private async Task SaveNewId(string serieId, string path)
            TvShowMetadata metadata = await _metadataService.Get(path);

            metadata.Id = serieId;
            await _metadataService.Save(path, metadata);
Пример #2
        private TvShowMetadata CreateMetadata()
            TvShowMetadata metadata = new TvShowMetadata
                State            = State,
                Title            = Title.Value,
                Id               = Id,
                MpaaRating       = MpaaRating,
                ImdbId           = ImdbId,
                Plot             = Plot,
                RuntimeInMinutes = RuntimeInMinutes,
                Rating           = Rating,
                Premiered        = PremieredDate,
                Studio           = Studio,
                Language         = Language,
                Genres           = new List <string>(Genres.Collection)

            metadata.Actors = new List <ActorMetadata>();
            foreach (IActorViewModel actorViewModel in ActorManager.Actors)
                ActorMetadata actor = new ActorMetadata
                    Name      = actorViewModel.Name.Value,
                    Role      = actorViewModel.Role.Value,
                    Thumb     = actorViewModel.ThumbUrl,
                    ThumbPath = actorViewModel.ThumbPath.Path

Пример #3
        protected override async Task SaveInternal()
            await ActorManager.Save();

            TvShowMetadata metadata = CreateMetadata();
            await _metadataService.Save(Path, metadata);
Пример #4
        protected override async Task RefreshInternal()
            TvShowMetadata metadata = await _metadataService.Get(Path);

            await RefreshFromMetadata(metadata);

            await Images.Refresh();
        public async Task SaveAsync(int movieId, TvShowMetadata metadata)
            var movie = await this.MovieRepository.GetById(movieId, this.MovieRepository.AllColumnNames);

            await DownloadMetadataAsync(movie.GetFolderPath(), movie.GetFolderUrl(), metadata);

            //reprocess this movie so the library is updated with its info
            await this.LibGenMovieRepository.Process(movie.GetFolderPath());
        private async Task <TvShowMetadata> GetCurrentMetadataAsync(int tvShowId)
            var model = await this.MovieRepository.GetById(tvShowId, this.MovieRepository.AllColumnNames);

            var tvShow = this.LibGenFactory.BuildTvShow(model.GetFolderPath(), model.SourceId);
            //throw new Exception(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movie.MovieDotJson));
            var metadata = new TvShowMetadata();//tvShow.MovieDotJson);

            // //if the movie has a poster, add its local url
            // var posterPath = $"{tvShow.FolderPath}/poster.jpg";
            // if (File.Exists(posterPath))
            // {
            //     var name = Path.GetFileName(posterPath);
            //     metadata.PosterUrls.Add($"{model.GetFolderUrl()}{name}");
            // }

            // //get all backdrops listed in movie.json
            // var backdrops = tvShow.MovieDotJson?.Backdrops ?? new List<Image>();

            // //get all backdrops from filesystem, and include only those not already listed in the movie.json
            // var backdropsFromFs = Directory.Exists(tvShow.BackdropFolderPath) ? Directory.GetFiles(tvShow.BackdropFolderPath) : new string[0];
            // foreach (var backdropPath in backdropsFromFs)
            // {
            //     var backdropFilename = Path.GetFileName(backdropPath);
            //     var backdropAlreadyListed = backdrops.Where(x =>
            //     {
            //         return Path.GetFileName(x.Path) == backdropFilename;
            //     }).Count() > 0;

            //     if (backdropAlreadyListed == false)
            //     {
            //         var relativeBackdropPath = $"backdrops/{backdropFilename}";
            //         backdrops.Add(new Image { Path = relativeBackdropPath });
            //     }
            // }

            // foreach (var backdrop in backdrops)
            // {
            //     //add the source url as is
            //     if (backdrop.SourceUrl != null)
            //     {
            //         metadata.BackdropUrls.Add(backdrop.SourceUrl);
            //     }
            //     else
            //     {
            //         //the backdrop doesn't have a source assume it's a locally added image. add the local url
            //         var path = $"{tvShow.FolderPath}/{backdrop.Path}";
            //         if (File.Exists(path))
            //         {
            //             var name = Path.GetFileName(path);
            //             metadata.BackdropUrls.Add($"{model.GetFolderUrl()}{backdrop.Path}");
            //         }
            //     }
            // }
Пример #7
        public async Task Refresh_Always_RefreshesTvShowProperties()
            // Arrange
            TvShowMetadata metadata = CreateTvShowMetadata();

            _metadataService.Get(Arg.Any <string>())

            // Act
            await _viewModel.Refresh();

            // Assert
Пример #8
        public async Task Update_WhenMetadataAlreadyExists_DoesNothing()
            // Arrange
            TvShowMetadata metadata = CreateTvShowMetadata();

            _metadataService.Get(Arg.Any <string>())

            // Act
            await _viewModel.Update();

            // Assert
Пример #9
 private bool AssertMetadataEqualsViewModel(TvShowMetadata metadata)
     Assert.Equal(metadata.Genres, _viewModel.Genres.Collection);
     Assert.Equal(metadata.Id, _viewModel.Id);
     Assert.Equal(metadata.ImdbId, _viewModel.ImdbId);
     Assert.Equal(metadata.Language, _viewModel.Language);
     Assert.Equal(metadata.MpaaRating, _viewModel.MpaaRating);
     Assert.Equal(metadata.Plot, _viewModel.Plot);
     Assert.Equal(metadata.Premiered, _viewModel.PremieredDate);
     Assert.Equal(metadata.Rating, _viewModel.Rating);
     Assert.Equal(metadata.RuntimeInMinutes, _viewModel.RuntimeInMinutes);
     Assert.Equal(metadata.State, _viewModel.State);
     Assert.Equal(metadata.Studio, _viewModel.Studio);
     Assert.Equal(metadata.Title, _viewModel.Title.Value);
Пример #10
        public async Task Update_WhenNoMetadataAlreadyExists_RetrievesFreshMetadata()
            // Arrange
            TvShowMetadata metadata = CreateTvShowMetadata();

            _metadataService.Get(Arg.Any <string>())
            .Returns(new TvShowMetadata().ToTask(), metadata.ToTask());

            // Act
            IEnumerable <ProgressItem> items = await _viewModel.Update();

            ProgressItem item = items.First();
            await item.Execute();

            // Assert
Пример #11
        private async Task RefreshFromMetadata(TvShowMetadata metadata)
            State       = metadata.State;
            Title.Value = metadata.Title;
            Id               = metadata.Id;
            MpaaRating       = metadata.MpaaRating;
            ImdbId           = metadata.ImdbId;
            Plot             = metadata.Plot;
            RuntimeInMinutes = metadata.RuntimeInMinutes;
            Rating           = metadata.Rating;
            PremieredDate    = metadata.Premiered;
            Studio           = metadata.Studio;
            Language         = metadata.Language;

            await Images.Refresh();
Пример #12
        public async Task <TvShowMetadata> GetTmdbMetadataAsync(int tmdbId)
            TMDbLib.Objects.TvShows.TvShow tvShow = null;
            var cacheFilePath = $"{this.AppSettings.TmdbCacheDirectoryPath}/{tmdbId}.json";

            //if a cache file exists, and it's was updated less than a month ago, use it.
            if (File.Exists(cacheFilePath) && (DateTime.Now - File.GetLastWriteTime(cacheFilePath)).TotalDays < 30)
                    tvShow = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TMDbLib.Objects.TvShows.TvShow>(File.ReadAllText(cacheFilePath));
                catch (Exception)
            //if the movie could not be loaded from cache, retrieve a fresh copy from TMDB
            if (tvShow == null)
                //only allow one thread to use the client at a time
                lock (Client)
                    tvShow = Client.GetTvShowAsync(tmdbId,
                                                   TvShowMethods.AlternativeTitles |
                                                   TvShowMethods.Credits |
                                                   TvShowMethods.Images |
                                                   TvShowMethods.Keywords |
                                                   //    TvShowMethods.Releases |
                                                   //    TvShowMethods.ReleaseDates |
                //save this result to disc
                var camelCaseFormatter = new JsonSerializerSettings();
                camelCaseFormatter.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
                camelCaseFormatter.Formatting       = Formatting.Indented;

                var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tvShow, camelCaseFormatter);
                await File.WriteAllTextAsync(cacheFilePath, json);

            var metadata = new TvShowMetadata();

            // metadata.Description = movie.Overview;
            // metadata.Genres = movie.Genres?.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
            // metadata.Keywords = movie.Keywords?.Keywords?.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
            // var release = movie.Releases?.Countries
            //     ?.Where(x => x.Iso_3166_1.ToLower() == "us")
            //     ?.OrderBy(x => x.ReleaseDate)
            //     ?.First();
            // //get the oldest US rating
            // metadata.Rating = release?.Certification;
            // metadata.ReleaseDate = release?.ReleaseDate;
            // //conver the runtime to seconds
            // metadata.RuntimeSeconds = movie.Runtime * 60;
            // metadata.Summary = movie.Overview;
            // metadata.Title = movie.Title;
            // metadata.SortTitle = movie.Title;

            // metadata.ExtraSearchText.AddRange(
            //     movie.AlternativeTitles?.Titles?.Where(x => x.Iso_3166_1.ToLower() == "us").Select(x => x.Title).ToList() ?? new List<string>()
            // );
            // metadata.ExtraSearchText.Add(movie.OriginalTitle);

            // metadata.ExtraSearchText = metadata.ExtraSearchText.Distinct().ToList();

            // metadata.TmdbId = movie.Id;

            // if (movie.PosterPath != null)
            // {
            //     metadata.PosterUrls.Add(Client.GetImageUrl("original", movie.PosterPath).ToString());
            // }
            // metadata.PosterUrls.AddRange(
            //     movie.Images?.Posters
            //     ?.Where(x => x.Iso_639_1?.ToLower() == "en")
            //     ?.Select(x => Client.GetImageUrl("original", x.FilePath).ToString())
            //     ?.ToList() ?? new List<string>()
            // );
            // metadata.PosterUrls = metadata.PosterUrls.Distinct().ToList();

            // //add the marked backdrop path first
            // if (movie.BackdropPath != null)
            // {
            //     metadata.BackdropUrls.Add(Client.GetImageUrl("original", movie.BackdropPath).ToString());
            // }
            // //add all additional backdrops
            // metadata.BackdropUrls.AddRange(
            //     movie.Images?.Backdrops
            //     //move the highest rated backdrops to the top
            //     ?.OrderByDescending(x => x.VoteAverage)
            //     ?.Where(x => x.Iso_639_1?.ToLower() == "en" || x.Iso_639_1 == null)
            //     ?.Select(x => Client.GetImageUrl("original", x.FilePath).ToString())
            //     ?.ToList() ?? new List<string>()
            // );
            // metadata.BackdropUrls = metadata.BackdropUrls.Distinct().ToList();
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy/download a set of images to the destination path, removing any images from destination that are not in the list.
        /// Returns a list of image paths for the newly copied files
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imageUrls"></param>
        /// <param name="destinationPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <string> CopyBackdrops(TvShowMetadata metadata, string movieFolderUrl, string moviePath)
            return(new List <string>());
            // var destinationPath = Utility.NormalizePath($"{moviePath}backdrops/", false);
            // var tempPaths = new List<string>();
            // Directory.CreateDirectory(AppSettings.TempPath);
            // var backdropUrlsToProcess = new List<string>();

            // var originalBackdrops = metadata.Backdrops;
            // metadata.Backdrops = new List<Image>();

            // //exclude any backdrops that we already have
            // foreach (var imageUrl in metadata.BackdropUrls)
            // {
            //     var image = originalBackdrops.Where(x => x.SourceUrl == imageUrl).FirstOrDefault();
            //     var imagePath = image?.Path == null ? null : Utility.NormalizePath($"{moviePath}{image.Path}", true);
            //     //if this image originated from this url, store a basic image record in the json
            //     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.AppSettings.GetBaseUrl()) == false &&
            //         imageUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(this.AppSettings.GetBaseUrl().ToLowerInvariant()))
            //     {
            //         var len = imageUrl.Length - imageUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Replace(movieFolderUrl.ToLowerInvariant(), "").Length;
            //         var relativePath = imageUrl.Substring(len);

            //         metadata.Backdrops.Add(new Image { Path = relativePath });
            //     }
            //     //if we don't have reference to this image in the json, or the image doesn't exist on disc, process it
            //     else if (image == null || File.Exists(imagePath) == false)
            //     {
            //         //store the backdrop in the list of backdrops (to maintain sort order). This record will be updated
            //         //with a filename later in the process
            //         metadata.Backdrops.Add(new Image { SourceUrl = imageUrl });
            //         backdropUrlsToProcess.Add(imageUrl);
            //     }
            //     else
            //     {
            //         //keep the existing image
            //         metadata.Backdrops.Add(image);
            //     }
            // }

            // //download the new posters
            // foreach (var imageUrl in backdropUrlsToProcess)
            // {
            //     var ext = Path.GetExtension(imageUrl);
            //     var filename = $"{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}{ Path.GetExtension(imageUrl)}";
            //     var tempImagePath = $"{AppSettings.TempPath}/{filename}";
            //     var client = new WebClient();
            //     Directory.CreateDirectory(AppSettings.TempPath);
            //     client.DownloadFile(imageUrl, tempImagePath);
            //     tempPaths.Add(tempImagePath);

            //     //update metadata with backdrop filename
            //     var imageFromJson = metadata.Backdrops.Where(x => x.SourceUrl == imageUrl).FirstOrDefault();
            //     imageFromJson.Path = Utility.NormalizePath($"backdrops/{filename}", true);
            // }
            // //make the backdrop folder in the movie folder
            // Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(destinationPath));

            // var imagePaths = new List<string>();
            // //copy all of the temp posters into the backdrops folder
            // foreach (var tempImagePath in tempPaths)
            // {
            //     var filename = Path.GetFileName(tempImagePath);
            //     var imagePath = $"{destinationPath}{filename}";
            //     //copy the image to the destination
            //     File.Copy(tempImagePath, imagePath);
            //     //delete the temp image
            //     File.Delete(tempImagePath);
            //     imagePaths.Add(imagePath);
            // }
            // return imagePaths;
Пример #14
 public List <string> CopyBackdrops(TvShowMetadata metadata, Models.Movie movie, string moviePath)
     return(this.CopyBackdrops(metadata, movie.GetFolderUrl(), moviePath));
Пример #15
        public async Task DownloadMetadataAsync(string movieFolderPath, string movieFolderUrl, TvShowMetadata metadata)
            await Task.CompletedTask;

            //process the poster
                // var posterPath = $"{movieFolderPath}poster.jpg";

                // if (metadata.PosterUrls.Count == 0)
                // {
                //     if (File.Exists(posterPath))
                //     {
                //         File.Delete(posterPath);
                //     }
                // }
                // else
                // {
                //     //only keep the first poster, since we only store a single poster
                //     new WebClient().DownloadFile(metadata.PosterUrls.First(), posterPath);
                // }

            //copy the backdrops
            CopyBackdrops(metadata, movieFolderUrl, movieFolderPath);

            var movieDotJsonPath = $"{movieFolderPath}movie.json";
            // var movieDotJson = new DotJson.MovieMetadata(metadata);

            // var camelCaseFormatter = new JsonSerializerSettings();
            // camelCaseFormatter.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
            // camelCaseFormatter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

            // var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movieDotJson, camelCaseFormatter);
            // await File.WriteAllTextAsync(movieDotJsonPath, json);