} //end f'n void Enable (TutorialEnum) /**A function to disable a specified tutorial gameobject*/ public void Disable(TutorialEnum tutorial) { switch ((int)tutorial) { case (int)TutorialEnum.MOVEMENT: { // this.Disable_MovementTutorial (); this.m_MovementTutorial.SetActive(false); break; } //end case movement tutorial case (int)TutorialEnum.FIRE_SPELL: { // this.Disable_FireSpellTutorial (); this.m_FireSpellTutorial.SetActive(false); break; } //end case fire spell tutorial case (int)TutorialEnum.HOTKEYS: { // this.Disable_HotkeysTutorial (); this.m_HotKeysTutorial.SetActive(false); break; } //end case hotkeys tutorial case (int)TutorialEnum.CONSUME_HOTKEYED_ITEMS: { // this.Disable_ConsumeHotkeyedItemTutorial (); this.m_ConsumeHotKeyedItemTutorial.SetActive(false); break; } //end case consumed hotkeyed item tutorial default: { //Impossible break; } //end case default } //end switch // this.m_PlayerCastSpell.m_MenuOpen = false; } //end f'n void Disable (TutorialEnum)
/**A function to enable a given tutorial. Disables all other tutorials.*/ public void Enable(TutorialEnum tutorial) { PlayerCastSpell.m_MenuOpen = true; switch ((int)tutorial) { case (int)TutorialEnum.MOVEMENT: { this.m_MovementTutorial.SetActive(true); foreach (TutorialEnum enum_val in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(TutorialEnum))) { //if the enum value in question is the same as the one who called the function, skip. if (tutorial == enum_val) { continue; } //end if //ensure all other tutorials are disabled this.Disable(enum_val); } //end foreach break; } //end case movement tutorial case (int)TutorialEnum.FIRE_SPELL: { this.m_FireSpellTutorial.SetActive(true); foreach (TutorialEnum enum_val in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(TutorialEnum))) { //if the enum value in question is the same as the one who called the function, skip. if (tutorial == enum_val) { continue; } //end if //ensure all other tutorials are disabled this.Disable(enum_val); } //end foreach break; } //end case fire spell tutorial case (int)TutorialEnum.HOTKEYS: { this.m_HotKeysTutorial.SetActive(true); foreach (TutorialEnum enum_val in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(TutorialEnum))) { //if the enum value in question is the same as the one who called the function, skip. if (tutorial == enum_val) { continue; } //end if //ensure all other tutorials are disabled this.Disable(enum_val); } //end foreach break; } //end case hotkeys tutorial case (int)TutorialEnum.CONSUME_HOTKEYED_ITEMS: { this.m_ConsumeHotKeyedItemTutorial.SetActive(true); foreach (TutorialEnum enum_val in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(TutorialEnum))) { //if the enum value in question is the same as the one who called the function, skip. if (tutorial == enum_val) { continue; } //end if //ensure all other tutorials are disabled this.Disable(enum_val); } //end foreach break; } //end case consumed hotkeyed item tutorial default: { //Impossible break; } //end case default } //end switch } //end f'n void Enable (TutorialEnum)