Пример #1
    public static Dictionary <string, UITextureInfo> loadTexturesFromTexturePackerJSON(string filename, Vector2 textureSize)
        var textures = new Dictionary <string, UITextureInfo>();

        var asset = Resources.Load(filename, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;

        if (asset == null)
            Debug.LogError("Could not find Texture Packer json config file in Resources folder: " + filename);

        var jsonString  = asset.text;
        var decodedHash = jsonString.hashtableFromJson();
        var frames      = (IDictionary)decodedHash["frames"];

        foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry item in frames)
            // extract the info we need from the TexturePacker json file, mainly uvRect and size
            var frame  = (IDictionary)((IDictionary)item.Value)["frame"];
            var frameX = int.Parse(frame["x"].ToString());
            var frameY = int.Parse(frame["y"].ToString());
            var frameW = int.Parse(frame["w"].ToString());
            var frameH = int.Parse(frame["h"].ToString());

            // for trimming support
            var spriteSourceSize  = (IDictionary)((IDictionary)item.Value)["spriteSourceSize"];
            var spriteSourceSizeX = int.Parse(spriteSourceSize["x"].ToString());
            var spriteSourceSizeY = int.Parse(spriteSourceSize["y"].ToString());
            var spriteSourceSizeW = int.Parse(spriteSourceSize["w"].ToString());
            var spriteSourceSizeH = int.Parse(spriteSourceSize["h"].ToString());

            var sourceSize  = (IDictionary)((IDictionary)item.Value)["sourceSize"];
            var sourceSizeX = int.Parse(sourceSize["w"].ToString());
            var sourceSizeY = int.Parse(sourceSize["h"].ToString());

            var trimmed = (bool)((IDictionary)item.Value)["trimmed"];
            var rotated = (bool)((IDictionary)item.Value)["rotated"];

            var ti = new UITextureInfo();
            ti.frame            = new Rect(frameX, frameY, frameW, frameH);
            ti.uvRect           = new UIUVRect(frameX, frameY, frameW, frameH, textureSize);
            ti.spriteSourceSize = new Rect(spriteSourceSizeX, spriteSourceSizeY, spriteSourceSizeW, spriteSourceSizeH);
            ti.sourceSize       = new Vector2(sourceSizeX, sourceSizeY);
            ti.trimmed          = trimmed;
            ti.rotated          = rotated;

            textures.Add(item.Key.ToString(), ti);

        // unload the asset
        asset = null;

Пример #2
    public static UIStateSprite create(UIToolkit manager, string[] filenames, int xPos, int yPos, int depth)
        // Grab the texture details for the initial state
        UITextureInfo firstNormalTI = manager.textureInfoForFilename(filenames[0]);
        Rect          frame         = new Rect(xPos, yPos, firstNormalTI.frame.width, firstNormalTI.frame.height);

        // create the button
        UIStateSprite sprite = new UIStateSprite(manager, frame, depth, firstNormalTI.uvRect);

        // Add frames

Пример #3
    private Dictionary <string, UITextureInfo> loadTexturesFromTexturePackerJSON(string filename)
        var textures = new Dictionary <string, UITextureInfo>();

        var asset = Resources.Load(filename, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;

        if (asset == null)
            Debug.LogError("Could not find Texture Packer json config file in Resources folder: " + filename);

        var jsonString  = asset.text;
        var decodedHash = (Hashtable)MiniJSON.JsonDecode(jsonString);
        var frames      = (Hashtable)decodedHash["frames"];

        foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry item in frames)
            // extract the info we need from the TexturePacker json file.  mainly uvRect and size
            var sourceSize = (Hashtable)((Hashtable)item.Value)["sourceSize"];
            var frame      = (Hashtable)((Hashtable)item.Value)["frame"];
            var frameX     = int.Parse(frame["x"].ToString());
            var frameY     = int.Parse(frame["y"].ToString());
            var frameW     = int.Parse(frame["w"].ToString());
            var frameH     = int.Parse(frame["h"].ToString());

            var ti = new UITextureInfo();
            ti.frame  = new Rect(frameX, frameY, frameW, frameH);
            ti.size   = new Vector2(float.Parse(sourceSize["w"].ToString()), float.Parse(sourceSize["h"].ToString()));
            ti.uvRect = new UIUVRect(frameX, frameY, frameW, frameH, textureSize);

            textures.Add(item.Key.ToString(), ti);

        // unload the asset
        asset = null;

Пример #4
    public static Dictionary<string, UITextureInfo> loadTexturesFromTexturePackerJSON( string filename, Vector2 textureSize )
        var textures = new Dictionary<string, UITextureInfo>();

        var asset = Resources.Load(filename, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
        if( asset == null )
            Debug.LogError( "Could not find Texture Packer json config file in Resources folder: " + filename );

        var jsonString = asset.text;
        var decodedHash = jsonString.hashtableFromJson();
        var frames = (IDictionary)decodedHash["frames"];

        foreach( System.Collections.DictionaryEntry item in frames )
            // extract the info we need from the TexturePacker json file, mainly uvRect and size
            var frame = (IDictionary)((IDictionary)item.Value)["frame"];
            var frameX = int.Parse(frame["x"].ToString());
            var frameY = int.Parse(frame["y"].ToString());
            var frameW = int.Parse(frame["w"].ToString());
            var frameH = int.Parse(frame["h"].ToString());

            // for trimming support
            var spriteSourceSize = (IDictionary)((IDictionary)item.Value)["spriteSourceSize"];
            var spriteSourceSizeX = int.Parse(spriteSourceSize["x"].ToString());
            var spriteSourceSizeY = int.Parse(spriteSourceSize["y"].ToString());
            var spriteSourceSizeW = int.Parse(spriteSourceSize["w"].ToString());
            var spriteSourceSizeH = int.Parse(spriteSourceSize["h"].ToString());

            var sourceSize = (IDictionary)((IDictionary)item.Value)["sourceSize"];
            var sourceSizeX = int.Parse(sourceSize["w"].ToString());
            var sourceSizeY = int.Parse(sourceSize["h"].ToString());

            var trimmed = (bool)((IDictionary)item.Value)["trimmed"];
            var rotated = (bool)((IDictionary)item.Value)["rotated"];

            var ti = new UITextureInfo();
            ti.frame = new Rect( frameX, frameY, frameW, frameH );
            ti.uvRect = new UIUVRect( frameX, frameY, frameW, frameH, textureSize );
            ti.spriteSourceSize = new Rect( spriteSourceSizeX, spriteSourceSizeY, spriteSourceSizeW, spriteSourceSizeH );
            ti.sourceSize = new Vector2( sourceSizeX, sourceSizeY );
            ti.trimmed = trimmed;
            ti.rotated = rotated;

            textures.Add( item.Key.ToString(), ti );

        // unload the asset
        asset = null;

        return textures;
Пример #5
    private Dictionary<string, UITextureInfo> loadTexturesFromTexturePackerJSON( string filename )
        var textures = new Dictionary<string, UITextureInfo>();

        var asset = Resources.Load( filename, typeof( TextAsset ) ) as TextAsset;
        if( asset == null )
            Debug.LogError( "Could not find Texture Packer json config file in Resources folder: " + filename );

        var jsonString = asset.text;
        var decodedHash = (Hashtable)MiniJSON.JsonDecode( jsonString );
        var frames = (Hashtable)decodedHash["frames"];

        foreach( System.Collections.DictionaryEntry item in frames )
            // extract the info we need from the TexturePacker json file.  mainly uvRect and size
            var frame = (Hashtable)((Hashtable)item.Value)["frame"];
            var frameX = int.Parse( frame["x"].ToString() );
            var frameY = int.Parse( frame["y"].ToString() );
            var frameW = int.Parse( frame["w"].ToString() );
            var frameH = int.Parse( frame["h"].ToString() );

            var ti = new UITextureInfo();
            ti.frame = new Rect( frameX, frameY, frameW, frameH );
            ti.uvRect = new UIUVRect( frameX, frameY, frameW, frameH, textureSize );

            textures.Add( item.Key.ToString(), ti );

        // unload the asset
        asset = null;

        return textures;