public virtual void TestSetCount()
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.TotalCount(), 21.0);
     c.SetCount("p", "q", 1.0);
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.TotalCount(), 22.0);
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.TotalCount("p"), 1.0);
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetCount("p", "q"), 1.0);
     c.Remove("p", "q");
Пример #2
 public static void PrintCounter(TwoDimensionalCounter <string, string> cnt, string fname)
         PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new TextWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(fname)), false, "UTF-8"));
         foreach (string key in cnt.FirstKeySet())
             foreach (string val in cnt.GetCounter(key).KeySet())
                 pw.Printf("%s\t%s\t%d%n", key, val, (int)cnt.GetCount(key, val));
     catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
     catch (FileNotFoundException e)
Пример #3
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.TypeLoadException"/>
        private ICounter <CandidatePhrase> LearnNewPhrasesPrivate(string label, PatternsForEachToken patternsForEachToken, ICounter <E> patternsLearnedThisIter, ICounter <E> allSelectedPatterns, ICollection <CandidatePhrase> alreadyIdentifiedWords, CollectionValuedMap
                                                                  <E, Triple <string, int, int> > matchedTokensByPat, ICounter <CandidatePhrase> scoreForAllWordsThisIteration, TwoDimensionalCounter <CandidatePhrase, E> terms, TwoDimensionalCounter <CandidatePhrase, E> wordsPatExtracted, TwoDimensionalCounter <E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       , CandidatePhrase> patternsAndWords4Label, string identifier, ICollection <CandidatePhrase> ignoreWords, bool computeProcDataFreq)
            ICollection <CandidatePhrase> alreadyLabeledWords = new HashSet <CandidatePhrase>();

            if (constVars.doNotApplyPatterns)
                // if want to get the stats by the lossy way of just counting without
                // applying the patterns
                ConstantsAndVariables.DataSentsIterator sentsIter = new ConstantsAndVariables.DataSentsIterator(constVars.batchProcessSents);
                while (sentsIter.MoveNext())
                    Pair <IDictionary <string, DataInstance>, File> sentsf = sentsIter.Current;
                    this.StatsWithoutApplyingPatterns(sentsf.First(), patternsForEachToken, patternsLearnedThisIter, wordsPatExtracted);
                if (patternsLearnedThisIter.Size() > 0)
                    this.ApplyPats(patternsLearnedThisIter, label, wordsPatExtracted, matchedTokensByPat, alreadyLabeledWords);
            if (computeProcDataFreq)
                if (!phraseScorer.wordFreqNorm.Equals(PhraseScorer.Normalization.None))
                    Redwood.Log(Redwood.Dbg, "computing processed freq");
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <CandidatePhrase, double> fq in Data.rawFreq.EntrySet())
                        double @in = fq.Value;
                        if (phraseScorer.wordFreqNorm.Equals(PhraseScorer.Normalization.Sqrt))
                            @in = Math.Sqrt(@in);
                            if (phraseScorer.wordFreqNorm.Equals(PhraseScorer.Normalization.Log))
                                @in = 1 + Math.Log(@in);
                                throw new Exception("can't understand the normalization");
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!double.IsNaN(@in), "Why is processed freq nan when rawfreq is " + @in);
                        Data.processedDataFreq.SetCount(fq.Key, @in);
                    Data.processedDataFreq = Data.rawFreq;
            if (constVars.wordScoring.Equals(GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass.WordScoring.Weightednorm))
                foreach (CandidatePhrase en in wordsPatExtracted.FirstKeySet())
                    if (!constVars.GetOtherSemanticClassesWords().Contains(en) && (en.GetPhraseLemma() == null || !constVars.GetOtherSemanticClassesWords().Contains(CandidatePhrase.CreateOrGet(en.GetPhraseLemma()))) && !alreadyLabeledWords.Contains(en))
                        terms.AddAll(en, wordsPatExtracted.GetCounter(en));
                RemoveKeys(terms, ConstantsAndVariables.GetStopWords());
                ICounter <CandidatePhrase> phraseScores = phraseScorer.ScorePhrases(label, terms, wordsPatExtracted, allSelectedPatterns, alreadyIdentifiedWords, false);
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("count for word U.S. is " + phraseScores.GetCount(CandidatePhrase.CreateOrGet("U.S.")));
                ICollection <CandidatePhrase> ignoreWordsAll;
                if (ignoreWords != null && !ignoreWords.IsEmpty())
                    ignoreWordsAll = CollectionUtils.UnionAsSet(ignoreWords, constVars.GetOtherSemanticClassesWords());
                    ignoreWordsAll = new HashSet <CandidatePhrase>(constVars.GetOtherSemanticClassesWords());
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(ignoreWordsAll, constVars.GetSeedLabelDictionary()[label]);
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(ignoreWordsAll, constVars.GetLearnedWords(label).KeySet());
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("ignoreWordsAll contains word U.S. is " + ignoreWordsAll.Contains(CandidatePhrase.CreateOrGet("U.S.")));
                ICounter <CandidatePhrase> finalwords = ChooseTopWords(phraseScores, terms, phraseScores, ignoreWordsAll, constVars.thresholdWordExtract);
                Counters.AddInPlace(scoreForAllWordsThisIteration, phraseScores);
                Redwood.Log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "\n\n## Selected Words for " + label + " : " + Counters.ToSortedString(finalwords, finalwords.Size(), "%1$s:%2$.2f", "\t"));
                if (constVars.goldEntities != null)
                    IDictionary <string, bool> goldEntities4Label = constVars.goldEntities[label];
                    if (goldEntities4Label != null)
                        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
                        Redwood.Log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "\n\n## Gold labels for selected words for label " + label + " : " + s.ToString());
                        Redwood.Log(Redwood.Dbg, "No gold entities provided for label " + label);
                if (constVars.outDir != null && !constVars.outDir.IsEmpty())
                    string outputdir = constVars.outDir + "/" + identifier + "/" + label;
                    IOUtils.EnsureDir(new File(outputdir));
                    TwoDimensionalCounter <CandidatePhrase, CandidatePhrase> reasonForWords = new TwoDimensionalCounter <CandidatePhrase, CandidatePhrase>();
                    foreach (CandidatePhrase word in finalwords.KeySet())
                        foreach (E l in wordsPatExtracted.GetCounter(word).KeySet())
                            foreach (CandidatePhrase w2 in patternsAndWords4Label.GetCounter(l))
                                reasonForWords.IncrementCount(word, w2);
                    Redwood.Log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "Saving output in " + outputdir);
                    string filename = outputdir + "/words.json";
                    // the json object is an array corresponding to each iteration - of list
                    // of objects,
                    // each of which is a bean of entity and reasons
                    IJsonArrayBuilder obj = Javax.Json.Json.CreateArrayBuilder();
                    if (writtenInJustification.Contains(label) && writtenInJustification[label])
                        IJsonReader jsonReader = Javax.Json.Json.CreateReader(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename)));
                        IJsonArray  objarr     = jsonReader.ReadArray();
                        foreach (IJsonValue o in objarr)
                    IJsonArrayBuilder objThisIter = Javax.Json.Json.CreateArrayBuilder();
                    foreach (CandidatePhrase w in reasonForWords.FirstKeySet())
                        IJsonObjectBuilder objinner = Javax.Json.Json.CreateObjectBuilder();
                        IJsonArrayBuilder  l        = Javax.Json.Json.CreateArrayBuilder();
                        foreach (CandidatePhrase w2 in reasonForWords.GetCounter(w).KeySet())
                        IJsonArrayBuilder pats = Javax.Json.Json.CreateArrayBuilder();
                        foreach (E p in wordsPatExtracted.GetCounter(w))
                        objinner.Add("reasonwords", l);
                        objinner.Add("patterns", pats);
                        objinner.Add("score", finalwords.GetCount(w));
                        objinner.Add("entity", w.GetPhrase());
                    // Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, channelNameLogger,
                    // "Writing justification at " + filename);
                    IOUtils.WriteStringToFile(StringUtils.Normalize(StringUtils.ToAscii(obj.Build().ToString())), filename, "ASCII");
                    writtenInJustification[label] = true;
                if (constVars.justify)
                    Redwood.Log(Redwood.Dbg, "\nJustification for phrases:\n");
                    foreach (CandidatePhrase word in finalwords.KeySet())
                        Redwood.Log(Redwood.Dbg, "Phrase " + word + " extracted because of patterns: \t" + Counters.ToSortedString(wordsPatExtracted.GetCounter(word), wordsPatExtracted.GetCounter(word).Size(), "%1$s:%2$f", "\n"));
                // if (usePatternResultAsLabel)
                // if (answerLabel != null)
                // labelWords(sents, commonEngWords, finalwords.keySet(),
                // patterns.keySet(), outFile);
                // else
                // throw new RuntimeException("why is the answer label null?");
                if (constVars.wordScoring.Equals(GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass.WordScoring.Bpb))
                    Counters.AddInPlace(terms, wordsPatExtracted);
                    ICounter <CandidatePhrase>       maxPatWeightTerms = new ClassicCounter <CandidatePhrase>();
                    IDictionary <CandidatePhrase, E> wordMaxPat        = new Dictionary <CandidatePhrase, E>();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <CandidatePhrase, ClassicCounter <E> > en in terms.EntrySet())
                        ICounter <E> weights = new ClassicCounter <E>();
                        foreach (E k in en.Value.KeySet())
                            weights.SetCount(k, patternsLearnedThisIter.GetCount(k));
                        maxPatWeightTerms.SetCount(en.Key, Counters.Max(weights));
                        wordMaxPat[en.Key] = Counters.Argmax(weights);
                    Counters.RemoveKeys(maxPatWeightTerms, alreadyIdentifiedWords);
                    double maxvalue = Counters.Max(maxPatWeightTerms);
                    ICollection <CandidatePhrase> words = Counters.KeysAbove(maxPatWeightTerms, maxvalue - 1e-10);
                    CandidatePhrase bestw = null;
                    if (words.Count > 1)
                        double max = double.NegativeInfinity;
                        foreach (CandidatePhrase w in words)
                            if (terms.GetCount(w, wordMaxPat[w]) > max)
                                max   = terms.GetCount(w, wordMaxPat[w]);
                                bestw = w;
                        if (words.Count == 1)
                            bestw = words.GetEnumerator().Current;
                            return(new ClassicCounter <CandidatePhrase>());
                    Redwood.Log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "Selected Words: " + bestw);
                    throw new Exception("wordscoring " + constVars.wordScoring + " not identified");
        public virtual double[] GetInformationGains()
            //    assert size > 0;
            //    data = trimToSize(data);  // Don't need to trim to size, and trimming is dangerous the dataset is empty (you can't add to it thereafter)
            labels = TrimToSize(labels);
            // counts the number of times word X is present
            ClassicCounter <F> featureCounter = new ClassicCounter <F>();
            // counts the number of time a document has label Y
            ClassicCounter <L> labelCounter = new ClassicCounter <L>();
            // counts the number of times the document has label Y given word X is present
            TwoDimensionalCounter <F, L> condCounter = new TwoDimensionalCounter <F, L>();

            for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; i++)
                // convert the document to binary feature representation
                bool[] doc = new bool[featureIndex.Size()];
                for (int j = 0; j < data[i].Length; j++)
                    doc[data[i][j]] = true;
                for (int j_1 = 0; j_1 < doc.Length; j_1++)
                    if (doc[j_1])
                        condCounter.IncrementCount(featureIndex.Get(j_1), labelIndex.Get(labels[i]), 1.0);
            double entropy = 0.0;

            for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < labelIndex.Size(); i_1++)
                double labelCount = labelCounter.GetCount(labelIndex.Get(i_1));
                double p          = labelCount / Size();
                entropy -= p * (Math.Log(p) / Math.Log(2));
            double[] ig = new double[featureIndex.Size()];
            Arrays.Fill(ig, entropy);
            for (int i_2 = 0; i_2 < featureIndex.Size(); i_2++)
                F      feature         = featureIndex.Get(i_2);
                double featureCount    = featureCounter.GetCount(feature);
                double notFeatureCount = Size() - featureCount;
                double pFeature        = featureCount / Size();
                double pNotFeature     = (1.0 - pFeature);
                if (featureCount == 0)
                    ig[i_2] = 0;
                if (notFeatureCount == 0)
                    ig[i_2] = 0;
                double sumFeature    = 0.0;
                double sumNotFeature = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0; j < labelIndex.Size(); j++)
                    L      label                = labelIndex.Get(j);
                    double featureLabelCount    = condCounter.GetCount(feature, label);
                    double notFeatureLabelCount = Size() - featureLabelCount;
                    // yes, these dont sum to 1.  that is correct.
                    // one is the prob of the label, given that the
                    // feature is present, and the other is the prob
                    // of the label given that the feature is absent
                    double p    = featureLabelCount / featureCount;
                    double pNot = notFeatureLabelCount / notFeatureCount;
                    if (featureLabelCount != 0)
                        sumFeature += p * (Math.Log(p) / Math.Log(2));
                    if (notFeatureLabelCount != 0)
                        sumNotFeature += pNot * (Math.Log(pNot) / Math.Log(2));
                //System.out.println(pNot+" "+(Math.log(pNot)/Math.log(2)));
                //" * "+sumFeature+" = +"+);
                //"^ "+pNotFeature+" "+sumNotFeature);
                ig[i_2] += pFeature * sumFeature + pNotFeature * sumNotFeature;

            /* earlier the line above used to be: ig[i] = pFeature*sumFeature + pNotFeature*sumNotFeature;
             * This completely ignored the entropy term computed above. So added the "+=" to take that into account.
             * -Ramesh ([email protected])