void characterUpgrade() { CharacterInfo[] selectableCharacters = UFE.GetVersusModeSelectableCharacters(); CharacterInfo character1 = selectableCharacters [characterUpgradeValue]; UFE.SetPlayer(1, character1); UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.successUI(0f); }
IEnumerator Ftree() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3f)); UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.weaponPopup(0f); coinsText = GameObject.Find("BuyWeaponPopUp(Clone)").transform.GetChild(2).GetChild(0).GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>(); coinsText.text = Firstfightcoin; diamondText = GameObject.Find("BuyWeaponPopUp(Clone)").transform.GetChild(3).GetChild(0).GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>(); diamondText.text = " " + Firstfightdiamond; editText = GameObject.Find("BuyWeaponPopUp(Clone)").transform.GetChild(4).GetChild(0).GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>(); editText.text = "wait"; }
public void okMthd() { int newLife = (int)(PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("HEALTH")); if (newLife <= 500 / 2) { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.updateEnergy(0f); } else { IntroScreen.characterValue = 100; UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.StartGame(0); } }
public void waitMethod() { Text val = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("level2BuyGadha").transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>(); if (CheckIN_Index == 0) { val.text = "Are you sure want to wait or\nyou want to buy diamonds or\nwatch a video for Upgrading Weapon"; CheckIN_Index++; } else if (CheckIN_Index == 1) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("WaitScene", "UFE_UPDATEENERGY _WAIT"); CheckIN_Index = 0; UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.timerUI(0f); } else { } }
public void diamondMethod() { int diamondCount = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("DIAMOND"); btn = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("DiamondTag"); btn.GetComponent <Button> ().interactable = false; string Value = btn.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text> ().text; int diamondValue = int.Parse(Value); if (diamondCount >= diamondValue) { diamondCount = diamondCount - diamondValue; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DIAMOND", diamondCount); UFE.diamondCheck = true; IntroScreen.characterValue = 100; UFE.StartGame(0); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.alertUI(0f); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { DateTime currentTime = System.DateTime.Now; int timeDiff = (int)currentTime.Subtract(timerStartTime).TotalSeconds; time = waitTime - timeDiff; float f = time / waitTime; int minutes = time / 60; //Divide the guiTime by sixty to get the minutes. int seconds = time % 60; //Use the euclidean division for the seconds. //update the label value timerLabel.text = string.Format("{0:00} : {1:00}", minutes, seconds); if (time < 0) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("isWaiting", 0); string str = PlayerPrefs.GetString("WaitScene"); if (str.Equals("UFE_WAIT")) { Fight = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("FIGHTTAG"); string level_fgt = PlayerPrefs.GetString("LEVEL"); if (level_fgt.Equals("LEVELI")) { level = 1; } else if (level_fgt.Equals("LEVELII")) { level = 2; } else if (level_fgt.Equals("LEVELIII")) { level = 3; } switch (Fight) { case 0: if (level == 3) { characterUpgradeValue = 23; WeaponPopUp.level3buygadha = true; } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 14; WeaponPopUp.level2buygadha = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 0; WeaponPopUp.buygadha1 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); break; case 1: if (level == 3) { characterUpgradeValue = 24; WeaponPopUp.level3buygadha2 = true; } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 15; WeaponPopUp.level2buyarmour = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 6; WeaponPopUp.buygadha2 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); break; case 2: if (level == 3) { characterUpgradeValue = 22; WeaponPopUp.level3buyarmour = true; } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 16; WeaponPopUp.level2buygadha2 = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 7; WeaponPopUp.buyArmour1 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); break; case 3: if (level == 3) { } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 17; WeaponPopUp.level2buyarmour2 = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 8; WeaponPopUp.buygadha3 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); break; case 4: if (level == 3) { } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 25; WeaponPopUp.level2buyarmour3 = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 9; WeaponPopUp.buyArmour2 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); break; } } else if (str.Equals("UFE_UPDATEENERGY _WAIT")) { IntroScreen.characterValue = 100; UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.StartGame(0); } } }
void mainBuyMthd() { int Fight = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("FIGHTTAG"); string level_fgt = PlayerPrefs.GetString("LEVEL"); if (level_fgt.Equals("LEVELI")) { level = 1; } else if (level_fgt.Equals("LEVELII")) { level = 2; } else if (level_fgt.Equals("LEVELIII")) { level = 3; } switch (Fight) { case 0: if (diamondCount >= 1) { diamondCount = diamondCount - 1; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DIAMOND", diamondCount); if (level == 3) { characterUpgradeValue = 23; WeaponPopUp.level3buygadha = true; } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 14; WeaponPopUp.level2buygadha = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 0; WeaponPopUp.buygadha1 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.alertUI(0f); } break; case 1: if (diamondCount >= 2) { diamondCount = diamondCount - 2; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DIAMOND", diamondCount); if (level == 3) { characterUpgradeValue = 24; WeaponPopUp.level3buygadha2 = true; } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 15; WeaponPopUp.level2buyarmour = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 6; WeaponPopUp.buygadha2 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.alertUI(0f); } break; case 2: if (diamondCount >= 3) { diamondCount = diamondCount - 3; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DIAMOND", diamondCount); if (level == 3) { characterUpgradeValue = 22; WeaponPopUp.level3buyarmour = true; } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 16; WeaponPopUp.level2buygadha2 = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 7; WeaponPopUp.buyArmour1 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.alertUI(0f); } break; case 3: if (diamondCount >= 4) { diamondCount = diamondCount - 4; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DIAMOND", diamondCount); if (level == 3) { } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 17; WeaponPopUp.level2buyarmour2 = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 8; WeaponPopUp.buygadha3 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.alertUI(0f); } break; case 4: if (diamondCount >= 5) { diamondCount = diamondCount - 5; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DIAMOND", diamondCount); if (level == 3) { } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 25; WeaponPopUp.level2buyarmour3 = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 9; WeaponPopUp.buyArmour2 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.alertUI(0f); } break; } }
public void coinsMthd() { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.alertUI(0f); }
public void instant() { Fight = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("FIGHTTAG"); int diamondCount = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("DIAMOND"); btn = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("DiamondTag"); btn.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false; string Value = btn.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text> ().text; int diamondValue = int.Parse(Value); string level_fgt = PlayerPrefs.GetString("LEVEL"); if (level_fgt.Equals("LEVELI")) { level = 1; } else if (level_fgt.Equals("LEVELII")) { level = 2; } else if (level_fgt.Equals("LEVELIII")) { level = 3; } // level fight cases // diamondCount = 0; switch (Fight) { case 0: if (diamondCount >= diamondValue) { diamondCount = diamondCount - diamondValue; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DIAMOND", diamondCount); if (level == 3) { characterUpgradeValue = 23; level3buygadha = true; } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 14; level2buygadha = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 0; buygadha1 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.alertUI(0f); } break; case 1: if (diamondCount >= diamondValue) { diamondCount = diamondCount - diamondValue; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DIAMOND", diamondCount); if (level == 3) { characterUpgradeValue = 24; level3buygadha2 = true; } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 15; level2buyarmour = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 6; buygadha2 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.alertUI(0f); } break; case 2: if (diamondCount >= diamondValue) { diamondCount = diamondCount - diamondValue; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DIAMOND", diamondCount); if (level == 3) { characterUpgradeValue = 22; level3buyarmour = true; } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 16; level2buygadha2 = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 7; buyArmour1 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.alertUI(0f); } break; case 3: if (diamondCount >= diamondValue) { diamondCount = diamondCount - diamondValue; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DIAMOND", diamondCount); if (level == 3) { } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 17; level2buyarmour2 = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 8; buygadha3 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.alertUI(0f); } break; case 4: if (diamondCount >= diamondValue) { diamondCount = diamondCount - diamondValue; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DIAMOND", diamondCount); if (level == 3) { } else if (level == 2) { characterUpgradeValue = 25; level2buyarmour3 = true; } else { characterUpgradeValue = 9; buyArmour2 = true; } this.characterUpgrade(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.alertUI(0f); } break; } }
public void gadhaANDcoins() { Fight = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("FIGHTTAG"); int coinsCount = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("COINSI"); btn = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CoinsTag"); btn.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false; string Value = btn.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text> ().text; coinValue = int.Parse(Value); string level_fgt = PlayerPrefs.GetString("LEVEL"); if (level_fgt.Equals("LEVELI")) { level = 1; } else if (level_fgt.Equals("LEVELII")) { level = 2; } coinsCount = 100; switch (Fight) { case 0: if (coinsCount >= coinValue) { PlayVideo(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.waitUI(0f); } break; case 1: if (coinsCount >= coinValue) { PlayVideo(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.waitUI(0f); } break; case 2: if (coinsCount >= coinValue) { PlayVideo(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.waitUI(0f); } break; case 3: if (coinsCount >= coinValue) { PlayVideo(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.waitUI(0f); } break; case 4: if (coinsCount >= coinValue) { PlayVideo(); } else { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.waitUI(0f); } break; } }
public void buyDiamonds() { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); UFE.storeUI(0f); }
public void wait() { UFE.HideScreen(UFE.currentScreen); PlayerPrefs.SetString("WaitScene", "UFE_WAIT"); UFE.timerUI(0f); }