Пример #1
    public void Text_WithContentAndContentType_ResultHasCorrectValues()
        // Arrange
        var content     = "test content";
        var contentType = "text/plain";

        // Act
        var result = TypedResults.Text(content, contentType);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(content, result.ResponseContent);
        Assert.Equal(contentType, result.ContentType);
Пример #2
    public void Text_WithUtf8ContentAndContentTypeAndStatusCode_ResultHasCorrectValues()
        // Arrange
        var content     = "test content" u8.ToArray();
        var contentType = "text/plain";
        var statusCode  = 201;

        // Act
        var result = TypedResults.Text(content, contentType, statusCode);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(statusCode, result.StatusCode);
        Assert.Equal(content, result.ResponseContent.ToArray());
        Assert.Equal(contentType, result.ContentType);
Пример #3
    public void Text_WithContentAndContentTypeAndEncoding_ResultHasCorrectValues()
        // Arrange
        var content     = "test content";
        var contentType = "text/plain";
        var encoding    = Encoding.ASCII;

        // Act
        var result = TypedResults.Text(content, contentType, encoding);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(content, result.ResponseContent);
        var expectedMediaType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse(contentType);

        expectedMediaType.Encoding = encoding;
        Assert.Equal(expectedMediaType.ToString(), result.ContentType);
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the <paramref name="content"/> string to the HTTP response.
 /// <para>
 /// This is an alias for <see cref="Content(string?, string?, Encoding?, int?)"/>.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="content">The content to write to the response.</param>
 /// <param name="contentType">The content type (MIME type).</param>
 /// <param name="contentEncoding">The content encoding.</param>
 /// <param name="statusCode">The status code to return.</param>
 /// <returns>The created <see cref="IResult"/> object for the response.</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// If encoding is provided by both the 'charset' and the <paramref name="contentEncoding"/> parameters, then
 /// the <paramref name="contentEncoding"/> parameter is chosen as the final encoding.
 /// </remarks>
 public static IResult Text(string?content, string?contentType = null, Encoding?contentEncoding = null, int?statusCode = null)
 => TypedResults.Text(content, contentType, contentEncoding, statusCode);
Пример #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Writes the <paramref name="utf8Content"/> UTF-8 encoded text to the HTTP response.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="utf8Content">The content to write to the response.</param>
    /// <param name="contentType">The content type (MIME type).</param>
    /// <param name="statusCode">The status code to return.</param>
    /// <returns>The created <see cref="IResult"/> object for the response.</returns>
#pragma warning disable RS0027 // Public API with optional parameter(s) should have the most parameters amongst its public overloads
    public static IResult Text(ReadOnlySpan <byte> utf8Content, string?contentType = null, int?statusCode = null)
#pragma warning restore RS0027 // Public API with optional parameter(s) should have the most parameters amongst its public overloads
    => TypedResults.Text(utf8Content, contentType, statusCode);
Пример #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Writes the <paramref name="content"/> string to the HTTP response.
    /// <para>
    /// This is an alias for <see cref="Content(string?, string?, Encoding?, int?)"/>.
    /// </para>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="content">The content to write to the response.</param>
    /// <param name="contentType">The content type (MIME type).</param>
    /// <param name="contentEncoding">The content encoding.</param>
    /// <param name="statusCode">The status code to return.</param>
    /// <returns>The created <see cref="IResult"/> object for the response.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If encoding is provided by both the 'charset' and the <paramref name="contentEncoding"/> parameters, then
    /// the <paramref name="contentEncoding"/> parameter is chosen as the final encoding.
    /// </remarks>
#pragma warning disable RS0026 // Do not add multiple public overloads with optional parameters
    public static IResult Text(string?content, string?contentType = null, Encoding?contentEncoding = null, int?statusCode = null)
#pragma warning restore RS0026 // Do not add multiple public overloads with optional parameters
    => TypedResults.Text(content, contentType, contentEncoding, statusCode);