Пример #1
 public void AddTypeParameter(TypeParameter p)
     p.Container           = new Property();
     p.Container.Container = this;
     if (TypeParameters == null)
         TypeParameters = new List <TypeParameter>();
Пример #2
		protected static MemberName MakeMemberName (MemberBase host, string name, int unique_id, TypeParameter[] tparams, Location loc)
			string host_name = host == null ? null : host is InterfaceMemberBase ? ((InterfaceMemberBase)host).GetFullName (host.MemberName) : host.Name;
			string tname = MakeName (host_name, "c", name, unique_id);
			TypeParameters args = null;
			if (tparams != null) {
				args = new TypeParameters ();
				foreach (TypeParameter tparam in tparams)
					args.Add (new TypeParameterName (tparam.Name, null, loc));

			return new MemberName (tname, args, loc);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a type with its parent model and the XML node is represents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The parent model containing this type.</param>
        /// <param name="node">The XML node represented by this type.</param>
        /// <exception cref="FormatException">The name attribute has an invalid format.</exception>
        public Type(XmlDocumentationModel model, XmlNode node) : base(model, node)
            // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
            var name = node.Attributes["name"].Value;

            if (!name.StartsWith("T:"))
                throw new FormatException($"Bad type name format: {name}");
            name = name.Substring(2);
            if (name.StartsWith(Model.AssemblyName + "."))
                name = name.Substring(Model.AssemblyName.Length + 1);
            var parts = name.Split(new[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.None);

            Name = parts[parts.Length - 1];
            var potentialContainingTypeName =
                $"T:{Model.AssemblyName}.{string.Join(".", parts.Take(parts.Length - 1))}";
            var potentialContainingTypeId = potentialContainingTypeName;

            if (Model.Members.ContainsKey(potentialContainingTypeId))
                var containingType = (Type)Model.Members[potentialContainingTypeId];
                NamespaceStrings = containingType.NamespaceStrings;
                ContainingType = containingType;
                NamespaceStrings = parts.Take(parts.Length - 1).Select(p => Regex.Replace(p, "`(\\d+)", "")).ToArray();
            var summary = node.SelectSingleNode("summary");

            if (summary != null)
                Documentation = new Documentation(summary);
            var paramTypes = node.SelectNodes("typeparam");

            if (paramTypes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode paramType in paramTypes)
                    TypeParameters.Add(new TypeParameter(paramType));
Пример #4
		protected static MemberName MakeMemberName (MemberBase host, string name, int unique_id, TypeParameters tparams, Location loc)
			string host_name = host == null ? null : host is InterfaceMemberBase ? ((InterfaceMemberBase)host).GetFullName (host.MemberName) : host.MemberName.Name;
			string tname = MakeName (host_name, "c", name, unique_id);
			TypeParameters args = null;
			if (tparams != null) {
				args = new TypeParameters (tparams.Count);

				// Type parameters will be filled later when we have TypeContainer
				// instance, for now we need only correct arity to create valid name
				for (int i = 0; i < tparams.Count; ++i)
					args.Add ((TypeParameter) null);

			return new MemberName (tname, args, loc);
Пример #5
        private void GetParameters()
            // get instance parameters
            List <Parameter> instanceParameters = new List <Parameter>();

            foreach (Parameter parameter in NestedFamilyInstance.Parameters)
                if (NestedFamilyInstance.Document.FamilyManager.CanElementParameterBeAssociated(parameter))

            instanceParameters.Sort((p1, p2) => string.Compare(p1.Definition.Name, p2.Definition.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal));
            instanceParameters.ForEach(parameter =>
                InstanceParameters.Add(new NestedFamilyParameterModel(parameter, this, true, _mainViewModel));

            // get type parameters
            List <Parameter> typeParameters = new List <Parameter>();

            foreach (Parameter parameter in NestedFamilyInstance.Symbol.Parameters)
                if (NestedFamilyInstance.Document.FamilyManager.CanElementParameterBeAssociated(parameter))

            typeParameters.Sort((p1, p2) => string.Compare(p1.Definition.Name, p2.Definition.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal));
            typeParameters.ForEach(parameter =>
                TypeParameters.Add(new NestedFamilyParameterModel(parameter, this, false, _mainViewModel));
Пример #6
		// Creates a host for the anonymous method
		AnonymousMethodMethod DoCreateMethodHost (EmitContext ec)
			// Anonymous method body can be converted to
			// 1, an instance method in current scope when only `this' is hoisted
			// 2, a static method in current scope when neither `this' nor any variable is hoisted
			// 3, an instance method in compiler generated storey when any hoisted variable exists

			Modifiers modifiers;
			TypeDefinition parent = null;

			var src_block = Block.Original.Explicit;
			if (src_block.HasCapturedVariable || src_block.HasCapturedThis) {
				parent = storey = FindBestMethodStorey ();

				if (storey == null) {
					var sm = src_block.ParametersBlock.TopBlock.StateMachine;

					// Remove hoisted this demand when simple instance method is enough (no hoisted variables only this)
					if (src_block.HasCapturedThis && src_block.ParametersBlock.StateMachine == null) {
						src_block.ParametersBlock.TopBlock.RemoveThisReferenceFromChildrenBlock (src_block);

						// Special case where parent class is used to emit instance method
						// because currect storey is of value type (async host) and we don't
						// want to create another childer storey to host this reference only
						if (sm != null && sm.Kind == MemberKind.Struct)
							parent = sm.Parent.PartialContainer;

					// For iterators we can host everything in one class
					if (sm is IteratorStorey)
						parent = storey = sm;

				modifiers = storey != null ? Modifiers.INTERNAL : Modifiers.PRIVATE;
			} else {
				if (ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod != null)
					parent = storey = ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.Storey;

				modifiers = Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.PRIVATE;

			if (parent == null)
				parent = ec.CurrentTypeDefinition.Parent.PartialContainer;

			string name = CompilerGeneratedContainer.MakeName (parent != storey ? block_name : null,
				"m", null, ec.Module.CounterAnonymousMethods++);

			MemberName member_name;
			if (storey == null && ec.CurrentTypeParameters != null) {

				var hoisted_tparams = ec.CurrentTypeParameters;
				var type_params = new TypeParameters (hoisted_tparams.Count);
				for (int i = 0; i < hoisted_tparams.Count; ++i) {
				    type_params.Add (hoisted_tparams[i].CreateHoistedCopy (null));

				member_name = new MemberName (name, type_params, Location);
			} else {
				member_name = new MemberName (name, Location);

			return new AnonymousMethodMethod (parent,
				this, storey, new TypeExpression (ReturnType, Location), modifiers,
				member_name, parameters);
Пример #7
		// Creates a proxy base method call inside this container for hoisted base member calls
		public MethodSpec CreateHoistedBaseCallProxy (ResolveContext rc, MethodSpec method)
			Method proxy_method;

			// One proxy per base method is enough
			if (hoisted_base_call_proxies == null) {
				hoisted_base_call_proxies = new Dictionary<MethodSpec, Method> ();
				proxy_method = null;
			} else {
				hoisted_base_call_proxies.TryGetValue (method, out proxy_method);

			if (proxy_method == null) {
				string name = CompilerGeneratedContainer.MakeName (method.Name, null, "BaseCallProxy", hoisted_base_call_proxies.Count);

				MemberName member_name;
				TypeArguments targs = null;
				TypeSpec return_type = method.ReturnType;
				var local_param_types = method.Parameters.Types;

				if (method.IsGeneric) {
					// Copy all base generic method type parameters info
					var hoisted_tparams = method.GenericDefinition.TypeParameters;
					var tparams = new TypeParameters ();

					targs = new TypeArguments ();
					targs.Arguments = new TypeSpec[hoisted_tparams.Length];
					for (int i = 0; i < hoisted_tparams.Length; ++i) {
						var tp = hoisted_tparams[i];
						var local_tp = new TypeParameter (tp, null, new MemberName (tp.Name, Location), null);
						tparams.Add (local_tp);

						targs.Add (new SimpleName (tp.Name, Location));
						targs.Arguments[i] = local_tp.Type;

					member_name = new MemberName (name, tparams, Location);

					// Mutate any method type parameters from original
					// to newly created hoisted version
					var mutator = new TypeParameterMutator (hoisted_tparams, tparams);
					return_type = mutator.Mutate (return_type);
					local_param_types = mutator.Mutate (local_param_types);
				} else {
					member_name = new MemberName (name);

				var base_parameters = new Parameter[method.Parameters.Count];
				for (int i = 0; i < base_parameters.Length; ++i) {
					var base_param = method.Parameters.FixedParameters[i];
					base_parameters[i] = new Parameter (new TypeExpression (local_param_types [i], Location),
						base_param.Name, base_param.ModFlags, null, Location);
					base_parameters[i].Resolve (this, i);

				var cloned_params = ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved (base_parameters, method.Parameters.Types);
				if (method.Parameters.HasArglist) {
					cloned_params.FixedParameters[0] = new Parameter (null, "__arglist", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, Location);
					cloned_params.Types[0] = Module.PredefinedTypes.RuntimeArgumentHandle.Resolve ();

				// Compiler generated proxy
				proxy_method = new Method (this, new TypeExpression (return_type, Location),
					Modifiers.PRIVATE | Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN,
					member_name, cloned_params, null);

				var block = new ToplevelBlock (Compiler, proxy_method.ParameterInfo, Location) {
					IsCompilerGenerated = true

				var mg = MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined (method, method.DeclaringType, Location);
				mg.InstanceExpression = new BaseThis (method.DeclaringType, Location);
				if (targs != null)
					mg.SetTypeArguments (rc, targs);

				// Get all the method parameters and pass them as arguments
				var real_base_call = new Invocation (mg, block.GetAllParametersArguments ());
				Statement statement;
				if (method.ReturnType.Kind == MemberKind.Void)
					statement = new StatementExpression (real_base_call);
					statement = new Return (real_base_call, Location);

				block.AddStatement (statement);
				proxy_method.Block = block;

				members.Add (proxy_method);
				proxy_method.Define ();
				proxy_method.PrepareEmit ();

				hoisted_base_call_proxies.Add (method, proxy_method);

			return proxy_method.Spec;
Пример #8
		string[] CreateTypeParameters (TypeParameters parentAllTypeParameters)
			string[] names;
			int parent_offset = 0;
			if (parentAllTypeParameters != null) {
				if (CurrentTypeParameters == null) {
					all_type_parameters = parentAllTypeParameters;
					return parentAllTypeParameters.GetAllNames ();

				names = new string[parentAllTypeParameters.Count + CurrentTypeParameters.Count];
				all_type_parameters = new TypeParameters (names.Length);
				all_type_parameters.Add (parentAllTypeParameters);

				parent_offset = all_type_parameters.Count;
				for (int i = 0; i < parent_offset; ++i)
					names[i] = all_type_parameters[i].MemberName.Name;

			} else {
				names = new string[CurrentTypeParameters.Count];

			for (int i = 0; i < CurrentTypeParameters.Count; ++i) {
				if (all_type_parameters != null)
					all_type_parameters.Add (MemberName.TypeParameters[i]);

				var name = CurrentTypeParameters[i].MemberName.Name;
				names[parent_offset + i] = name;
				for (int ii = 0; ii < parent_offset + i; ++ii) {
					if (names[ii] != name)

					var tp = CurrentTypeParameters[i];
					var conflict = all_type_parameters[ii];

					tp.WarningParentNameConflict (conflict);

			if (all_type_parameters == null)
				all_type_parameters = CurrentTypeParameters;

			return names;
Пример #9
		// Creates a host for the anonymous method
		AnonymousMethodMethod DoCreateMethodHost (EmitContext ec)
			// Anonymous method body can be converted to
			// 1, an instance method in current scope when only `this' is hoisted
			// 2, a static method in current scope when neither `this' nor any variable is hoisted
			// 3, an instance method in compiler generated storey when any hoisted variable exists

			Modifiers modifiers;
			TypeDefinition parent = null;

			var src_block = Block.Original.Explicit;
			if (src_block.HasCapturedVariable || src_block.HasCapturedThis) {
				parent = storey = FindBestMethodStorey ();

				if (storey == null) {
					var top_block = src_block.ParametersBlock.TopBlock;
					var sm = top_block.StateMachine;

					if (src_block.HasCapturedThis) {
						// Remove hoisted 'this' request when simple instance method is
						// enough. No hoisted variables only 'this' and don't need to
						// propagate this to value type state machine.
						StateMachine sm_parent;
						var pb = src_block.ParametersBlock;
						do {
							sm_parent = pb.StateMachine;
							pb = pb.Parent == null ? null : pb.Parent.ParametersBlock;
						} while (sm_parent == null && pb != null);

						if (sm_parent == null) {
							top_block.RemoveThisReferenceFromChildrenBlock (src_block);
						} else if (sm_parent.Kind == MemberKind.Struct) {
							// Special case where parent class is used to emit instance method
							// because currect storey is of value type (async host) and we cannot
							// use ldftn on non-boxed instances either to share mutated state
							parent = sm_parent.Parent.PartialContainer;
						} else if (sm is IteratorStorey) {
							// For iterators we can host everything in one class
							parent = storey = sm;

				modifiers = storey != null ? Modifiers.INTERNAL : Modifiers.PRIVATE;
			} else {
				if (ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod != null)
					parent = storey = ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.Storey;

				modifiers = Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.PRIVATE;

			if (parent == null)
				parent = ec.CurrentTypeDefinition.Parent.PartialContainer;

			string name = CompilerGeneratedContainer.MakeName (parent != storey ? block_name : null,
				"m", null, parent.PartialContainer.CounterAnonymousMethods++);

			MemberName member_name;
			if (storey == null && ec.CurrentTypeParameters != null) {

				var hoisted_tparams = ec.CurrentTypeParameters;
				var type_params = new TypeParameters (hoisted_tparams.Count);
				for (int i = 0; i < hoisted_tparams.Count; ++i) {
				    type_params.Add (hoisted_tparams[i].CreateHoistedCopy (null));

				member_name = new MemberName (name, type_params, Location);
			} else {
				member_name = new MemberName (name, Location);

			return new AnonymousMethodMethod (parent,
				this, storey, new TypeExpression (ReturnType, Location), modifiers,
				member_name, parameters);
Пример #10
		string[] CreateTypeParameters ()
			string[] names;
			int parent_offset = 0;
			var parent_all = Parent.all_type_parameters;
			if (parent_all != null) {
				if (CurrentTypeParameters == null) {
					all_type_parameters = Parent.all_type_parameters;
					return Parent.all_tp_builders.Select (l => l.Name).ToArray ();

				names = new string[parent_all.Count + CurrentTypeParameters.Count];
				all_type_parameters = new TypeParameters (names.Length);
				all_type_parameters.Add (Parent.all_type_parameters);

				parent_offset = all_type_parameters.Count;
				for (int i = 0; i < parent_offset; ++i)
					names[i] = all_type_parameters[i].MemberName.Name;

			} else {
				names = new string[CurrentTypeParameters.Count];

			for (int i = 0; i < CurrentTypeParameters.Count; ++i) {
				if (all_type_parameters != null)
					all_type_parameters.Add (MemberName.TypeParameters[i]);

				var name = CurrentTypeParameters[i].MemberName.Name;
				names[parent_offset + i] = name;
				for (int ii = 0; ii < parent_offset + i; ++ii) {
					if (names[ii] != name)

					var tp = CurrentTypeParameters[i];
					var conflict = all_type_parameters[ii];

					tp.WarningParentNameConflict (conflict);

			if (all_type_parameters == null)
				all_type_parameters = CurrentTypeParameters;

			return names;
Пример #11
void case_364()
#line 2999 "cs-parser.jay"
		var tparams = new TypeParameters ();
		tparams.Add ((TypeParameter)yyVals[0+yyTop]);
		yyVal = tparams;
		locationListStack.Push (new List<Location> ());
Пример #12
		// Creates a host for the anonymous method
		AnonymousMethodMethod DoCreateMethodHost (EmitContext ec)
			// Anonymous method body can be converted to
			// 1, an instance method in current scope when only `this' is hoisted
			// 2, a static method in current scope when neither `this' nor any variable is hoisted
			// 3, an instance method in compiler generated storey when any hoisted variable exists

			Modifiers modifiers;
			var src_block = Block.Original.Explicit;
			if (src_block.HasCapturedVariable || src_block.HasCapturedThis) {
				storey = FindBestMethodStorey ();

				// For iterators we can host everything in one class
				if (storey == null && Block.TopBlock.StateMachine is IteratorStorey)
					storey = block.TopBlock.StateMachine;

				modifiers = storey != null ? Modifiers.INTERNAL : Modifiers.PRIVATE;
			} else {
				if (ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod != null)
					storey = ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.Storey;

				modifiers = Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.PRIVATE;

			var parent = storey != null ? storey : ec.CurrentTypeDefinition.Parent.PartialContainer;

			string name = CompilerGeneratedContainer.MakeName (parent != storey ? block_name : null,
				"m", null, ec.Module.CounterAnonymousMethods++);

			MemberName member_name;
			if (storey == null && ec.CurrentTypeParameters != null) {

				var hoisted_tparams = ec.CurrentTypeParameters;
				var type_params = new TypeParameters (hoisted_tparams.Count);
				for (int i = 0; i < hoisted_tparams.Count; ++i) {
				    type_params.Add (hoisted_tparams[i].CreateHoistedCopy (null));

				member_name = new MemberName (name, type_params, Location);
			} else {
				member_name = new MemberName (name, Location);

			return new AnonymousMethodMethod (parent,
				this, storey, new TypeExpression (ReturnType, Location), modifiers,
				member_name, parameters);
Пример #13
 public TypeDoc AddTypeParameter(TypeParameterDoc typeParameter)
 => WithTypeParameters(TypeParameters.Add(typeParameter));
Пример #14
void case_357()
		var tparams = new TypeParameters ();
		tparams.Add ((TypeParameter)yyVals[0+yyTop]);
		yyVal = tparams;
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a method with its parent model and the XML node is represents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The parent model containing this method.</param>
        /// <param name="node">The XML node represented by this method.</param>
        /// <exception cref="FormatException">The name attribute has an invalid format.</exception>
        public Method(XmlDocumentationModel model, XmlNode node) : base(model, node)
            // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
            var name = node.Attributes["name"].Value;

            if (!name.StartsWith("M:"))
                throw new FormatException($"Bad method name format: {name}");
            name = name.Substring(2);
            if (!name.StartsWith(Model.AssemblyName + "."))
                throw new FormatException($"Bad method name format: {name}");
            name = name.Substring(Model.AssemblyName.Length + 1);
            var parentheseIdx = name.IndexOf("(");

            if (parentheseIdx > 0)
                var parametersPart = name.Substring(parentheseIdx + 1).TrimEnd(')');
                name = name.Substring(0, parentheseIdx);
            var parts = name.Split(new[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.None);

            Name = parts[parts.Length - 1];
            var containingTypeName = Model.AssemblyName + "." +
                                     string.Join(".", parts.Take(parts.Length - 1));
            var containingTypeId = "T:" + containingTypeName;
            var containingType   = (Type)Model.Members[containingTypeId];

            ContainingType = containingType;
            var summary = node.SelectSingleNode("summary");

            if (summary != null)
                Documentation = new Documentation(summary);
            var paramNodes = node.SelectNodes("param");

            if (paramNodes != null)
                var i = 0;
                foreach (XmlNode paramNode in paramNodes)
                    if (i < Parameters.Count)
                        Parameters[i].Documentation = new Documentation(paramNode);
                        Parameters[i].Name          = paramNode.Attributes?["name"]?.Value;
            var paramTypes = node.SelectNodes("typeparam");

            if (paramTypes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode paramType in paramTypes)
                    TypeParameters.Add(new TypeParameter(paramType));
            var thrownExceptionNodes = node.SelectNodes("exception");

            if (thrownExceptionNodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode thrownExceptionNode in thrownExceptionNodes)
                    ThrownExceptions.Add(new ThrownException(thrownExceptionNode));
Пример #16
		public static AnonymousTypeClass Create (TypeContainer parent, IList<AnonymousTypeParameter> parameters, Location loc)
			string name = ClassNamePrefix + parent.Module.CounterAnonymousTypes++;

			ParametersCompiled all_parameters;
			TypeParameters tparams = null;
			SimpleName[] t_args;

			if (parameters.Count == 0) {
				all_parameters = ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters;
				t_args = null;
			} else {
				t_args = new SimpleName[parameters.Count];
				tparams = new TypeParameters ();
				Parameter[] ctor_params = new Parameter[parameters.Count];
				for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) {
					AnonymousTypeParameter p = parameters[i];
					for (int ii = 0; ii < i; ++ii) {
						if (parameters[ii].Name == p.Name) {
							parent.Compiler.Report.Error (833, parameters[ii].Location,
								"`{0}': An anonymous type cannot have multiple properties with the same name",

							p = new AnonymousTypeParameter (null, "$" + i.ToString (), p.Location);
							parameters[i] = p;

					t_args[i] = new SimpleName ("<" + p.Name + ">__T", p.Location);
					tparams.Add (new TypeParameter (i, new MemberName (t_args[i].Name, p.Location), null, null, Variance.None));
					ctor_params[i] = new Parameter (t_args[i], p.Name, Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, p.Location);

				all_parameters = new ParametersCompiled (ctor_params);

			// Create generic anonymous type host with generic arguments
			// named upon properties names
			AnonymousTypeClass a_type = new AnonymousTypeClass (parent.Module, new MemberName (name, tparams, loc), parameters, loc);

			Constructor c = new Constructor (a_type, name, Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN,
				null, all_parameters, loc);
			c.Block = new ToplevelBlock (parent.Module.Compiler, c.ParameterInfo, loc);

			// Create fields and constructor body with field initialization
			bool error = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) {
				AnonymousTypeParameter p = parameters [i];

				Field f = new Field (a_type, t_args [i], Modifiers.PRIVATE | Modifiers.READONLY | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN,
					new MemberName ("<" + p.Name + ">", p.Location), null);

				if (!a_type.AddField (f)) {
					error = true;

				c.Block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
					new SimpleAssign (new MemberAccess (new This (p.Location), f.Name),
						c.Block.GetParameterReference (i, p.Location))));

				ToplevelBlock get_block = new ToplevelBlock (parent.Module.Compiler, p.Location);
				get_block.AddStatement (new Return (
					new MemberAccess (new This (p.Location), f.Name), p.Location));

				Property prop = new Property (a_type, t_args [i], Modifiers.PUBLIC,
					new MemberName (p.Name, p.Location), null);
				prop.Get = new Property.GetMethod (prop, 0, null, p.Location);
				prop.Get.Block = get_block;
				a_type.AddMember (prop);

			if (error)
				return null;

			a_type.AddConstructor (c);
			return a_type;
Пример #17
		// Creates a host for the anonymous method
		AnonymousMethodMethod DoCreateMethodHost (EmitContext ec)
			// Anonymous method body can be converted to
			// 1, an instance method in current scope when only `this' is hoisted
			// 2, a static method in current scope when neither `this' nor any variable is hoisted
			// 3, an instance method in compiler generated storey when any hoisted variable exists

			Modifiers modifiers;
			if (Block.HasCapturedVariable || Block.HasCapturedThis) {
				storey = FindBestMethodStorey ();
				modifiers = storey != null ? Modifiers.INTERNAL : Modifiers.PRIVATE;
			} else {
				if (ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod != null)
					storey = ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.Storey;

				modifiers = Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.PRIVATE;

			TypeContainer parent = storey != null ? storey : ec.CurrentTypeDefinition.Parent.PartialContainer;

			MemberCore mc = ec.MemberContext as MemberCore;
			string name = CompilerGeneratedClass.MakeName (parent != storey ? block_name : null,
				"m", null, unique_id++);

			MemberName member_name;
			if (storey == null && ec.CurrentTypeParameters != null) {

				var hoisted_tparams = ec.CurrentTypeParameters;
				var type_params = new TypeParameters (hoisted_tparams.Count);
				for (int i = 0; i < hoisted_tparams.Count; ++i) {
				    type_params.Add (hoisted_tparams[i].CreateHoistedCopy (null));

				member_name = new MemberName (name, type_params, Location);
			} else {
				member_name = new MemberName (name, Location);

			string real_name = String.Format (
				"{0}~{1}{2}", mc.GetSignatureForError (), GetSignatureForError (),
				parameters.GetSignatureForError ());

			return new AnonymousMethodMethod (parent,
				this, storey, new TypeExpression (ReturnType, Location), modifiers,
				real_name, member_name, parameters);
Пример #18
void case_347()
#line 2854 "cs-parser.jay"
		var tparams = new TypeParameters ();
		tparams.Add ((TypeParameter)yyVals[0+yyTop]);
		yyVal = tparams;