Пример #1
 internal Style(Workbook wb, XfRecord xf) : base(wb)
     if (xf.FontIdx > 0 && xf.FontIdx < wb.Fonts.Count)
         _font = wb.Fonts[xf.FontIdx - 1];
     _format            = wb.Formats[xf.FormatIdx];
     _typeAndProtection = xf.TypeAndProtection;
     if (_typeAndProtection.IsCell)
         _parentStyle = wb.Styles[xf.ParentIdx];
     _horizontalAlignment          = xf.HorizontalAlignment;
     _wrapped                      = xf.Wrapped;
     _verticalAlignment            = xf.VerticalAlignment;
     _rotation                     = xf.Rotation;
     _indentLevel                  = xf.IndentLevel;
     _shrinkContent                = xf.ShrinkContent;
     _parentStyleAttributes        = xf.ParentStyle;
     _leftLineStyle                = xf.LeftLineStyle;
     _rightLineStyle               = xf.RightLineStyle;
     _topLineStyle                 = xf.TopLineStyle;
     _bottomLineStyle              = xf.BottomLineStyle;
     _leftLineColor                = wb.Palette.GetColor(xf.LeftLineColor);
     _rightLineColor               = wb.Palette.GetColor(xf.RightLineColor);
     _diagonalRightTopToLeftBottom = xf.DiagonalRightTopToLeftBottom;
     _diagonalLeftBottomToTopRight = xf.DiagonalLeftBottomToTopRight;
     _topLineColor                 = wb.Palette.GetColor(xf.TopLineColor);
     _bottomLineColor              = wb.Palette.GetColor(xf.BottomLineColor);
     _diagonalLineColor            = wb.Palette.GetColor(xf.DiagonalLineColor);
     _diagonalLineStyle            = xf.DiagonalLineStyle;
     _fillPattern                  = xf.FillPattern;
     _patternColor                 = wb.Palette.GetColor(xf.PatternColor);
     _patternBackground            = wb.Palette.GetColor(xf.PatternBackground);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor for the record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="biff">The GenericBiff record that should contain the correct type and data for the XF record.</param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidRecordIdException">
        /// An InvalidRecordIdException is thrown if biff contains an invalid type or invalid data.
        /// </exception>
        public XfRecord(GenericBiff biff)
            if (biff.Id == (ushort)RecordType.Xf)
                BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(biff.GetDataStream());

                _fontIdx   = reader.ReadUInt16();
                _formatIdx = reader.ReadUInt16();

                ushort data = reader.ReadUInt16();
                _typeAndProtection = new TypeAndProtection(data & 0x000F);
                _parentIdx         = (ushort)((data & 0xFFF0) >> 8);

                byte data2 = reader.ReadByte();
                _horizontalAlignment = (HorizontalAlignment)(data2 & 0x07);
                _wrapped             = (data & 0x088) != 0;
                _verticalAlignment   = (VerticalAlignment)((data2 & 0x70) >> 4);

                data2     = reader.ReadByte();
                _rotation = new Rotation(data2);

                data2          = reader.ReadByte();
                _indentLevel   = new Nibble((byte)(data2 & 0x0F));
                _shrinkContent = (data2 & 0x10) == 1;

                _parentStyle = (ParentStyleAttributes)(reader.ReadByte());

                uint data3 = reader.ReadUInt32();
                _leftLineStyle   = (LineStyle)(data3 & 0x0000000F);
                _rightLineStyle  = (LineStyle)((data3 & 0x000000F0) >> 1);
                _topLineStyle    = (LineStyle)((data3 & 0x00000F00) >> 2);
                _bottomLineStyle = (LineStyle)((data3 & 0x0000F000) >> 3);
                _rightLineColor  = (ushort)((data3 & 0x007F0000) >> 4);
                _leftLineColor   = (ushort)((data3 & 0x3F800000) >> 5);
                _diagonalRightTopToLeftBottom = (data & 0x40000000) == 1;
                _diagonalLeftBottomToTopRight = (data & 0x80000000) == 1;

                data3              = reader.ReadUInt32();
                _topLineColor      = (ushort)(data3 & 0x0000007F);
                _bottomLineColor   = (ushort)((data3 & 0x00003F80) >> 1);
                _diagonalLineColor = (ushort)((data3 & 0x001FC000) >> 3);
                _diagonalLineStyle = (LineStyle)((data3 & 0x01E00000) >> 5);
                _fillPattern       = (FillPattern)((data3 & 0xFC000000) >> 6);

                data               = reader.ReadUInt16();
                _patternColor      = (ushort)(data & 0x007F);
                _patternBackground = (ushort)((data & 0x3F80) >> 7);

                Debug.Assert(reader.BaseStream.Position == reader.BaseStream.Length);
                throw new InvalidRecordIdException(biff.Id, RecordType.Xf);