Пример #1
        public static async Task Run(
            [QueueTrigger("visionscanner")] string tweetQuery,
            [Table("visiontweet")] CloudTable visionTweetTable,
            [Queue("visionscanned")] IAsyncCollector <string> visionScannedQueue,
            TraceWriter log)
            log.Info($"VisionScanner processing TweetId: {tweetQuery}");

            long          tweetId              = long.Parse(tweetQuery);
            long          originalTweetId      = tweetId;
            List <string> screenNamesToReplyTo = new List <string>();

            var           service     = Helper.TwitterService();
            TwitterStatus tweet       = null;
            TweetEntity   tweetEntity = null;

            while (tweet == null)
                //moving this check inside the while loop to stop processing retweets
                var tweetDetails = Helper.FetchTweetFromStorage(tweetId.ToString());
                if (tweetDetails != null) //already processed
                    log.Info($"VisionScanner Already Processed TweetId: {tweetId}");

                tweet = service.GetTweet(new GetTweetOptions
                    Id = tweetId,
                    IncludeEntities = true,
                    TweetMode       = TweetMode.Extended

                //build up mentions list for replyto - will distinct later
                screenNamesToReplyTo.Add("@" + tweet.User.ScreenName);
                foreach (var mention in tweet.Entities.Mentions)
                    screenNamesToReplyTo.Add("@" + mention.ScreenName);

                tweetEntity = new TweetEntity(tweet);

                //no media? try the parent
                if (!tweet.Entities.Media.Any())
                    log.Info($"VisionScanner No media found in TweetId: {tweetQuery}");

                    // Documentation Link: Add an entity to a table - https://cda.ms/nn

                    if (tweet.InReplyToStatusId == null)
                        //walked up the whole chain - no media found
                        tweetId = ((long)tweet.InReplyToStatusId);
                        tweet   = null;

            var mediaDesc = new MediaDescription(tweet.Id);

            var photos = tweet.Entities.Media.Where(m => m.MediaType == TwitterMediaType.Photo);

            foreach (var media in photos)
                log.Info($"VisionScanner FetchVisionDescriptionAsync TweetId/MediaId: {tweetQuery}/{media.Id}");
                var vision = await Helper.FetchVisionDescriptionAsync(tweet, media);

                mediaDesc.VisionDescription.Add(media.IdAsString, vision);

            tweetEntity.VisionJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mediaDesc);

            // Documentation Link: Add an entity to a table - https://cda.ms/nn

            var dto = new TweetScannedDTO
                TwitterStatus    = tweetEntity.BuildTwitterStatus(),
                OriginalTweetId  = originalTweetId,
                UsersToReplyTo   = screenNamesToReplyTo.Distinct().ToArray(),
                MediaDescription = mediaDesc

            log.Info($"VisionScanner Queuing VisionScanned TweetId: {tweetQuery}");
            await visionScannedQueue.AddAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dto));

            log.Info($"VisionScanner processed TweetId: {tweetQuery}");