUPnPMedia)), NumberReturned, TotalMatches, UpdateID); } else if (state.Callback_Browse2 != null) { state.Callback_Browse2(this, e, null, state.Tag, (IUPnPMedia[])al.ToArray(typeof(IUPnPMedia)), NumberReturned, TotalMatches, UpdateID); } } } }
protected void ConnectionInfoSink(CpConnectionManager sender, System.Int32 ConnectionID, System.Int32 RcsID, System.Int32 AVTransportID, System.String ProtocolInfo, System.String PeerConnectionManager, System.Int32 PeerConnectionID, CpConnectionManager.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Direction Direction, CpConnectionManager.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionStatus Status, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { if (e != null) { return; } AVConnection av = null; lock (InstanceList) { foreach (AVConnection a in InstanceList) { if (a.ConnectionID == ConnectionID) { av = a; break; } } if (av == null) { av = new AVConnection(MainDevice, AVTransportID, RcsID, ConnectionID, new AVConnection.OnReadyHandler(ReadySink), Handle); av._Parent = this; InstanceList.Add(av); } else { return; // Don't need to trigger event } } // Wait for Ready before sending OnCreateConnection }
/// <summary> /// This method is called when an Async call to PrepareForConnection returns. Only /// the AVPlayList class will ever call that method. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="RemoteProtocolInfo"></param> /// <param name="PeerConnectionManager"></param> /// <param name="PeerConnectionID"></param> /// <param name="Direction"></param> /// <param name="ConnectionID"></param> /// <param name="AVTransportID"></param> /// <param name="RcsID"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <param name="Handle"></param> protected void PrepareForConnectionSink(CpConnectionManager sender, System.String RemoteProtocolInfo, System.String PeerConnectionManager, System.Int32 PeerConnectionID, CpConnectionManager.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Direction Direction, System.Int32 ConnectionID, System.Int32 AVTransportID, System.Int32 RcsID, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { AVConnection c = null; bool IsNew = true; if (e != null) { // Since only the AVPlayList class will call PrepareForConnection, we need to fire // this other event, because it's too early to notify the user. Only AVPlayList needs // to know about this, so it can continue to setup the connection for the user OnCreateConnectionFailedEvent2.Fire(this, AVRenderer.CreateFailedReason.CREATE_ATTEMPT_DENIED, Handle); return; } lock (InstanceList) { foreach (AVConnection a in InstanceList) { if (a.ConnectionID == ConnectionID) { // We Already Have this ID From somewhere IsNew = false; c = a; break; } } if (IsNew == true) { // Does not Exist c = new AVConnection(MainDevice, AVTransportID, RcsID, ConnectionID, new AVConnection.OnReadyHandler(_ReadySink), Handle); c._Parent = this; InstanceList.Add(c); } } if (IsNew == true) { // Wait for Ready event from the AVConnection, since we can't return it // until it is initialized. } else { // Recycled OnRecycledConnectionEvent2.Fire(this, c, Handle); } }
/// <summary> /// This method gets called when a new Uri has been set, when faking a playlist /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="InstanceID"></param> /// <param name="CurrentURI"></param> /// <param name="CurrentURIMetaData"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <param name="Tag"></param> protected void FakePlayListSink(CpAVTransport sender, System.UInt32 InstanceID, System.String CurrentURI, System.String CurrentURIMetaData, UPnPInvokeException e, object Tag) { if (e == null) { ((AVConnection)Tag).Play(); } }
private void MuteSink(CpRenderingControl sender, System.UInt32 InstanceID, CpRenderingControl.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel Channel, System.Boolean CurrentMute, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { if(e==null) { MuteByChannel[_cp.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel_ToString(Channel)] = CurrentMute; } lock(this) { --StateCounter; if(StateCounter==0) { if(OnReady!=null)OnReady(this); } } }
private void Error_Sink_SetAVTransportURI(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, int Handle) { if(OnResult_SetAVTransportURI != null) { OnResult_SetAVTransportURI((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (System.String )Args[1].DataValue, (System.String )Args[2].DataValue, e, Handle); } WeakReference[] w = (WeakReference[])WeakList_SetAVTransportURI.ToArray(typeof(WeakReference)); foreach(WeakReference wr in w) { if(wr.IsAlive==true) { ((Delegate_OnResult_SetAVTransportURI)wr.Target)((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (System.String )Args[1].DataValue, (System.String )Args[2].DataValue, e, Handle); } else { WeakList_SetAVTransportURI.Remove(wr); } } }
private void Error_Sink_SetRecordQualityMode(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, int Handle) { for(int i=0;i<Args.Length;++i) { switch(Args[i].Name) { case "NewRecordQualityMode": switch((string)Args[i].DataValue) { case "0:EP": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentRecordQualityMode._0_EP; break; case "1:LP": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentRecordQualityMode._1_LP; break; case "2:SP": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentRecordQualityMode._2_SP; break; case "0:BASIC": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentRecordQualityMode._0_BASIC; break; case "1:MEDIUM": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentRecordQualityMode._1_MEDIUM; break; case "2:HIGH": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentRecordQualityMode._2_HIGH; break; case "NOT_IMPLEMENTED": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentRecordQualityMode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case " vendor-defined ": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentRecordQualityMode._VENDOR_DEFINED_; break; } break; } } if(OnResult_SetRecordQualityMode != null) { OnResult_SetRecordQualityMode((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (Enum_CurrentRecordQualityMode )Args[1].DataValue, e, Handle); } WeakReference[] w = (WeakReference[])WeakList_SetRecordQualityMode.ToArray(typeof(WeakReference)); foreach(WeakReference wr in w) { if(wr.IsAlive==true) { ((Delegate_OnResult_SetRecordQualityMode)wr.Target)((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (Enum_CurrentRecordQualityMode )Args[1].DataValue, e, Handle); } else { WeakList_SetRecordQualityMode.Remove(wr); } } }
protected void PollSink(CpAVTransport sender, UInt32 InstanceID, UInt32 Track, string TrackDuration, string TrackMetaData, string TrackURI, string RelTime, string AbsTime, int RelCount, int AbsCount, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { DText p = new DText(); p.ATTRMARK = ":"; TimeSpan ts; try { p[0] = RelTime; _CurrentPosition = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(p[1]), int.Parse(p[2]), int.Parse(p[3])); if (this._CurrentTrack != Track) { this._CurrentTrack = Track; if (this.OnCurrentTrackChanged != null) { this.OnCurrentTrackChanged(this); } } p[0] = TrackDuration; ts = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(p[1]), int.Parse(p[2]), int.Parse(p[3])); if (this._CurrentDuration != ts) { this._CurrentDuration = ts; } if (this._TrackURI.CompareTo(TrackURI) != 0) { this._TrackURI = TrackURI; if (this.OnCurrentTrackChanged != null) { this.OnCurrentTrackChanged(this); } } if (this._AVTransportMetaData.CompareTo(TrackMetaData) != 0) { this._AVTransportMetaData = TrackMetaData; if (this.OnCurrentURIMetaDataChanged != null) { this.OnCurrentURIMetaDataChanged(this); } } } catch (Exception) { } if (OnCurrentPositionChanged != null) { OnCurrentPositionChanged(this); } }
protected void MediaInfoSink(CpAVTransport sender, System.UInt32 InstanceID, System.UInt32 NrTracks, System.String MediaDuration, System.String CurrentURI, System.String CurrentURIMetaData, System.String NextURI, System.String NextURIMetaData, CpAVTransport.Enum_PlaybackStorageMedium PlayMedium, CpAVTransport.Enum_RecordStorageMedium RecordMedium, CpAVTransport.Enum_RecordMediumWriteStatus WriteStatus, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { _AVTransportURI = CurrentURI; _AVTransportMetaData = CurrentURIMetaData; if (this.OnAVTransportURIChanged != null) { OnAVTransportURIChanged(this); } _NextAVTransportURI = NextURI; _NextAVTransportMetaData = NextURIMetaData; if (this.OnNextAVTransportURIChanged != null) { OnNextAVTransportURIChanged(this); } _NumberOfTracks = NrTracks; this._AVTransportMetaData = CurrentURIMetaData; if (this.OnCurrentURIMetaDataChanged != null) { OnCurrentURIMetaDataChanged(this); } if (OnNumberOfTracksChanged != null) { OnNumberOfTracksChanged(this); } lock (this) { --StateCounter; if (StateCounter == 0) { if (OnReady != null) { OnReady(this); } } } }
private void Sink_OnBrowse(CpMediaServer server, System.String ObjectID, Intel.UPNP.AV.CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag BrowseFlag, System.String Filter, System.UInt32 StartingIndex, System.UInt32 RequestedCount, System.String SortCriteria, UPnPInvokeException e, Exception parseError, object _Tag, IUPnPMedia[] Result, System.UInt32 NumberReturned, System.UInt32 TotalMatches, System.UInt32 UpdateID) { if (server == this.m_Server) { if (ObjectID == this.m_Context) { if (_Tag == this.m_Container) { if ((e != null) || (parseError != null)) { //error encountered } else { // add children this.m_Children.AddRange(Result); this.m_Container.AddObjects(Result, true); if (this.OnIncrementalUpdate != null) { this.OnIncrementalUpdate(this, Result); } if ( ((this.m_Children.Count == TotalMatches) && (NumberReturned > 0)) || ((TotalMatches == 0) && (NumberReturned > 0)) ) { // more items to come this.m_CurrentIndex = NumberReturned; DoNextBrowse(); } else { lock (this) { // no more items, prune children from m_Container ArrayList remove = new ArrayList(); foreach (IUPnPMedia m1 in this.m_Container.CompleteList) { bool found = false; foreach (IUPnPMedia m2 in this.m_Children) { if (m1 == m2) { found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { remove.Add(m1); } } this.m_Container.RemoveObjects(remove); } if (this.OnRefreshComplete != null) { IUPnPMedia[] list = (IUPnPMedia[])this.m_Children.ToArray(typeof(IUPnPMedia)); this.OnRefreshComplete(this, list); } } } } } } }
private void GetTransportSettingsSink(CpAVTransport sender, System.UInt32 InstanceID, CpAVTransport.Enum_CurrentPlayMode PlayMode, CpAVTransport.Enum_CurrentRecordQualityMode RecQualityMode, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { if (e == null) { _CurrentPlayMode = _cp.Enum_CurrentPlayMode_ToString(PlayMode); if (this.OnCurrentPlayModeChanged != null) { OnCurrentPlayModeChanged(this); } } lock (this) { --StateCounter; if (StateCounter == 0) { if (OnReady != null) { OnReady(this); } } } }
private void Sink_OnBrowse(CpMediaServer server, System.String ObjectID, Intel.UPNP.AV.CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag BrowseFlag, System.String Filter, System.UInt32 StartingIndex, System.UInt32 RequestedCount, System.String SortCriteria, UPnPInvokeException e, Exception parseError, object _Tag, IUPnPMedia[] Result, System.UInt32 NumberReturned, System.UInt32 TotalMatches, System.UInt32 UpdateID) { if (server == this.m_Server) { if (ObjectID == this.m_Context) { if (_Tag == this.m_Container) { if ((e != null) || (parseError != null)) { //error encountered } else { // add children this.m_Children.AddRange(Result); this.m_Container.AddObjects(Result, true); if (this.OnIncrementalUpdate != null) { this.OnIncrementalUpdate(this, Result); } if ( ((this.m_Children.Count == TotalMatches) && (NumberReturned > 0)) || ((TotalMatches == 0) && (NumberReturned > 0)) ) { // more items to come this.m_CurrentIndex = NumberReturned; DoNextBrowse(); } else { lock (this) { // no more items, prune children from m_Container ArrayList remove = new ArrayList(); foreach (IUPnPMedia m1 in this.m_Container.CompleteList) { bool found = false; foreach (IUPnPMedia m2 in this.m_Children) { if (m1 == m2) { found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { remove.Add(m1); } } this.m_Container.RemoveObjects(remove); } if (this.OnRefreshComplete != null) { IUPnPMedia[] list = (IUPnPMedia[]) this.m_Children.ToArray(typeof(IUPnPMedia)); this.OnRefreshComplete(this, list); } } } } } } }
private void _OnBrowseDone(CpContentDirectory sender, System.String ObjectID, Intel.UPNP.AV.CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag BrowseFlag, System.String Filter, System.UInt32 StartingIndex, System.UInt32 RequestedCount, System.String SortCriteria, System.String Result, System.UInt32 NumberReturned, System.UInt32 TotalMatches, System.UInt32 UpdateID, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { _RequestState state = (_RequestState) _Tag; if (e != null) { state.Callback(state.Server, e, null, state.Tag, null, NumberReturned, TotalMatches, UpdateID); } else { try { ArrayList al = CpMediaBuilder.BuildMediaBranches(Result); state.Callback(state.Server, e, null, state.Tag, (IUPnPMedia[]) al.ToArray(typeof(IUPnPMedia)), NumberReturned, TotalMatches, UpdateID); } catch (Exception parseError) { state.Callback(state.Server, e, parseError, state.Tag, null, NumberReturned, TotalMatches, UpdateID); } } }
/// <summary> /// This method gets called when SetAVTransportURI completes /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="InstanceID"></param> /// <param name="CurrentURI"></param> /// <param name="CurrentURIMetaData"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <param name="Tag"></param> protected void SetURISink(CpAVTransport sender, System.UInt32 InstanceID, System.String CurrentURI, System.String CurrentURIMetaData, UPnPInvokeException e, object Tag) { if (e == null) { SetURI_Event.Set(); if (SetURIEvent_Event.WaitOne(0, false) == true) { // OpenSource.Utilities.InstanceTracker.StopTimer("SetAVTransport+Event"); if (OnReady != null) OnReady(this, (AVConnection)Tag, _Tag); OnReady = null; } } else { if (OnFailed != null) OnFailed(this, AVRenderer.CreateFailedReason.SetAVTransport_FAILED); OnFailed = null; OnReady = null; } }
/// <summary> /// This method gets called when SetAVTransportURI completes /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="InstanceID"></param> /// <param name="CurrentURI"></param> /// <param name="CurrentURIMetaData"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <param name="Tag"></param> protected void SetURISink(CpAVTransport sender, System.UInt32 InstanceID, System.String CurrentURI, System.String CurrentURIMetaData, UPnPInvokeException e, object Tag) { if (e == null) { SetURI_Event.Set(); if (SetURIEvent_Event.WaitOne(0, false) == true) { // OpenSource.Utilities.InstanceTracker.StopTimer("SetAVTransport+Event"); if (OnReady != null) { OnReady(this, (AVConnection)Tag, _Tag); } OnReady = null; } } else { if (OnFailed != null) { OnFailed(this, AVRenderer.CreateFailedReason.SetAVTransport_FAILED); } OnFailed = null; OnReady = null; } }
protected void GetTransportInfoSink(CpAVTransport sender, System.UInt32 InstanceID, CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportState CurrentTransportState, CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportStatus CurrentTransportStatus, CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportPlaySpeed CurrentSpeed, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { if (e != null) { return; } _TransportStatus = _cp.Enum_TransportStatus_ToString(CurrentTransportStatus); switch (CurrentTransportState) { case CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportState.PLAYING: this._PlayState = "PLAYING"; break; case CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportState.STOPPED: this._PlayState = "STOPPED"; break; case CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportState.PAUSED_PLAYBACK: this._PlayState = "PAUSED_PLAYBACK"; break; case CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportState.PAUSED_RECORDING: this._PlayState = "PAUSED_RECORDING"; break; case CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportState.RECORDING: this._PlayState = "RECORDING"; break; case CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportState.TRANSITIONING: this._PlayState = "TRANSITIONING"; break; } if (this.OnPlayStateChanged != null) { OnPlayStateChanged(this); } if (this.OnTransportStatusChanged != null) { OnTransportStatusChanged(this); } lock (this) { --StateCounter; if (StateCounter == 0) { if (OnReady != null) { OnReady(this); } } } }
private void Error_Sink_Play(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, int Handle) { for(int i=0;i<Args.Length;++i) { switch(Args[i].Name) { case "Speed": switch((string)Args[i].DataValue) { case "1": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_TransportPlaySpeed._1; break; case " vendor-defined ": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_TransportPlaySpeed._VENDOR_DEFINED_; break; } break; } } if(OnResult_Play != null) { OnResult_Play((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (Enum_TransportPlaySpeed )Args[1].DataValue, e, Handle); } WeakReference[] w = (WeakReference[])WeakList_Play.ToArray(typeof(WeakReference)); foreach(WeakReference wr in w) { if(wr.IsAlive==true) { ((Delegate_OnResult_Play)wr.Target)((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (Enum_TransportPlaySpeed )Args[1].DataValue, e, Handle); } else { WeakList_Play.Remove(wr); } } }
private void Error_Sink_ConnectionComplete(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, int Handle) { if(OnResult_ConnectionComplete != null) { OnResult_ConnectionComplete((System.Int32 )Args[0].DataValue, e, Handle); } WeakReference[] w = (WeakReference[])WeakList_ConnectionComplete.ToArray(typeof(WeakReference)); foreach(WeakReference wr in w) { if(wr.IsAlive==true) { ((Delegate_OnResult_ConnectionComplete)wr.Target)((System.Int32 )Args[0].DataValue, e, Handle); } else { WeakList_ConnectionComplete.Remove(wr); } } }
private void Error_Sink_GetTransportInfo(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, int Handle) { if(OnResult_GetTransportInfo != null) { OnResult_GetTransportInfo((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (Enum_TransportState)0, (Enum_TransportStatus)0, (Enum_TransportPlaySpeed)0, e, Handle); } WeakReference[] w = (WeakReference[])WeakList_GetTransportInfo.ToArray(typeof(WeakReference)); foreach(WeakReference wr in w) { if(wr.IsAlive==true) { ((Delegate_OnResult_GetTransportInfo)wr.Target)((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (Enum_TransportState)0, (Enum_TransportStatus)0, (Enum_TransportPlaySpeed)0, e, Handle); } else { WeakList_GetTransportInfo.Remove(wr); } } }
private void CPGetDocumentSink(CpGateKeeper sender, System.String DeviceUDN, System.String ServiceID, System.Byte[] Document, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { if (e != null) { return; } UTF8Encoding U = new UTF8Encoding(); string XML = U.GetString(Document); Uri SourceUri = new Uri(""); IPAddress Intfce = null; UPnPDevice d = (UPnPDevice)(new UPnPDebugObject(typeof(OpenSource.UPnP.UPnPDevice))).InvokeStaticMethod("Parse", new object[3] { XML, SourceUri, Intfce }); ProxyDeviceFactory df = new ProxyDeviceFactory(sender, d, new ProxyDeviceFactory.OnDeviceHandler(NewDeviceSink)); ProxyFactoryTable[df] = df; }
private void Error_Sink_GetCurrentConnectionInfo(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, int Handle) { if(OnResult_GetCurrentConnectionInfo != null) { OnResult_GetCurrentConnectionInfo((System.Int32 )Args[0].DataValue, (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), (Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Direction)0, (Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionStatus)0, e, Handle); } WeakReference[] w = (WeakReference[])WeakList_GetCurrentConnectionInfo.ToArray(typeof(WeakReference)); foreach(WeakReference wr in w) { if(wr.IsAlive==true) { ((Delegate_OnResult_GetCurrentConnectionInfo)wr.Target)((System.Int32 )Args[0].DataValue, (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), (Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Direction)0, (Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionStatus)0, e, Handle); } else { WeakList_GetCurrentConnectionInfo.Remove(wr); } } }
private void Error_Sink_ConnectionComplete(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { object[] StateInfo = (object[])_Tag; if (StateInfo[1] != null) { ((Delegate_OnResult_ConnectionComplete)StateInfo[1])(this, (System.Int32)Args[0].DataValue, e, StateInfo[0]); } else { OnResult_ConnectionComplete_Event.Fire(this, (System.Int32)Args[0].DataValue, e, StateInfo[0]); } }
private void GetDocumentSink(CpGateKeeper sender, System.String DeviceUDN, System.String ServiceID, System.Byte[] Document, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { if (e != null) { return; } UTF8Encoding U = new UTF8Encoding(); string XML = U.GetString(Document); UPnPService S = (UPnPService)_Tag; (new UPnPDebugObject(S)).InvokeNonStaticMethod("ParseSCPD", new object[1] { XML }); --Counter; if (Counter == 0) { if (OnDevice != null) { OnDevice(this, new UPnPRelayDevice(_D, HOME)); } } }
/// <summary> /// This routes execution to the user-provided callback, provided in a call to /// <see cref="ResourceTransfer.RequestGetTransferProgress"/> /// when the results return from <see cref="ResourceTransfer.RequestGetTransferProgress"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">the <see cref="CpContentDirectory"/> that made the request on the wire</param> /// <param name="TransferID">caller specified ID of the transfer at invoke time</param> /// <param name="TransferStatus">output status for the transfer</param> /// <param name="TransferLength">output progress of the transfer</param> /// <param name="TransferTotal">output expected length of the transfer</param> /// <param name="e">errors reported by media server</param> /// <param name="_Tag"> /// A <see cref="GetTransferProgressRequestTag"/> object that has information about the callback /// and user provided state. /// </param> private void SinkResult_GetTransferProgress(CpContentDirectory sender, System.UInt32 TransferID, CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_TransferStatus TransferStatus, System.String TransferLength, System.String TransferTotal, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { GetTransferProgressRequestTag rtag = (GetTransferProgressRequestTag)_Tag; if (rtag.Callback != null) { System.Int64 length = -1; System.Int64 total = -1; Exception castError = null; try { System.Int64.Parse(TransferLength); System.Int64.Parse(TransferTotal); } catch (Exception ce) { castError = ce; } rtag.Callback(this, TransferStatus, length, total, rtag.Tag, e, castError); } }
private void MuteSink(CpRenderingControl sender, System.UInt32 InstanceID, CpRenderingControl.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel Channel, System.Boolean CurrentMute, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { if (e == null) { MuteByChannel[_cp.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel_ToString(Channel)] = CurrentMute; } lock (this) { --StateCounter; if (StateCounter == 0) { if (OnReady != null) { OnReady(this); } } } }
/// <summary> /// This routes execution to the user-provided callback, provided in a call to /// <see cref="ResourceTransfer.RequestStopTransferResource"/> /// when the results return from <see cref="ResourceTransfer.RequestStopTransferResource"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">the <see cref="CpContentDirectory"/> that made the request on the wire</param> /// <param name="TransferID">the caller-specified ID of the transfer to stop</param> /// <param name="e">media server reported errors</param> /// <param name="_Tag"> /// A <see cref="StopTransferResourceRequestTag"/> object that has information about the callback /// and user provided state. /// </param> private void SinkResult_StopTransferResource(CpContentDirectory sender, System.UInt32 TransferID, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { StopTransferResourceRequestTag rtag = (StopTransferResourceRequestTag)_Tag; if (rtag.Callback != null) { rtag.Callback(this, rtag.Tag, e); } }
/// <summary> /// This routes execution to the user-provided callback, provided in a call to /// <see cref="ResourceTransfer.RequestStopTransferResource"/> /// when the results return from <see cref="ResourceTransfer.RequestStopTransferResource"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">the <see cref="CpContentDirectory"/> that made the request on the wire</param> /// <param name="TransferID">the caller-specified ID of the transfer to stop</param> /// <param name="e">media server reported errors</param> /// <param name="_Tag"> /// A <see cref="StopTransferResourceRequestTag"/> object that has information about the callback /// and user provided state. /// </param> private void SinkResult_StopTransferResource(CpContentDirectory sender, System.UInt32 TransferID, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { StopTransferResourceRequestTag rtag = (StopTransferResourceRequestTag) _Tag; if (rtag.Callback != null) { rtag.Callback(this, rtag.Tag, e); } }
private void GetStateTableSink(CpGateKeeper sender, System.String DeviceUDN, System.String ServiceID, System.Byte[] Variables, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { UPnPService s = (UPnPService)_Tag; UPnPArgument[] Vars = Gatekeeper.ParseArguments(Variables); foreach (UPnPArgument var in Vars) { (new UPnPDebugObject(s)).SetProperty("ValidationMode", false); s.SetStateVariable(var.Name, var.DataValue); } if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref InitCounter) == 0) { ProxyDevice.StartDevice(); } if (Vars.Length > 0) { EventCounter += Vars.Length; if (this.OnEvent != null) { OnEvent(this, EventCounter); } } }
/// <summary> /// This method is called when an AsyncCall to GetProtocolInfo completes /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="Source"></param> /// <param name="Sink"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <param name="Handle"></param> protected void GetProtocolInfoSink(CpConnectionManager sender, System.String Source, System.String Sink, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { if (e != null) { return; } if (Sink == "") { return; } // This is a temp parser to parse the supported ProtocolInfo values DText p = new DText(); p.ATTRMARK = ","; p[0] = Sink; int len = p.DCOUNT(); ProtocolInfoString istring; for (int i = 1; i <= len; ++i) { istring = new ProtocolInfoString(p[i]); // Add each individual entry ProtocolInfoList.Add(istring); } if (!this.__Init) { this.__Init = true; // Upon discovery of a renderer, we can't return the renderer to the user // until we at least parsed the supported ProtocolInfo values, otherwise // the user will experience incorrect behavior. Since we have just parsed // these values, we can fire this event. if (this.OnInitialized != null) { OnInitialized(this); } } }
protected void HandleInvokeError(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { if (sender != service) { return; } if (MethodName != action.Name) { return; } TimeSpan invokeSpan = DateTime.Now.Subtract(invokeTime); string timeStr; if (invokeSpan.TotalMilliseconds >= 1000) { timeStr = invokeSpan.Seconds + "." + invokeSpan.Milliseconds + "sec"; } else { timeStr = invokeSpan.Milliseconds + "ms"; } if (e.UPNP == null) { statusBar.Text = "Invocation error (" + timeStr + "): " + e.ToString(); } else { statusBar.Text = "Invocation Error Code " + e.UPNP.ErrorCode.ToString() + " (" + timeStr + "): " + e.UPNP.ErrorDescription; } }
private void ResultGetTransferProgressSink(IResourceTransfer transferObject, CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_TransferStatus transferStatus, System.Int64 transferLength, System.Int64 transferTotal, object Tag, UPnPInvokeException error, Exception castError) { label1.Text = (antiblockcount++).ToString(); if (transferLength < 0) { transferProgressLabel.Text = transferTotal + " bytes send"; transferProgressBar.Value = 0; transferProgressBar.Maximum = 100; } else { transferProgressBar.Value = (int)transferTotal; transferProgressBar.Maximum = (int)transferLength; transferProgressLabel.Text = (((double)transferLength / (double)transferTotal) * 100).ToString() + "%"; } stateTextBox.Text = transferStatus.ToString(); if (transferStatus == CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_TransferStatus.IN_PROGRESS) { transferObject.RequestGetTransferProgress(null, new CpMediaDelegates.Delegate_ResultGetTransferProgress(ResultGetTransferProgressSink)); } }
protected void SetAVTransportURISink(CpAVTransport sender, System.UInt32 InstanceID, System.String CurrentURI, System.String CurrentURIMetaData, UPnPInvokeException e, object Tag) { if (e != null) { return; } OnSetAVTransportURIEvent.Fire(this, Tag); }
/// <summary> /// This is called when GetCurrentConnectionInfo completes. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="ConnectionID"></param> /// <param name="RcsID"></param> /// <param name="AVTransportID"></param> /// <param name="ProtocolInfo"></param> /// <param name="PeerConnectionManager"></param> /// <param name="PeerConnectionID"></param> /// <param name="Direction"></param> /// <param name="Status"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <param name="Tag"></param> protected void ConnectionInfoSink(CpConnectionManager sender, System.Int32 ConnectionID, System.Int32 RcsID, System.Int32 AVTransportID, System.String ProtocolInfo, System.String PeerConnectionManager, System.Int32 PeerConnectionID, CpConnectionManager.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Direction Direction, CpConnectionManager.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionStatus Status, UPnPInvokeException e, object Tag) { if (e != null) { return; } MediaResource = ResourceBuilder.CreateResource(MediaResource.ContentUri, ProtocolInfo); if (OnMediaResourceChanged != null) { OnMediaResourceChanged(this, MediaResource); } }
private void Error_Sink_GetConnectionVariables(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { object[] StateInfo = (object[])_Tag; if(StateInfo[1]!=null) { ((Delegate_OnResult_GetConnectionVariables)StateInfo[1])(this, (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), e, StateInfo[0]); } else { OnResult_GetConnectionVariables_Event.Fire(this, (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), e, StateInfo[0]); } }
protected void InitialState_GetCurrentConnectionInfoSink(CpConnectionManager sender, System.Int32 ConnectionID, System.Int32 RcsID, System.Int32 AVTransportID, System.String ProtocolInfo, System.String PeerConnectionManager, System.Int32 PeerConnectionID, CpConnectionManager.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Direction Direction, CpConnectionManager.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionStatus Status, UPnPInvokeException e, object __tag) { this.ProtocolInfoString = ProtocolInfo; bool OK = false; lock (this) { --StateCounter; if (StateCounter == 0) { this.UpdateCurrentItem(); OK = true; } } if (OK) { if (OnReady != null) { OnReady(this, Tag); } } }
private void Error_Sink_GetMediaInfo(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, int Handle) { if(OnResult_GetMediaInfo != null) { OnResult_GetMediaInfo((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (System.UInt32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.UInt32),null), (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (Enum_PlaybackStorageMedium)0, (Enum_RecordStorageMedium)0, (Enum_RecordMediumWriteStatus)0, e, Handle); } WeakReference[] w = (WeakReference[])WeakList_GetMediaInfo.ToArray(typeof(WeakReference)); foreach(WeakReference wr in w) { if(wr.IsAlive==true) { ((Delegate_OnResult_GetMediaInfo)wr.Target)((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (System.UInt32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.UInt32),null), (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), (Enum_PlaybackStorageMedium)0, (Enum_RecordStorageMedium)0, (Enum_RecordMediumWriteStatus)0, e, Handle); } else { WeakList_GetMediaInfo.Remove(wr); } } }
private void InvokeFailedSink(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, object Tag) { Arguments = Args; InvokeException = e; Result.Set(); }
private void Error_Sink_SetPlayMode(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, int Handle) { for(int i=0;i<Args.Length;++i) { switch(Args[i].Name) { case "NewPlayMode": switch((string)Args[i].DataValue) { case "NORMAL": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentPlayMode.NORMAL; break; case "SHUFFLE": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentPlayMode.SHUFFLE; break; case "REPEAT_ONE": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentPlayMode.REPEAT_ONE; break; case "REPEAT_ALL": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentPlayMode.REPEAT_ALL; break; case "RANDOM": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentPlayMode.RANDOM; break; case "DIRECT_1": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentPlayMode.DIRECT_1; break; case "INTRO": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_CurrentPlayMode.INTRO; break; } break; } } if(OnResult_SetPlayMode != null) { OnResult_SetPlayMode((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (Enum_CurrentPlayMode )Args[1].DataValue, e, Handle); } WeakReference[] w = (WeakReference[])WeakList_SetPlayMode.ToArray(typeof(WeakReference)); foreach(WeakReference wr in w) { if(wr.IsAlive==true) { ((Delegate_OnResult_SetPlayMode)wr.Target)((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (Enum_CurrentPlayMode )Args[1].DataValue, e, Handle); } else { WeakList_SetPlayMode.Remove(wr); } } }
private void Error_Sink_SelectPreset(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, int Handle) { for(int i=0;i<Args.Length;++i) { switch(Args[i].Name) { case "PresetName": switch((string)Args[i].DataValue) { case "FactoryDefaults": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_PresetName.FACTORYDEFAULTS; break; case "InstallationDefaults": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_PresetName.INSTALLATIONDEFAULTS; break; case "Vendor defined": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_PresetName.VENDOR_DEFINED; break; } break; } } if(OnResult_SelectPreset != null) { OnResult_SelectPreset((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_PresetName )Args[1].DataValue, e, Handle); } WeakReference[] w = (WeakReference[])WeakList_SelectPreset.ToArray(typeof(WeakReference)); foreach(WeakReference wr in w) { if(wr.IsAlive==true) { ((Delegate_OnResult_SelectPreset)wr.Target)((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_PresetName )Args[1].DataValue, e, Handle); } else { WeakList_SelectPreset.Remove(wr); } } }
private void Error_Sink_Seek(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, int Handle) { for(int i=0;i<Args.Length;++i) { switch(Args[i].Name) { case "Unit": switch((string)Args[i].DataValue) { case "ABS_TIME": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode.ABS_TIME; break; case "REL_TIME": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode.REL_TIME; break; case "ABS_COUNT": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode.ABS_COUNT; break; case "REL_COUNT": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode.REL_COUNT; break; case "TRACK_NR": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode.TRACK_NR; break; case "CHANNEL_FREQ": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode.CHANNEL_FREQ; break; case "TAPE-INDEX": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode.TAPE_INDEX; break; case "FRAME": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode.FRAME; break; } break; } } if(OnResult_Seek != null) { OnResult_Seek((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode )Args[1].DataValue, (System.String )Args[2].DataValue, e, Handle); } WeakReference[] w = (WeakReference[])WeakList_Seek.ToArray(typeof(WeakReference)); foreach(WeakReference wr in w) { if(wr.IsAlive==true) { ((Delegate_OnResult_Seek)wr.Target)((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode )Args[1].DataValue, (System.String )Args[2].DataValue, e, Handle); } else { WeakList_Seek.Remove(wr); } } }
private void Error_Sink_SetMute(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, int Handle) { for(int i=0;i<Args.Length;++i) { switch(Args[i].Name) { case "Channel": switch((string)Args[i].DataValue) { case "Master": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.MASTER; break; case "LF": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.LF; break; case "RF": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.RF; break; case "CF": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.CF; break; case "LFE": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.LFE; break; case "LS": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.LS; break; case "RS": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.RS; break; case "LFC": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.LFC; break; case "RFC": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.RFC; break; case "SD": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.SD; break; case "SL": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.SL; break; case "SR ": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.SR_; break; case "T": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.T; break; case "B": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.B; break; case "Vendor defined": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel.VENDOR_DEFINED; break; } break; } } if(OnResult_SetMute != null) { OnResult_SetMute((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel )Args[1].DataValue, (System.Boolean )Args[2].DataValue, e, Handle); } WeakReference[] w = (WeakReference[])WeakList_SetMute.ToArray(typeof(WeakReference)); foreach(WeakReference wr in w) { if(wr.IsAlive==true) { ((Delegate_OnResult_SetMute)wr.Target)((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel )Args[1].DataValue, (System.Boolean )Args[2].DataValue, e, Handle); } else { WeakList_SetMute.Remove(wr); } } }
private void Sink_OnBrowse(CpMediaServer server, System.String ObjectID, OpenSource.UPnP.AV.CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag BrowseFlag, System.String Filter, System.UInt32 StartingIndex, System.UInt32 RequestedCount, System.String SortCriteria, UPnPInvokeException e, Exception parseError, object _Tag, IUPnPMedia[] Result, System.UInt32 NumberReturned, System.UInt32 TotalMatches, System.UInt32 UpdateID) { IMediaContainer[] tagC, ec; bool ok = true; bool nomore = false; // ensure we're processing results for the current context lock (this) { tagC = (IMediaContainer[])_Tag; ec = this.CurrentContext.EntireContext; for (int i = 0; i < ec.Length; i++) { if (ec[i] != tagC[i]) { ok = false; break; } } } if (ok) { // results are for current context, merge metadata results // with existing child list if ((e == null) && (parseError == null)) { lock (this) { // add to our media object this.m_Children.AddRange(Result); this.CurrentContext.ContainerContext.AddObjects(Result, true); if ( ((this.m_Children.Count < TotalMatches) && (NumberReturned > 0)) || ((TotalMatches == 0) && (NumberReturned > 0)) ) { // more items to come this.m_CurrentIndex = NumberReturned; } else { // no more items, prune children from m_Container ArrayList remove = new ArrayList(); foreach (IUPnPMedia m1 in this.CurrentContext.ContainerContext.CompleteList) { bool found = false; foreach (IUPnPMedia m2 in this.m_Children) { if (m1 == m2) { found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { remove.Add(m1); } } this.CurrentContext.ContainerContext.RemoveObjects(remove); nomore = true; } } if (this.OnIncrementalUpdate != null) { this.OnIncrementalUpdate(this, Result); } if (nomore) { if (this.OnRefreshComplete != null) { IUPnPMedia[] list = (IUPnPMedia[])this.m_Children.ToArray(typeof(IUPnPMedia)); this.OnRefreshComplete(this, list); } } } else { // error occurred with the results... // how should we report this? } } }
private void Error_Sink_SetColorTemperature(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, int Handle) { if(OnResult_SetColorTemperature != null) { OnResult_SetColorTemperature((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (System.UInt16)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.UInt16),null), e, Handle); } WeakReference[] w = (WeakReference[])WeakList_SetColorTemperature.ToArray(typeof(WeakReference)); foreach(WeakReference wr in w) { if(wr.IsAlive==true) { ((Delegate_OnResult_SetColorTemperature)wr.Target)((System.UInt32 )Args[0].DataValue, (System.UInt16)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.UInt16),null), e, Handle); } else { WeakList_SetColorTemperature.Remove(wr); } } }
private void Error_Sink_PrepareForConnection(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, int Handle) { for(int i=0;i<Args.Length;++i) { switch(Args[i].Name) { case "Direction": switch((string)Args[i].DataValue) { case "Input": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Direction.INPUT; break; case "Output": Args[i].DataValue = Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Direction.OUTPUT; break; } break; } } if(OnResult_PrepareForConnection != null) { OnResult_PrepareForConnection((System.String )Args[0].DataValue, (System.String )Args[1].DataValue, (System.Int32 )Args[2].DataValue, (Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Direction )Args[3].DataValue, (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), e, Handle); } WeakReference[] w = (WeakReference[])WeakList_PrepareForConnection.ToArray(typeof(WeakReference)); foreach(WeakReference wr in w) { if(wr.IsAlive==true) { ((Delegate_OnResult_PrepareForConnection)wr.Target)((System.String )Args[0].DataValue, (System.String )Args[1].DataValue, (System.Int32 )Args[2].DataValue, (Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Direction )Args[3].DataValue, (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), (System.Int32)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.Int32),null), e, Handle); } else { WeakList_PrepareForConnection.Remove(wr); } } }
protected void GetTransportInfoSink(CpAVTransport sender, System.UInt32 InstanceID, CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportState CurrentTransportState, CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportStatus CurrentTransportStatus, CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportPlaySpeed CurrentSpeed, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { if(e!=null) return; _TransportStatus = _cp.Enum_TransportStatus_ToString(CurrentTransportStatus); switch(CurrentTransportState) { case CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportState.PLAYING: this._PlayState = "PLAYING"; break; case CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportState.STOPPED: this._PlayState = "STOPPED"; break; case CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportState.PAUSED_PLAYBACK: this._PlayState = "PAUSED_PLAYBACK"; break; case CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportState.PAUSED_RECORDING: this._PlayState = "PAUSED_RECORDING"; break; case CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportState.RECORDING: this._PlayState = "RECORDING"; break; case CpAVTransport.Enum_TransportState.TRANSITIONING: this._PlayState = "TRANSITIONING"; break; } if(this.OnPlayStateChanged!=null) OnPlayStateChanged(this); if(this.OnTransportStatusChanged!=null) OnTransportStatusChanged(this); lock(this) { --StateCounter; if(StateCounter==0) { if(OnReady!=null)OnReady(this); } } }
private void Error_Sink_GetCurrentConnectionIDs(UPnPService sender, string MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, int Handle) { if(OnResult_GetCurrentConnectionIDs != null) { OnResult_GetCurrentConnectionIDs((System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), e, Handle); } WeakReference[] w = (WeakReference[])WeakList_GetCurrentConnectionIDs.ToArray(typeof(WeakReference)); foreach(WeakReference wr in w) { if(wr.IsAlive==true) { ((Delegate_OnResult_GetCurrentConnectionIDs)wr.Target)((System.String)UPnPService.CreateObjectInstance(typeof(System.String),null), e, Handle); } else { WeakList_GetCurrentConnectionIDs.Remove(wr); } } }
protected void MediaInfoSink(CpAVTransport sender, System.UInt32 InstanceID, System.UInt32 NrTracks, System.String MediaDuration, System.String CurrentURI, System.String CurrentURIMetaData, System.String NextURI, System.String NextURIMetaData, CpAVTransport.Enum_PlaybackStorageMedium PlayMedium, CpAVTransport.Enum_RecordStorageMedium RecordMedium, CpAVTransport.Enum_RecordMediumWriteStatus WriteStatus, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { _AVTransportURI = CurrentURI; _AVTransportMetaData = CurrentURIMetaData; if(this.OnAVTransportURIChanged!=null) OnAVTransportURIChanged(this); _NextAVTransportURI = NextURI; _NextAVTransportMetaData = NextURIMetaData; if(this.OnNextAVTransportURIChanged!=null) OnNextAVTransportURIChanged(this); _NumberOfTracks = NrTracks; this._AVTransportMetaData = CurrentURIMetaData; if(this.OnCurrentURIMetaDataChanged!=null) OnCurrentURIMetaDataChanged(this); if(OnNumberOfTracksChanged!=null) OnNumberOfTracksChanged(this); lock(this) { --StateCounter; if(StateCounter==0) { if(OnReady!=null)OnReady(this); } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="testGroup"></param> /// <param name="test"></param> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <param name="methodName"></param> /// <param name="invokeError"></param> /// <param name="otherErrors"></param> public static void LogErrors(AdvancedTestGroup testGroup, CdsSubTest test, InputParams input, string methodName, UPnPInvokeException invokeError, IList otherErrors) { if (invokeError != null) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.Append("\r\n"); msg.AppendFormat("[{0}]({1}) <Invoke Error>. ", testGroup.GroupName, test.Name, LogImportance.Critical.ToString()); FieldInfo[] fi = input.GetType().GetFields(); msg.AppendFormat("Method={0}\r\n \tInput=(", methodName); for (int i = 0; i < fi.Length; i++) { msg.Append("\r\n\t\t"); object val = fi[i].GetValue(input); string valString = ""; if (val != null) { valString = val.ToString(); } if (i > 0) { msg.Append(", "); } msg.AppendFormat("[{0}={1}]", fi[i].Name, valString); } msg.Append("\r\n\t)."); msg.AppendFormat("\r\n\tInvokeErrorMessage=<{0}>.", PrintStackTraceRecursively(invokeError, "\t\t")); foreach (Exception e in otherErrors) { if (e != null) { msg.AppendFormat("\r\n\tAdditionalErrorInfo=<{0}>.", PrintStackTraceRecursively(e, "\t\t")); } } testGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg.ToString()); } }
protected void PollSink(CpAVTransport sender, UInt32 InstanceID, UInt32 Track, string TrackDuration, string TrackMetaData, string TrackURI, string RelTime, string AbsTime, int RelCount, int AbsCount, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { DText p = new DText(); p.ATTRMARK = ":"; TimeSpan ts; try { p[0]= RelTime; _CurrentPosition = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(p[1]),int.Parse(p[2]),int.Parse(p[3])); if (this._CurrentTrack != Track) { this._CurrentTrack = Track; if (this.OnCurrentTrackChanged != null) { this.OnCurrentTrackChanged(this); } } p[0] = TrackDuration; ts = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(p[1]), int.Parse(p[2]), int.Parse(p[3])); if (this._CurrentDuration != ts) { this._CurrentDuration = ts; } if (this._TrackURI.CompareTo(TrackURI) != 0) { this._TrackURI = TrackURI; if (this.OnCurrentTrackChanged != null) { this.OnCurrentTrackChanged(this); } } if (this._AVTransportMetaData.CompareTo(TrackMetaData) != 0) { this._AVTransportMetaData = TrackMetaData; if (this.OnCurrentURIMetaDataChanged != null) { this.OnCurrentURIMetaDataChanged(this); } } } catch(Exception) { } if(OnCurrentPositionChanged!=null) OnCurrentPositionChanged(this); }
private void A_InvokeErrorSink(UPnPService sender, String MethodName, UPnPArgument[] Args, UPnPInvokeException e, object Tag) { object[] state = (object[])Tag; string Caller = (string)state[0]; int Handle = (int)state[1]; CpGateKeeper C = (CpGateKeeper)RegisteredTable[Caller]; if (e.UPNP != null) { C.InvokeAsyncResponse(Handle, new byte[0], e.UPNP.ErrorCode, e.UPNP.ErrorDescription); } else { C.InvokeAsyncResponse(Handle, new byte[0], 500, e.Message); } }
protected void PositionInfoSink(CpAVTransport sender, UInt32 InstanceID, UInt32 Track, string TrackDuration, string TrackMetaData, string TrackURI, string RelTime, string AbsTime, int RelCount, int AbsCount, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { DText p = new DText(); p.ATTRMARK = ":"; try { p[0] = TrackDuration; _CurrentDuration = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(p[1]),int.Parse(p[2]),int.Parse(p[3])); } catch(Exception) { } try { p[0]= RelTime; _CurrentPosition = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(p[1]),int.Parse(p[2]),int.Parse(p[3])); } catch(Exception) { } if(OnCurrentPositionChanged!=null) OnCurrentPositionChanged(this); _CurrentTrack = Track; this._TrackURI = HTTPMessage.UnEscapeString(TrackURI); if(this.OnTrackURIChanged!=null) OnTrackURIChanged(this); if(OnCurrentTrackChanged!=null) OnCurrentTrackChanged(this); lock(this) { --StateCounter; if(StateCounter==0) { if(OnReady!=null)OnReady(this); } } }
private void VolumeSink(CpRenderingControl sender, UInt32 id, CpRenderingControl.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel Channel, UInt16 VolumeLevel, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { if (e == null) { VolumeByChannel[_cp.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel_ToString(Channel)] = VolumeLevel; } lock (this) { --StateCounter; if (StateCounter == 0) { if (OnReady != null) { OnReady(this); } } } }
private void GetTransportSettingsSink(CpAVTransport sender, System.UInt32 InstanceID, CpAVTransport.Enum_CurrentPlayMode PlayMode, CpAVTransport.Enum_CurrentRecordQualityMode RecQualityMode, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { if(e==null) { _CurrentPlayMode = _cp.Enum_CurrentPlayMode_ToString(PlayMode); if(this.OnCurrentPlayModeChanged!=null) OnCurrentPlayModeChanged(this); } lock(this) { --StateCounter; if(StateCounter==0) { if(OnReady!=null)OnReady(this); } } }
private void VolumeSink(CpRenderingControl sender, UInt32 id, CpRenderingControl.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel Channel, UInt16 VolumeLevel, UPnPInvokeException e, object Handle) { if(e==null) { VolumeByChannel[_cp.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_Channel_ToString(Channel)] = VolumeLevel; } lock(this) { --StateCounter; if(StateCounter==0) { if(OnReady!=null)OnReady(this); } } }
/// <summary> /// This routes execution to the user-provided callback, provided in a call to /// <see cref="ResourceTransfer.RequestGetTransferProgress"/> /// when the results return from <see cref="ResourceTransfer.RequestGetTransferProgress"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">the <see cref="CpContentDirectory"/> that made the request on the wire</param> /// <param name="TransferID">caller specified ID of the transfer at invoke time</param> /// <param name="TransferStatus">output status for the transfer</param> /// <param name="TransferLength">output progress of the transfer</param> /// <param name="TransferTotal">output expected length of the transfer</param> /// <param name="e">errors reported by media server</param> /// <param name="_Tag"> /// A <see cref="GetTransferProgressRequestTag"/> object that has information about the callback /// and user provided state. /// </param> private void SinkResult_GetTransferProgress(CpContentDirectory sender, System.UInt32 TransferID, CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_TransferStatus TransferStatus, System.String TransferLength, System.String TransferTotal, UPnPInvokeException e, object _Tag) { GetTransferProgressRequestTag rtag = (GetTransferProgressRequestTag) _Tag; if (rtag.Callback != null) { System.Int64 length = -1; System.Int64 total = -1; Exception castError = null; try { System.Int64.Parse(TransferLength); System.Int64.Parse(TransferTotal); } catch (Exception ce) { castError = ce; } rtag.Callback(this, TransferStatus, length, total, rtag.Tag, e, castError); } }