Пример #1
 internal ExportedTypeRow(
   TypeDefFlags typeDefFlags,
   uint typeDefId,
   uint typeName,
   uint typeNamespace,
   uint implementation)
     this.Flags = typeDefFlags;
     this.TypeDefId = typeDefId;
     this.TypeName = typeName;
     this.TypeNamespace = typeNamespace;
     this.Implementation = implementation;
Пример #2
 internal ExportedTypeRow(
     TypeDefFlags typeDefFlags,
     uint typeDefId,
     uint typeName,
     uint typeNamespace,
     uint implementation)
     this.Flags          = typeDefFlags;
     this.TypeDefId      = typeDefId;
     this.TypeName       = typeName;
     this.TypeNamespace  = typeNamespace;
     this.Implementation = implementation;
 internal TypeDefRow(
   TypeDefFlags flags,
   uint name,
   uint @namespace,
   uint extends,
   uint fieldList,
   uint methodList)
     this.Flags = flags;
     this.Name = name;
     this.Namespace = @namespace;
     this.Extends = extends;
     this.FieldList = fieldList;
     this.MethodList = methodList;
Пример #4
 internal TypeDefRow(
     TypeDefFlags flags,
     uint name,
     uint @namespace,
     uint extends,
     uint fieldList,
     uint methodList)
     this.Flags      = flags;
     this.Name       = name;
     this.Namespace  = @namespace;
     this.Extends    = extends;
     this.FieldList  = fieldList;
     this.MethodList = methodList;
Пример #5
 private static bool ShouldFixUpCLRViewClassOrEnum(
   IName typeName,
   TypeDefFlags typeDefFlags
 ) {
   return (typeDefFlags & TypeDefFlags.PrivateAccess) == TypeDefFlags.PrivateAccess &&
          // By design, managed winmd classes should always be sealed - however, a bug in winmdexp.exe allows non-sealed
          // managed winmd classes to be created if the class does not have a public constructor - see bug 188518. So we
          // skip the check for the sealed flag here in order to avoid breaking any apps that already depend on this
          // winmdexp.exe bug. This matches the CLR which also doesn't check for the sealed flag when fixing up
          // managed winmd types (see ndp\clr\src\md\winmd\adapter.cpp).
          // (typeDefFlags & TypeDefFlags.SealedSemantics) == TypeDefFlags.SealedSemantics &&
          (typeDefFlags & TypeDefFlags.SpecialNameSemantics) == TypeDefFlags.SpecialNameSemantics &&
          typeName.Value.StartsWith(PREFIX_CLR, StringComparison.Ordinal);
Пример #6
    private bool ShouldFixUpWinRTViewClassOrEnum(
      IAssemblyReference containingUnitMscorlibReference,
      IName baseTypeNamespaceName,
      IName baseTypeName,
      TypeDefFlags typeDefFlags
    ) {
      if ((typeDefFlags & TypeDefFlags.PublicAccess) == TypeDefFlags.PublicAccess &&
          // By design, managed winmd classes should always be sealed - however, a bug in winmdexp.exe allows non-sealed
          // managed winmd classes to be created if the class does not have a public constructor - see bug 188518. So we
          // skip the check for the sealed flag here in order to avoid breaking any apps that already depend on this
          // winmdexp.exe bug. This matches the CLR which also doesn't check for the sealed flag when fixing up
          // managed winmd types (see ndp\clr\src\md\winmd\adapter.cpp).
          // (typeDefFlags & TypeDefFlags.SealedSemantics) == TypeDefFlags.SealedSemantics &&
          (typeDefFlags & TypeDefFlags.IsForeign) == TypeDefFlags.IsForeign &&
          (typeDefFlags & TypeDefFlags.InterfaceSemantics) != TypeDefFlags.InterfaceSemantics && // Not an interface
          !(baseTypeNamespaceName.Value == "System" && baseTypeName.Value == "ValueType") && // Not a struct
          !(baseTypeNamespaceName.Value == "System" && baseTypeName.Value == "MulticastDelegate") && // Not a delegate
          !(baseTypeNamespaceName.Value == "System" && baseTypeName.Value == "Attribute")) { // Not an attribute

        // We have a managed winmd class or an enum in WinRT view.
        bool isEnum = baseTypeNamespaceName.Value == "System" && baseTypeName.Value == "Enum";
        bool referencesMscorlibv4 = 
                    containingUnitMscorlibReference != null && !(containingUnitMscorlibReference is Dummy) &&
                    containingUnitMscorlibReference.Version.Major == 4;
        bool isSpecialName = (typeDefFlags & TypeDefFlags.SpecialNameSemantics) == TypeDefFlags.SpecialNameSemantics;

        if (isEnum && referencesMscorlibv4 && !isSpecialName) {
          // This is a back-compat quirk. Managed winmd enums exported with an older WinMDExp.exe have only one view (i.e. no
          // corresponding <CLR> enum). These enums should *not* be mangled with a <WinRT> prefix and flipped to private.
          // The only way to check whether the older WinMDExp was used is to check the version of the mscorlib referenced
          // by the managed winmd (if referenced mscorlib has version 4.0 then the winmd was produced using the older WinMDExp -
          // otherwise (if the referenced mscorlib has version then the winmd was produced using newer WinMDExp).
          // These checks are basically a copy of the checks in the CLR (see ndp\clr\src\md\winmd\adapter.cpp).
          return false;

        return true;

      return false;
Пример #7
 private void FixUpNameAndFlagsForManagedWinMDClassOrEnum(
   IUnit containingUnit,
   IAssemblyReference containingUnitMscorlibReference,
   IName baseTypeNamespaceName,
   IName baseTypeName,
   ref IName typeName,
   ref TypeDefFlags typeDefFlags
 ) {
   if (this.projectToCLRTypes && IsManagedWinMD(containingUnit)) {
     if (ShouldFixUpWinRTViewClassOrEnum(containingUnitMscorlibReference, baseTypeNamespaceName, baseTypeName, typeDefFlags)) {
       typeName = NameTable.GetNameFor(PREFIX_WINRT + typeName.Value);
       typeDefFlags = (typeDefFlags & ~TypeDefFlags.AccessMask) | TypeDefFlags.PrivateAccess;
       // NOTE: Ildasm /project also adds the following "import" flag on <WinRT> types - however, we omit this since
       // this is not required so far as .net native toolchain and mcg goes. This also avoids having to add special
       // case code to avoid treating this type as a real COM type in the reduced copy transform (see isComImport
       // check in ReducedCopyReferenceEngine.cs).
       // typeDefFlags = typeDefFlags | TypeDefFlags.ImportImplementation;
     } else if (ShouldFixUpCLRViewClassOrEnum(typeName, typeDefFlags)) {
       typeName = NameTable.GetNameFor(typeName.Value.Substring(PREFIX_CLR_LENGTH));
       typeDefFlags = (typeDefFlags & ~TypeDefFlags.AccessMask) | TypeDefFlags.PublicAccess;
       typeDefFlags = typeDefFlags & ~TypeDefFlags.SpecialNameSemantics;
Пример #8
 // Fixes up names and flags for managed winmd classes if projection support is enabled in the host.
 // - CLR view classes and enums in managed winmds lose the '<CLR>' prefix in their name and become public.
 // - WinRT view classes and enums in managed winmds get a '<WinRT>' prefix in their name and become private.
 // This is identical to the behavior one sees when one uses ildasm's "/project" option to view the contents
 // of a managed winmd.
 void IWindowsRuntimeMetadataReaderHost.FixUpNameAndFlagsForManagedWinMDClassOrEnum(
   PEFileToObjectModel peFileToObjectModel,
   uint typeDefRowId,
   IUnit containingUnit,
   ref IName typeName,
   ref TypeDefFlags flags
 ) {
   IWindowsRuntimeMetadataReaderHost host = peFileToObjectModel.ModuleReader.metadataReaderHost as WindowsRuntimeMetadataReaderHost;
   if (this.projectToCLRTypes) {
     IName baseTypeNamespaceName = null;
     IName baseTypeName = null;
     uint baseTypeToken = peFileToObjectModel.PEFileReader.TypeDefTable.GetExtends(typeDefRowId);
     uint baseTypeRowId = baseTypeToken & TokenTypeIds.RIDMask;
     if (baseTypeRowId != 0) {
       uint tokenType = baseTypeToken & TokenTypeIds.TokenTypeMask;
       switch(tokenType) {
         case TokenTypeIds.TypeDef:
           TypeDefRow baseTypeDefRow = peFileToObjectModel.PEFileReader.TypeDefTable[baseTypeRowId];
           baseTypeNamespaceName = peFileToObjectModel.GetNameFromOffset(baseTypeDefRow.Namespace);
           baseTypeName = peFileToObjectModel.GetNameFromOffset(baseTypeDefRow.Name);
         case TokenTypeIds.TypeRef:
           TypeRefRow baseTypeRefRow = peFileToObjectModel.PEFileReader.TypeRefTable[baseTypeRowId];
           baseTypeNamespaceName = peFileToObjectModel.GetNameFromOffset(baseTypeRefRow.Namespace);
           baseTypeName = peFileToObjectModel.GetNameFromOffset(baseTypeRefRow.Name);
         case TokenTypeIds.TypeSpec:
           // We don't care about TypeSpecs because managed winmd types can never inherit generic types.
       if (baseTypeName != null) {
         IAssemblyReference containingUnitMscorlibReference = peFileToObjectModel.GetMscorlibReference();
         this.FixUpNameAndFlagsForManagedWinMDClassOrEnum(containingUnit, containingUnitMscorlibReference, baseTypeNamespaceName, baseTypeName, ref typeName, ref flags);