Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// set the movement range of the thumb for the horizontal axis.
        /// The values specified here are relative to the parent window for the thumb, and are specified in whichever
        /// metrics mode is active for the widget.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="min">
        /// the minimum setting for the thumb on the horizontal axis.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="max">
        /// the maximum setting for the thumb on the horizontal axis.
        /// </param>
        public void SetHorzRange(float min, float max)
            var parentSize = GetParentPixelSize();

            // ensure min <= max, swap if not.
            if (min > max)
                var tmp = min;
                max = min;
                min = tmp;

            _horzMax = max;
            _horzMin = min;

            // validate current position.
            var cp = CoordConverter.AsAbsolute(GetXPosition(), parentSize.Width);

            if (cp < min)
            else if (cp > max)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Move the window by the pixel offsets specified in \a offset.
        /// This is intended for internal system use - it is the method by
        /// which the title bar moves the frame window.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offset">
        /// Vector2 object containing the offsets to apply (offsets are in screen pixels).
        /// </param>
        public void OffsetPixelPosition(Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2 offset)
            var uOffset = new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(/*PixelAligned(*/ offset.X /*)*/),
                                       UDim.Absolute(/*PixelAligned(*/ offset.Y /*)*/));

            SetPosition(d_area.Position + uOffset);
Пример #3
        protected override void LayoutItemWidgets()
            // get render area
            var renderRect = GetItemRenderArea();

            // get starting position
            var x0 = CoordConverter.AlignToPixels(renderRect.d_min.X);
            var y0 = CoordConverter.AlignToPixels(renderRect.d_min.Y);

            var sz = new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(CoordConverter.AlignToPixels(renderRect.Width)), UDim.Absolute(0));   // set item width

            // iterate through all items attached to this window
            foreach (var item in ListItems)
                // get the "optimal" height of the item and use that!
                sz.d_y.d_offset = CoordConverter.AlignToPixels(item.GetItemPixelSize().Height); // rounding errors ?

                // set destination rect
                var rect = new URect
                    Position = new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(x0), UDim.Absolute(y0)),
                    Size     = new USize(sz.d_x, sz.d_y)
                // todo: vector vs size

                // next position
                y0 += CoordConverter.AlignToPixels(sz.d_y.d_offset + ItemSpacing);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the correct position and size of a tab button, based on the
        /// index it is due to be placed at.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">
        /// The index of the tab button
        /// </param>
        protected void CalculateTabButtonSizePosition(int index)
            var btn = d_tabButtonVector[index];

            // relative height is always 1.0 for buttons since they are embedded in a
            // panel of the correct height already
            var position = new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(0.0f), UDim.Absolute(0.0f));
            var size     = new USize(UDim.Absolute(0.0f), UDim.Relative(1.0f));

            // x position is based on previous button
            if (index == 0)
                // First button
                position.d_x = UDim.Absolute(d_firstTabOffset);
                var prevButton = d_tabButtonVector[index - 1];

                // position is prev pos + width
                position.d_x = prevButton.GetArea().d_max.d_x;

            size.d_width = UDim.Absolute(btn.GetRenderedString().GetHorizontalExtent(btn)) + GetTabTextPadding() +


            var leftX = position.d_x.d_offset;

            btn.SetVisible((leftX < GetPixelSize().Width) && (leftX + btn.GetPixelSize().Width > 0));
Пример #5
        public override void UpdateThumb()
            var w    = (Scrollbar)Window;
            var wlf  = GetLookNFeel();
            var area = wlf.GetNamedArea("ThumbTrackArea").GetArea().GetPixelRect(w);

            var theThumb = w.GetThumb();

            var   posExtent = w.GetDocumentSize() - w.GetPageSize();
            float slideExtent;

            if (_vertical)
                slideExtent = area.Height - theThumb.GetPixelSize().Height;
                theThumb.SetVertRange(area.Top / w.GetPixelSize().Height,
                                      (area.Top + slideExtent) / w.GetPixelSize().Height);
                    new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(area.Left),
                                 UDim.Relative((area.Top +
                                                (w.GetScrollPosition() * (slideExtent / posExtent))) /
                slideExtent = area.Width - theThumb.GetPixelSize().Width;
                theThumb.SetHorzRange(area.Left / w.GetPixelSize().Width,
                                      (area.Left + slideExtent) / w.GetPixelSize().Width);
                    new UVector2(
                        UDim.Relative((area.Left + (w.GetScrollPosition() * (slideExtent / posExtent))) /
        protected bool HandleHScroll(EventArgs e)
            var h      = (Scrollbar)((WindowEventArgs)e).Window;
            var newpos = -h.GetScrollPosition();

Пример #7
        public TestWindow()
            Size     = new USize(UDim.Relative(0.5f));
            Position = new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(200), UDim.Absolute(50));

            Title    = "MY BEAUTIJFUL TEST WINDOW!?";
            CanClose = true;
            Icon     = "Inventory";
Пример #8
        public override void AutoPositionSize(Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2 position, Sizef ownerSize)
            var view      = GetView();
            var totalArea = view.GetUnclippedOuterRect().Get();

            var contentArea           = _itemViewRenderer.GetViewRenderArea(view, false, false);
            var withScrollContentArea = _itemViewRenderer.GetViewRenderArea(view, true, true);

            var frameSize           = totalArea.Size - contentArea.Size;
            var withScrollFrameSize = totalArea.Size - withScrollContentArea.Size;
            var contentSize         = new Sizef(view.GetRenderedMaxWidth(), view.GetRenderedTotalHeight());

            var parentSize = view.GetParentPixelSize();
            var maxSize    =
                new Sizef(ownerSize.Width /*parentSize.Width - CoordConverter.AsAbsolute(view.GetXPosition(), parentSize.Width)*/,
                          0.8f * parentSize.Height /*CoordConverter.AsAbsolute(view.GetYPosition(), parentSize.Height)*/);

            var requiredSize = frameSize + contentSize + new Sizef(1, 1);

            if (requiredSize.Height > maxSize.Height)
                requiredSize.Height = maxSize.Height;
                requiredSize.Width  = Math.Min(maxSize.Width,
                                               requiredSize.Width - frameSize.Width + withScrollFrameSize.Width);

            requiredSize.Width = ownerSize.Width;
            if (requiredSize.Width > maxSize.Width)
                requiredSize.Width  = maxSize.Width;
                requiredSize.Height = Math.Min(maxSize.Height,
                                               requiredSize.Height - frameSize.Height + withScrollFrameSize.Height);

            var posY = position.Y + (ownerSize.Height - requiredSize.Height) / 2f;

            posY  = posY < 0f ? 0f : posY;
            posY -= posY + requiredSize.Height > parentSize.Height
                    //? parentSize.Height - (posY + requiredSize.Height + 1f)
                                  ? (posY + requiredSize.Height) - parentSize.Height
                                  : 0f;

            view.SetPosition(new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(position.X), UDim.Absolute(posY)));
            view.SetHeight(new UDim(0, requiredSize.Height));
            view.SetWidth(new UDim(0, requiredSize.Width));
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the current content pane area for the ScrolledContainer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="area">
        /// Rect object that details the pixel extents to use for the content
        /// pane represented by this ScrolledContainer.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If the ScrolledContainer is configured to auto-size the content pane
        /// this call will have no effect.
        /// </remarks>
        public void SetContentArea(Rectf area)
            if (!_autoSizePane)
                _contentArea = area;
                SetSize(new USize(UDim.Absolute(_contentArea.Width), UDim.Absolute(_contentArea.Height)));

                // Fire event
                OnContentChanged(new WindowEventArgs(this));
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Update state for window dragging.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localMouse">
        /// Mouse position as a pixel offset from the top-left corner of this window.
        /// </param>
        protected void DoDragging(Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2 localMouse)
            // calculate amount to move
            var offset = new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(localMouse.X), UDim.Absolute(localMouse.Y));

            offset -= (_usingFixedDragOffset) ? _fixedDragOffset : _dragPoint;
            // set new position
            SetPosition(GetPosition() + offset);

            // Perform event notification
            OnDragPositionChanged(new WindowEventArgs(this));
Пример #11
        public override void Draw(DrawingContext ctx)
            var spriteCountHorizontal = (int)Math.Ceiling((ActualSize.Width.Absolute() - _leftSprite.Width - _rightSprite.Width) / _leftSprite.Width);

            // Top row
            ctx.Draw(_topLeftSprite, ActualPosition);
            for (int i = 0; i < spriteCountHorizontal; ++i)
                ctx.Draw(_topSprite, ActualPosition + new UVector2(_topSprite.Width * i + _topLeftSprite.Width, 0f));

            ctx.Draw(_topRightSprite, ActualPosition + new UVector2(ActualSize.Width - UDim.Absolute(_topRightSprite.Width), UDim.Zero));

            // Middle rows and background
            int   rowHeight    = _leftSprite.Height;
            float height       = ActualSize.Height.Absolute() - _topSprite.Height - _bottomSprite.Height;
            int   amountOfRows = (int)Math.Ceiling(height / rowHeight);

            for (int row = 0; row < amountOfRows; row++)
                int rowY = row * _leftSprite.Height + _topSprite.Height;
                ctx.Draw(_leftSprite, ActualPosition + new UVector2(UDim.Zero, UDim.Absolute(rowY)));

                for (int i = 0; i < spriteCountHorizontal; i++)
                    int spriteX = _leftSprite.Width + i * _middleSprite.Width;
                    ctx.Draw(_middleSprite, ActualPosition + new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(spriteX), UDim.Absolute(rowY)));

                ctx.Draw(_rightSprite, ActualPosition + new UVector2(ActualSize.Width.Absolute() - _rightSprite.Width, rowY));

            // Bottom row
            ctx.Draw(_bottomLeftSprite, ActualPosition + new UVector2(UDim.Zero, ActualSize.Height - UDim.Absolute(_bottomLeftSprite.Height)));
            for (int i = 0; i < spriteCountHorizontal; ++i)
                ctx.Draw(_bottomSprite, ActualPosition + new UVector2(_bottomSprite.Width * i + _leftSprite.Width, ActualSize.Height.Absolute() - _bottomSprite.Height));

            ctx.Draw(_bottomRightSprite, ActualPosition + new UVector2(ActualSize.Width - UDim.Absolute(_bottomRightSprite.Width), ActualSize.Height - UDim.Absolute(_bottomRightSprite.Height)));

            if (_drawCorners)
                // Corners
                ctx.Draw(_topLeftCorner, ActualPosition + new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(-1f)));
                ctx.Draw(_topRightCorner, ActualPosition + new UVector2(ActualSize.Width.Absolute() - _topRightCorner.Width + 1f, -1f));
                ctx.Draw(_bottomLeftCorner, ActualPosition + new UVector2(-1f, ActualSize.Height.Absolute() - _bottomLeftCorner.Height + 1f));
                ctx.Draw(_bottomRightCorner, ActualPosition + new UVector2(ActualSize.Width.Absolute() - _bottomRightCorner.Width + 1f, ActualSize.Height.Absolute() - _bottomRightCorner.Height + 1f));
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Resize the ItemListBase to exactly fit the content that is attached to it.
        /// Return a Rect object describing, in un-clipped pixels, the window relative area
        /// that is to be used for rendering items.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void SizeToContentImpl()
            var renderArea = GetItemRenderArea();
            var wndArea    = CoordConverter.AsAbsolute(GetArea(), GetParentPixelSize());

            // get size of content
            var sz = GetContentSize();

            // calculate the full size with the frame accounted for and resize the window to this
            sz.Width  += wndArea.Width - renderArea.Width;
            sz.Height += wndArea.Height - renderArea.Height;
            SetSize(new USize(UDim.Absolute(sz.Width), UDim.Absolute(sz.Height)));
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the PopupMenu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notify">
        /// true if the parent menu bar or menu popup (if any) is to handle the open.
        /// </param>
        public void OpenPopupMenu(bool notify = true)
            // no popup? or already open...
            if (_popup == null || _opened)

            _popupOpening = false;
            _popupClosing = false;

            // should we notify ?
            // if so, and we are attached to a menu bar or popup menu, we let it handle the "activation"
            var p = OwnerList;

            if (notify && p != null)
                var menubar = p as Menubar;
                if (menubar != null)
                    // align the popup to the bottom-left of the menuitem
                    var pos = new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(0), UDim.Absolute(d_pixelSize.Height));
                    _popup.SetPosition(pos + _popupOffset);

                    return; // the rest is handled when the menu bar eventually calls us itself

                // or maybe a popup menu?
                var popupMenu = p as PopupMenu;
                if (popupMenu != null)
                    // align the popup to the top-right of the menuitem
                    var pos = new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(d_pixelSize.Width), UDim.Absolute(0));
                    _popup.SetPosition(pos + _popupOffset);

                    return; // the rest is handled when the popup menu eventually calls us itself

            // by now we must handle it ourselves
            // match up with Menubar::changePopupMenu

            _opened = true;
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the content container position according to the current
        /// state of the widget (like scrollbar positions, etc).
        /// </summary>
        protected void UpdateContainerPosition()
            // basePos is the position represented by the scrollbars
            // (these are negated so pane is scrolled in the correct directions)
            var basePos = new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(-GetHorzScrollbar().GetScrollPosition()),

            // this bias is the absolute position that 0 on the scrollbars represent.
            // Allows the pane to function correctly with negatively positioned content.
            var bias = new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(_contentRect.d_min.X),

            // set the new container pane position to be what the scrollbars request
            // minus any bias generated by the location of the content.
            GetScrolledContainer().SetPosition(basePos - bias);
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Causes the tooltip to position itself appropriately.
        /// </summary>
        public void PositionSelf()
            // no recusion allowed for this function!
            if (_inPositionSelf)

            _inPositionSelf = true;

            var cursor     = GetGUIContext().GetCursor();
            var screen     = new Rectf(Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2.Zero, GetRootContainerSize());
            var tipRect    = GetUnclippedOuterRect().Get();
            var mouseImage = cursor.GetImage();

            var mousePos = cursor.GetPosition();
            var mouseSz  = Sizef.Zero;

            if (mouseImage != null)
                mouseSz = mouseImage.GetRenderedSize();

            var tmpPos = new Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2(mousePos.X + mouseSz.Width, mousePos.Y + mouseSz.Height);

            tipRect.Position = tmpPos;

            // if tooltip would be off the right of the screen,
            // reposition to the other side of the mouse cursor.
            if (screen.Right < tipRect.Right)
                tmpPos.X = mousePos.X - tipRect.Width - 5;

            // if tooltip would be off the bottom of the screen,
            // reposition to the other side of the mouse cursor.
            if (screen.Bottom < tipRect.Bottom)
                tmpPos.Y = mousePos.Y - tipRect.Height - 5;

            // set final position of tooltip window.
            SetPosition(new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(tmpPos.X), UDim.Absolute(tmpPos.Y)));

            _inPositionSelf = false;
Пример #16
        public HotbarPanel() : base("PanelAlt1", false)
            Size     = new USize(UDim.Relative(0.2f), UDim.Absolute(41f));
            Position = new UVector2(UDim.Relative(0.4f), new UDim(1f, -41f));


            SelectedIndex = 1;
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Immediately pick up the DragContainer and optionally set the sticky
        /// mode in order to allow this to happen.  Any current interaction
        /// (i.e. mouse capture) will be interrupted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forceSticky">
        /// - true to automatically enable the sticky mode in order to facilitate picking up the DragContainer.
        /// - false to ignore the pick up request if the sticky mode is not alraedy enabled (default).
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// - true if the DragContainer was successfully picked up.
        /// - false if the DragContainer was not picked up.
        /// </returns>
        public bool PickUp(bool forceSticky = false)
            // check if we're already picked up or if dragging is disabled.
            if (_pickedUp || !_draggingEnabled)

            // see if we need to force sticky mode switch
            if (!_stickyMode && forceSticky)

            // can only pick up if sticky
            if (_stickyMode)
                // force immediate release of any current input capture (unless it's us)
                if (GetCaptureWindow() != null && GetCaptureWindow() != this)
                // activate ourselves and try to capture input
                if (CaptureInput())
                    // set the dragging point to the centre of the container.
                    _dragPoint.d_x = UDim.Absolute(d_pixelSize.Width / 2);
                    _dragPoint.d_y = UDim.Absolute(d_pixelSize.Height / 2);

                    // initialise the dragging state

                    // get position of mouse as co-ordinates local to this window.
                    var localMousePos = CoordConverter.ScreenToWindow(this,

                    _pickedUp = true;

Пример #18
        private void ReinitializeSlots()
            var basePosition = new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(3f));

            for (int i = 0; i < HotbarSlots; i++)
                Add(new ImageElement("InventorySlot")
                    Position = basePosition + new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(i * 38f), UDim.Zero)

                if (i == 0)
                    Add(new ImageElement("ShovelIcon")
                        Position = basePosition + new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(i * 38f + 2f), UDim.Absolute(1f))

                var text = (i + 1).ToString();
                if (i + 1 == 10)
                    text = "0";

                Add(new TextElement()
                    Text     = text,
                    Position = basePosition + new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(i * 38f + 3f), UDim.Absolute(1f)),
                    Color    = (i == 0) ? Color.Yellow : Color.White

            foreach (var child in Children)

            _slotsInitialized = HotbarSlots;
Пример #19
        protected internal override void OnCursorPressHold(CursorInputEventArgs e)

            if (e.Source == CursorInputSource.Left)
                // ensure all inputs come to us for now
                if (CaptureInput())
                    // get position of mouse as co-ordinates local to this window.
                    var localPos = CoordConverter.ScreenToWindow(this, e.Position);

                    // store drag point for possible sizing or moving operation.
                    _dragPoint.d_x   = UDim.Absolute(localPos.X);
                    _dragPoint.d_y   = UDim.Absolute(localPos.Y);
                    _leftPointerHeld = true;

Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for MenuItem objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        public MenuItem(string type, string name)
            : base(type, name)
            _pushed               = false;
            _hovering             = false;
            _opened               = false;
            _popupClosing         = false;
            _popupOpening         = false;
            _autoPopupTimeout     = 0.0f;
            _autoPopupTimeElapsed = 0.0f;
            _popup = null;

            // menuitems dont want multi-click events

            // add the new properties

            _popupOffset.d_x = UDim.Absolute(0);
            _popupOffset.d_y = UDim.Absolute(0);
Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup size and position for the item widgets attached to this ItemListbox
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LayoutItemWidgets()
            float y      = 0f;
            float widest = 0f;

            foreach (var entry in ListItems)
                var pxs = entry.GetItemPixelSize();
                if (pxs.Width > widest)
                    widest = pxs.Width;

                entry.SetArea(new URect(new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(0), UDim.Absolute(y)),
                                        new UVector2(UDim.Relative(1), UDim.Absolute(y + pxs.Height))));

                y += pxs.Height;

            // reconfigure scrollbars
            ConfigureScrollbars(new Sizef(widest, y));
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup size and position for the item widgets attached to this Menubar
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LayoutItemWidgets()
            var renderRect = GetItemRenderArea();
            var x0         = CoordConverter.AlignToPixels(renderRect.Left);

            foreach (var item in ListItems)
                var optimal = item.GetItemPixelSize();

                var rect = new URect
                    Position = new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(x0), UDim.Absolute(0)),
                    Size     = new USize(UDim.Absolute(CoordConverter.AlignToPixels(optimal.Width)),


                x0 += optimal.Width + ItemSpacing;
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Called before every visual draw, the context updates the Visual being drawn. If we can't move anything, in the future it might be
        ///  handy TODO: only calculate it once and only do it again if the elements update/viewport changes.
        /// Method calculates based on USize, UVector and most importantly UDim. Everything is based off of the parent if any, otherwise screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visual">Visual being drawn.</param>
        public void InitializeVisualDraw(Visual visual)
            Visual parent = visual.Parent;

            // Get screen bounds
            var      visualPosition = visual.Position;
            UVector2 actualPosition;
            var      visualSize = visual.Size;
            USize    actualSize;

            float screenWidth  = ViewportWidth;
            float screenHeight = ViewportHeight;

            if (parent == null)
                // Sizing based on parent null which means screen resolution
                if (visualSize.IsAbsolute())
                    actualSize = visualSize;
                    var width  = visualSize.Width.Scale * screenWidth + visualSize.Width.Offset;
                    var height = visualSize.Height.Scale * screenHeight + visualSize.Height.Offset;

                    actualSize = new USize(UDim.Absolute(width), UDim.Absolute(height));

                // Positioning based on parent null which means screen resolution
                if (visualPosition.IsAbsolute())
                    // This is easy, it's a top level absolute
                    actualPosition = visualPosition;
                    var xDim = visualPosition.X;
                    var yDim = visualPosition.Y;

                    var x = xDim.Scale * screenWidth + xDim.Offset;
                    var y = yDim.Scale * screenHeight + yDim.Offset;

                    actualPosition = new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(x), UDim.Absolute(y));
                // Positioning based on parent
                var parentActualPosition = parent.ActualPosition;
                var parentActualSize     = parent.ActualSize;

                if (visualPosition.IsAbsolute())
                    // Child is using absolute positioning _under_ the parents area.
                    actualPosition = parentActualPosition + visualPosition;
                    var xDim = visualPosition.X;
                    var yDim = visualPosition.Y;

                    var x = parentActualPosition.X.Absolute() + xDim.Scale * parentActualSize.Width.Absolute() + xDim.Offset;
                    var y = parentActualPosition.Y.Absolute() + yDim.Scale * parentActualSize.Height.Absolute() + yDim.Offset;

                    actualPosition = new UVector2(UDim.Absolute(x), UDim.Absolute(y));

                // Sizing based on parent
                if (visualSize.IsAbsolute())
                    // Child using absolute sizing, in this case it doesn't really matter..children should never do this though because
                    //  if a child is 200 pixels wide but the parent is 0.2 (relative) wide the child could be larger than the parent.
                    actualSize = visualSize;
                    var width  = visualSize.Width.Scale * parentActualSize.Width.Absolute() + visualSize.Width.Offset;
                    var height = visualSize.Height.Scale * parentActualSize.Height.Absolute() + visualSize.Height.Offset;

                    actualSize = new USize(UDim.Absolute(width), UDim.Absolute(height));

            visual.ActualPosition = actualPosition;
            visual.ActualSize     = actualSize;
Пример #24
 public USize(float width, float height)
     Width  = UDim.Absolute(width);
     Height = UDim.Absolute(height);
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Causes the tooltip to resize itself appropriately.
        /// </summary>
        public void SizeSelf()
            var textSize = GetTextSize();

            SetSize(new USize(UDim.Absolute(textSize.Width), UDim.Absolute(textSize.Height)));
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure scrollbars
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="docSize"></param>
        protected void ConfigureScrollbars(Sizef docSize)
            var v = GetVertScrollbar();
            var h = GetHorzScrollbar();

            var oldVertVisible = v.IsVisible();
            var oldHorzVisible = h.IsVisible();

            var renderAreaSize = GetItemRenderArea().Size;

            // setup the pane size
            var paneSizeWidth = Math.Max(docSize.Width, renderAreaSize.Width);
            var paneSize      = new USize(UDim.Absolute(paneSizeWidth), UDim.Absolute(docSize.Height));


            // "fix" scrollbar visibility
            if (_forceVScroll || docSize.Height > renderAreaSize.Height)

            if (_forceHScroll || docSize.Width > renderAreaSize.Width)

            // if some change occurred, invalidate the inner rect area caches.
            if ((oldVertVisible != v.IsVisible()) ||
                (oldHorzVisible != h.IsVisible()))
                d_innerRectClipperValid = false;

            // get a fresh item render area
            var renderArea = GetItemRenderArea();

            renderAreaSize = renderArea.Size;

            // update the pane clipper area

            // setup vertical scrollbar
            v.SetStepSize(Math.Max(1.0f, renderAreaSize.Height / 10.0f));

            // setup horizontal scrollbar
            h.SetStepSize(Math.Max(1.0f, renderAreaSize.Width / 10.0f));