Пример #1
        public unsafe void LoadData(IntPtr data, int size)
            if (size < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Size cannot be less than zero.");

            NativeGraphicsBuffer prevBound = GetBound(this.type);

            Bind(this.type, this);

            uint target = ToOpenTKBufferType(this.type);

            if (data == IntPtr.Zero || size == 0)
                // ToDo
                //GraphicsBackend.GL.BufferData(target, null, WebGLRenderingContextBase.STREAM_DRAW);
                GraphicsBackend.GL.BufferData(target, TypedArray <Uint8ClampedArray, byte> .From(new Span <byte>(data.ToPointer(), size)), WebGLRenderingContextBase.STREAM_DRAW);

            this.bufferSize = size;

            Bind(this.type, prevBound);
Пример #2
        public unsafe void LoadSubData(IntPtr offset, IntPtr data, int size)
            if (size < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Size cannot be less than zero.");
            if (this.bufferSize == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                                                        "Cannot update {0}, because its storage was not initialized yet.",
            if ((uint)offset + size > this.bufferSize)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                                                "Cannot update {0} with offset {1} and size {2}, as this exceeds the internal " +
                                                "storage size {3}.",

            NativeGraphicsBuffer prevBound = GetBound(this.type);

            Bind(this.type, this);

            uint target = ToOpenTKBufferType(this.type);

            GraphicsBackend.GL.BufferSubData(target, (uint)offset, TypedArray <Uint8ClampedArray, byte> .From(new Span <byte>(data.ToPointer(), size)));

            Bind(this.type, prevBound);
Пример #3
        unsafe void INativeTexture.LoadData(TexturePixelFormat format, int width, int height, IntPtr data, ColorDataLayout dataLayout, ColorDataElementType dataElementType)
            // Removed thread guards because of performance

            WebGLTexture lastTexId = (WebGLTexture)GraphicsBackend.GL.GetParameter(WebGLRenderingContextBase.TEXTURE_BINDING_2D);

            GraphicsBackend.GL.BindTexture(WebGLRenderingContextBase.TEXTURE_2D, this.handle);

            // Load pixel data to video memory
            GraphicsBackend.GL.TexImage2D(WebGLRenderingContextBase.TEXTURE_2D, 0,
                                          ToOpenTKPixelInternalFormat(format), width, height, 0,
                                          dataLayout.ToOpenTK(), dataElementType.ToOpenTK(),
                                          TypedArray <Uint8ClampedArray, byte> .From(new Span <byte>(data.ToPointer(), /*ToDo*/ (width * height * 4))));


            this.width  = width;
            this.height = height;
            this.format = format;

            GraphicsBackend.GL.BindTexture(WebGLRenderingContextBase.TEXTURE_2D, lastTexId);
Пример #4
        void IGraphicsBackend.GetOutputPixelData(IntPtr buffer, ColorDataLayout dataLayout, ColorDataElementType dataElementType, int x, int y, int width, int height)
            NativeRenderTarget lastRt = NativeRenderTarget.BoundRT;

                // Use a temporary local buffer, since the image will be upside-down because
                // of OpenGL's coordinate system and we'll need to flip it before returning.
                byte[] byteData = new byte[width * height * 4];

                // Retrieve pixel data
                GL.ReadPixels(x, y, width, height, dataLayout.ToOpenTK(), dataElementType.ToOpenTK(), TypedArray <Uint8ClampedArray, byte> .From(new Span <byte>(byteData)));

                // Flip the retrieved image vertically
                int    bytesPerLine = width * 4;
                byte[] switchLine   = new byte[width * 4];
                for (int flipY = 0; flipY < height / 2; flipY++)
                    int lineIndex  = flipY * width * 4;
                    int lineIndex2 = (height - 1 - flipY) * width * 4;

                    // Copy the current line to the switch buffer
                    for (int lineX = 0; lineX < bytesPerLine; lineX++)
                        switchLine[lineX] = byteData[lineIndex + lineX];

                    // Copy the opposite line to the current line
                    for (int lineX = 0; lineX < bytesPerLine; lineX++)
                        byteData[lineIndex + lineX] = byteData[lineIndex2 + lineX];

                    // Copy the switch buffer to the opposite line
                    for (int lineX = 0; lineX < bytesPerLine; lineX++)
                        byteData[lineIndex2 + lineX] = switchLine[lineX];

                // Copy the flipped data to the output buffer
                Marshal.Copy(byteData, 0, buffer, width * height * 4);