public void SendMessageToIrc(ref Queue <string> mToRelease) { if (_coolDown > 0f) { return; } _coolDown = _timeBetweenMessage; string messageToSend = mToRelease.Dequeue(); _twitchIRC.SendMsg(messageToSend); }
//when message is recieved from IRC-server or our own message. void OnChatMsgRecieved(string msg) { //parse from buffer. int msgIndex = msg.IndexOf("PRIVMSG #"); string msgString = msg.Substring(msgIndex + IRC.channelName.Length + 11); string user = msg.Substring(1, msg.IndexOf('!') - 1); if (msgString.StartsWith("Hey Roach,", System.StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Regex whatsOnMenuRegex = new Regex("hey roach,.*menu.*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Regex whatAreIngredientsRegex = new Regex("hey roach,(.*ingredient.*|.*topping.*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); //Whats on the menu if (whatsOnMenuRegex.IsMatch(msgString)) { string menu = OrderHandler.whatsOnTheMenu(); foreach (string menuItem in menu.Split('|')) { IRC.SendMsg(menuItem); } } else if (whatAreIngredientsRegex.IsMatch(msgString)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("All available ingredients:"); foreach (string ingredient in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(Ingredient.ITypes))) { sb.Append(' '); sb.Append(ingredient); sb.Append(','); } sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1); } //Assume its an order else { orderHandler.handleStreamText(msgString, user); } } //remove old messages for performance reasons. if (messages.Count > maxMessages) { Destroy(messages.First.Value); messages.RemoveFirst(); } }
public void SendMessageToIRC(string message, MessagePriority priority = MessagePriority.Classic) { if (_antiSpamFilter) { switch (priority) { case MessagePriority.Classic: _antiSpamFilter.SendMessageWithFilter(message); break; case MessagePriority.Important: _antiSpamFilter.SendMessageWithPriorityFilter(message); break; case MessagePriority.Direct: _antiSpamFilter.SendMessageWithNoProtection(message); break; default: break; } } else { _twitchIRC.SendMsg(message); } }
async void OnChatMsgReceived(string msg) { int msgIndex = msg.IndexOf("PRIVMSG #"); string msgString = msg.Substring(msgIndex + IRC.channelName.Length + 11); string user = msg.Substring(1, msg.IndexOf('!') - 1); string command = msgString.Split('!')[1].Split(' ')[0]; string[] data = msgString.Split(' '); data = data.Slice(1, data.Length); var response = ""; if (msgString == "!help") { response = "type !rain, !fire or !wind=X (x is integer amount)"; } else if (EventDict.ContainsKey(command)) { var invoice = await EventDict[command].CreateInvoice(lnd, user, data); activeInvoices.Add(invoice, new EventInvoicePayload(command, user, data)); response = invoice; } if (response != "") { //GetComponent<TwitchChatExample>().CreateUIMessage("sputnck1", response); IRC.SendMsg(response); } }
//when Submit button is clicked or ENTER is pressed. public void OnSubmit() { if (inputField.text.Length > 0) { IRC.SendMsg(inputField.text); //send message. CreateUIMessage(IRC.nickName, inputField.text); //create ui element. inputField.text = ""; } }
async void OnChatMsgRecieved(string msg) { int msgIndex = msg.IndexOf("PRIVMSG #"); string msgString = msg.Substring(msgIndex + IRC.channelName.Length + 11); string user = msg.Substring(1, msg.IndexOf('!') - 1); Debug.Log(msg); Debug.Log(msgString); var response = ""; if (msgString == "!help") { response = "type !rain, !fire or !wind=X (x is integer amount)"; } else if (msgString == "!rain") { response = response + await weatherClient.GetWeatherInvoice("rain", 5); } else if (msgString == "!fire") { response = await weatherClient.GetWeatherInvoice("fire", 10); } else if (msgString.Contains("wind")) { var s = msgString.Split('='); response = response + await weatherClient.GetWeatherInvoice("wind", int.Parse(s[1])); } else if (msgString == "!channel") { response = weatherClient.pubkey + "@" + externalIp + ":" + port; } if (response != "") { GetComponent <TwitchChatExample>().CreateUIMessage("sputnck1", response); IRC.SendMsg(response); } }
public void handleStreamText(string message, string user) { Boolean customOrder = false; Order order = OrderFactory.Create(message); if (order == null) { order = Order.convertStringToOrder(message); order.setLabel("Custom Order").setUser(user); customOrder = true; } else { order = Order.convertStringToOrder(message, order); } if (validateOrder(order)) { if (customOrder) { twithComm.SendMsg(string.Format("Sure {0}, I can make a sandwich that has {1}", order.user, order.ToPrettyString())); } else { twithComm.SendMsg(string.Format("You got it {0}, making that {1}", order.user, order.label)); } order.setDescription(message); orders.Enqueue(order); orderNotification.SetOrderNotification(order); Debug.Log(order.ToString()); } else { //Courtesy Message for bad ingredients twithComm.SendMsg(string.Format("Sorry {0}, thats not a real sandwich. Select a sandwich from our menu. To see it type: \"Hey Roach, whats on the menu?\" Or build your own by naming off the ingredients you want. To see our ingredients type \"Hey Roach, what ingredients do you have?\" .", user)); } }
public void WritePollTwitchChat() { string poll = ("!poll start " + pollTitle + " "); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (actionPoll[i] != null) { poll += "| " + actionPoll[i] + " "; } } IRC.SendMsg(poll); /* * string path = "C:/Streamlabs_Chatbot/Twitch_Poll.txt"; * StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path); * writer.Write("!poll start " + pollTitle + " "); * * for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) * if (actionPoll[i] != null || actionPoll[i] == "---------------") * writer.Write("| " + actionPoll[i] + " "); * writer.Close(); */ }
public static void GetABet(string incomingBet, string incomingBettersName, GameObject raceManagerGameObjectRef) { //print("We got a bet: "+ incomingBet); RaceManager racemanagerScriptRef = raceManagerGameObjectRef.GetComponent <RaceManager>(); foreach (GameObject eachTurtle in racemanagerScriptRef.TurtlesInTheRace) { TurtleAI turtleScriptRef = eachTurtle.GetComponent <TurtleAI>(); if (incomingBet.CaseInsensitiveContains("register")) { foreach (GuestData gD in GuestManager.AllGuests) { if (gD.guestName == incomingBettersName) { gD.registeredAddress = incomingBet; } } } if (incomingBet.CaseInsensitiveContains("bid")) { if (incomingBet.CaseInsensitiveContains(" a")) { Debug.Log("incoming bet " + incomingBet); TurtleForSale turtleForBiddingScriptRef = racemanagerScriptRef.CurrentTurtlesForSale[0].GetComponent <TurtleForSale>(); turtleForBiddingScriptRef.GetABid(int.Parse(Regex.Match(incomingBet, @"\d+").Value)); } if (incomingBet.CaseInsensitiveContains(" b")) { Debug.Log("incoming bet " + incomingBet); TurtleForSale turtleForBiddingScriptRef = racemanagerScriptRef.CurrentTurtlesForSale[1].GetComponent <TurtleForSale>(); turtleForBiddingScriptRef.GetABid(int.Parse(Regex.Match(incomingBet, @"\d+").Value)); } if (incomingBet.CaseInsensitiveContains(" c")) { Debug.Log("incoming bet " + incomingBet); TurtleForSale turtleForBiddingScriptRef = racemanagerScriptRef.CurrentTurtlesForSale[2].GetComponent <TurtleForSale>(); turtleForBiddingScriptRef.GetABid(int.Parse(Regex.Match(incomingBet, @"\d+").Value)); } } if (incomingBet.CaseInsensitiveContains( && RaceManager.isBettingOpen) { //bet on the turtle //print("Bet on this turtle " +; if (incomingBet.CaseInsensitiveContains("win") || incomingBet.CaseInsensitiveContains("show") || incomingBet.CaseInsensitiveContains("place")) { //bet to win string numbersInMessage = Regex.Match(incomingBet, @"\d+").Value; int betAsInt = int.Parse(numbersInMessage); if (betAsInt < 0) { return; } BetData thisBet = new BetData(); thisBet.TurtlesName =; thisBet.BetAmount = betAsInt; if (incomingBet.CaseInsensitiveContains("win")) { thisBet.BetType = "win"; turtleScriptRef.howMuchIsBetOnMe += thisBet.BetAmount; } if (incomingBet.CaseInsensitiveContains("place")) { thisBet.BetType = "place"; turtleScriptRef.howMuchIsBetOnMeToPlace += thisBet.BetAmount; } if (incomingBet.CaseInsensitiveContains("show")) { thisBet.BetType = "show"; turtleScriptRef.howMuchIsBetOnMeToShow += thisBet.BetAmount; } thisBet.BettersName = incomingBettersName; thisBet.BetOdds = turtleScriptRef.myRealOdds; foreach (GuestData gD in GuestManager.AllGuests) { if (gD.guestName == thisBet.BettersName) { if (gD.guestCash < thisBet.BetAmount) { thisBet.BetAmount = gD.guestCash; } if (gD.guestCash == thisBet.BetAmount) { GameObject bottomToaster = GameObject.Find("Toaster"); ToasterManager toastScriptRef = bottomToaster.GetComponent <ToasterManager>(); toastScriptRef.ShowAToaster(gD.guestName, " Went ALL IN!"); } gD.guestCash -= thisBet.BetAmount; } } racemanagerScriptRef.CurrentRaceBets.Add(thisBet); TwitchIRC tIRC = raceManagerGameObjectRef.GetComponent <TwitchIRC>(); if (!thisBet.BettersName.Contains("turtlebot")) { tIRC.SendMsg("Confirmed: " + thisBet.BettersName + " Bet " + thisBet.BetAmount + " on " + thisBet.TurtlesName + " to " + thisBet.BetType); } //tIRC.SendCommand(".PRIVMSG #turtleracingalpha :/w turtleracingalpha this is a whisper with ."); //tIRC.SendCommand("/PRIVMSG #turtleracingalpha :/w turtleracingalpha this is a whisper with /"); //tIRC.SendCommand(":PRIVMSG #turtleracingalpha :/w turtleracingalpha this is a whisper with :"); //tIRC.SendMsg("/w turtleracingalpha this is a whisper with msg"); //Debug.Log("For <color=green>" + thisBet.BetAmount + "</color> at odds of " + thisBet.BetOdds); } } } }
} //End.SendActionMessage() // Use this for initialization void Start() { IRC = this.GetComponent<TwitchIRC>(); cultistGO = GameObject.Find ("Cultist"); if (cultistGO) cultist = cultistGO.GetComponent<Cultist>(); //IRC.SendCommand("CAP REQ"); //register for additional data such as emote-ids, name color etc. IRC.messageRecievedEvent.AddListener(OnChatMsgReceived); IRC.SendMsg ("!moobot poll close"); string votes = ""; foreach (string vote in voteOptions) { votes = votes + " " + vote; } IRC.SendMsg ("!moobot poll open w, s, a, d"); InvokeRepeating ("PollResults", timer, timer); } //End.Start()
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > 1 && !hasPlacedAIBets) { TwitchChatExample ChatLink = gameObject.GetComponent <TwitchChatExample>(); for (int i = 0; i <= 128; i++) { ChatLink.fakeMessage(TurtlesInTheRace[Random.Range(0, 10)].name); } hasPlacedAIBets = true; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X)) { foreach (GameObject eachTurtle in TurtlesInTheRace) { TurtleAI ti = eachTurtle.GetComponent <TurtleAI>(); ti.BaseSpeed = 50; } TimeBetweenRaces = 2; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) { //start the race shortcut TimeBetweenRaces = 2; } if (TimeBetweenRaces - 9 < Time.timeSinceLevelLoad && BettingOpenDialog.activeInHierarchy == true) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(bellSound, Camera.main.transform.position); BettingClosedDialog.SetActive(true); BettingOpenDialog.SetActive(false); raceInfoDialog.SetActive(false); } if (TimeBetweenRaces - 6 < Time.timeSinceLevelLoad && isBettingOpen) { isBettingOpen = false; } if (TimeBetweenRaces / 2 < Time.timeSinceLevelLoad && !hasAucionCompleted) { TurtleAuctionManager.FinalizeAuction(this.gameObject); } if (TimeBetweenRaces < Time.timeSinceLevelLoad && !hasRaceStarted) { hasRaceStarted = true; RaceStartingTimerObject.SetActive(false); BettingClosedDialog.SetActive(false); RaceCam1.m_Speed = 1; //TimeBetweenRaces += Time.time; //this was causing extra delays BetManager.FinalizeOdds(this.gameObject); } else { RaceStartingTimer.text = Mathf.RoundToInt(TimeBetweenRaces - Time.timeSinceLevelLoad) + " Seconds"; } if (hasRaceStarted && FinishLineCam.Priority != 16) { foreach (GameObject turtleRef in TurtlesInTheRace) { TurtleAI turlteScriptRef = turtleRef.GetComponent <TurtleAI>(); /*if(BackHalfCam.Priority!=15 && turlteScriptRef.percentFinished > 0.5f){ * BackHalfCam.Priority = 15; * }*/ if (turlteScriptRef.percentFinished > 0.9f) { FinishLineCam.Priority = 16; } } } if (TurtleAI.HowManyTurtlesFinished == 10 && !hasRaceEnded) { hasRaceEnded = true; RaceResultsScreen.SetActive(true); BettingClosedDialog.SetActive(true); raceInfoDialog.SetActive(true); RaceResultsGUITextA.text = TurtleAI.RaceResultsColumn1 + "<nobr>"; RaceResultsGUITextB.text = TurtleAI.RaceResultsColumn2 + "<nobr>"; RaceResultsGuiTextC.text = TurtleAI.RaceResultsColumn3 + "<nobr>"; timeRaceEnded = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; int totalTrueBets = 0; float totalPaidOut = 0; foreach (BetData eachBet in CurrentRaceBets) { //Check for winning bets if (eachBet.BetType == "win") { foreach (RaceResultData contestant in GuestManager.CurrentRaceresults) { if (contestant.FinishingPlace == 1 && contestant.TurtleName == eachBet.TurtlesName) { //They predicted this win! eachBet.didBetComeTrue = true; totalTrueBets++; } } } if (eachBet.BetType == "place") { foreach (RaceResultData contestant in GuestManager.CurrentRaceresults) { if (contestant.TurtleName == eachBet.TurtlesName) { if (contestant.FinishingPlace == 1 || contestant.FinishingPlace == 2) { eachBet.didBetComeTrue = true; totalTrueBets++; } } } } if (eachBet.BetType == "show") { foreach (RaceResultData contestant in GuestManager.CurrentRaceresults) { if (contestant.TurtleName == eachBet.TurtlesName) { if (contestant.FinishingPlace <= 3) { eachBet.didBetComeTrue = true; totalTrueBets++; } } } } foreach (GuestData eachGuest in GuestManager.AllGuests) { if (eachGuest.guestName == eachBet.BettersName) { if (eachBet.didBetComeTrue) { //Pay them if the bet won. float amountToPay = eachBet.BetAmount * eachBet.BetOdds; TwitchIRC tIRC = GetComponent <TwitchIRC>(); if (eachBet.BetType == "place") { amountToPay = eachBet.BetAmount + OddsDisplay.CurrentTotalPlacePool * (eachBet.BetAmount / (OddsDisplay.CurrentTotalPlacePool / 2)); Debug.Log("Paying out " + amountToPay + " to " + eachGuest.guestName + " for betting " + eachBet.BetAmount + " on " + eachBet.TurtlesName + " to place of a pool of " + OddsDisplay.CurrentTotalPlacePool); if (!eachGuest.guestName.Contains("turtlebot")) { tIRC.SendMsg("Paying out " + amountToPay + " to " + eachGuest.guestName + " for betting " + eachBet.BetAmount + " on " + eachBet.TurtlesName + "to place of a pool of " + OddsDisplay.CurrentTotalPlacePool); } } if (eachBet.BetType == "win") { Debug.Log("Paying out " + amountToPay + " to " + eachGuest.guestName + " for betting " + eachBet.BetAmount + " on " + eachBet.TurtlesName + " at odds of " + eachBet.BetOdds); if (!eachGuest.guestName.Contains("turtlebot")) { tIRC.SendMsg("Paying out " + amountToPay + " to " + eachGuest.guestName + " for betting " + eachBet.BetAmount + " on " + eachBet.TurtlesName + " at odds of " + eachBet.BetOdds); } } if (eachBet.BetType == "show") { amountToPay = eachBet.BetAmount + OddsDisplay.CurrentTotalShowPool * (eachBet.BetAmount / (OddsDisplay.CurrentTotalShowPool / 3)); Debug.Log("Paying out " + amountToPay + " to " + eachGuest.guestName + " for betting " + eachBet.BetAmount + " on " + eachBet.TurtlesName + " to show of a pool of " + OddsDisplay.CurrentTotalShowPool); if (!eachGuest.guestName.Contains("turtlebot")) { tIRC.SendMsg("Paying out " + amountToPay + " to " + eachGuest.guestName + " for betting " + eachBet.BetAmount + " on " + eachBet.TurtlesName + " to show of a pool of " + OddsDisplay.CurrentTotalShowPool); } } eachGuest.guestCash += amountToPay; totalPaidOut += amountToPay; float totalPaidIn = OddsDisplay.CurrentTotalPlacePool + OddsDisplay.CurrentTotalPot + OddsDisplay.CurrentTotalShowPool; print("Total paid out = " + totalPaidOut + " Total paid in = " + totalPaidIn); } } } } } if (timeRaceEnded > 1) { if (RaceStartingTimerObject.activeInHierarchy != true) { RaceStartingTimerObject.SetActive(true); } RaceStartingTimer.text = Mathf.RoundToInt((timeRaceEnded + (TimeBetweenRaces / 4)) - Time.timeSinceLevelLoad) + " Seconds"; //Debug.Log("Time race ended " + timeRaceEnded + " Time between races " + TimeBetweenRaces + " current time " + Time.time); if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > timeRaceEnded + (TimeBetweenRaces / 2)) { GuestManager.SaveGuestData(); print("restarting"); SceneManager.LoadScene("Pachinko"); } } }