Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Cancels an in progress call. This method should be called prior to the remote user agent server answering the call.
        /// </summary>
        public void Cancel()
                m_callCancelled = true;

                // Cancel server call.
                if (m_serverTransaction == null)
                    logger.LogDebug("Cancelling forwarded call leg " + m_sipCallDescriptor.Uri + ", server transaction has not been created yet no CANCEL request required.");
                else if (m_cancelTransaction != null)
                    if (m_cancelTransaction.TransactionState != SIPTransactionStatesEnum.Completed)
                        logger.LogDebug("Call " + m_serverTransaction.TransactionRequest.URI.ToString() + " has already been cancelled once, trying again.");
                        logger.LogDebug("Call " + m_serverTransaction.TransactionRequest.URI.ToString() + " has already responded to CANCEL, probably overlap in messages not re-sending.");
                else //if (m_serverTransaction.TransactionState == SIPTransactionStatesEnum.Proceeding || m_serverTransaction.TransactionState == SIPTransactionStatesEnum.Trying)
                    logger.LogDebug("Cancelling forwarded call leg, sending CANCEL to " + m_serverTransaction.TransactionRequest.URI.ToString() + ".");

                    // No response has been received from the server so no CANCEL request necessary, stop any retransmits of the INVITE.

                    SIPRequest cancelRequest = GetCancelRequest(m_serverTransaction.TransactionRequest);

                    // If auth header is included inside INVITE request, we re-include them inside CANCEL request
                    if (m_serverTransaction.TransactionRequest.Header.HasAuthenticationHeader)
                        string username = (m_sipCallDescriptor.AuthUsername == null || m_sipCallDescriptor.AuthUsername.Trim().Length <= 0 ? m_sipCallDescriptor.Username : m_sipCallDescriptor.AuthUsername);
                        SIPAuthorisationDigest authDigest = m_serverTransaction.TransactionRequest.Header.AuthenticationHeaders.First().SIPDigest;
                        authDigest.SetCredentials(username, m_sipCallDescriptor.Password, m_sipCallDescriptor.Uri, SIPMethodsEnum.CANCEL.ToString());

                        var authHeader = new SIPAuthenticationHeader(authDigest);
                        authHeader.SIPDigest.Response = authDigest.GetDigest();


                    m_cancelTransaction = new SIPNonInviteTransaction(m_sipTransport, cancelRequest, m_outboundProxy);

                CallFailed?.Invoke(this, "Call cancelled by user.", null);
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.LogError("Exception CancelServerCall. " + excp.Message);
        public void Cancel()
                logger.Debug("SIPB2BUserAgent Cancel.");

            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception SIPB2BUserAgent Cancel. " + excp.Message);
Пример #3
        public void Cancel()
                logger.LogDebug("SIPB2BUserAgent Cancel.");

                if (CallCancelled != null)
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.LogError("Exception SIPB2BUserAgent Cancel. " + excp.Message);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates the call to the remote user agent server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sipCallDescriptor">The descriptor for the call that describes how to reach the user agent server and other properties.</param>
        /// <param name="serverEndPoint">Optional. If the server end point for the call is known or has been resolved in advance. If
        /// not set the SIP transport layer will attempt to resolve the destination at sending time.</param>
        public SIPRequest Call(SIPCallDescriptor sipCallDescriptor, SIPEndPoint serverEndPoint)
                m_sipCallDescriptor = sipCallDescriptor;
                SIPURI      callURI  = SIPURI.ParseSIPURI(sipCallDescriptor.Uri);
                SIPRouteSet routeSet = null;

                logger.LogDebug($"UAC commencing call to {SIPURI.ParseSIPURI(m_sipCallDescriptor.Uri).CanonicalAddress}.");

                // A custom route set may have been specified for the call.
                if (m_sipCallDescriptor.RouteSet != null && m_sipCallDescriptor.RouteSet.IndexOf(OUTBOUNDPROXY_AS_ROUTESET_CHAR) != -1)
                        routeSet = new SIPRouteSet();
                        routeSet.PushRoute(new SIPRoute(m_sipCallDescriptor.RouteSet, true));
                        logger.LogDebug("Error an outbound proxy value was not recognised in SIPClientUserAgent Call. " + m_sipCallDescriptor.RouteSet + ".");

                string content = sipCallDescriptor.Content;

                if (content.IsNullOrBlank())
                    logger.LogDebug("Body on UAC call was empty.");

                if (this.m_sipCallDescriptor.BranchId.IsNullOrBlank())
                    this.m_sipCallDescriptor.BranchId = CallProperties.CreateBranchId();

                if (this.m_sipCallDescriptor.CallId.IsNullOrBlank())
                    this.m_sipCallDescriptor.CallId = CallProperties.CreateNewCallId();

                SIPRequest inviteRequest = GetInviteRequest(m_sipCallDescriptor, m_sipCallDescriptor.BranchId, m_sipCallDescriptor.CallId, routeSet, content, sipCallDescriptor.ContentType);

                // Now that we have a destination socket create a new UAC transaction for forwarded leg of the call.
                m_serverTransaction = new UACInviteTransaction(m_sipTransport, inviteRequest, m_outboundProxy);

                m_serverTransaction.UACInviteTransactionInformationResponseReceived += ServerInformationResponseReceived;
                m_serverTransaction.UACInviteTransactionFinalResponseReceived       += ServerFinalResponseReceived;
                m_serverTransaction.UACInviteTransactionFailed += ServerTransactionFailed;


            catch (ApplicationException appExcp)
                CallFailed?.Invoke(this, appExcp.Message, null);
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.LogError("Exception UserAgentClient Call. " + excp);
                m_serverTransaction?.CancelCall("Unknown exception");
                CallFailed?.Invoke(this, excp.Message, null);
Пример #5
        public void Call(SIPCallDescriptor sipCallDescriptor)
                m_sipCallDescriptor = sipCallDescriptor;
                SIPURI callURI = SIPURI.ParseSIPURI(sipCallDescriptor.Uri);
                SIPRouteSet routeSet = null;

                if (!m_callCancelled)
                    // If the outbound proxy is a loopback address, as it will normally be for local deployments, then it cannot be overriden.
                    if (m_outboundProxy != null && IPAddress.IsLoopback(m_outboundProxy.Address))
                        m_serverEndPoint = m_outboundProxy;
                    else if (!sipCallDescriptor.ProxySendFrom.IsNullOrBlank())
                        // If the binding has a specific proxy end point sent then the request needs to be forwarded to the proxy's default end point for it to take care of.
                        SIPEndPoint outboundProxyEndPoint = SIPEndPoint.ParseSIPEndPoint(sipCallDescriptor.ProxySendFrom);
                        m_outboundProxy = new SIPEndPoint(SIPProtocolsEnum.udp, new IPEndPoint(outboundProxyEndPoint.Address, m_defaultSIPPort));
                        m_serverEndPoint = m_outboundProxy;
                        Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "SIPClientUserAgent Call using alternate outbound proxy of " + m_outboundProxy + ".", Owner));
                    else if (m_outboundProxy != null)
                        // Using the system outbound proxy only, no additional user routing requirements.
                        m_serverEndPoint = m_outboundProxy;

                    // A custom route set may have been specified for the call.
                    if (m_sipCallDescriptor.RouteSet != null && m_sipCallDescriptor.RouteSet.IndexOf(OUTBOUNDPROXY_AS_ROUTESET_CHAR) != -1)
                            routeSet = new SIPRouteSet();
                            routeSet.PushRoute(new SIPRoute(m_sipCallDescriptor.RouteSet, true));
                            Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Error an outbound proxy value was not recognised in SIPClientUserAgent Call. " + m_sipCallDescriptor.RouteSet + ".", Owner));

                    // No outbound proxy, determine the forward destination based on the SIP request.
                    if (m_serverEndPoint == null)
                        SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult = null;

                        if (routeSet == null || routeSet.Length == 0)
                            Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Attempting to resolve " + callURI.Host + ".", Owner));
                            lookupResult = m_sipTransport.GetURIEndPoint(callURI, false);
                            Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Route set for call " + routeSet.ToString() + ".", Owner));
                            lookupResult = m_sipTransport.GetURIEndPoint(routeSet.TopRoute.URI, false);

                        if (lookupResult.LookupError != null)
                            Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "DNS error resolving " + callURI.Host + ", " + lookupResult.LookupError + ". Call cannot proceed.", Owner));
                            m_serverEndPoint = lookupResult.GetSIPEndPoint();

                    if (m_callCancelled)
                        Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Call was cancelled during DNS resolution of " + callURI.Host, Owner));
                        FireCallFailed(this, "Cancelled by caller");
                    else if (m_serverEndPoint != null)
                        Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Switching to " + SIPURI.ParseSIPURI(m_sipCallDescriptor.Uri).CanonicalAddress + " via " + m_serverEndPoint + ".", Owner));

                        m_localSIPEndPoint = m_sipTransport.GetDefaultSIPEndPoint(m_serverEndPoint);
                        if (m_localSIPEndPoint == null)
                            throw new ApplicationException("The call could not locate an appropriate SIP transport channel for protocol " + callURI.Protocol + ".");

                        string content = sipCallDescriptor.Content;

                        if (content.IsNullOrBlank())
                            Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Body on UAC call was empty.", Owner));
                        else if (m_sipCallDescriptor.ContentType == m_sdpContentType)
                            if (!m_sipCallDescriptor.MangleResponseSDP)
                                IPEndPoint sdpEndPoint = SDP.GetSDPRTPEndPoint(content);
                                if (sdpEndPoint != null)
                                    Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "SDP on UAC call was set to NOT mangle, RTP socket " + sdpEndPoint.ToString() + ".", Owner));
                                    Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "SDP on UAC call was set to NOT mangle, RTP socket could not be determined.", Owner));
                                IPEndPoint sdpEndPoint = SDP.GetSDPRTPEndPoint(content);
                                if (sdpEndPoint != null)
                                    if (!IPSocket.IsPrivateAddress(sdpEndPoint.Address.ToString()))
                                        Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "SDP on UAC call had public IP not mangled, RTP socket " + sdpEndPoint.ToString() + ".", Owner));
                                        bool wasSDPMangled = false;
                                        if (sipCallDescriptor.MangleIPAddress != null)
                                            if (sdpEndPoint != null)
                                                content = SIPPacketMangler.MangleSDP(content, sipCallDescriptor.MangleIPAddress.ToString(), out wasSDPMangled);

                                        if (wasSDPMangled)
                                            Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "SDP on UAC call had RTP socket mangled from " + sdpEndPoint.ToString() + " to " + sipCallDescriptor.MangleIPAddress.ToString() + ":" + sdpEndPoint.Port + ".", Owner));
                                        else if (sdpEndPoint != null)
                                            Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "SDP on UAC could not be mangled, using original RTP socket of " + sdpEndPoint.ToString() + ".", Owner));
                                    Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "SDP RTP socket on UAC call could not be determined.", Owner));

                        SIPRequest switchServerInvite = GetInviteRequest(m_sipCallDescriptor, CallProperties.CreateBranchId(), CallProperties.CreateNewCallId(), m_localSIPEndPoint, routeSet, content, sipCallDescriptor.ContentType);

                        // Now that we have a destination socket create a new UAC transaction for forwarded leg of the call.
                        m_serverTransaction = m_sipTransport.CreateUACTransaction(switchServerInvite, m_serverEndPoint, m_localSIPEndPoint, m_outboundProxy);
                        m_serverTransaction.CDR.DialPlanContextID = m_sipCallDescriptor.DialPlanContextID;

                        #region Real-time call control processing.

                        string rtccError = null;

                        if (m_serverTransaction.CDR != null)
                            m_serverTransaction.CDR.Owner = Owner;
                            m_serverTransaction.CDR.AdminMemberId = AdminMemberId;


            #if !SILVERLIGHT

                            if (m_sipCallDescriptor.AccountCode != null && RtccGetCustomer_External != null)
                                //var customerAccount = m_customerAccountDataLayer.CheckAccountCode(Owner, m_sipCallDescriptor.AccountCode);
                                var customerAccount = RtccGetCustomer_External(Owner, m_sipCallDescriptor.AccountCode);

                                if (customerAccount == null)
                                    Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "A billable call could not proceed as no account exists for account code or number " + m_sipCallDescriptor.AccountCode + ".", Owner));
                                    rtccLogger.Debug("A billable call could not proceed as no account exists for account code or number " + m_sipCallDescriptor.AccountCode + " and owner " + Owner + ".");
                                    rtccError = "Real-time call control invalid account code";
                                    AccountCode = customerAccount.AccountCode;

                                    string rateDestination = m_sipCallDescriptor.Uri;
                                    if (SIPURI.TryParse(m_sipCallDescriptor.Uri))
                                        rateDestination = SIPURI.ParseSIPURIRelaxed(m_sipCallDescriptor.Uri).User;

                                    //var rate = m_customerAccountDataLayer.GetRate(Owner, m_sipCallDescriptor.RateCode, rateDestination, customerAccount.RatePlan);
                                    var rate = RtccGetRate_External(Owner, m_sipCallDescriptor.RateCode, rateDestination, customerAccount.RatePlan);

                                    if (rate == null)
                                        Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "A billable call could not proceed as no rate could be determined for destination " + rateDestination + ".", Owner));
                                        rtccLogger.Debug("A billable call could not proceed as no rate could be determined for destination " + rateDestination + " and owner " + Owner + ".");
                                        rtccError = "Real-time call control no rate";
                                        Rate = rate.RatePerIncrement;

                                        if (rate.RatePerIncrement == 0 && rate.SetupCost == 0)
                                            Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "The rate and setup cost for the " + rateDestination + "were both zero. The call will be allowed to proceed with no RTCC reservation.", Owner));
                                            //decimal balance = m_customerAccountDataLayer.GetBalance(AccountCode);
                                            decimal balance = RtccGetBalance_External(AccountCode);

                                            if (balance < Rate)
                                                Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "A billable call could not proceed as the available credit for " + AccountCode + " was not sufficient for 60 seconds to destination " + rateDestination + ".", Owner));
                                                rtccLogger.Debug("A billable call could not proceed as the available credit for " + AccountCode + " was not sufficient for 60 seconds to destination " + rateDestination + " and owner " + Owner + ".");
                                                rtccError = "Real-time call control insufficient credit";
                                                int intialSeconds = 0;
                                                //var reservationCost = m_customerAccountDataLayer.ReserveInitialCredit(AccountCode, rate, m_serverTransaction.CDR, out intialSeconds);
                                                var reservationCost = RtccReserveInitialCredit_External(AccountCode, rate.ID, m_serverTransaction.CDR, out intialSeconds);

                                                if (reservationCost == Decimal.MinusOne)
                                                    Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Call will not proceed as the intial real-time call control credit reservation failed.", Owner));
                                                    rtccLogger.Debug("Call will not proceed as the intial real-time call control credit reservation failed for owner " + Owner + ".");
                                                    rtccError = "Real-time call control initial reservation failed";
                                                    ReservedCredit = reservationCost;
                                                    ReservedSeconds = intialSeconds;



                        if (rtccError == null)
                            m_serverTransaction.UACInviteTransactionInformationResponseReceived += ServerInformationResponseReceived;
                            m_serverTransaction.UACInviteTransactionFinalResponseReceived += ServerFinalResponseReceived;
                            m_serverTransaction.UACInviteTransactionTimedOut += ServerTimedOut;
                            m_serverTransaction.TransactionTraceMessage += TransactionTraceMessage;

                            m_serverTransaction.SendInviteRequest(m_serverEndPoint, m_serverTransaction.TransactionRequest);
                            FireCallFailed(this, rtccError);
                        if (routeSet == null || routeSet.Length == 0)
                            Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Forward leg failed, could not resolve URI host " + callURI.Host, Owner));
                            m_serverTransaction?.CancelCall("Unresolvable destination " + callURI.Host);
                            FireCallFailed(this, "unresolvable destination " + callURI.Host);
                            Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Forward leg failed, could not resolve top Route host " + routeSet.TopRoute.Host, Owner));
                            m_serverTransaction?.CancelCall("Unresolvable destination " + routeSet.TopRoute.Host);
                            FireCallFailed(this, "unresolvable destination " + routeSet.TopRoute.Host);
            catch (ApplicationException appExcp)
                FireCallFailed(this, appExcp.Message);
            catch (Exception excp)
                Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.UserAgentClient, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Exception UserAgentClient Call. " + excp.Message, Owner));
                m_serverTransaction?.CancelCall("Unknown exception");
                FireCallFailed(this, excp.Message);