Пример #1
        // Factory method for SignatureLoadModel.
        internal CategoricalImputerTransformer(IHostEnvironment host, ModelLoadContext ctx) :
            host.Check(!CommonExtensions.OsIsCentOS7(), "CentOS7 is not supported");
            host.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx));
            // *** Binary format ***
            // int number of column pairs
            // for each column pair:
            //      string output column  name
            //      string input column name
            //      column type
            //      int length of c++ byte array
            //      byte array from c++

            var columnCount = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();

            _columns = new TypedColumn[columnCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                _columns[i] = TypedColumn.CreateTypedColumn(ctx.Reader.ReadString(), ctx.Reader.ReadString(), ctx.Reader.ReadString());

                // Load the C++ state and create the C++ transformer.
                var dataLength = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
                var data       = ctx.Reader.ReadByteArray(dataLength);
Пример #2
        internal CategoricalImputerTransformer(IHostEnvironment host, IDataView input, CategoricalImputerEstimator.Column[] columns) :
            var schema = input.Schema;

            _columns = columns.Select(x => TypedColumn.CreateTypedColumn(x.Name, x.Source, schema[x.Source].Type.RawType.ToString())).ToArray();
            foreach (var column in _columns)
Пример #3
        private unsafe TransformerEstimatorSafeHandle CreateTransformerFromEstimator(IDataView input)
            IntPtr estimator;
            IntPtr errorHandle;
            bool   success;

            var allColumns = input.Schema.Where(x => _allColumnNames.Contains(x.Name)).Select(x => TypedColumn.CreateTypedColumn(x, _dataColumns)).ToDictionary(x => x.Column.Name);

            // Create TypeId[] for types of grain and data columns;
            var dataColumnTypes  = new TypeId[_dataColumns.Length];
            var grainColumnTypes = new TypeId[_grainColumns.Length];

            foreach (var column in _grainColumns.Select((value, index) => new { index, value }))
                grainColumnTypes[column.index] = allColumns[column.value].GetTypeId();

            foreach (var column in _dataColumns.Select((value, index) => new { index, value }))
                dataColumnTypes[column.index] = allColumns[column.value].GetTypeId();

                fixed(bool *suppressErrors = &_suppressTypeErrors)
                fixed(TypeId * rawDataColumnTypes  = dataColumnTypes)
                fixed(TypeId * rawGrainColumnTypes = grainColumnTypes)
                    success = CreateEstimatorNative(rawGrainColumnTypes, new IntPtr(grainColumnTypes.Length), rawDataColumnTypes, new IntPtr(dataColumnTypes.Length), _imputeMode, suppressErrors, out estimator, out errorHandle);
                if (!success)
                    throw new Exception(GetErrorDetailsAndFreeNativeMemory(errorHandle));

                using (var estimatorHandle = new TransformerEstimatorSafeHandle(estimator, DestroyEstimatorNative))
                    TrainingState trainingState;
                    FitResult     fitResult;

                    // Create buffer to hold binary data
                    var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(4096);
                    var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream, Encoding.UTF8);

                    // Can't use a using with this because it potentially needs to be reset. Manually disposing as needed.
                    var cursor = input.GetRowCursorForAllColumns();
                    // Initialize getters
                    foreach (var column in allColumns.Values)

                    // Start the loop with the cursor in a valid state already.
                    var valid = cursor.MoveNext();

                    // Make sure its not an empty data frame
                    while (true)
                        // Get the state of the native estimator.
                        success = GetStateNative(estimatorHandle, out trainingState, out errorHandle);
                        if (!success)
                            throw new Exception(GetErrorDetailsAndFreeNativeMemory(errorHandle));

                        // If we are no longer training then exit loop.
                        if (trainingState != TrainingState.Training)

                        // Build byte array to send column data to native featurizer
                        BuildColumnByteArray(allColumns, ref binaryWriter);

                        // Fit the estimator
                        fixed(byte *bufferPointer = memoryStream.GetBuffer())
                            var binaryArchiveData = new NativeBinaryArchiveData()
                                Data = bufferPointer, DataSize = new IntPtr(memoryStream.Position)

                            success = FitNative(estimatorHandle, binaryArchiveData, out fitResult, out errorHandle);

                        // Reset memory stream to 0
                        memoryStream.Position = 0;

                        if (!success)
                            throw new Exception(GetErrorDetailsAndFreeNativeMemory(errorHandle));

                        // If we need to reset the data to the beginning.
                        if (fitResult == FitResult.ResetAndContinue)
                            ResetCursor(input, ref cursor, allColumns);

                        // If we are at the end of the data.
                        if (!cursor.MoveNext())
                            // If we get here fitResult should never be ResetAndContinue
                            Debug.Assert(fitResult != FitResult.ResetAndContinue);

                            OnDataCompletedNative(estimatorHandle, out errorHandle);
                            if (!success)
                                throw new Exception(GetErrorDetailsAndFreeNativeMemory(errorHandle));

                            ResetCursor(input, ref cursor, allColumns);

                    // When done training complete the estimator.
                    success = CompleteTrainingNative(estimatorHandle, out errorHandle);
                    if (!success)
                        throw new Exception(GetErrorDetailsAndFreeNativeMemory(errorHandle));

                    // Create the native transformer from the estimator;
                    success = CreateTransformerFromEstimatorNative(estimatorHandle, out IntPtr transformer, out errorHandle);
                    if (!success)
                        throw new Exception(GetErrorDetailsAndFreeNativeMemory(errorHandle));

                    // Manually dispose of the IEnumerator since we don't have a using statement;

                    return(new TransformerEstimatorSafeHandle(transformer, DestroyTransformerNative));
Пример #4
        private unsafe TransformerEstimatorSafeHandle CreateTransformerFromEstimator(IDataView input)
            IntPtr estimator;
            IntPtr errorHandle;
            bool   success;

            var allColumns = input.Schema.Where(x => _allColumnNames.Contains(x.Name)).Select(x => TypedColumn.CreateTypedColumn(x, _dataColumns)).ToDictionary(x => x.Column.Name);

            // Create buffer to hold binary data
            var columnBuffer = new byte[4096];

            // Create TypeId[] for types of grain and data columns;
            var dataColumnTypes  = new TypeId[_dataColumns.Length];
            var grainColumnTypes = new TypeId[_grainColumns.Length];

            foreach (var column in _grainColumns.Select((value, index) => new { index, value }))
                grainColumnTypes[column.index] = allColumns[column.value].GetTypeId();

            foreach (var column in _dataColumns.Select((value, index) => new { index, value }))
                dataColumnTypes[column.index] = allColumns[column.value].GetTypeId();

                fixed(bool *suppressErrors = &_suppressTypeErrors)
                fixed(TypeId * rawDataColumnTypes  = dataColumnTypes)
                fixed(TypeId * rawGrainColumnTypes = grainColumnTypes)
                    success = CreateEstimatorNative(rawGrainColumnTypes, new IntPtr(grainColumnTypes.Length), rawDataColumnTypes, new IntPtr(dataColumnTypes.Length), _imputeMode, suppressErrors, out estimator, out errorHandle);
                if (!success)
                    throw new Exception(GetErrorDetailsAndFreeNativeMemory(errorHandle));

                using (var estimatorHandler = new TransformerEstimatorSafeHandle(estimator, DestroyEstimatorNative))
                    var fitResult = FitResult.Continue;
                    while (fitResult != FitResult.Complete)
                        using (var cursor = input.GetRowCursorForAllColumns())
                            // Initialize getters for start of loop
                            foreach (var column in allColumns.Values)

                            while ((fitResult == FitResult.Continue || fitResult == FitResult.ResetAndContinue) && cursor.MoveNext())
                                BuildColumnByteArray(allColumns, ref columnBuffer, out int serializedDataLength);

                                fixed(byte *bufferPointer = columnBuffer)
                                    var binaryArchiveData = new NativeBinaryArchiveData()
                                        Data = bufferPointer, DataSize = new IntPtr(serializedDataLength)

                                    success = FitNative(estimatorHandler, binaryArchiveData, out fitResult, out errorHandle);

                                if (!success)
                                    throw new Exception(GetErrorDetailsAndFreeNativeMemory(errorHandle));

                            success = CompleteTrainingNative(estimatorHandler, out fitResult, out errorHandle);
                            if (!success)
                                throw new Exception(GetErrorDetailsAndFreeNativeMemory(errorHandle));

                    success = CreateTransformerFromEstimatorNative(estimatorHandler, out IntPtr transformer, out errorHandle);
                    if (!success)
                        throw new Exception(GetErrorDetailsAndFreeNativeMemory(errorHandle));

                    return(new TransformerEstimatorSafeHandle(transformer, DestroyTransformerNative));