Пример #1
 public override bool HasClickedThisFrame()
     if (m_active == false)
     return(m_input.GetAxis("NIGUI_CLICK") >= 1.0f);
    /// the mono-behavior update
    public void OnGUI()
        float x = m_input.GetAxis("NI_X");
        float y = m_input.GetAxis("NI_Y");

        // since the axes are between -0.5 and 0.5 we add 0.5 to get a value between 0 and 1.
        x += 0.5f;
        y += 0.5f;
        // The value is multiplied by the screen width (minus 20 for the cursor size) to decide
        // where to place it
        x *= (Screen.width - 20);
        y *= (Screen.height - 20);
        // draw the cursor
        GUI.Box(new Rect(x, y, 20, 20), "");
Пример #3
    /// mono-behavior OnGUI to show GUI elements
    public void OnGUI()
        // create a regular label
        myRect.x      = (Screen.width / 2) - 40;
        myRect.y      = 20;
        myRect.width  = 80;
        myRect.height = 30;
        GUI.Label(myRect, "Example GUI");

        // place the first button
        myRect.x      = 200;
        myRect.y      = 50;
        myRect.width  = 80;
        myRect.height = 40;
        if (UNIGUI.Button(myRect, "Button1"))
            buttonPressedMessage = "Button 1 was pressed at time=" + Time.time;

        // place the second button
        myRect.x = 300;
        myRect.y = 50;
        if (UNIGUI.Button(myRect, "Button2"))
            buttonPressedMessage = "Button 2 was pressed at time=" + Time.time;

        // place the repeat button
        myRect.x = 200;
        myRect.y = 100;
        if (UNIGUI.RepeatButton(myRect, "Repeat"))
            buttonPressedMessage = "Repeat button was pressed at time=" + Time.time;

        // place the toggle button
        myRect.x     = 300;
        myRect.y     = 100;
        myRect.width = 250;
        m_toggle1    = UNIGUI.Toggle(myRect, m_toggle1, "Toggle example");

        // place the GUI changed frame
        myRect.x      = 50;
        myRect.y      = (Screen.height / 2) - 140;
        myRect.width  = 250;
        myRect.height = 30;
        GUI.Box(myRect, guiFrameCahngedMessage);

        // place the vScroll value label
        myRect.x      = 50;
        myRect.y      = (Screen.height / 2) - 100;
        myRect.width  = 250;
        myRect.height = 30;
        GUI.Box(myRect, "vScroll=" + vScroll);

        // place the hScroll value label
        myRect.x      = 50;
        myRect.y      = (Screen.height / 2) - 60;
        myRect.width  = 250;
        myRect.height = 30;
        GUI.Box(myRect, "hScroll=" + hScroll);

        // place the button pressed label
        myRect.x      = 50;
        myRect.y      = (Screen.height / 2) - 20;
        myRect.width  = 250;
        myRect.height = 30;
        GUI.Box(myRect, buttonPressedMessage);

        // Click axis value label
        myRect.x      = 50;
        myRect.y      = (Screen.height / 2) + 20;
        myRect.width  = 250;
        myRect.height = 30;
        GUI.Box(myRect, "value=" + m_input.GetAxis("NIGUI_CLICK"));

        // place the toolbar GUI
        myRect.x      = 50;
        myRect.y      = Screen.height - 200;
        myRect.width  = 350;
        myRect.height = 30;
        toolbarInt    = UNIGUI.Toolbar(myRect, toolbarInt, toolbarStrings);

        // place the selection grid GUI element
        myRect.x         = 50;
        myRect.y         = Screen.height - 150;
        myRect.width     = 350;
        myRect.height    = 90;
        selectionGridInt = UNIGUI.SelectionGrid(myRect, selectionGridInt, toolbarStrings, 2);

        // place the horizontal scrollbar of the clipped button
        myRect.x      = (Screen.width) - 500;
        myRect.y      = (Screen.height / 2) - 240;
        myRect.width  = 400;
        myRect.height = 20;
        hScroll       = UNIGUI.HorizontalScrollbar(myRect, hScroll, 0.0f, 0.0f, 300.0f);

        // place the vertical scrollbar of the clipped button
        myRect.x      = (Screen.width) - 510;
        myRect.y      = (Screen.height / 2) - 225;
        myRect.width  = 10;
        myRect.height = 200;
        vScroll       = UNIGUI.VerticalScrollbar(myRect, vScroll, 40.0f, 0.0f, 140.0f);

        // placed the clipped area for the button
        myRect.x      = (Screen.width) - 500;
        myRect.y      = (Screen.height / 2) - 225;
        myRect.width  = 400;
        myRect.height = 200;
        // place the internal button
        myRect.x = 0;
        myRect.y = 0;
        Color c           = GUI.backgroundColor;
        Color almostClear = c;

        almostClear.a       = 0.2f;
        GUI.backgroundColor = almostClear;
        GUI.Box(myRect, "");
        GUI.backgroundColor = c;
        if (UNIGUI.Button(new Rect(150 - hScroll, 50 - vScroll, 300, 200), "a button to be clipped by the view"))
            buttonPressedMessage = "Internal button to group was pressed";

        // place the float slider
        myRect.x      = (Screen.width) - 500;
        myRect.y      = (Screen.height / 2) + 110;
        myRect.width  = 350;
        myRect.height = 30;
        floatSlider   = UNIGUI.HorizontalSlider(myRect, floatSlider, -5.0f, 5.0f);

        // place the float slider label
        myRect.x      = (Screen.width) - 500;
        myRect.y      = (Screen.height / 2) + 80;
        myRect.width  = 350;
        myRect.height = 30;
        GUI.Label(myRect, "float slide=" + floatSlider);

        // place the int slider
        myRect.x      = (Screen.width) - 510;
        myRect.y      = (Screen.height / 2) + 120;
        myRect.width  = 30;
        myRect.height = 150;
        intSlider     = UNIGUI.VerticalSlider(myRect, intSlider, -10.0f, 10.0f);

        // place the int slider label
        myRect.x      = (Screen.width) - 490;
        myRect.y      = (Screen.height / 2) + 180;
        myRect.width  = 350;
        myRect.height = 30;
        GUI.Label(myRect, "int slide=" + Mathf.RoundToInt(intSlider));

        // update the GUI changed frame
        if (UNIGUI.changed)
            guiFrameCahngedMessage = "GUI changed at frame=" + Time.frameCount;