Пример #1
        private static void UnifyNestedClasses(int parsingGenericArgListDepth, List <TypeNameSegment> genericArgs)
            // Walk backwards so we can fold the multiple levels of nested classes backwards into the appropriate parent. It is important to do this BEFORE we propagate
            // anything into the nameSegment list, since propagation from here to that list means patching a generic arg in that type, as such we want to patch the full
            // (nested) type name, not the partial (outer parent) type name.
            for (int i = genericArgs.Count - 1; i >= 1; i--)
                TypeNameSegment candidateSegment = genericArgs[i];

                // Once we hit an arg that came from a parsing arg depth < than the current, we can stop, we won't be processing any of those args yet, we will when we unwind
                // that parsing level
                if (candidateSegment.ParsingArgDepth < parsingGenericArgListDepth)

                // Don't fold any that still have unfulfilled generics, leave them so they can be fulfilled
                // TODO: Is this a thing? The need to check for HasUnfulfilledGenericArgs? The code before this that propagates generic args only fixes a single generic type target
                // per pass...can there ever be more than one? The closing of a generic param list triggers this code, so the only way for there to be more than one generic type needing
                // patching is EITHER a nested generic type in a generic parent or a generic param to a generic type, but the latter will trigger two seperate levels of generic arg parsing,
                // the former is handled in the back-propagation code before this, and this collapses the nested generic (that has been resolved) into the parent generic (that may not
                // yet have been resolved).
                if (candidateSegment.IsNestedClass && !candidateSegment.HasUnfulfilledGenericArgs)
                    TypeNameSegment toMergeWith = genericArgs[i - 1];

                    genericArgs[i - 1] = toMergeWith;
Пример #2
        public static string?Parse(string?name)
            if (name == null)

            if (name.Length == 0)

                // This is the primary method of the parser. It operates as a simple state machine storing information about types encountered as
                // they are encountered and back-propagating information to types as it is discovered.
                // The BEST way to debug/understand this method is to simply step through it while watching genericArgs and nameSegments in the debugger watch window. The TypeNameSegment
                // has a DebuggerDisplayAttribute so you should see the state of the type as it goes through transitions (i.e. going from simple to generic with a known count of args, as
                // its unknown args are filled in seeing them appear in the debugger display string as we patch in the actual type names, etc...)
                ParsingState currentState = ParsingState.ParsingTypeName;

                // The name segment lists hold types as we are constructing them. These can be complete types (such as System.String) or partial types (like List<T> before we have parsed what T is)
                // or nested types (like the +Entry part of Dictionary<TKey, TEntry>+Entry) which may be later unified with the type they are nested in (we represent parses like Dictionary`2+Entry
                // as two TypeNameSegments (Dictionary`2 and Entry) and unify them later since when we extract Dictionary we don't yet know its generic arity or the fact it is the outer type in
                // a nested type).
                // The nameSegments relate to top-level type names, the genericArgs relate to generic argument lists as we are parsing them. The genericArgs entries are back-propagated both to earlier
                // generic args as well as to types in the nameSegments list, as we complete the argument list parsing.
                List <TypeNameSegment>?nameSegments = null;
                List <TypeNameSegment>?genericArgs  = null;

                // Local helper methods to help minimize code duplication
                void EnsureNameSegmentList()
                    if (nameSegments == null)
                        nameSegments = new List <TypeNameSegment>();

                void EnsureGenericArgList()
                    if (genericArgs == null)
                        genericArgs = new List <TypeNameSegment>();

                int curPos = 0;
                int parsingNestedClassDepth    = 0;
                int parsingGenericArgListDepth = 0;

                while (ShouldContinueParsing(currentState))
                    switch (currentState)
                    case ParsingState.ParsingTypeName:
                        // We are parsing a type name, this is the initial state as well as one entered into every time we are extracting a single type name through the course of parsing.
                        // This handles parsing nested types as well as generic param types.
                        // Parsing of type names is non-extractive, i.e. we don't substring the input string or create any new heap allocations to track them (apart from the two local
                        // Lists), we simply remember the extents of the name (start/end).

                        int start;
                        (start, curPos) = GetTypeNameExtent(name, curPos, parsingGenericArgList: parsingGenericArgListDepth != 0);

                        // Special case: Check if after parsing the type name we have exhausted the string, if so it means the input string is the output string, so just return it
                        // without allocating a copy.
                        if (ReturnOriginalDACString(curPos, name.Length, nameSegments))

                        bool typeIsNestedClass = (parsingNestedClassDepth != 0);
                        if (parsingGenericArgListDepth == 0)
                            // We are parsing a top-level type name/sequence

#pragma warning disable CS8602 // EnsureNameSegmentList call above ensures that nameSegments is never null here
                            nameSegments.Add(new TypeNameSegment(name, (start, curPos), typeIsNestedClass, parsingArgDepth: 0));
#pragma warning restore CS8602
                            // We are parsing a generic list (potentialy nested lists in the case where a generic param is itself generic)

#pragma warning disable CS8602 // EnsureGenericArgList call above ensures that genericArgs is never null here
                            genericArgs.Add(new TypeNameSegment(name, (start, curPos), typeIsNestedClass, parsingGenericArgListDepth));
#pragma warning restore CS8602

                        if (parsingNestedClassDepth != 0)

                        (currentState, curPos) = DetermineNextStateAndPos(name, curPos);

                    case ParsingState.ParsingNestedClass:
                        // We are starting to parse a nested type name, just record the nested class depth (we have to handle multiple levels of nested classes), and
                        // transition back to the type name parsing state.

                        currentState = ParsingState.ParsingTypeName;

                    case ParsingState.ParsingGenericArgCount:
                        // Parse the arity of the generic type. Note: we do this 'in place' i.e. without extracting the count substring, it's unfortunate but int.Parse does not include
                        // an overload that operates in place based on start/length.

                        int genericArgCount;
                        (genericArgCount, curPos) = ParseGenericArityCountFromStringInPlace(name, curPos);

                        List <TypeNameSegment>?targetList = ((genericArgs != null) && (genericArgs.Count != 0)) ? genericArgs : nameSegments;

                        if (targetList != null)
                            // NOTE: TypeNameSegment is a struct to avoid heap allocations, that means we have to extract / modify / re-store to ensure the updated state gets back into whatever
                            // list this came from.
                            int             targetIndex = targetList.Count - 1;
                            TypeNameSegment seg         = targetList[targetIndex];
                            targetList[targetIndex] = seg;
                            currentState = ParsingState.Error;

                        (currentState, curPos) = DetermineNextStateAndPos(name, curPos);

                    case ParsingState.ParsingGenericArgAssemblySpecifier:
                        // Nothing to do here, really, just skip the assembly name specified in the generic arg type
                        while (curPos < name.Length && name[curPos] != ']')

                        (currentState, curPos) = DetermineNextStateAndPos(name, curPos);

                    case ParsingState.ParsingGenericArgs:
                        // Start parsing the list of generic types, this just entails marking that we are parsing a generic arg list. NOTE: to support nested generic arg lsits we
                        // have to keep track of list count, not just a simple bool are/aren't parsing.
                        currentState = ParsingState.ParsingTypeName;

                    case ParsingState.ParsingArraySpecifier:
                        // Parse the array specifier, this mainly is to catch multi-dimensional arrays

                        // There is always at least a single dimenision in arrays, every comma counts as one more
                        int arrayDimensions = 1;

                        // Calculate the array dimensions
                        while ((curPos < name.Length) && (name[curPos] != ']'))
                            if (name[curPos] == ',')


                        // Consume the final ] of the array specifier, unless we are at the end of the string already
                        if (curPos != name.Length)

                        if (parsingGenericArgListDepth != 0 || nameSegments != null)
                            // NOTE: TypeNameSegment is a struct to avoid heap allocations, that means we have to extract / modify / re-store to ensure the updated state gets back into whatever
                            // list this came from.
                            List <TypeNameSegment>?targetList = parsingGenericArgListDepth != 0 ? genericArgs : nameSegments;

                            if (targetList != null)
                                int targetIndex = targetList.Count - 1;

                                TypeNameSegment targetSegment = targetList[targetIndex];
                                targetList[targetIndex] = targetSegment;
                                currentState = ParsingState.Error;

                            (currentState, curPos) = DetermineNextStateAndPos(name, curPos);
                            if (genericArgs == null || genericArgs.Count == 0 && currentState == ParsingState.Done)
                                // Special case: Return original string in cases like this:
                                // System.String[,,,] or System.Int32[][]
                                if (ReturnOriginalDACString(curPos, name.Length, nameSegments))
                            Debug.Fail("Inside ParsingArraySpecifier but we don't think we are parsing generic params and have nothing on the top-level name segment list.");
                            currentState = ParsingState.Error;


                    case ParsingState.ResolveParsedGenericList:
                        // We are done with this level of arguments in terms of parsing, now we just have to apply them to the types they belong with (from previous parsing levels or the
                        // top-level).

                        if (genericArgs == null || genericArgs.Count == 0)
                            // For top-level types with multiple-level generic arg lists (so a type with a generic arg which itself is a generic type) as we unwind the nested generic args
                            // lists we can end up wth no more work to do upon exiting a level (because we already propagated the info backwards before getting here), in which case, do nothing.
                            (currentState, curPos) = DetermineNextStateAndPos(name, curPos);

                        (currentState, curPos) = ResolveParsedGenericList(name, curPos, parsingGenericArgListDepth, nameSegments, genericArgs);

                if (currentState == ParsingState.Error || nameSegments == null)
                    // If we have encountered something we failed on, return the DAC string so at least there is SOMETHING
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Failed Parsing DAC Name: {name}");

                //Build the final result from all the type name segments we have
                StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (TypeNameSegment segment in nameSegments)

            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine($"Encountered an exception while parsing name {name}: {e}");
Пример #3
        private static bool TryPatchUnfulfilledGenericArgs(int genericTargetIndex, List <TypeNameSegment> genericArgs)
            TypeNameSegment targetTypeToPatch = genericArgs[genericTargetIndex];

            DebugOnly.Assert(targetTypeToPatch.HasUnfulfilledGenericArgs, "Called TryPatchUnfulfilledGenericArgs with an index pointing at a TypeNameSegment that does not have unfulfilled generic params");

            // Patch ALL missing args from the target type, but no more. Any types before the target that need filling in will trigger another ResolveParsedGenericList state
            // to be entered as we unwind the parse, and at that point we will progate types back another level. This is very important to correctly parse horrific types like:
            // Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects.ObjectPool<System.Collections.Generic.Stack<System.ValueTuple<Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections.IntervalTree<Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Tagging.TagSpanIntervalTree<Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging.IBlockTag>+TagNode>+Node, System.Boolean>>>+Factory
            int nextTargetFulfillmentIndex = -1;

            while (targetTypeToPatch.HasUnfulfilledGenericArgs)
                DebugOnly.Assert(genericTargetIndex + 1 != genericArgs.Count, "There are no arguments parsed following the target type for our generic arg back-propagation code. What do we patch with?");
                if (genericTargetIndex + 1 == genericArgs.Count)

                // NOTE: This is an annoyance of the DAC. Generally, when patching generic args into their owning type we can simply take the first arg after the generic
                // type entry itself and patch away. However, if we have a nested generic type whose parent is also a generic type then the type list for BOTH types are
                // given to us in a single flat list, in order from outer to inner.
                // So for instance, an example of the simple case, is this:
                // Foo<T1,T2>+Bar
                // The DAC gives us this Foo`2+Bar[[[T1,assembly],[T2,assembly]]]
                // In which case we simply patch the list into Foo front to back starting with the first genericArg entry AFTER the generic type are patching into
                // However, for this:
                // Foo<T1,T2>+Bar<U>
                // the DAC will give us Foo`2+Bar`1[[[T1,assembly],[T2,assembly],[U,assembly]]]
                // In this case the proper argument to patch into Bar is U (not T1). W simply need to skip the # of arguments in the list corresponding to the # of arguments
                // all parent types above us will consume from the list.
                if (targetTypeToPatch.IsNestedClass && targetTypeToPatch.IsGenericClass && (nextTargetFulfillmentIndex == -1))
                    // The target to use to patch will be at least the arg after the type we are patching (genericTargetIndex + 1), but need to see how many nested and generic
                    // classes are above us at this same parse level so we can correctly pull arguments ala the rather large explanation above.
                    nextTargetFulfillmentIndex = genericTargetIndex + 1;
                    for (int i = genericTargetIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        // Don't flow back between levels of nested generic lists
                        if (genericArgs[i].ParsingArgDepth != targetTypeToPatch.ParsingArgDepth)

                        if (genericArgs[i].IsGenericClass)
                            nextTargetFulfillmentIndex += genericArgs[i].RemainingUnfulfilledGenericArgCount;

                        // If the previous class itself is not nested, then we can stop searching, if it is, we have to continue
                        if (!genericArgs[i].IsNestedClass)

                // Look at every type after the target type that is missing generic parameter info. For any that are NOT nested classes (these are important to skip),
                // mark it as the next argument for argument back-propagation.
                // NOTE: If nextTargetFulfillmentIndex is not -1 it means we can use it as the start position, it USED to point to the last argument we back-propagated, but
                // since we back-propagated it and removed it from the genericArgs list it now points at the next potential candidate for continued back-propagation.
                for (int i = (nextTargetFulfillmentIndex != -1 ? nextTargetFulfillmentIndex : genericTargetIndex + 1); i < genericArgs.Count; i++)
                    if (!genericArgs[i].IsNestedClass)
                        nextTargetFulfillmentIndex = i;

                DebugOnly.Assert(nextTargetFulfillmentIndex != genericTargetIndex, "Ran out of args to back-propagate to satisfy generic requirements of earlier generic parameter.");
                if (nextTargetFulfillmentIndex == genericTargetIndex)

                // Add the located argument as a generic arg to our previous generic type

                // Remove the back-propagaeted argument from our argument list since it is now contained within targetTypeToPatch

            // Patch our updated type info now that we have satisfied all of its generic arg requirements
            genericArgs[genericTargetIndex] = targetTypeToPatch;

Пример #4
        private static (ParsingState State, int CurrentPosition) ResolveParsedGenericList(string name, int currentPosition, int parsingGenericArgListDepth, List <TypeNameSegment>?nameSegments, List <TypeNameSegment>?genericArgs)
            if (genericArgs == null)
                return(ParsingState.Error, currentPosition);

            // This is the most complicated part of the state machine, it involves back-propagating completed generic argument types into previous types they belong to.
            // It has to take care to propagate both amongst the genericArgs list as well as into the nameSegments list, it also has to ensure it unifies nested classes that
            // exist seperate from their parent type, before back-propagating that parent type.
            // NOTE: This is called one time per generic list, so in the case of nested generics (where a param to a generic is itself another generic) this will be called
            // twice (and so on and so forth for arbitrary levels of nesting). What that means is that each call we only want to clear as many generics off our queue
            // as the generic types encountered on this parsing level require (whether that is in the generic arg list or the name segment list). And if we roll up generic
            // params into other entries in the generic param list we DON'T want to propagate anything to the name segment list since this generic arg list must be part of a nested
            // generic situation, not the top-level type name parsing

            int genericTargetIndex = -1;

            bool propagatedTypesToGenericArgs = false;

            // In some cases we end up with a genericArgs list where one entry is the fulfillment of another entry's generic args, this happens in cases like this
            // System.Action`1[[System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[[Microsoft.VisualStudio.RemoteSettings.ActionResponse, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Telemetry]], mscorlib]]
            // In this case System.Action is sitting on the nameSegment list waiting for its generic params, BUT our genericArgs stack has two entries, one for IEnumerable
            // (also waiting for its params) and one for ActionResponse, which is the arg to pair with the IEnumerable. So we have handle this arg rollup before we can
            // propagate the args to the nameSegments list
            // NOTE: It is important to do this walk backwards since our list is being used like a queue and later entries bind with entries before them during genric arg
            // back-propagation
            // NOTE: Purposely not using FindLastIndexOf because want to avoid allocation cost of lambda + indirection cost of callback during search
            genericTargetIndex = -1;
            for (int i = genericArgs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                TypeNameSegment target = genericArgs[i];
                if (target.HasUnfulfilledGenericArgs && target.ParsingArgDepth == parsingGenericArgListDepth)
                    genericTargetIndex = i;

            while (genericTargetIndex != -1)
                TypeNameSegment targetSegment = genericArgs[genericTargetIndex];

                propagatedTypesToGenericArgs = true;

                if (!TryPatchUnfulfilledGenericArgs(genericTargetIndex, genericArgs))
                    return(ParsingState.Error, currentPosition);

                int previousTarget = genericTargetIndex;
                genericTargetIndex = -1;

                for (int i = previousTarget - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    TypeNameSegment target = genericArgs[i];
                    if (target.HasUnfulfilledGenericArgs && target.ParsingArgDepth == parsingGenericArgListDepth)
                        genericTargetIndex = i;

            // Roll up any nested classes at this level into their parents
            UnifyNestedClasses(parsingGenericArgListDepth, genericArgs);

            // If we haven't done any propagation amongst the generic args or we have but we have no more levels of generic args to parse, then we need to propagate
            // back into the top level type list, so find the appropriate type entry in that list and propagate args back to it to fulfill missing generics.
            if (!propagatedTypesToGenericArgs || (parsingGenericArgListDepth == 0))
                if (nameSegments == null)
                    Debug.Fail("Ended resolving generic arg list but no top-level types to propagate them to.");
                    return(ParsingState.Error, currentPosition);

                // Fill the nameSegment generics with args, in order, from the genericArgs list. This works correctly whether the nameSegments list is a single generic or a
                // generic with a nested generic (so WeakKeyDictionary<T1,T2>+<WeakReference<T1>), unlike the special casing for such a situation we need to do while fixing up
                // the generic args list.
                int targetSegmentIndex = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < nameSegments.Count; i++)
                    if (nameSegments[i].HasUnfulfilledGenericArgs)
                        targetSegmentIndex = i;
                DebugOnly.Assert(targetSegmentIndex != -1, "Ended resolving generic arg list but failed to find any top-level types marked as having unfulfilled generic args to propagate them to.");

                if (targetSegmentIndex != -1)
                    TypeNameSegment targetSegment = nameSegments[targetSegmentIndex];
                    while (genericArgs.Count != 0)

                        if (!targetSegment.HasUnfulfilledGenericArgs && (genericArgs.Count != 0))
                            // NOTE: TypeNameSegment is a struct to avoid heap allocations, that means we have to extract / modify / re-store to ensure the updated state gets back into whatever
                            // list this came from.
                            nameSegments[targetSegmentIndex] = targetSegment;

                            targetSegmentIndex = nameSegments.FindIndex(targetSegmentIndex, (tns) => tns.HasUnfulfilledGenericArgs);
                            if (targetSegmentIndex == -1)
                                return(ParsingState.Error, currentPosition);

                            targetSegment = nameSegments[targetSegmentIndex];

                    // NOTE: TypeNameSegment is a struct to avoid heap allocations, that means we have to extract / modify / re-store to ensure the updated state gets back into whatever
                    // list this came from.
                    nameSegments[targetSegmentIndex] = targetSegment;

                    DebugOnly.Assert(genericArgs.Count == 0, "Back-propagation to top-level generic types ended with generic args still in the genericArgs list.");

                    return(DetermineNextStateAndPos(name, currentPosition));
                    return(ParsingState.Error, currentPosition);
                return(DetermineNextStateAndPos(name, currentPosition));