Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算防盗标签费
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="soLine"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static decimal GetLabelling(SM.SO.SOLine soLine, OrderBomBE.OrderBomHead.EntityList orderBom)
            decimal labelling = 0;
            //if (soLine.DescFlexField.PrivateDescSeg7 == "")
            //    //throw new Exception("请维护销售单" + soLine.SO.DocNo + "行" + soLine.DocLineNo + "对应的防盗标签费");
            decimal purchasePrice = 0;//采购价
            DataSet ds            = new DataSet();
            string  sql           = "";

            if (orderBom != null)
                foreach (OrderBomHead line in orderBom)
                    ds  = new DataSet();
                    sql = "";
                    if (line.SubKey != null && line.SubKey.Code == "FDBQ")
                        sql = "select top 1 B.OrderPriceTC,A.TC from PM_POLine b left join PM_PurchaseOrder a on b.PurchaseOrder=a.id where b.ItemInfo_ItemID=" + line.SubKey.ID + " and Org=" + UFIDA.U9.Base.Context.LoginOrg.ID + " order by a.BusinessDate desc";
                        UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.DataAccessor.RunSQL(UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.DataAccessor.GetConn(), sql, null, out ds);
                        if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OrderPriceTC"].ToString() != "")
                            purchasePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OrderPriceTC"].ToString());
                            if (Convert.ToInt64(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TC"].ToString()) != soLine.SO.TC.ID)//币种不同,汇率转换为销售订单币种
                                //purchasePrice =
                                UFIDA.U9.Cust.CBO.RateBE.OperationalRateLine rateLine = UFIDA.U9.Cust.CBO.RateBE.OperationalRateLine.Finder.Find("StartDate<='" + DateTime.Now + "' and EndDate>='" + DateTime.Now + "'" +
                                                                                                                                                 "and OperationalRateHead.IsCurrency=" + Convert.ToInt64(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TC"].ToString()) + " and OperationalRateHead.NotCurrency=" + soLine.SO.TC.ID + " and OperationalRateHead.Org=" + UFIDA.U9.Base.Context.LoginOrg.ID);
                                if (rateLine == null)
                                    UFIDA.U9.Base.Currency.Currency isCurenty = UFIDA.U9.Base.Currency.Currency.Finder.FindByID(Convert.ToInt64(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TC"].ToString()));
                                    throw new Exception("原币" + isCurenty.Name + "对目标币" + soLine.SO.TC.Name + "的汇率未设置,请在基础设置-业务汇率表中设置");
                                purchasePrice = purchasePrice * rateLine.Parities;
                        labelling += purchasePrice * line.NeedNumber;
            if (labelling == 0)//未取到防盗标签费,取销售订单行
                labelling = decimal.Parse(soLine.DescFlexField.PrivateDescSeg7);

        /// <summary>
        /// 计算防盗标签费,已包含进包材采购成本
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="soLine"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static decimal GetLabelling(GS.FT.ShipPlanDetailBE.ShipPlanDetailLine shipLine, OrderBomBE.OrderBomHead.EntityList orderBom)
            decimal labelling = 0;

            decimal purchasePrice = 0;//采购价
            DataSet ds            = new DataSet();
            string  sql           = "";

            if (orderBom != null)
                foreach (OrderBomHead line in orderBom)
                    ds  = new DataSet();
                    sql = "";
                    if (line.SubKey != null && line.SubKey.Code == "FDBQ")
                        sql = "select top 1 B.OrderPriceTC,A.TC from PM_POLine b left join PM_PurchaseOrder a on b.PurchaseOrder=a.id where b.ItemInfo_ItemID=" + line.SubKey.ID + " and Org=" + UFIDA.U9.Base.Context.LoginOrg.ID + " order by a.BusinessDate desc";
                        UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.DataAccessor.RunSQL(UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.DataAccessor.GetConn(), sql, null, out ds);
                        if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OrderPriceTC"].ToString() != "")
                            purchasePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OrderPriceTC"].ToString());
                            if (Convert.ToInt64(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TC"].ToString()) != shipLine.ShipPlanDetailHead.Currency.ID)//币种不同,汇率转换为销售订单币种
                                //purchasePrice =
                                UFIDA.U9.Cust.CBO.RateBE.OperationalRateLine rateLine = UFIDA.U9.Cust.CBO.RateBE.OperationalRateLine.Finder.Find("StartDate<='" + DateTime.Now + "' and EndDate>='" + DateTime.Now + "'" +
                                                                                                                                                 "and OperationalRateHead.IsCurrency=" + Convert.ToInt64(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TC"].ToString()) + " and OperationalRateHead.NotCurrency=" + shipLine.ShipPlanDetailHead.Currency.ID + " and OperationalRateHead.Org=" + UFIDA.U9.Base.Context.LoginOrg.ID);
                                if (rateLine == null)
                                    UFIDA.U9.Base.Currency.Currency isCurenty = UFIDA.U9.Base.Currency.Currency.Finder.FindByID(Convert.ToInt64(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TC"].ToString()));
                                    throw new Exception("原币" + isCurenty.Name + "对目标币" + shipLine.ShipPlanDetailHead.Currency.Name + "的汇率未设置,请在基础设置-业务汇率表中设置");
                                purchasePrice = purchasePrice * rateLine.Parities;
                        labelling += purchasePrice * line.NeedNumber;
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取采购单价
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">取采购单价类型,因为不同字段取值采购单价校验不同(主要区分币种),用type字段区分,0计算退税率,1计算包装采购成本,3计算工具采购成本</param>
        /// <param name="soLine"></param>
        /// <param name="bomLine"></param>
        /// <param name="ds"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static decimal CalculatePurchasePrice(int type, SM.SO.SOLine soLine, OrderBomLine bomLine, DataSet ds, ref int currencyType)
            decimal purchasePrice = 0;

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OrderPriceTC"].ToString() != "")
                purchasePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OrderPriceTC"].ToString());
                if (type == 0 && Convert.ToInt64(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TC"].ToString()) == 9)//采购币种为美元,不退税
                else if (type == 1 && Convert.ToInt64(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TC"].ToString()) != 1)//采购币种不为人民币,不计算计算包装采购成本
                    if (type == 2)                                                       //工具采购成本计算结果根据币种不同需要保存到不同字段,此处记录币种为人民币/美元
                        if (Convert.ToInt64(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TC"].ToString()) == 1) //人民币
                            currencyType = 1;
                        else if (Convert.ToInt64(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TC"].ToString()) == 9)//美元
                            currencyType = 9;
                    else if (Convert.ToInt64(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TC"].ToString()) != soLine.SO.TC.ID)//币种不同,汇率转换为销售订单币种
                        //purchasePrice =
                        UFIDA.U9.Cust.CBO.RateBE.OperationalRateLine rateLine = UFIDA.U9.Cust.CBO.RateBE.OperationalRateLine.Finder.Find("StartDate<='" + DateTime.Now + "' and EndDate>='" + DateTime.Now + "'" +
                                                                                                                                         "and OperationalRateHead.IsCurrency=" + Convert.ToInt64(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TC"].ToString()) + " and OperationalRateHead.NotCurrency=" + soLine.SO.TC.ID + " and OperationalRateHead.Org=" + UFIDA.U9.Base.Context.LoginOrg.ID);
                        if (rateLine == null)
                            UFIDA.U9.Base.Currency.Currency isCurenty = UFIDA.U9.Base.Currency.Currency.Finder.FindByID(Convert.ToInt64(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TC"].ToString()));
                            throw new Exception("原币" + isCurenty.Name + "对目标币" + soLine.SO.TC.Name + "的汇率未设置,请在基础设置-业务汇率表中设置");
                        purchasePrice = purchasePrice * rateLine.Parities;
            else //没有取到最近采购价,取厂商价目表
                UFIDA.U9.PPR.PurPriceList.PurPriceLine purPriceLine = null;
                if (bomLine == null) //BOM为空,取成品采购价
                    purPriceLine = UFIDA.U9.PPR.PurPriceList.PurPriceLine.Finder.Find("ItemInfo='" + soLine.ItemInfo.ItemID.ID + "' and FromDate<='" + DateTime.Now + "' and ToDate>='" + DateTime.Now + "'");
                    if (type == 2 && purPriceLine == null) //工具子件取不到价格,取销售订单行成品成本
                    else if (purPriceLine == null)
                        throw new Exception("销售订单" + soLine.SO.DocNo + "行" + soLine.DocLineNo + "对应料品" + soLine.ItemInfo.ItemName + "没有取到价格,请手工录入价表");
                else if (bomLine.SubKey != null)//子件
                    purPriceLine = UFIDA.U9.PPR.PurPriceList.PurPriceLine.Finder.Find("ItemInfo='" + bomLine.SubKey.ID + "' and FromDate<='" + DateTime.Now + "' and ToDate>='" + DateTime.Now + "'");
                    if (type == 2 && purPriceLine == null) //工具子件取不到价格,取销售订单行成品成本
                    else if (purPriceLine == null)
                        throw new Exception("销售订单" + soLine.SO.DocNo + "行" + soLine.DocLineNo + "对应料品" + soLine.ItemInfo.ItemName + "子件" + bomLine.SubKey.Name + "没有取到价格,请手工录入价表");
                if (type == 0 && purPriceLine.PurPriceList.Currency.ID == 9)//币种为美元,不退税
                else if (type == 1 && purPriceLine.PurPriceList.Currency.ID != 1)//币种不为人民币,不计算计算包装采购成本
                    if (type == 2)                                      //工具采购成本计算结果根据币种不同需要保存到不同字段,此处记录币种为人民币/美元
                        if (purPriceLine.PurPriceList.Currency.ID == 1) //人民币
                            currencyType = 1;
                        else if (purPriceLine.PurPriceList.Currency.ID == 9)//美元
                            currencyType = 9;
                purchasePrice = purPriceLine.Price;                                                                   //厂商价目表单价
                if (purPriceLine.PurPriceList.Currency != null && purPriceLine.PurPriceList.Currency != soLine.SO.TC) //币种不同,汇率转换为销售订单币种
                    UFIDA.U9.Cust.CBO.RateBE.OperationalRateLine rateLine = UFIDA.U9.Cust.CBO.RateBE.OperationalRateLine.Finder.Find("StartDate<='" + DateTime.Now + "' and EndDate>='" + DateTime.Now + "'" +
                                                                                                                                     "and OperationalRateHead.IsCurrency=" + purPriceLine.PurPriceList.Currency.ID + " and OperationalRateHead.NotCurrency=" + soLine.SO.TC.ID + " and OperationalRateHead.Org=" + UFIDA.U9.Base.Context.LoginOrg.ID);
                    if (rateLine == null)
                        throw new Exception("原币" + purPriceLine.PurPriceList.Currency.Name + "对目标币" + soLine.SO.TC.Name + "的汇率未设置,请在基础设置-业务汇率表中设置");
                    purchasePrice = purchasePrice * rateLine.Parities;
            //return purchasePrice;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算工具采购成本
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="soLine">销售行</param>
        /// <param name="rmbCost">人民币采购成本</param>
        /// <param name="dollorCost">美元采购成本</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static decimal GetProductCost(SM.SO.SOLine soLine, ref decimal rmbCost, ref decimal dollorCost, OrderBomBE.OrderBomHead.EntityList orderBom)
            decimal productCost = 0;
            decimal purchaseCost  = 0;
            decimal purchasePrice = 0; //采购价
            int     currencyType  = 0; //采购币种标记

            //if (soLine.ItemInfo.ItemIDKey.GetEntity().StockCategory.Code == "01") //中类直接取最近采购价格
            //if (soLine.DescFlexField.PubDescSeg18 == "03") ////如果是成品采购,
            if (orderBom == null || orderBom.Count == 0) //随单BOM为空,取中类采购价
                DataSet ds  = new DataSet();
                string  sql = "select top 1 B.OrderPriceTC,A.TC from PM_POLine b left join PM_PurchaseOrder a on b.PurchaseOrder=a.id where b.ItemInfo_ItemID=" + soLine.ItemInfo.ItemID.ID + " and Org=" + UFIDA.U9.Base.Context.LoginOrg.ID + " order by a.BusinessDate desc";
                UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.DataAccessor.RunSQL(UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.DataAccessor.GetConn(), sql, null, out ds);
                purchasePrice = CalculatePurchasePrice(2, soLine, null, ds, ref currencyType);
                if (purchasePrice == 0 && soLine.DescFlexField.PrivateDescSeg23 != "")
                    purchasePrice = decimal.Parse(soLine.DescFlexField.PrivateDescSeg23);
                    if (soLine.SO.TC.ID == 1)
                        currencyType = 1;
                    else if (soLine.SO.TC.ID == 9)
                        currencyType = 9;
                if (currencyType == 1)
                    rmbCost = purchasePrice;
                else if (currencyType == 9)
                    dollorCost = purchasePrice;
                purchaseCost = rmbCost + dollorCost;
                //return purchaseCost;
                DataSet ds  = new DataSet();
                string  sql = "";
                foreach (OrderBomHead line in orderBom)
                    if (line.SubKey != null && line.SubKey.StockCategory != null && line.SubKey.StockCategory.Code == "02")//工具子件
                        ds  = new DataSet();
                        sql = "select top 1 B.OrderPriceTC,A.TC from PM_POLine b left join PM_PurchaseOrder a on b.PurchaseOrder=a.id where b.ItemInfo_ItemID=" + line.SubKey.ID + " and Org=" + UFIDA.U9.Base.Context.LoginOrg.ID + " order by a.BusinessDate desc";
                        UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.DataAccessor.RunSQL(UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.DataAccessor.GetConn(), sql, null, out ds);
                        purchasePrice = CalculatePurchasePrice(2, soLine, line, ds, ref currencyType);
                        if (currencyType == 1)
                            rmbCost += purchasePrice;
                        else if (currencyType == 9)
                            dollorCost += purchasePrice;

            if (dollorCost != 0 && soLine.SO.TC.ID == 1)
                UFIDA.U9.Cust.CBO.RateBE.OperationalRateLine rateLine = UFIDA.U9.Cust.CBO.RateBE.OperationalRateLine.Finder.Find("StartDate<='" + DateTime.Now + "' and EndDate>='" + DateTime.Now + "'" +
                                                                                                                                 "and OperationalRateHead.IsCurrency=9 and OperationalRateHead.NotCurrency=1 and OperationalRateHead.Org=" + UFIDA.U9.Base.Context.LoginOrg.ID);
                if (rateLine == null)
                    throw new Exception("美元对人民币的汇率未设置,请在基础设置-业务汇率表中设置");
                productCost = dollorCost * rateLine.Parities + rmbCost;
            else if (rmbCost != 0 && soLine.SO.TC.ID == 9)
                UFIDA.U9.Cust.CBO.RateBE.OperationalRateLine rateLine = UFIDA.U9.Cust.CBO.RateBE.OperationalRateLine.Finder.Find("StartDate<='" + DateTime.Now + "' and EndDate>='" + DateTime.Now + "'" +
                                                                                                                                 "and OperationalRateHead.IsCurrency=1 and OperationalRateHead.NotCurrency=9 and OperationalRateHead.Org=" + UFIDA.U9.Base.Context.LoginOrg.ID);
                if (rateLine == null)
                    throw new Exception("人民币对美元的汇率未设置,请在基础设置-业务汇率表中设置");
                productCost = dollorCost + rmbCost * rateLine.Parities;
