Пример #1
    public void OnSolve()
        if (!Bomb.IsSolved())

        BombEvents.OnBombSolved -= OnSolve;

        Tweaks.LogJSON("LFAEvent", new Dictionary <string, object>()
            { "type", "BOMB_SOLVE" },
            { "serial", bombLogInfo["serial"] },
            { "bombTime", CurrentTimer },
            { "realTime", Time.unscaledTime - realTimeStart },
            { "solves", Bomb.GetSolvedComponentCount() },
            { "strikes", Bomb.NumStrikes },
Пример #2
    public void OnDetonate()
        if (Bomb.HasDetonated)

        BombEvents.OnBombDetonated -= OnDetonate;

        Tweaks.LogJSON("LFAEvent", new Dictionary <string, object>()
            { "type", "BOMB_DETONATE" },
            { "serial", bombLogInfo["serial"] },
            { "bombTime", CurrentTimer },
            { "realTime", Time.unscaledTime - realTimeStart },
            { "solves", Bomb.GetSolvedComponentCount() },
            { "strikes", Bomb.NumStrikes + (CurrentTimer > 0 ? 1 : 0) },
Пример #3
    IEnumerator GetModuleInformation(BombComponent bombComponent, ModuleTweak moduleTweak = null)
        int          moduleID   = -1;
        KMBombModule bombModule = bombComponent.GetComponent <KMBombModule>();
        string       moduleType = Modes.GetModuleID(bombComponent);

        displayNames[moduleType] = bombComponent.GetModuleDisplayName();

        if (bombModule != null)
            // Try to find a module ID from a field
            System.Reflection.FieldInfo idField = ReflectedTypes.GetModuleIDNumber(bombModule, out Component targetComponent);
            if (idField != null)
                // Find the module ID from reflection
                float startTime = Time.time;
                yield return(new WaitUntil(() =>
                    moduleID = (int)idField.GetValue(targetComponent);
                    return moduleID != 0 || Time.time - startTime > 30;                     // Check to see if the field has been initialized with an ID or fail out after 30 seconds.

            // From the object name.
            string prefix = bombModule.ModuleDisplayName + " #";
            if (moduleID == -1 && bombModule.gameObject.name.StartsWith(prefix) && !int.TryParse(bombModule.gameObject.name.Substring(prefix.Length), out moduleID))
                moduleID = -1;

        // These component types shouldn't try to get the ID from the logger property. Used below.
        var blacklistedComponents = new[]

        // From the logger property of vanilla components
        string loggerName = bombComponent.GetValue <object>("logger")?.GetValue <object>("Logger")?.GetValue <string>("Name");

        if (moduleID == -1 && !blacklistedComponents.Contains(bombComponent.ComponentType) && loggerName != null && !int.TryParse(loggerName.Substring(loggerName.IndexOf('#') + 1), out moduleID))
            moduleID = -1;

        // From logging implemented by Tweaks
        if (moduleTweak is ModuleLogging moduleLogging)
            moduleID = moduleLogging.moduleID;

        if (moduleID != -1)
            if (!ids.ContainsKey(moduleType))
                ids[moduleType] = new List <int>();
            componentIDs[bombComponent] = moduleID;

        // Find the index and position of the module's anchor
        var allAnchors = Bomb.Faces.SelectMany(face => face.Anchors).ToList();

        if (allAnchors.Count != 0)         // Prevents .First() from being a problem later if there was somehow no anchors.
            Transform moduleAnchor = allAnchors.OrderBy(anchor => (anchor.position - bombComponent.transform.position).magnitude).First();
            int       index        = allAnchors.IndexOf(moduleAnchor);

            modules[index] = moduleID != -1 ? $"{moduleType} {moduleID}" : $"{moduleType} -";
            var position = Quaternion.Euler(-Bomb.transform.rotation.eulerAngles) * ((moduleAnchor.position - Bomb.transform.position) / Bomb.Scale);
            anchors[index] = new decimal[] { Math.Round((decimal)position.x, 3), Math.Round((decimal)position.z, 3) };               // Round using a decimal to make the JSON a bit cleaner.

        if (modulesUnactivated == 0)
            Tweaks.LogJSON("LFABombInfo", bombLogInfo);
Пример #4
    public void Awake()
        Bomb           = GetComponent <Bomb>();
        holdable       = Bomb.GetComponentInChildren <FloatingHoldable>();
        timerComponent = Bomb.GetTimer();
        widgetManager  = Bomb.WidgetManager;

        holdable.OnLetGo += () => BombStatus.Instance.currentBomb = null;

        Color modeColor = ModeColors[Tweaks.CurrentMode];

        BombStatus.Instance.TimerPrefab.color    = modeColor;
        timerComponent.text.color                = modeColor;
        timerComponent.StrikeIndicator.RedColour = modeColor;

        if (Tweaks.CurrentMode == Mode.Zen)
            ZenModeTimePenalty = Mathf.Abs(Modes.settings.ZenModeTimePenalty);
            ZenModeTimerRate   = -timerComponent.GetRate();
            Modes.initialTime = timerComponent.TimeRemaining;

            //This was in the original code to make sure the bomb didn't explode on the first strike

        realTimeStart = Time.unscaledTime;
        BombEvents.OnBombDetonated += OnDetonate;
        BombEvents.OnBombSolved    += OnSolve;

        foreach (BombComponent component in Bomb.BombComponents)
            Dictionary <string, object> makeEventInfo(string type)
                Dictionary <string, object> eventInfo = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "type", type },
                    { "moduleID", Modes.GetModuleID(component) },
                    { "bombTime", CurrentTimer },
                    { "realTime", Time.unscaledTime - realTimeStart },

                if (componentIDs.TryGetValue(component, out int loggingID))
                    eventInfo["loggingID"] = loggingID;


            component.OnPass += delegate

                var eventInfo = makeEventInfo("PASS");
                if (Tweaks.CurrentMode == Mode.Time)
                    if (
                        !Modes.settings.ComponentValues.TryGetValue(Modes.GetModuleID(component), out double ComponentValue) &&
                        !Modes.DefaultComponentValues.TryGetValue(Modes.GetModuleID(component), out ComponentValue)
                        ComponentValue = 10;

                    if (
                        !Modes.settings.TotalModulesMultiplier.TryGetValue(Modes.GetModuleID(component), out double totalModulesMultiplier) &&
                        !Modes.DefaultTotalModulesMultiplier.TryGetValue(Modes.GetModuleID(component), out totalModulesMultiplier)
                        totalModulesMultiplier = 0;

                    var   modules         = Bomb.GetSolvableComponentCount();
                    var   points          = ComponentValue + modules * totalModulesMultiplier;
                    float finalMultiplier = Mathf.Min(Modes.Multiplier, Modes.settings.TimeModeMaxMultiplier);
                    float time            = (float)(points * finalMultiplier * Modes.settings.TimeModePointMultiplier);
                    float finalTime       = Math.Max(Modes.settings.TimeModeMinimumTimeGained, time);

                    // Show the alert
                    string alertText = "";
                    if (Math.Round(totalModulesMultiplier, 3) != 0)
                        alertText += $"{ComponentValue} + {totalModulesMultiplier:0.###} <size=36>x</size> {modules} mods = {points:0}\n";

                    string multiplierText = Math.Round(Modes.settings.TimeModePointMultiplier, 3) == 1 ? "" : $"<size=36>x</size> {Modes.settings.TimeModePointMultiplier:0.###} ";
                    alertText += $"{points:0} points <size=36>x</size> {finalMultiplier:0.#} {multiplierText}= {(time > 0 ? "+" : "")}{time.FormatTime()}\n";

                    if (time < Modes.settings.TimeModeMinimumTimeGained)
                        alertText += $"Min Time Added = {(finalTime > 0 ? "+" : "")}{finalTime.FormatTime()}\n";

                    eventInfo["timeMode"] = alertText.TrimEnd('\n').Replace("<size=36>x</size>", "×");                     // Build the logging information for time mode.

                    alertText += component.GetModuleDisplayName();

                    AddAlert(alertText.Replace(' ', ' '), Color.green);                     // Replace all spaces with nbsp since we don't want the line to wrap.

                    CurrentTimer += finalTime;

                    Modes.Multiplier += Modes.settings.TimeModeSolveBonus;

                Tweaks.LogJSON("LFAEvent", eventInfo);


            var OnStrike = component.OnStrike;
            component.OnStrike = (BombComponent source) =>
                var eventInfo = makeEventInfo("STRIKE");
                if (Tweaks.CurrentMode == Mode.Time)
                    float multiplier      = Modes.Multiplier - Modes.settings.TimeModeMultiplierStrikePenalty;
                    float finalMultiplier = Math.Max(multiplier, Modes.settings.TimeModeMinMultiplier);

                    // Show the alert
                    string alertText = $"TIME LOST = {Modes.settings.TimeModeTimerStrikePenalty:0.###} <size=36>x</size> {CurrentTimer.FormatTime()} = {(CurrentTimer * Modes.settings.TimeModeTimerStrikePenalty).FormatTime()}\n";
                    alertText += $"MULTIPIER = {Modes.Multiplier:0.#} - {Modes.settings.TimeModeMultiplierStrikePenalty:0.#} = {multiplier:0.#}\n";

                    if (multiplier < Modes.settings.TimeModeMinMultiplier)
                        alertText += $"REDUCED TO MIN = {finalMultiplier}\n";

                    eventInfo["timeMode"] = alertText.TrimEnd('\n').Replace("<size=36>x</size>", "×");                     // Build the logging information for time mode.

                    alertText += component.GetModuleDisplayName();
                    AddAlert(alertText.Replace(' ', ' '), Color.red);

                    Modes.Multiplier = finalMultiplier;
                    if (CurrentTimer < (Modes.settings.TimeModeMinimumTimeLost / Modes.settings.TimeModeTimerStrikePenalty))
                        CurrentTimer -= Modes.settings.TimeModeMinimumTimeLost;
                        CurrentTimer -= CurrentTimer * Modes.settings.TimeModeTimerStrikePenalty;

                    // We can safely set the number of strikes to -1 since it's going to be increased by the game after us.
                    Bomb.NumStrikes = -1;


                // These mode modifications need to happen after the game handles the strike since they change the timer rate.
                if (Tweaks.CurrentMode == Mode.Zen)

                    ZenModeTimerRate = Mathf.Max(ZenModeTimerRate - Mathf.Abs(Modes.settings.ZenModeTimerSpeedUp), -Mathf.Abs(Modes.settings.ZenModeTimerMaxSpeed));

                    CurrentTimer       += ZenModeTimePenalty * 60;
                    ZenModeTimePenalty += Mathf.Abs(Modes.settings.ZenModeTimePenaltyIncrease);

                if (Tweaks.CurrentMode == Mode.Steady)
                    CurrentTimer -= Modes.settings.SteadyModeFixedPenalty * 60 - Modes.settings.SteadyModePercentPenalty * BombStartingTimer;


                Tweaks.LogJSON("LFAEvent", eventInfo);


        var moduleTweaks = new Dictionary <string, Func <BombComponent, ModuleTweak> >()
            { "Emoji Math", bombComponent => new EmojiMathLogging(bombComponent) },
            { "Probing", bombComponent => new ProbingLogging(bombComponent) },
            { "SeaShells", bombComponent => new SeaShellsLogging(bombComponent) },
            { "WordScrambleModule", bombComponent => new WordScramblePatch(bombComponent) },
            { "Color Decoding", bombComponent => new ColorDecodingTweak(bombComponent) },
            { "TurnTheKeyAdvanced", bombComponent => new TTKSTweak(bombComponent) },

            { "Wires", bombComponent => new WiresLogging(bombComponent) },
            { "Keypad", bombComponent => new KeypadLogging(bombComponent) }

        modules     = new string[Bomb.Faces.Sum(face => face.Anchors.Count)];
        anchors     = new decimal[Bomb.Faces.Sum(face => face.Anchors.Count)][];
        bombLogInfo = new Dictionary <string, object>()
            { "serial", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(Bomb.WidgetManager.GetWidgetQueryResponses(KMBombInfo.QUERYKEY_GET_SERIAL_NUMBER, null)[0])["serial"] },
            { "displayNames", displayNames },
            { "ids", ids },
            { "anchors", anchors },
            { "modules", modules },
            { "timestamp", DateTime.Now.ToString("O") }

        modulesUnactivated = Bomb.BombComponents.Count;
        foreach (BombComponent component in Bomb.BombComponents)
            KMBombModule bombModule = component.GetComponent <KMBombModule>();
            if (bombModule != null && (bombModule.ModuleType == "TurnTheKey" || Tweaks.settings.ModuleTweaks))
                switch (bombModule.ModuleType)
                // TTK is our favorite Zen mode compatible module
                // Of course, everything here is repurposed from Twitch Plays.
                case "TurnTheKey":
                    new TTKComponentSolver(component, bombModule, Tweaks.CurrentMode.Equals(Mode.Zen) ? Modes.initialTime : timerComponent.TimeRemaining);

                // Correct some mispositioned objects in older modules
                case "ForeignExchangeRates":
                case "resistors":
                case "CryptModule":
                case "LEDEnc":
                    // This fixes the position of the module itself (but keeps the status light in its original location, which fixes it)
                    component.transform.Find("Model").transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.004f, 0, 0);

                case "Listening":
                    // This fixes the Y-coordinate of the position of the status light
                    component.transform.Find("StatusLight").transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-0.0761f, 0.01986f, 0.075f);

                case "TwoBits":
                case "errorCodes":
                case "primeEncryption":
                case "memorableButtons":
                case "babaIsWho":
                case "colorfulDials":
                case "scalarDials":
                    // This fixes the position of the status light
                    component.GetComponentInChildren <StatusLightParent>().transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.075167f, 0.01986f, 0.076057f);

                case "tWords":
                case "moon":
                case "sun":
                case "jewelVault":
                    // This fixes the scale of the light components
                    component.GetComponentInChildren <Light>().range *= component.transform.lossyScale.x;

                // This fixes the position of the highlight
                switch (bombModule.ModuleType)
                case "babaIsWho":
                case "needlesslyComplicatedButton":
                    component.GetComponent <Selectable>().Highlight.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

            ModuleTweak moduleTweak = null;
            string      moduleType  = bombModule != null ? bombModule.ModuleType : component.ComponentType.ToString();
            if (moduleTweaks.ContainsKey(moduleType) && (moduleType != "WordScrambleModule" || Tweaks.settings.ModuleTweaks))
                moduleTweak = moduleTweaks[moduleType](component);

            component.StartCoroutine(GetModuleInformation(component, moduleTweak));

            if (component.ComponentType == ComponentTypeEnum.Mod || component.ComponentType == ComponentTypeEnum.NeedyMod)
            else if (Tweaks.settings.ModuleTweaks)
                switch (component.ComponentType)
                case ComponentTypeEnum.Keypad:

                case ComponentTypeEnum.Simon:

                case ComponentTypeEnum.Password:
                    Tweaks.FixKeypadButtons(component.GetComponentsInChildren <KeypadButton>());

                case ComponentTypeEnum.NeedyVentGas:
                    Tweaks.FixKeypadButtons(((NeedyVentComponent)component).YesButton, ((NeedyVentComponent)component).NoButton);