Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// C'tor for TextLine
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">The UIGridElement owner.</param>
 /// <param name="text">The text to display.</param>
 /// <param name="Font">The function to get the current font.</param>
 /// <param name="checkbox">Should this line have a checkbox at the beginning?</param>
 public TextLine(UIGridElement parent, string text, UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font, bool checkbox)
     this.parent   = parent;
     this.text     = TextHelper.FilterInvalidCharacters(text);
     this.Font     = Font;
     this.checkbox = checkbox;
 }   // end of TextLine c'tor
Пример #2
 public PieRecipeItem(Object item, Texture2D texture, List <PieRecipeItem> subList, UI2D.Shared.GetFont font, string label)
     this.menuItem = item;
     this.texture  = texture;
     this.subList  = subList;
     this.font     = font;
     this.label    = label;
        private void GetWH(out int w, out int h)
            UI2D.Shared.GetFont entryFont = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont18Bold;

            w = 512;
            // Note: the Count + (numColumns - 1) is there to ensure we get the right height
            // when the count is not an exact multiple of numColumns.
            h = 76 + (entryFont().LineSpacing + 4) * ((list.Count + (numColumns - 1)) / numColumns);
 /// <summary>
 /// c'tor for normal keys.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent"></param>
 /// <param name="position"
 /// <param name="size"
 /// <param name="label"></param>
 /// <param name="Font"></param>
 /// <param name="keyCapColor"></param>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 public Key(KeySet parent, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, string label, UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font, Color labelColor, Color keyCapColor, string value)
     this.parent      = parent;
     this.position    = position;
     this.size        = size;
     this.label       = label;
     this.Font        = Font;
     this.labelColor  = labelColor;
     this.keyCapColor = keyCapColor;
     this.value       = value;
 /// <summary>
 /// c'tor for keys which cause a transition.  Transition can be to another KeySet
 /// or to deactivate the virtual keyboard.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent"></param>
 /// <param name="position"
 /// <param name="size"
 /// <param name="label"></param>
 /// <param name="Font"></param>
 /// <param name="keyCapColor"></param>
 /// <param name="OnKey"></param>
 public Key(KeySet parent, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, string label, UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font, Color labelColor, Color keyCapColor, OnKeyDelegate OnKey)
     this.parent      = parent;
     this.position    = position;
     this.size        = size;
     this.label       = label;
     this.Font        = Font;
     this.labelColor  = labelColor;
     this.keyCapColor = keyCapColor;
     this.OnKey       = OnKey;
Пример #6
        public Button(string label, Color color, GetTexture getTexture, UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font)
            this.label       = label;
            this.color       = color;
            this.renderColor = color;
            this.getTexture  = getTexture;
            this.Font        = Font;
            this.state       = ButtonState.Released;

            this.box         = new AABB2D();
            this.labelOffset = new Vector2();
Пример #7
        }   // end of Hide()

        public void Update()
            if (texture == null)
                GraphicsDevice device = BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice;
                RenderTarget2D rt     = UI2D.Shared.RenderTarget128_128;


                // Background.
                ScreenSpaceQuad quad       = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();
                Texture2D       background = BokuGame.Load <Texture2D>(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath + @"Textures\GridElements\BlackSquare");
                quad.Render(background, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(rt.Width, rt.Height), "TexturedRegularAlpha");

                // Y button
                Vector2 size = new Vector2(64, 64);
                quad.Render(ButtonTextures.BButton, new Vector2(44, 24), size, "TexturedRegularAlpha");

                // Text.
                Color               color    = Color.Yellow;
                SpriteBatch         batch    = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch;
                UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font     = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24Bold;
                Vector2             position = new Vector2(0, 120 - Font().LineSpacing);
                position.X = 64 - 0.5f * Font().MeasureString(Strings.Localize("editObjectParams.back")).X;
                TextHelper.DrawString(Font, Strings.Localize("editObjectParams.back"), position, color);


                texture = new Texture2D(device, 128, 128, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);

                // Copy rendertarget result into texture.
                int[] data = new int[128 * 128];
                rt.GetData <int>(data);
                texture.SetData <int>(data);

            double now = Time.WallClockTotalSeconds;

            if (now - showTime < delayTime || hide)
                // Still in delay.
                alpha = 0.0f;
                // Either in fade or in full view.
                float t = (float)(now - showTime - delayTime) / fadeTime;
                alpha = Math.Min(t, 1.0f);
        }   // end of Update()
Пример #8
            // constructor
            // @params: item icon, optional text
            public PieMenuSlice(Object menuItem, Texture2D iconTexture, UI2D.Shared.GetFont font, string displayText)
                int textWidth = 80;

                Debug.Assert(iconTexture != null || font != null);
                this.menuItem  = menuItem;
                this.texture   = iconTexture;
                this.font      = font;
                this.label     = displayText;
                this.textBlob  = new TextBlob(font, displayText, textWidth);
                this.sliceType = PieSelector.SliceType.single;
Пример #9
 public PieMenuSlice(PieRecipeItem recipe)
     this.menuItem = recipe.menuItem;
     this.texture  = recipe.texture;
     this.font     = recipe.font;
     this.label    = recipe.label;
     if (recipe.subList == null || recipe.subList.Count == 0)
         this.sliceType = PieSelector.SliceType.single;
         this.sliceType = PieSelector.SliceType.group;
Пример #10
            }   // end of Shared c'tor

            /// <summary>
            /// Given a font, text string and a pixel position, returns the index
            /// of the character nearest the pixel position when the text string
            /// is laid out for rendering.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="font">Font to be used for measuring</param>
            /// <param name="str">Text string</param>
            /// <param name="pixelPos">Position in pixels</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public int FindCharAtWidth(UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font, string str, int pixelPos)
                int charPos = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
                    int x = (int)Font().MeasureString(str.Substring(0, i)).X;
                    if (x >= pixelPos)

            }   // end of FindCharAtWidth()
        }   // end of RefreshRT()

        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the buttons label onto the button textures.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buttonIndex"></param>
        /// <returns>True if label fits, false if it's too big.</returns>
        static bool RenderLabelButton(int buttonIndex)
            bool   fits  = true;
            string line1 = buttons[buttonIndex].Label;
            string line2 = null;

            UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24;
            int     margin           = 8;
            int     width            = 128 - 2 * margin;
            Vector2 size1            = Font().MeasureString(line1);
            Vector2 size2            = Vector2.Zero;

            // Need to split into 2 lines?
            if (size1.X > width * splitThreshold)
                SplitString(Font, buttons[buttonIndex].Label, out line1, out line2);

                if (line2 != null)
                    size1 = Font().MeasureString(line1);
                    size2 = Font().MeasureString(line2);

            // Calc position.  This assumes a single line.
            Vector2 pos = new Vector2(margin + buttonIndex * GUIButton.DefaultSize.X, (int)((GUIButton.DefaultSize.Y - size1.Y) / 2.0f));

            // Adjust if we've got 2 lines.
            if (line2 != null)
                pos.Y -= (int)(Font().LineSpacing / 2.0f);

                fits &= RenderLine(Font, pos, line1, size1, width);
                if (line2 != null)
                    pos.Y += Font().LineSpacing;
                    fits  &= RenderLine(Font, pos, line2, size2, width);

        }   // end of LabelButton()
Пример #12
            }   // end of PreGameDesc Render()


            #region Internal

            protected override void Activate()
                // Pause the game clock.
                // Instead of fully pausing the clock just let it run extremely slow.  This still
                // lets updates happen as expected and results in objects appearing when they
                // should and the camera moving to where it needs to be.
                //Time.Paused = true;
                Time.ClockRatio = 0.0001f;



                UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font = BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height < 720 ? UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont18Bold : UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24Bold;
                blob = new TextBlob(Font, Terrain.Current.XmlWorldData.name + "\n\n" + Terrain.Current.XmlWorldData.description, (int)(BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2));
                blob.Justification = Terrain.Current.XmlWorldData.descJustification;
            }   // end of PreGameDesc Activate()
        }   // end of RenderLine()

        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to split the input string into 2 strings as balanced as possible.
        /// In this case "balanced" means trying to make each substring as close as
        /// possible to the same length.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Font"></param>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="line1">First substring.</param>
        /// <param name="line2">Second substring.  May be null.</param>
        static void SplitString(UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font, string input, out string line1, out string line2)
            input = input.Trim();   // Clean off whitespace since it can throw off calculations.
            line1 = input;
            line2 = null;

            int   bestIndex = 0;
            float bestRatio = float.MaxValue;   // Ratio of substring lengths.  Always flipped so ration >= 1.0.  Lower values are better.

            int index = -1;

            while (true)
                index = input.IndexOf(' ', index + 1);
                if (index == -1)
                    // No more spaces found.

                // Split the line base on the space at i.
                line1 = input.Substring(0, index);
                line2 = input.Substring(index + 1);

                float ratio = Font().MeasureString(line1).X / Font().MeasureString(line2).X;
                if (ratio < 1)
                    ratio = 1 / ratio;

                if (ratio < bestRatio)
                    bestRatio = ratio;
                    bestIndex = index;

            if (bestIndex != -1)
                // Split the string based on the best index.
                line1 = input.Substring(0, bestIndex);
                line2 = input.Substring(bestIndex + 1);
        }   // end of SplitString()
Пример #14
        public ItemScroller(Vector2 pos, Vector2 size, Color baseColor, GetTexture getTexture,
                            UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font)
            this.scrollItems      = new List <ScrollContainer>();
            this.color_bg         = baseColor.ToVector4();
            this.renderColor      = baseColor.ToVector4();
            this.getTexture       = getTexture;
            this.Font             = Font;
            this.state            = ButtonState.Released;
            this.FixedSize        = size;
            this.relativePosition = pos;

            GraphicsDevice device = BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice;

            this.originalDeviceViewport = device.Viewport;

            // Since we're rendering to a 1280*720 rendertarget.
            this.uiCamera.Resolution = new Point(1280, 720);
Пример #15
        }   // end of ActorMenuItem c'tor

        public override void Render(Camera camera)

            // Add a text label if it exists and we're not getting the texture from cardspace.
            if (name != null && !TextureIsFromCardSpace)
                UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font  = UI2D.Shared.GetCardLabel;
                SpriteBatch         batch = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch;

                Point   pixelPos = camera.WorldToScreenCoords(worldMatrix.Translation);
                Vector2 pos      = new Vector2(pixelPos.X, pixelPos.Y);

                name   = TextHelper.FilterInvalidCharacters(name);
                pos.X -= (int)Font().MeasureString(name).X / 2;
                pos.Y += 42;

                Color newBlack = new Color(20, 20, 20);

                TextHelper.DrawString(Font, name, pos, newBlack);

            // Show the Y button.
            if (DisplayHelpButton)
                Vector3 loc      = MyMath.Lerp(worldMatrix.Translation, pieCenter, 0.4f);
                Point   pixelPos = camera.WorldToScreenCoords(loc);
                Vector2 pos      = new Vector2(pixelPos.X, pixelPos.Y);
                Vector2 size     = new Vector2(BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 12.0f);
                // Center button.
                pos -= size * (40.0f / 64.0f) / 2.0f;

                ScreenSpaceQuad ssquad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();
                ssquad.Render(ButtonTextures.YButton, pos, size, "TexturedRegularAlpha");

                DisplayHelpButton = false;
        }   // end of ActorMenuItem Render()
        }   // end of LabelButton()

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if line fits with reasonable compression.  False if compressed too much.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Font"></param>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static bool RenderLine(UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font, Vector2 pos, string line, Vector2 size, int width)
            Vector2 scale = Vector2.One;

            if (size.X > width)
                // Need to compress.
                scale.X = width / size.X;
                // No compression, just center.
                pos.X += (int)((width - size.X) / 2.0f);

            RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(pos.X, pos.Y, width, 96);

            SysFont.DrawString(line, pos, rect, Font().systemFont, Color.Black, scale, outlineColor: Color.White, outlineWidth: 1.5f);
            pos.Y  += GUIButton.DefaultSize.Y;
            rect.Y += GUIButton.DefaultSize.Y;
            SysFont.DrawString(line, pos, rect, Font().systemFont, Color.Black, scale, outlineColor: Color.White, outlineWidth: 1.5f);

            return(scale.X > 0.5f);
        }   // end of RenderLine()
Пример #17
        // Add a simple slice to the main pie
        public void AddSlice(Object menuItem, Texture2D iconTexture, UI2D.Shared.GetFont font, string displaytext)
            PieMenuSlice slice = new PieMenuSlice(menuItem, iconTexture, font, displaytext);

Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Long for c'tor for use with a drop shadow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <param name="edgeSize"></param>
        /// <param name="normalMapName"></param>
        /// <param name="baseColor"></param>
        /// <param name="label"></param>
        /// <param name="justify"></param>
        /// <param name="textColor"></param>
        /// <param name="dropShadowColor"></param>
        /// <param name="invertDropShadow"></param>
        public UIGrid2DTextElement(float width, float height, float edgeSize, string normalMapName, Color baseColor, string label, UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font, Justification justify, Color textColor, Color dropShadowColor, bool invertDropShadow)
            this.width     = width;
            this.height    = height;
            this.edgeSize  = edgeSize;
            this.baseColor = baseColor.ToVector4();

            this.normalMapName = normalMapName;

            this.Font             = Font;
            this.label            = TextHelper.FilterInvalidCharacters(label);
            this.justify          = justify;
            this.textColor        = textColor;
            this.dropShadowColor  = dropShadowColor;
            useDropShadow         = true;
            this.invertDropShadow = invertDropShadow;
Пример #19
        }   // end of Clear()

        private static void RefreshTexture()
            bool lores = BokuGame.ScreenSize.Y <= 480;

            UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24Bold;
            if (lores)
                Font = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont30Bold;
            blob.Font = Font;

            ScreenSpaceQuad ssquad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();
            RenderTarget2D  rt     = UI2D.Shared.RenderTarget512_302;



            ssquad.Render(background, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(512, 302), "TexturedRegularAlpha");

            // Tile name.
            SpriteBatch batch = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch;
            Vector2     pos   = new Vector2(margin, margin);

             * batch.Begin();
             * TextHelper.DrawString(Font, curTip, pos, Color.Yellow);
             * batch.End();
            string desc = blob.RawText; // Save string we're displaying.

            blob.RawText = curTip;
            if (blob.HasRtoL)
                blob.Justification = Boku.UI2D.UIGridElement.Justification.Right;
            blob.RenderWithButtons(pos, Color.Yellow);
            blob.RawText = desc;        // Restore

            // We need to special case groups since they don't have any data.  For groups
            // we just display a string that says "press <a> for more..."
            if (curTip == Strings.Localize("toolTips.group"))
                blob = new TextBlob(Font, Strings.Localize("toolTips.groupDesc"), 512 - margin * 2);
                blob.Justification = Boku.UI2D.UIGridElement.Justification.Center;
                pos = new Vector2(0, (302 - Font().LineSpacing) / 2);
                blob.RenderWithButtons(pos, Color.White);
                // Normal ToolTip.

                // Text description.
                if (blob != null)
                    int maxLines = showButtons ? (lores ? 3 : 4) : (lores ? 4 : 6);

                    // Modify final line to end with ellipsis.
                    blob.AddEllipsisToLine(maxLines - 1);

                    // Move down to account for title.
                    pos.Y += Font().LineSpacing;

                    // If less than maxLines of text, center on texture.
                    int spareLines = maxLines - blob.NumLines - 1;
                    if (spareLines > 0)
                        pos.Y += spareLines * 0.5f * Font().LineSpacing;

                    // Right justify if RtoL
                    if (blob.HasRtoL)
                        blob.Justification = Boku.UI2D.UIGridElement.Justification.Right;

                    blob.RenderWithButtons(pos, Color.White, maxLines: maxLines);

                // Buttons @ bottom
                if (showButtons)
                    string aText = useAdd ? Strings.Localize("toolTips.add") : Strings.Localize("toolTips.change");

                    int     buttonWidth = 40;                   // For spacing.
                    Vector2 buttonSize  = new Vector2(64, 64);  // For rendering.
                    pos.Y = 302 - margin - Font().LineSpacing;
                    int aTextWidth = (int)Font().MeasureString(aText).X;
                    int yTextWidth = (int)Font().MeasureString(Strings.Localize("toolTips.examples")).X;
                    int width      = 3 * buttonWidth + aTextWidth + yTextWidth;
                    pos.X = (512 - width) / 2;


                    ssquad.Render(ButtonTextures.AButton, pos, buttonSize, "TexturedRegularAlpha");
                    pos.X += buttonWidth;
                    TextHelper.DrawString(Font, aText, pos, Color.White);

                    pos.X += buttonWidth + aTextWidth;
                    ssquad.Render(ButtonTextures.YButton, pos, buttonSize, "TexturedRegularAlpha");
                    pos.X += buttonWidth;
                    TextHelper.DrawString(Font, Strings.Localize("toolTips.examples"), pos, Color.White);



            // Copy result to local texture.
            int[] data = new int[512 * 302];
            rt.GetData <int>(data);
            texture.SetData <int>(data);

            // Scale size to 1/4 screen height.
            int   w     = (int)BokuGame.ScreenSize.X;
            int   h     = (int)BokuGame.ScreenSize.Y;
            float scale = h / 4.0f / 302.0f;

            size  = new Vector2(512, 302);
            size *= scale;

            // Check position to keep on screen within 10% safe area.
            // Horizontal
            int safe = (int)(w * 0.05f);

            if (pendingPosition.X < safe)
                pendingPosition.X = safe;
            else if (pendingPosition.X > w - safe - size.X)
                pendingPosition.X = w - safe - size.X;
            // Vertical
            safe = (int)(h * 0.05f);
            if (pendingPosition.Y < safe)
                pendingPosition.Y = safe;
            else if (pendingPosition.Y > h - safe - size.Y)
                pendingPosition.Y = h - safe - size.Y;

            dirty = false;
        }   // end of RefreshTexture()
Пример #20
            public override void Render(Camera camera)
                GraphicsDevice device = BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice;

                RenderTarget2D rtFull = UI2D.Shared.RenderTargetDepthStencil1280_720;   // Rendertarget we render whole display into.
                RenderTarget2D rt1k   = UI2D.Shared.RenderTargetDepthStencil1024_768;

                Vector2 screenSize = BokuGame.ScreenSize;
                Vector2 rtSize     = new Vector2(rtFull.Width, rtFull.Height);

                CameraSpaceQuad csquad = CameraSpaceQuad.GetInstance();
                ScreenSpaceQuad ssquad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();

                Color   greyTextColor   = new Color(127, 127, 127);
                Color   shadowTextColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 20);
                Color   greenTextColor  = new Color(0, 255, 12);
                Color   whiteTextColor  = new Color(255, 255, 255);
                Vector2 shadowOffset    = new Vector2(0, 6);

                // Render the description text and examples into the 1k rendertarget.

                SpriteBatch batch = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch;

                UI2D.Shared.GetFont FontHuge = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont20;

                // Set up params for rendering UI with this camera.

                // Render the samples grid.
                bool noExamples = shared.examplesGrid == null || shared.examplesGrid.ActualDimensions == Point.Zero;

                if (!noExamples)
                    // Clear the stencil buffer.
                    device.Clear(ClearOptions.Stencil, Color.Transparent, 1.0f, 0);

                    // Render the new stencil mask.  Magic numbers from Photoshop.
                    ssquad.RenderStencil(Vector4.One, new Vector2(100, 300), new Vector2(820, 400));

                    // Turn off stencil writing while rendering the grid.
                    device.DepthStencilState = depthStencilStateNoWrite;


                    // Restore default.
                    device.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;

                // Render the scene to our rendertarget.

                // Set up params for rendering UI with this camera.


                // Set up effect for rendering tiles.
                effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques["NormalMappedNoTexture"];


                // Render tiles.
                Matrix world = Matrix.Identity;

                world.Translation = new Vector3(-3.4f, 2.5f, 0.0f);
                effect.Parameters["WorldViewProjMatrix"].SetValue(world * shared.camera.ViewProjectionMatrix);
                effect.Parameters["DiffuseColor"].SetValue(new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.2f));

                world.Translation = new Vector3(1.15f, 2.5f, 0.0f);
                effect.Parameters["WorldViewProjMatrix"].SetValue(world * shared.camera.ViewProjectionMatrix);
                effect.Parameters["DiffuseColor"].SetValue(new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

                world.Translation = new Vector3(0.0f, -1.1f, 0.0f);
                effect.Parameters["WorldViewProjMatrix"].SetValue(world * shared.camera.ViewProjectionMatrix);
                effect.Parameters["DiffuseColor"].SetValue(new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

                // Render highlights on tiles.
                CameraSpaceQuad quad = CameraSpaceQuad.GetInstance();

                device.BlendState = UI2D.Shared.BlendStateColorWriteRGB;

                // Glass tile.
                quad.Render(shared.camera, glassTileHighlight, Vector4.One, 1.0f, new Vector2(-3.4f, 2.9f), new Vector2(2.02f, 1.25f), "TexturedRegularAlpha");

                // Desc tile.
                quad.Render(shared.camera, whiteHighlight, new Vector4(0.6f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 0.2f), 1.0f, new Vector2(1.15f, 1.85f), new Vector2(6.52f, 0.7f), "TexturedRegularAlpha");

                // Examples tile.
                quad.Render(shared.camera, blackHighlight, Vector4.One, 1.0f, new Vector2(0.0f, 0.3f), new Vector2(8.82f, 2.0f), "TexturedRegularAlpha");

                device.BlendState = BlendState.AlphaBlend;

                // Actor Icon.
                if (shared.actorHelp.upid != null)
                    Texture2D actorImage = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture(shared.actorHelp.upid);
                    if (actorImage != null)
                        quad.Render(shared.camera, actorImage, new Vector2(-3.4f, 2.5f), new Vector2(1.8f, 1.8f), @"TexturedRegularAlpha");

                // Stick Icons.
                ssquad.Render(leftStickTexture, new Vector2(181, 560), new Vector2(leftStickTexture.Width, leftStickTexture.Height), @"TexturedRegularAlpha");
                Vector2 min = new Vector2(181, 560);
                Vector2 max = min + new Vector2(leftStickTexture.Width, leftStickTexture.Height);

                shared.leftStickBox.Set(min, max);
                if (shared.descBlob.NumLines > 3)
                    ssquad.Render(rightStickTexture, new Vector2(1036, 70), new Vector2(rightStickTexture.Width, rightStickTexture.Height), @"TexturedRegularAlpha");
                    min = new Vector2(1036, 70);
                    max = min + new Vector2(rightStickTexture.Width, rightStickTexture.Height);
                    shared.rightStickBox.Set(min, max);

                // A button
                ssquad.Render(ButtonTextures.AButton, new Vector2(1000, 245), new Vector2(80, 80), "TexturedRegularAlpha");
                shared.chooseBox.Set(new Vector2(990 - UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24().MeasureString(Strings.Localize("helpCard.choose")).X, 245), new Vector2(1060, 245 + 55));

                // Text labels.

                // Actor description
                // Render the new stencil mask.  Magic numbers from Photoshop.
                ssquad.RenderStencil(Vector4.One, new Vector2(310, 75), new Vector2(590, 140));

                device.DepthStencilState = depthStencilState;

                // Description.
                if (shared.descBlob != null)
                    Vector2 pos = new Vector2(shared.descMargin, shared.descTop + shared.descOffset);
                    pos.X = 450;
                    shared.descBlob.RenderWithButtons(pos, greyTextColor, maxLines: 3);

                // Restore DepthStencilState to default.
                device.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;


                // Actor name
                TextHelper.DrawString(UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont30Bold, shared.curActorName, new Vector2(450, 30) + shadowOffset, shadowTextColor);
                TextHelper.DrawString(UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont30Bold, shared.curActorName, new Vector2(450, 30), greyTextColor);

                // Create
                TextHelper.DrawString(UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24Bold, Strings.Localize("helpCard.create"), new Vector2(268, 250), whiteTextColor);

                // Choose
                TextHelper.DrawString(UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24, Strings.Localize("helpCard.choose"), new Vector2(990 - UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24().MeasureString(Strings.Localize("helpCard.choose")).X, 250), greyTextColor);


                // Now render the contents of the rt1k texture but with the edges blended using the mask.
                Vector4 limits = new Vector4(0.4f, 0.41f, 0.857f, 0.93f);

                ssquad.RenderWithYLimits(rt1k, limits, new Vector2((rtFull.Width - rt1k.Width) / 2, 0), new Vector2(rt1k.Width, rtFull.Height), @"TexturedPreMultAlpha");

                // Restore rt for final rendering.

                device.Clear(ClearOptions.DepthBuffer, Color.Pink, 1.0f, 0);

                // Start by using the blurred version of the scene as a backdrop.
                if (!shared.thumbnail.GraphicsDevice.IsDisposed)
                    ssquad.Render(shared.thumbnail, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(device.Viewport.Width, device.Viewport.Height), @"TexturedNoAlpha");
                    Color backgroundColor = new Color(16, 66, 52);  // 1/4 strength turquoise.

                // Copy the rendered scene to the rendertarget.
                float   rtAspect = rtSize.X / rtSize.Y;
                Vector2 position = Vector2.Zero;
                Vector2 newSize  = screenSize;

                newSize.X  = rtAspect * newSize.Y;
                position.X = (screenSize.X - newSize.X) / 2.0f;

                ssquad.Render(rtFull, position + BokuGame.ScreenPosition, newSize, @"TexturedRegularAlpha");
            }   // end of AddItemHelpCard RenderObj Render()
Пример #21
        }   // end of OnExitTutorial()

        public static void PreRender()
            // Decide which font to use based on screen width.
            UI2D.Shared.GetFont prevFont = font;
            font = BokuGame.ScreenSize.X > 1280 ? UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24Bold : UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont18Bold;

            // Did the font or window size change?  If so, reallocate the rendertarget.
            if (font != prevFont || rt == null || BokuGame.ScreenSize.X > rt.Width)
                InGame.RelRT("TutorialRT", rt);
                BokuGame.Release(ref rt);

            if (backdrop == null || rt == null)

            ScreenSpaceQuad quad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();


            // Clear and add highlight.
            quad.Render(backdrop, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(rt.Width, rt.Height), "TexturedRegularAlpha");

            if (Active)
                int indent = 10;

                // Lazy allocation.
                if (titleBlob == null)
                    titleBlob = new TextBlob(font, "test", (int)(rt.Width - 2.0f * indent));
                    //titleBlob.ProgrammingTileBackdrop = true;
                if (instructionBlob == null)
                    instructionBlob = new TextBlob(font, "test", (int)(rt.Width - 2.0f * indent));
                    //instructionBlob.ProgrammingTileBackdrop = true;

                // Font may have changed, keep the blobs up to date.
                titleBlob.Font       = font;
                instructionBlob.Font = font;

                // Raw strings to put into blobs.
                string titleStr       = null;
                string instructionStr = null;

                // We only care about the non-modal text if there's no modal display.
                // TODO We could think about displaying this under the modal display but we'd have to
                // add a drop shadow first to avoid cluttering things up.
                if (!modalDisplay.Active)
                    // We should only display text when the tutorial mode is fully open.
                    bool display = targetPositionY > 1 && BokuGame.ScreenPosition.Y > targetPositionY - 2.0f;
                    if (display)
                        if (curCrumb != null || targetModeReached)
                            // First line should be the goal of this section of the tutorial.  High level.
                            titleStr = curStep.GoalText;

                            // Second line is either from the crumb telling us where to go OR from the step telling us what to do now that we're here.
                            if (curCrumb == null)
                                if (GamePadInput.ActiveMode == GamePadInput.InputMode.KeyboardMouse)
                                    instructionStr = curStep.MouseText;
                                else if (GamePadInput.ActiveMode == GamePadInput.InputMode.Touch)
                                    instructionStr = curStep.TouchText;
                                else    // gamepad
                                    instructionStr = curStep.GamepadText;
                                if (GamePadInput.ActiveMode == GamePadInput.InputMode.KeyboardMouse)
                                    instructionStr = curCrumb.MouseText;
                                else if (GamePadInput.ActiveMode == GamePadInput.InputMode.Touch)
                                    instructionStr = curCrumb.TouchText;
                                else    // gamepad
                                    instructionStr = curCrumb.GamepadText;
                            // Add in some debug info.
                            //instructionStr += "\nCurMode = " + curGameMode.ToString() + "   curTargetMode = " + curStep.TargetMode.ToString();
                            if (DebugMode)
                                // We've got no crumb.  Need to add one!
                                instructionStr = "Missing Crumb!";
                                // Add in some debug info.
                                instructionStr += "\nCurMode = " + curGameMode.ToString() + "   HelpOverlay = " + HelpOverlay.Peek() + "\nUpdateMode = " + InGame.inGame.CurrentUpdateMode.ToString();
                                if (curStep != null)
                                    instructionStr += "\nTargetMode = " + curStep.TargetMode;

                        // Render text blob.

                        // TODO Center text vertically and if fewer lines, increase the spacing a bit.

                        titleBlob.RawText       = titleStr;
                        instructionBlob.RawText = instructionStr;

                        //Color titleColor = new Color(50, 255, 50);  // Same green as the hover text color we user elsewhere.
                        Color titleColor = new Color(20, 20, 20);   // Not quite black.
                        //Color titleColor = new Color(250, 190, 50); // Amber.
                        Color shadowColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 40);
                        Color lightGrey   = new Color(200, 200, 200);
                        Color darkGrey    = new Color(100, 100, 100);

                        Color textColor = darkGrey;
                        if (DebugMode && curGameMode == GameMode.Unknown)
                            textColor = Color.Red;
                        titleBlob.RenderWithButtons(new Vector2(indent, 0), titleColor, shadowColor, new Vector2(0, 2), maxLines: 4);
                        // Vertically center the instruction text.
                        int yOffset = 0;
                        if (instructionBlob.NumLines == 1)
                            yOffset = instructionBlob.TotalSpacing;
                        else if (instructionBlob.NumLines == 2)
                            yOffset = (int)(instructionBlob.TotalSpacing / 2.0f);
                        instructionBlob.RenderWithButtons(new Vector2(indent, titleBlob.TotalSpacing + yOffset - 2), textColor, shadowColor, new Vector2(0, 2), maxLines: 4);
                    } // end if display true
                }     // end if not modal active
            }         // end if tutorial mode active

        }   // end of PreRender()
        }   // end of UIGridModularRadioBoxElement Update()

        public void RefreshTexture()
            if (dirty || diffuse.IsContentLost)

                int w = diffuse.Width;
                int h = diffuse.Height;

                ScreenSpaceQuad quad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();

                // Render the white background.
                Vector2 position = Vector2.Zero;
                Vector2 size     = new Vector2(w, radioWhite.Height);
                quad.Render(radioWhite, position, size, "TexturedNoAlpha");

                // And the black parts.
                position.Y = 70;
                size.Y     = h - 70;
                quad.Render(middleBlack, position, size, "TexturedRegularAlpha");
                position.Y = 64;
                size.Y     = radioBlack.Height;
                quad.Render(radioBlack, position, size, "TexturedRegularAlpha");

                // Disable writing to alpha channel.
                // This prevents transparent fringing around the text.
                GraphicsDevice device = BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice;
                device.BlendState = UI2D.Shared.BlendStateColorWriteRGB;

                // Render the label and value text into the texture.
                int margin = 0;
                position.X = 0;
                position.Y = (int)((64 - Font().LineSpacing) / 2.0f);
                int textWidth = (int)(Font().MeasureString(label).X);

                justify    = Justification.Center;
                position.X = TextHelper.CalcJustificationOffset(margin, w, textWidth, justify);

                Color   labelColor    = new Color(127, 127, 127);
                Color   valueColor    = new Color(140, 200, 63);
                Color   shadowColor   = new Color(0, 0, 0, 20);
                Vector2 shadowOffset  = new Vector2(0, 6);
                Color   entryColor    = new Color(200, 200, 200);
                Color   selectedColor = new Color(0, 255, 12);

                SpriteBatch batch = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch;

                // Title.
                TextHelper.DrawString(Font, label, position + shadowOffset, shadowColor);
                TextHelper.DrawString(Font, label, position, labelColor);

                // Entries.
                UI2D.Shared.GetFont entryFont = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont18Bold;

                if (numColumns == 1)
                    position.Y = 70;
                    Vector2 min = Vector2.Zero;
                    Vector2 max = Vector2.One;

                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        position.X = (512 - entryFont().MeasureString(list[i].Text).X) / 2;
                        TextHelper.DrawString(entryFont, list[i].Text, position, curIndex == i ? selectedColor : entryColor);

                        if (showIndicators)
                            int vert = 5;
                            if (curIndex == i)
                                quad.Render(indicatorLit, new Vector2(30, position.Y + vert), new Vector2(indicatorLit.Width, indicatorLit.Height), "TexturedRegularAlpha");
                                quad.Render(indicatorLit, new Vector2(512 - 30 - indicatorLit.Width, position.Y + vert), new Vector2(indicatorLit.Width, indicatorLit.Height), "TexturedRegularAlpha");
                                quad.Render(indicatorUnlit, new Vector2(30, position.Y + vert), new Vector2(indicatorUnlit.Width, indicatorUnlit.Height), "TexturedRegularAlpha");
                                quad.Render(indicatorUnlit, new Vector2(512 - 30 - indicatorLit.Width, position.Y + vert), new Vector2(indicatorUnlit.Width, indicatorUnlit.Height), "TexturedRegularAlpha");

                        min.Y = position.Y / h;

                        position.Y += entryFont().LineSpacing + 4;

                        max.Y = position.Y / h;
                        if (list[i].Box == null)
                            list[i].Box = new AABB2D(min, max);
                            list[i].Box.Set(min, max);
                else if (numColumns == 2)
                    // Probably not as general as we'd like but I think this only
                    // get used for the language options so just do what we need
                    // to get all the languages to fit.
                    // For column 0, left justify.
                    // For column 1, right justify.
                    for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; column++)
                        position.Y = 70;

                        int width          = 512 / numColumns;
                        int center         = width / 2 + column * width;
                        int itemsPerColumn = (list.Count + (numColumns - 1)) / numColumns;
                        int minIndex       = column * itemsPerColumn;
                        int maxIndex       = Math.Min(list.Count, (column + 1) * itemsPerColumn);

                        // Min/max values ine 0..1 range across rt.
                        Vector2 min = new Vector2((center - width / 2.0f) / w, 0);
                        Vector2 max = new Vector2((center + width / 2.0f) / w, 1);

                        for (int i = minIndex; i < maxIndex; i++)
                            position.X = (int)(center - (entryFont().MeasureString(list[i].Text).X) / 2);
                            int edgeMargin = 8;
                            if (column == 0)
                                position.X = edgeMargin;
                                position.X = (int)(512 - edgeMargin - entryFont().MeasureString(list[i].Text).X);
                            TextHelper.DrawString(entryFont, list[i].Text, position, curIndex == i ? selectedColor : entryColor);

                            min.Y = position.Y / h;

                            position.Y += entryFont().LineSpacing + 4;

                            max.Y = position.Y / h;
                            if (list[i].Box == null)
                                list[i].Box = new AABB2D(min, max);
                                list[i].Box.Set(min, max);
                    Debug.Assert(false, "numColumns must be 1 or 2, nothing else is supported.");


                // Restore default blend state.
                device.BlendState = BlendState.AlphaBlend;

                // Restore backbuffer.

                dirty = false;
        }   // end of UIGridModularRadioBoxElement RefreshTexture()
Пример #23
        private static void RefreshTexture()
            RenderTarget2D  rt   = UI2D.Shared.RenderTargetDepthStencil1280_720;
            ScreenSpaceQuad quad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();


            bool showTeam   = (ActiveTeam != Classification.Colors.NotApplicable);
            bool showPlayer = ActivePlayer != GamePadSensor.PlayerId.Dynamic;

            if (showTeam || showPlayer)
                // Main graphic.
                Vector2 size = new Vector2(textureWinner.Width, textureWinner.Height);
                Vector2 pos  = new Vector2((rt.Width - size.X) / 2.0f, 0.0f);
                quad.Render(textureWinner, pos, size, "TexturedPreMultAlpha");

                // Team or Player.
                size = new Vector2(textureTeam.Width, textureTeam.Height);
                pos  = new Vector2((rt.Width - size.X) / 2.0f, 354);
                quad.Render(textureTeam, pos, size, "TexturedPreMultAlpha");

                string label = String.Empty;
                if (showTeam)
                    label = Strings.Localize("gameOver.team") + " ";
                if (showPlayer)
                    // Nothing to add here.

                // Get correct color for team.
                Texture2D glyph = null;

                switch (ActivePlayer)
                case GamePadSensor.PlayerId.One:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.player1");
                    label += CardSpace.Cards.GetLabel("filter.player1");

                case GamePadSensor.PlayerId.Two:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.player2");
                    label += CardSpace.Cards.GetLabel("filter.player2");

                case GamePadSensor.PlayerId.Three:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.player3");
                    label += CardSpace.Cards.GetLabel("filter.player3");

                case GamePadSensor.PlayerId.Four:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.player4");
                    label += CardSpace.Cards.GetLabel("filter.player4");

                    // Do nothing...

                switch (ActiveTeam)
                case Classification.Colors.White:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.white");
                    label += Strings.Localize("colorNames.white");

                case Classification.Colors.Black:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.Black");
                    label += Strings.Localize("colorNames.black");

                case Classification.Colors.Grey:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.Grey");
                    label += Strings.Localize("colorNames.grey");

                case Classification.Colors.Red:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.red");
                    label += Strings.Localize("colorNames.red");

                case Classification.Colors.Green:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.green");
                    label += Strings.Localize("colorNames.green");

                case Classification.Colors.Blue:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.blue");
                    label += Strings.Localize("colorNames.blue");

                case Classification.Colors.Orange:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.orange");
                    label += Strings.Localize("colorNames.orange");

                case Classification.Colors.Yellow:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.yellow");
                    label += Strings.Localize("colorNames.yellow");

                case Classification.Colors.Purple:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.purple");
                    label += Strings.Localize("colorNames.purple");

                case Classification.Colors.Pink:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.pink");
                    label += Strings.Localize("colorNames.pink");

                case Classification.Colors.Brown:
                    glyph  = CardSpace.Cards.CardFaceTexture("filter.brown");
                    label += Strings.Localize("colorNames.brown");


                // Grabbing the glyph from CardSpace may have changed rendertargets
                // since we now create them somewhat on demand.

                if (glyph != null)
                    size = new Vector2(90, 90);
                    pos += new Vector2(7, 10);
                    quad.Render(glyph, pos, size, "TexturedPreMultAlpha");

                // Options.
                if (GamePadInput.ActiveMode == GamePadInput.InputMode.GamePad)
                    size = new Vector2(textureOptions.Width, textureOptions.Height);
                    pos  = new Vector2((rt.Width - size.X) / 2.0f, 470);
                    quad.Render(textureOptions, pos, size, "TexturedPreMultAlpha");
                    size = new Vector2(textureOptionsKey.Width, textureOptionsKey.Height);
                    pos  = new Vector2((rt.Width - size.X) / 2.0f, 470);
                    quad.Render(textureOptionsKey, pos, size, "TexturedPreMultAlpha");

                    // Add key face icons.
                    Color    color = new Color(20, 20, 20);
                    TextBlob blob  = new TextBlob(UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont20, "[home]", 100);
                    blob.Justification = Boku.UI2D.UIGridElement.Justification.Center;

                    pos.Y += 16;
                    blob.RenderWithButtons(pos, color);
                    homeHitBox.Set(pos, pos + new Vector2(100, blob.TotalSpacing));

                    blob.RawText = "[esc]";
                    pos.Y       += 50;
                    blob.RenderWithButtons(pos, color);
                    editHitBox.Set(pos, pos + new Vector2(100, blob.TotalSpacing));

                    blob.RawText = "[enter]";
                    pos.Y       += 50;
                    blob.RenderWithButtons(pos, color);
                    restartHitBox.Set(pos, pos + new Vector2(100, blob.TotalSpacing));

                // Add button labels.
                SpriteBatch         batch = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch;
                UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font  = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24Bold;
                //Color fontColor = new Color(10, 75, 108);
                Color   fontColor    = new Color(127, 127, 127);
                Color   shadowColor  = new Color(0, 0, 0, 20);
                Vector2 shadowOffset = new Vector2(0, 6);

                // Disable writing to alpha channel.
                // This prevents transparent fringing around the text.
                GraphicsDevice device = BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice;
                device.BlendState = UI2D.Shared.BlendStateColorWriteRGB;

                if (label != null)
                    // Center the team name.
                    int len = (int)Font().MeasureString(label).X;
                    pos    = new Vector2(565, 386);
                    pos.X += (textureTeam.Width - textureTeam.Height - len) / 2;
                    TextHelper.DrawStringNoBatch(Font, label, pos + shadowOffset, shadowColor);
                    TextHelper.DrawStringNoBatch(Font, label, pos, fontColor);

                pos = new Vector2(572, 482);
                TextHelper.DrawStringNoBatch(Font, Strings.Localize("gameOver.browse"), pos + shadowOffset, shadowColor);
                TextHelper.DrawStringNoBatch(Font, Strings.Localize("gameOver.browse"), pos, fontColor);

                pos.Y += 51;
                TextHelper.DrawStringNoBatch(Font, Strings.Localize("gameOver.edit"), pos + shadowOffset, shadowColor);
                TextHelper.DrawStringNoBatch(Font, Strings.Localize("gameOver.edit"), pos, fontColor);

                pos.Y += 51;
                TextHelper.DrawStringNoBatch(Font, Strings.Localize("gameOver.restart"), pos + shadowOffset, shadowColor);
                TextHelper.DrawStringNoBatch(Font, Strings.Localize("gameOver.restart"), pos, fontColor);

                // Restore default blend state.
                device.BlendState = BlendState.AlphaBlend;

            if (ActiveWinner)
                // Main graphic.
                Vector2 size = new Vector2(textureWinner.Width, textureWinner.Height);
                Vector2 pos  = new Vector2((rt.Width - size.X) / 2.0f, 0.0f);
                quad.Render(textureWinner, pos, size, "TexturedPreMultAlpha");

                // Options.
                if (GamePadInput.ActiveMode == GamePadInput.InputMode.GamePad)
                    size = new Vector2(textureOptions.Width, textureOptions.Height);
                    pos  = new Vector2((rt.Width - size.X) / 2.0f, 470);
                    quad.Render(textureOptions, pos, size, "TexturedPreMultAlpha");
                    size = new Vector2(textureOptionsKey.Width, textureOptionsKey.Height);
                    pos  = new Vector2((rt.Width - size.X) / 2.0f, 470);
                    quad.Render(textureOptionsKey, pos, size, "TexturedPreMultAlpha");

                    // Add key face icons.
                    Color    color = new Color(20, 20, 20);
                    TextBlob blob  = new TextBlob(UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont20, "[home]", 100);
                    blob.Justification = Boku.UI2D.UIGridElement.Justification.Center;

                    pos.Y += 16;
                    blob.RenderWithButtons(pos, color);
                    homeHitBox.Set(pos, pos + new Vector2(100, blob.TotalSpacing));

                    blob.RawText = "[esc]";
                    pos.Y       += 50;
                    blob.RenderWithButtons(pos, color);
                    editHitBox.Set(pos, pos + new Vector2(100, blob.TotalSpacing));

                    blob.RawText = "[enter]";
                    pos.Y       += 50;
                    blob.RenderWithButtons(pos, color);
                    restartHitBox.Set(pos, pos + new Vector2(100, blob.TotalSpacing));

                // Add button labels.
                SpriteBatch         batch = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch;
                UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font  = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24Bold;
                Color fontColor           = new Color(10, 75, 108);

                pos = new Vector2(572, 482);
                TextHelper.DrawStringNoBatch(Font, Strings.Localize("gameOver.browse"), pos, fontColor);
                pos.Y += 51;
                TextHelper.DrawStringNoBatch(Font, Strings.Localize("gameOver.edit"), pos, fontColor);
                pos.Y += 51;
                TextHelper.DrawStringNoBatch(Font, Strings.Localize("gameOver.restart"), pos, fontColor);

            if (ActiveGameOver)
                // Main graphic.
                Vector2 size = new Vector2(textureGameOver.Width, textureGameOver.Height);
                Vector2 pos  = new Vector2((rt.Width - size.X) / 2.0f, 0.0f);
                quad.Render(textureGameOver, pos, size, "TexturedPreMultAlpha");

                // Options.
                if (GamePadInput.ActiveMode == GamePadInput.InputMode.GamePad)
                    size = new Vector2(textureOptions.Width, textureOptions.Height);
                    pos  = new Vector2((rt.Width - size.X) / 2.0f, 470);
                    quad.Render(textureOptions, pos, size, "TexturedPreMultAlpha");
                    size = new Vector2(textureOptionsKey.Width, textureOptionsKey.Height);
                    pos  = new Vector2((rt.Width - size.X) / 2.0f, 470);
                    quad.Render(textureOptionsKey, pos, size, "TexturedPreMultAlpha");

                    // Add key face icons.
                    Color    color = new Color(20, 20, 20);
                    TextBlob blob  = new TextBlob(UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont20, "[home]", 100);
                    blob.Justification = Boku.UI2D.UIGridElement.Justification.Center;

                    pos.Y += 16;
                    blob.RenderWithButtons(pos, color);
                    homeHitBox.Set(pos, pos + new Vector2(100, blob.TotalSpacing));

                    blob.RawText = "[esc]";
                    pos.Y       += 50;
                    blob.RenderWithButtons(pos, color);
                    editHitBox.Set(pos, pos + new Vector2(100, blob.TotalSpacing));

                    blob.RawText = "[enter]";
                    pos.Y       += 50;
                    blob.RenderWithButtons(pos, color);
                    restartHitBox.Set(pos, pos + new Vector2(100, blob.TotalSpacing));

                // Add button labels.
                SpriteBatch         batch = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch;
                UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font  = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24Bold;
                Color fontColor           = new Color(10, 75, 108);

                pos = new Vector2(572, 482);
                TextHelper.DrawStringNoBatch(Font, Strings.Localize("gameOver.browse"), pos, fontColor);
                pos.Y += 51;
                TextHelper.DrawStringNoBatch(Font, Strings.Localize("gameOver.edit"), pos, fontColor);
                pos.Y += 51;
                TextHelper.DrawStringNoBatch(Font, Strings.Localize("gameOver.restart"), pos, fontColor);


            dirty = false;
        }   // end of RefreshTexture()
Пример #24
        }   // end of Clear()

        private static void RefreshTexture()
            // TODO (****) *** Does this make sense any more since we require a min height of 600?
            bool lores = BokuGame.ScreenSize.Y <= 480;

            UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24Bold;
            if (lores)
                Font = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont30Bold;
            blob.Font = Font;

            ScreenSpaceQuad ssquad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();
            RenderTarget2D  rt     = UI2D.Shared.RenderTarget512_302;



            ssquad.Render(background, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(512, 302), "TexturedRegularAlpha");

            // Text description.
            if (blob != null)
                Vector2 pos      = new Vector2(margin, margin);
                int     maxLines = showYButton ? (lores ? 3 : 4) : (lores ? 4 : 6);

                // Modify final line to end with ellipsis.
                blob.AddEllipsisToLine(maxLines - 1);

                // If less than maxLines of text, center on texture.
                int spareLines = maxLines - blob.NumLines - 1;
                if (spareLines > 0)
                    pos.Y += spareLines * 0.5f * Font().LineSpacing;

                blob.RenderWithButtons(pos, Color.Yellow, maxLines: maxLines);


            // Copy result to local texture.
            int[] data = new int[512 * 302];
            rt.GetData <int>(data);
            texture.SetData <int>(data);

            // Scale size to 1/4 screen height.
            int   w     = (int)BokuGame.ScreenSize.X;
            int   h     = (int)BokuGame.ScreenSize.Y;
            float scale = h / 4.0f / 302.0f;

            size  = new Vector2(512, 302);
            size *= scale;

            // Position in lower right hand corner.
            targetPosition  = new Vector2(w, h);
            targetPosition -= size;

            dirty = false;
        }   // end of RefreshTexture()
Пример #25
            // c'tor
            public Shared(MainMenu parent)
                // Set up the options menu.
                optionsMenu = new OptionsMenu();
                liveFeed    = new LiveFeedDisplay();

                if (BokuGame.bMarsMode)
                    boku = ActorManager.GetActor("RoverGreeter").CreateNewInstance() as BokuGreeter;
                    boku = ActorManager.GetActor("BokuGreeter").CreateNewInstance() as BokuGreeter;

                bokuCamera.NearClip = 0.1f;
                bokuCamera.FarClip  = 20.0f;
                // These are the values for the model when its translation off the ground has been thrown away (and added back via constant)
                bokuCamera.From = 1.3f * new Vector3(1.5f, 0.3f, 0.5f);
                bokuCamera.At   = new Vector3(0.0f, -0.5f, 0.0f);
                // These are the values for a "correct" model - that is raised off the ground in Max and whose translation is intact
                // bokuCamera.From = new Vector3(1.5f, 0.3f, 1.4f);
                // bokuCamera.At = new Vector3(0.0f, -0.5f, 0.7f);

                // Move camera to look at menu from an angle.
                //camera.From = 0.9f * camera.From;
                camera.At = new Vector3(-0.6f, 0, 0);
                Matrix foo = Matrix.CreateRotationY(-0.3f) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f));

                camera.At   = Vector3.Transform(camera.At, foo);
                camera.From = Vector3.Transform(camera.From, foo);

                // We'll be using a 1280x720 rendertarget for all rendering.
                camera.Resolution     = new Point(1280, 720);
                bokuCamera.Resolution = new Point(1280, 720);

                timer = new Boku.Base.GameTimer(Boku.Base.GameTimer.ClockType.WallClock, 3.1415927);
                timer.TimerElapsed += ChangeExpression;

                // Create text elements.
                // Start with a blob of common parameters.
                UIGridElement.ParamBlob blob = new UIGridElement.ParamBlob();
                blob.width            = 3.4f;
                blob.height           = 0.5f;
                blob.edgeSize         = 0.06f;
                blob.Font             = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24Bold;
                blob.textColor        = Color.White;
                blob.dropShadowColor  = Color.Black;
                blob.useDropShadow    = true;
                blob.invertDropShadow = true;
                blob.unselectedColor  = new Color(new Vector3(4, 100, 90) / 255.0f);
                blob.selectedColor    = new Color(new Vector3(5, 180, 160) / 255.0f);
                blob.normalMapName    = @"Slant0Smoothed5NormalMap";
                blob.justify          = UIGrid2DTextElement.Justification.Left;

                menu             = new ModularMenu(blob, null /*Strings.Localize("mainMenu.mainMenu")*/);
                menu.OnSelect    = parent.OnSelect;
                menu.OnCancel    = parent.OnCancel;
                menu.UseRtCoords = true;

                if (WinStoreHelpers.RunningAsUWP)
                // Once you run an app in Win8, you are never allowed to kill it.
                // Only the system can kill it.

                // And then remove what we don't want.
                if (!Program2.SiteOptions.CommunityEnabled)

                menu.WorldMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(0.9f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

                string signOutStr = Strings.Localize("textDialog.signOut");
                signOutButton = new Button(signOutStr, Color.White, null, UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont20);

                //Because this button has no texture and we can't set the width of the texture passed in explicitly. Just use the fixed size based on text size.
                UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont20;
                Vector2             size = (null != Font) ? Font().MeasureString(signOutStr) : new Vector2(60.0f, 20.0f);
                signOutButton.FixedSize    = size;
                signOutButton.UseFixedSize = true;

                textBlob = new TextBlob(UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24, "", 340);
            }   // end of Shared c'tor
Пример #26
            public override void Render(Camera camera)
                GraphicsDevice device = BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice;


                RenderTarget2D rt         = UI2D.Shared.RenderTargetDepthStencil1280_720;
                Vector2        screenSize = BokuGame.ScreenSize;
                Vector2        rtSize     = new Vector2(rt.Width, rt.Height);

                if (skipFrames > 0 || shared.waitingForStorage)

                shared.liveFeed.FeedSize = shared.liveFeed.ResetScrollBoxSize;

                // Clear the screen & z-buffer.

                // Apply the background.
                ScreenSpaceQuad quad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();

                Vector2 position = Vector2.Zero;

                quad.Render(shared.backgroundTexture, position, rtSize, @"TexturedNoAlpha");

                Color textColor = new Color(21, 125, 178);

                if (parent.newWorldDialog.Active)
                    // Hide the dialog if auth UI is active.  Just keeps things cleaner.
                    if (!AuthUI.IsModalActive)
                        // If options menu is active, render instead of main menu.
                        parent.newWorldDialog.Render(new Vector2(rt.Width, rt.Height));
                else if (shared.optionsMenu.Active)
                    // Hide the menu if auth UI is active.  Just keeps things cleaner.
                    if (!AuthUI.IsModalActive)
                        // If options menu is active, render instead of main menu.
                    // Render url
                    SpriteBatch         batch = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch;
                    UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font  = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24;
                    Vector2             size  = Font().MeasureString(shared.screenUrl);
                    Vector2             pos   = new Vector2(rt.Width / 2 - size.X / 2, 586);
                    TextHelper.DrawString(Font, shared.screenUrl, pos, textColor);
                    shared.urlBox.Set(pos, pos + size);

                    // Hide the menu if auth UI is active.  Just keeps things cleaner.
                    if (!AuthUI.IsModalActive)
                        // Render menu using local cameras.
                        shared.menu.WorldMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(0.0f, -0.3f, 0.0f);

                    // Render Boku.
                    string oldRig = BokuGame.bokuGame.shaderGlobals.PushLightRig(ShaderGlobals.GreeterRigName);

                    // TODO (****) How to temporarily disable point lights???
                    // Do we really need to?
                    //Luz.SetToEffect(true); // disable scene point lights

                    if (BokuGame.bMarsMode)
                        shared.boku.Movement.Position = new Vector3(-0.0f, 0.25f, -0.5f);
                        shared.boku.ReScale           = 0.50f;

                        //quad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();
                        //float wid=shared.jplTexture.Width/2;
                        //position = new Vector2(1250-(wid), 20);
                        //quad.Render(shared.jplTexture, position, new Vector2(wid, shared.jplTexture.Height/2), @"TexturedRegularAlpha");
                        shared.boku.Movement.Position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                    fVal += 0.01f;

                    // Be sure to set the right camera so the env map looks correct.


                    // TODO (****) How to temporarily disable point lights???
                    //Luz.SetToEffect(false); // re-enable scene point lights


                InGame.Clear(new Color(20, 20, 20));

                // Copy the rendered scene to the backbuffer.

                    quad.Render(rt, ScreenWarp.RenderPosition, ScreenWarp.RenderSize, @"TexturedNoAlpha");

                // Render news feed.
                if (!shared.optionsMenu.Active)

                // Hide overlay if auth UI is active.
                if (!AuthUI.IsModalActive)

                // Render text dialogs if being shown by OptionsMenu.
                // TODO (****) Need to get rid of rendering to RTs where possible.
                // TODO (****) Need to split OptionsMenu from MainMenu.
                if (shared.optionsMenu.Active)

            }   // end of Render()
        }   // end of Render()


        #region Internal

        /// <summary>
        /// If the text being displayed has changed, we need to refresh the texture.
        /// Note this requires changing the rendertarget so this should no be called
        /// during the normal rendering loop.
        /// </summary>
        private void RefreshTexture()
            // This needs to be refactored.  The problem is that when the buttons change color
            // (for hover for instance) the changing state of thier color needs to set the dirty
            // flag.  For now, just always set it so we always have the right behavior.
            dirty = true;
            if (dirty)
                GraphicsDevice device = BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice;


                diffuse = UI2D.Shared.RenderTarget512_302;
                if (diffuse == null)
                    // Not ready yet, remain dirty.
                SpriteBatch         batch  = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch;
                UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font20 = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont20;
                UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font24 = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24;


                // Render the backdrop.
                ScreenSpaceQuad quad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();
                quad.Render(background, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(512, 302), @"TexturedPreMultAlpha");

                // Render the text message.

                Vector2 pos = new Vector2(margin, 0.0f);
                // Calc vertical center of display.
                pos.Y = (int)((height - blackHeight - 1.5f * textBlob.TotalSpacing) / 2.0f);
                // Offset based on number of lines.
                pos.Y -= (int)(textBlob.TotalSpacing * (textBlob.NumLines - 1) / 2.0f);

                textBlob.RenderWithButtons(pos + shadowOffset, shadowColor);
                textBlob.RenderWithButtons(pos, textColor);

                // Render any active buttons and the text that goes with them.


                // We need to calc the width of each active button and it's label
                // so we can center the whole set at the bottom of the dialog.
                // TODO Set this up so we can also right/left justify?

                Vector2 position = Vector2.Zero;
                position.X = width / 2.0f;
                position.Y = height - margin - 40.0f;
                int gap = Button.Margin;

                int totalWidth = 0;
                if (aButton != null)
                    totalWidth += (int)aButton.GetSize().X;
                    totalWidth += gap;
                if (bButton != null)
                    totalWidth += (int)bButton.GetSize().X;
                    totalWidth += gap;
                if (xButton != null)
                    totalWidth += (int)xButton.GetSize().X;
                    totalWidth += gap;
                if (yButton != null)
                    totalWidth += (int)yButton.GetSize().X;
                    totalWidth += gap;

                totalWidth -= gap;   // Remove the extra one...
                position.X -= (int)(totalWidth / 2);

                if (aButton != null)
                    position.X += aButton.GetSize().X + gap;
                if (bButton != null)
                    position.X += bButton.GetSize().X + gap;
                if (xButton != null)
                    position.X += xButton.GetSize().X + gap;
                if (yButton != null)
                    position.X += yButton.GetSize().X + gap;


                // Restore backbuffer.

                dirty = false;
        }   // end of ModularMessageDialog RefreshTexture()
Пример #28
        }   // end of UIGridMaterialElement Render()

        /// <summary>
        /// Draw a numeric label under each cube, identifying it by its UI slot.
        /// Might be cool to have the letters spin as the cube spins. Might not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="camera"></param>
        /// <param name="world"></param>
        private void RenderLabel(Camera camera, Matrix world)
            GraphicsDevice device = BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice;

            UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font  = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont18Bold;
            SpriteBatch         batch = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch;

            // Handle small screens.
            if (BokuGame.ScreenSize.Y < 720)
                Font = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont15_75;

            /// Find a placement sort of lower cube
            Matrix center = Matrix.Identity;

            center.Translation = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
            Matrix worldViewProj = center * world * camera.ViewProjectionMatrix;

            /// Find the screen position
            Vector4 screenPos = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1.0f);

            screenPos    = Vector4.Transform(screenPos, worldViewProj);
            screenPos.X /= screenPos.W;
            screenPos.Y /= screenPos.W;

            /// Translate to pixel coords. Note the flip Y.
            int x = (int)((screenPos.X * 0.5f + 0.5f) * BokuGame.ScreenSize.X + 0.5f);
            int y = (int)((screenPos.Y * -0.5f + 0.5f) * BokuGame.ScreenSize.Y + 0.5f);

            /// Center the string
            /// Compute how centered the cube is as a var [0..1].
            float centerness = Math.Abs(x - BokuGame.ScreenSize.X * 0.5f);

            centerness /= BokuGame.ScreenSize.X * 0.5f;
            centerness  = (0.75f - centerness) / 0.75f;
            centerness  = MathHelper.Clamp(centerness, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            centerness  = MyMath.SmoothStep(0.0f, 1.0f, centerness);

            /// Translate centeredness into opacity, fading out in either extreme.
            float kMinAlpha = 64.0f;
            byte  byteAlpha = (byte)(kMinAlpha + centerness * (255.9f - kMinAlpha));

            byteAlpha = 255;

            /// Centeredness into scale. Note that this keeps the numbers from
            /// overlapping when the cubes are very close together.
            float kMinScale = 0.5f;
            float kMaxScale = 1.0f;
            float scale     = kMinScale + centerness * (kMaxScale - kMinScale);

            int     label        = Terrain.MaterialIndexToLabel(Terrain.UISlotToMatIndex(uiSlot));
            string  uiSlotString = (label).ToString();
            Vector2 strSize      = Font().MeasureString(uiSlotString);

            x = (int)(x - strSize.X * scale * 0.5f + 0.5f);

            /// Shadow and text colors, with appropriate opacity.
            Color darkGrey   = new Color(10, 10, 10, byteAlpha);
            Color transWhite = new Color(255, 255, 255, byteAlpha);

            // Finally, just do it. Note that we can't put the batching any
            // higher up the food chain, because the generic grid doesn't know
            // whether it's going to be rendering text. Although if perf is an
            // issue, it might be worth looking at moving the batch.begin()/end()
            // up to the BasePicker.Render().
            // Note this no longer uses 'scale' to shrink the text to match the cubes.
            // Do we really care?
            // Note this uses SpriteFont rendering since there are so many labels (numbers).
            batch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend);
                batch.DrawString(Font().spriteFont, uiSlotString, new Vector2(x + 1, y + 1), darkGrey);
                batch.DrawString(Font().spriteFont, uiSlotString, new Vector2(x, y), transWhite);
Пример #29
        }   // end of UIGridModularMenu Update()

        public void RefreshTexture()
            if (dirty || diffuse.IsContentLost)
                int w, h;
                GetWH(out w, out h);

                // If the number of elements has changed, we need a new rendertarget.

                GraphicsDevice device = BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice;

                // The thin margin around the highlight where the normal color shows through.
                int highlightMargin = 5;

                ScreenSpaceQuad quad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();

                // Render the white background.  Alpha on normal map is used to round corners.
                Vector2 position = Vector2.Zero;
                Vector2 size     = new Vector2(w, h);

                if (title != null)
                    quad.Render(Vector4.One, position, size);
                    position.Y = 70;

                // And the black parts.
                size.Y = whiteTop.Height;
                quad.Render(whiteTop, new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1), position, size, "TexturedRegularAlpha");

                position.Y += 16;
                size.Y      = h - position.Y;
                quad.Render(new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1), position, size);

                // Disable writing to alpha channel.
                // This prevents transparent fringing around the text.
                device.BlendState = UI2D.Shared.BlendStateColorWriteRGB;

                // Add the highlight/shadow onto the white region.
                if (title != null)
                    position.Y = 25;
                    size.Y     = 48;
                    quad.Render(whiteHighlight, new Vector4(0.6f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 0.2f), position + new Vector2(highlightMargin, 0), size + new Vector2(-2 * highlightMargin, -highlightMargin), "TexturedRegularAlpha");

                // Render the label and value text into the texture.

                SpriteBatch batch = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch;

                // Title.
                UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont24Bold;
                if (title != null)
                    position.X = TextHelper.CalcJustificationOffset(margin.X, w, (int)Font().MeasureString(title).X, justify);
                    position.Y = (int)((64 - Font().LineSpacing) / 2.0f) + 4;
                    TextHelper.DrawString(Font, title, position + shadowOffset, shadowColor);
                    TextHelper.DrawString(Font, title, position, titleTextColor);

                // Entries.
                Font       = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont18Bold;
                position.Y = 8 + (title != null ? 70 : 0);
                Vector2 min = Vector2.Zero;
                Vector2 max = Vector2.One;
                for (int i = 0; i < itemList.Count; i++)
                    // Render bar.
                    Vector4 barColor = active ? new Vector4(1, 1, 1, itemList[i].BarAlpha) : new Vector4(1, 0.5f, 1, itemList[i].BarAlpha);
                    quad.Render(greenBar, barColor, new Vector2(8, position.Y - additionalLineSpacing / 3), new Vector2(w - 16, Font().LineSpacing + additionalLineSpacing), "TexturedRegularAlpha");

                    // Render text.
                    position.X = TextHelper.CalcJustificationOffset(margin.X, w, (int)Font().MeasureString(itemList[i].Text).X, justify);
                    TextHelper.DrawString(Font, itemList[i].Text, position, itemList[i].TextColor);

                    min.Y = position.Y / h;

                    position.Y += Font().LineSpacing + additionalLineSpacing;

                    max.Y = position.Y / h;
                    itemList[i].UVBoundingBox.Set(min, max);


                // Add the highlight to the black region.
                position = new Vector2(highlightMargin, 1 + (title != null ? 70 : 0));
                size.X   = w - 2 * highlightMargin;
                size.Y   = 60;
                quad.Render(blackHighlight, new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 0.2f), position, size, "AdditiveBlendWithAlpha");

                // Restore write channels.
                device.BlendState = BlendState.NonPremultiplied;

                // Restore backbuffer.

                dirty = false;
        }   // end of UIGridModularMenu RefreshTexture()
Пример #30
            }   // end of UpdateTextColor()

            /// <summary>
            /// Render our UI to the screen, but only if now is appropriate.
            /// </summary>
            public static void Render()
                // In mouse mode, don't render undo/redo icons if pickers are active.
                bool mouseEdit = inGame.CurrentUpdateMode == UpdateMode.MouseEdit &&

                if ((inGame.CurrentUpdateMode == UpdateMode.ToolMenu || mouseEdit) &&
                    GraphicsDevice device = BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice;

                    // Calc position for undo/redo text.
                    int x          = 0;
                    int y          = (int)(BokuGame.ScreenSize.Y * 0.66f);
                    int buttonSize = 40;

                    UI2D.Shared.GetFont Font  = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont18Bold;
                    SpriteBatch         batch = UI2D.Shared.SpriteBatch;

                    // Handle small screens.
                    if (BokuGame.ScreenSize.Y < 720)
                        Font       = UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont15_75;
                        buttonSize = (int)(buttonSize * 0.8f);

                    if (HaveReDo)
                        ScreenSpaceQuad quad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();

                        Texture2D texture = GamePadInput.ActiveMode == GamePadInput.InputMode.GamePad ? ButtonTextures.YButton : ButtonTextures.Redo;
                                    new Vector2(x, y),
                                    new Vector2(buttonSize),

                        redoHitBox.Set(new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(x, y) + new Vector2(buttonSize - 12));
                        redoHitBox.Set(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero);

                    if (HaveUnDo)
                        ScreenSpaceQuad quad    = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();
                        Texture2D       texture = GamePadInput.ActiveMode == GamePadInput.InputMode.GamePad ? ButtonTextures.XButton : ButtonTextures.Undo;
                                    new Vector2(x, y + buttonSize - 12),
                                    new Vector2(buttonSize),

                        undoHitBox.Set(new Vector2(x, y + buttonSize - 12), new Vector2(x, y + buttonSize - 12) + new Vector2(buttonSize - 12));
                        undoHitBox.Set(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero);

                    Color darkGrey = new Color(10, 10, 10);

                    if (HaveReDo)
                        string str = Strings.Localize("undoStack.redo") + "(" + NumReDo.ToString() + ")";
                                                        x + buttonSize - 12,
                                                        y - 4,
                                                        redoTextColor, darkGrey, false);
                        Vector2 max = redoHitBox.Max;
                        max.X += Font().MeasureString(str).X;
                        redoHitBox.Set(redoHitBox.Min, max);

                    if (HaveUnDo)
                        string str = Strings.Localize("undoStack.undo") + "(" + NumUnDo.ToString() + ")";
                                                        x + buttonSize - 12,
                                                        y + buttonSize - 16,
                                                        undoTextColor, darkGrey, false);
                        Vector2 max = undoHitBox.Max;
                        max.X += Font().MeasureString(str).X;
                        undoHitBox.Set(undoHitBox.Min, max);
                    if (HaveReDo)
                        string str = Strings.Localize("undoStack.redo") + "(" + NumReDo.ToString() + ")";
                        SysFont.DrawString(str, new Vector2(x + buttonSize - 12, y - 4), new RectangleF(), Font().systemFont, redoTextColor, outlineColor: Color.Black, outlineWidth: 1.5f);
                        Vector2 max = redoHitBox.Max;
                        max.X += Font().MeasureString(str).X;
                        redoHitBox.Set(redoHitBox.Min, max);

                    if (HaveUnDo)
                        string str = Strings.Localize("undoStack.undo") + "(" + NumUnDo.ToString() + ")";
                        SysFont.DrawString(str, new Vector2(x + buttonSize - 12, y + buttonSize - 16), new RectangleF(), Font().systemFont, undoTextColor, outlineColor: Color.Black, outlineWidth: 1.5f);
                        Vector2 max = undoHitBox.Max;
                        max.X += Font().MeasureString(str).X;
                        undoHitBox.Set(undoHitBox.Min, max);