Пример #1
        public void TSMC_PathsGenerated()
            var origin = new DateTime(2019, 06, 28);
            var engine = new PathEngine(2.IntPow(IsCoverageOnly ? 6 : 17));

            engine.AddPathProcess(new Random.MersenneTwister.MersenneTwister64()
                UseNormalInverse = true,
                UseAnthithetic   = true

            var tenorsStr = new[] { "1m", "2m", "3m", "6m", "9m", "1y" };
            var tenors    = tenorsStr.Select(x => new Frequency(x));
            var expiries  = tenors.Select(t => origin.AddPeriod(RollType.F, new Calendar(), t)).ToArray();
            var deltaKs   = new[] { 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9 };
            var smileVols = new[] { 0.32, 0.3, 0.29, 0.3, 0.32 };
            var vols      = Enumerable.Repeat(smileVols, expiries.Length).ToArray();

            var volSurface = new GridVolSurface(origin, deltaKs, expiries, vols,
                                                StrikeType.ForwardDelta, Interpolator1DType.GaussianKernel,
                                                Interpolator1DType.LinearInVariance, DayCountBasis.Act365F);

            var fwdCurve = new Func <double, double>(t => { return(900 + 100 * t); });
            var asset    = new TurboSkewSingleAsset
                startDate: origin,
                expiryDate: origin.AddYears(1),
                volSurface: volSurface,
                forwardCurve: fwdCurve,
                nTimeSteps: 1,
                name: "TestAsset"

            var payoff  = new EuropeanPut("TestAsset", 900, origin.AddYears(1));
            var payoff2 = new EuropeanCall("TestAsset", 0, origin.AddYears(1));

            var pv       = payoff.AverageResult;
            var blackVol = volSurface.GetVolForAbsoluteStrike(900, origin.AddYears(1), fwdCurve(1.0));
            var blackPv  = BlackFunctions.BlackPV(1000, 900, 0, 1, blackVol, OptionType.P);

            if (!IsCoverageOnly)
                Assert.Equal(blackPv, pv, 0);
                var fwd = payoff2.AverageResult;
                Assert.True(System.Math.Abs(fwdCurve(1) / fwd - 1.0) < 0.002);
Пример #2
        public void CompositeSmimleFacts_LocalVol()
            var origin        = new DateTime(2017, 02, 07);
            var expiry        = origin.AddMonths(2);
            var tExp          = origin.CalculateYearFraction(expiry, DayCountBasis.Act365F);
            var fwdCurveAsset = new Func <double, double>(t => { return(100); });
            var fwdCurveFx    = new Func <double, double>(t => { return(15); });
            var volAsset      = 0.32;
            var volFx         = 0.16;
            var correl        = 0.25;

            var surfaceAsset = new RiskyFlySurface(origin, new[] { volAsset }, new[] { expiry }, new[] { 0.25, 0.1 }, new[] { new[] { 0.02, 0.03 } }, new[] { new[] { 0.005, 0.007 } }, new[] { 100.0 }, WingQuoteType.Arithmatic, AtmVolType.ZeroDeltaStraddle, Interpolator1DType.GaussianKernel, Interpolator1DType.Linear)
                FlatDeltaSmileInExtreme = true
            var surfaceFx = new RiskyFlySurface(origin, new[] { volFx }, new[] { expiry }, new[] { 0.25, 0.1 }, new[] { new[] { 0.015, 0.025 } }, new[] { new[] { 0.005, 0.007 } }, new[] { 0.1 }, WingQuoteType.Arithmatic, AtmVolType.ZeroDeltaStraddle, Interpolator1DType.GaussianKernel, Interpolator1DType.Linear)
                FlatDeltaSmileInExtreme = true

            //var surfaceAsset = new SabrVolSurface(origin, new[] { volAsset }, new[] { expiry }, new[] { 0.25, 0.1 }, new[] { new[] { 0.02, 0.03 } }, new[] { new[] { 0.005, 0.007 } }, new[] { 100.0 }, WingQuoteType.Arithmatic, AtmVolType.ZeroDeltaStraddle, Interpolator1DType.Linear);
            //var surfaceFx = new SabrVolSurface(origin, new[] { volFx }, new[] { expiry }, new[] { 0.25, 0.1 }, new[] { new[] { 0.015, 0.025 } }, new[] { new[] { 0.005, 0.007 } }, new[] { 0.1 }, WingQuoteType.Arithmatic, AtmVolType.ZeroDeltaStraddle, Interpolator1DType.Linear);

            //var surfaceAsset = new SVIVolSurface(origin, new[] { volAsset }, new[] { expiry }, new[] { 0.25, 0.1 }, new[] { new[] { 0.02, 0.03 } }, new[] { new[] { 0.005, 0.007 } }, new[] { 100.0 }, WingQuoteType.Arithmatic, AtmVolType.ZeroDeltaStraddle, Interpolator1DType.Linear);
            //var surfaceFx = new SVIVolSurface(origin, new[] { volFx }, new[] { expiry }, new[] { 0.25, 0.1 }, new[] { new[] { 0.015, 0.025 } }, new[] { new[] { 0.005, 0.007 } }, new[] { 0.1 }, WingQuoteType.Arithmatic, AtmVolType.ZeroDeltaStraddle, Interpolator1DType.Linear);

            var invFx        = new InverseFxSurface("inv", surfaceFx, TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider);
            var surfaceCompo = surfaceAsset.GenerateCompositeSmile(invFx, 200, expiry, 100, 1.0 / 15, correl);

            //setup MC
            using var engine = new PathEngine(2.IntPow(IsCoverageOnly?5:15));
                new Qwack.Random.MersenneTwister.MersenneTwister64
                UseNormalInverse = true

            var correlMatrix = new double[][]
                new double[] { 1.0, correl },
                new double[] { correl, 1.0 },

            engine.AddPathProcess(new Cholesky(correlMatrix));

            var asset1 = new TurboSkewSingleAsset
                startDate: origin,
                expiryDate: expiry,
                volSurface: surfaceAsset,
                forwardCurve: fwdCurveAsset,
                nTimeSteps: 1,
                name: "Asset"

            var asset2 = new TurboSkewSingleAsset
                startDate: origin,
                expiryDate: expiry,
                volSurface: surfaceFx,
                forwardCurve: fwdCurveFx,
                nTimeSteps: 1,
                name: "USD/ZAR"


            var strike  = 1500;
            var product = new EuropeanOption
                AssetId          = "Asset",
                CallPut          = OptionType.C,
                ExpiryDate       = expiry,
                PaymentCurrency  = TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider["ZAR"],
                PaymentDate      = expiry,
                Notional         = 1.0,
                SpotLag          = new Frequency("0b"),
                Strike           = strike,
                FxConversionType = FxConversionType.ConvertThenAverage
            var productAsset = new EuropeanOption
                AssetId          = "Asset",
                CallPut          = OptionType.C,
                ExpiryDate       = expiry,
                PaymentCurrency  = TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider["USD"],
                PaymentDate      = expiry,
                Notional         = 1.0,
                SpotLag          = new Frequency("0b"),
                Strike           = 100,
                FxConversionType = FxConversionType.None
            var productFx = new EuropeanOption
                AssetId          = "USD/ZAR",
                CallPut          = OptionType.C,
                ExpiryDate       = expiry,
                PaymentCurrency  = TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider["ZAR"],
                PaymentDate      = expiry,
                Notional         = 1.0,
                SpotLag          = new Frequency("0b"),
                Strike           = 0.1,
                FxConversionType = FxConversionType.None
            var pathProduct      = new AssetPathPayoff(product, TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider, TestProviderHelper.CalendarProvider, TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider["ZAR"]);
            var pathProductAsset = new AssetPathPayoff(productAsset, TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider, TestProviderHelper.CalendarProvider, TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider["ZAR"]);
            var pathProductFx    = new AssetPathPayoff(productFx, TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider, TestProviderHelper.CalendarProvider, TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider["ZAR"]);


            var q              = pathProduct.ResultsByPath;
            var qq             = q.Average();
            var productIv      = BlackFunctions.BlackImpliedVol(1500, strike, 0.0, tExp, pathProduct.AverageResult, OptionType.C);
            var productAssetIv = BlackFunctions.BlackImpliedVol(100, 100, 0.0, tExp, pathProductAsset.AverageResult, OptionType.C);
            var productFxIv    = BlackFunctions.BlackImpliedVol(10, 10, 0.0, tExp, pathProductFx.AverageResult, OptionType.C);

            Assert.True(Abs(productIv - surfaceCompo.Interpolate(strike)) < 0.01);
Пример #3
        public AssetFxMCModel(DateTime originDate, Portfolio portfolio, IAssetFxModel model, McSettings settings, ICurrencyProvider currencyProvider, IFutureSettingsProvider futureSettingsProvider, ICalendarProvider calendarProvider)
            if (settings.CompactMemoryMode && settings.AveragePathCorrection)
                throw new Exception("Can't use both CompactMemoryMode and PathCorrection");

            _currencyProvider       = currencyProvider;
            _futureSettingsProvider = futureSettingsProvider;
            _calendarProvider       = calendarProvider;
            Engine = new PathEngine(settings.NumberOfPaths)
                Parallelize       = settings.Parallelize,
                CompactMemoryMode = settings.CompactMemoryMode
            OriginDate = originDate;
            Portfolio  = portfolio;
            Model      = model;
            Settings   = settings;
            switch (settings.Generator)
            case RandomGeneratorType.MersenneTwister:
                Engine.AddPathProcess(new Random.MersenneTwister.MersenneTwister64()
                    UseNormalInverse = true,
                    UseAnthithetic   = false

            case RandomGeneratorType.Sobol:
                var directionNumers = new Random.Sobol.SobolDirectionNumbers(GetSobolFilename());
                Engine.AddPathProcess(new Random.Sobol.SobolPathGenerator(directionNumers, 1000)
                    UseNormalInverse = true

            case RandomGeneratorType.Constant:
                Engine.AddPathProcess(new Random.Constant.Constant()
                    UseNormalInverse = true,

            case RandomGeneratorType.FlipFlop:
                Engine.AddPathProcess(new Random.Constant.FlipFlop(settings.CreditSettings.ConfidenceInterval, true));

            if (model.CorrelationMatrix != null)
                if (settings.LocalCorrelation)
                    Engine.AddPathProcess(new CholeskyWithTime(model.CorrelationMatrix, model));
                    Engine.AddPathProcess(new Cholesky(model.CorrelationMatrix));

            var lastDate         = portfolio.LastSensitivityDate;
            var assetIds         = portfolio.AssetIds();
            var assetInstruments = portfolio.Instruments
                                   .Where(x => x is IAssetInstrument)
                                   .Select(x => x as IAssetInstrument);
            var fixingsNeeded = new Dictionary <string, List <DateTime> >();

            foreach (var ins in assetInstruments)
                var fixingsForIns = ins.PastFixingDates(originDate);
                if (fixingsForIns.Any())
                    foreach (var kv in fixingsForIns)
                        if (!fixingsNeeded.ContainsKey(kv.Key))
                            fixingsNeeded.Add(kv.Key, new List <DateTime>());
                        fixingsNeeded[kv.Key] = fixingsNeeded[kv.Key].Concat(kv.Value).Distinct().ToList();

            //asset processes
            var fxAssetsToAdd = new List <string>();
            var corrections   = new Dictionary <string, SimpleAveragePathCorrector>();

            foreach (var assetId in assetIds)
                if (assetId.Length == 7 && assetId[3] == '/')

                if (!(model.GetVolSurface(assetId) is IATMVolSurface surface))
                    throw new Exception($"Vol surface for asset {assetId} could not be cast to IATMVolSurface");
                var fixingDict = fixingsNeeded.ContainsKey(assetId) ? model.GetFixingDictionary(assetId) : null;
                var fixings    = fixingDict != null ?
                                 fixingsNeeded[assetId].ToDictionary(x => x, x => fixingDict.GetFixing(x))
                    : new Dictionary <DateTime, double>();
                var futuresSim = settings.ExpensiveFuturesSimulation &&
                                 (model.GetPriceCurve(assetId).CurveType == PriceCurveType.ICE || model.GetPriceCurve(assetId).CurveType == PriceCurveType.NYMEX);
                if (futuresSim)
                    var fwdCurve = new Func <DateTime, double>(t =>
                    var asset = new BlackFuturesCurve
                        startDate: originDate,
                        expiryDate: lastDate,
                        volSurface: surface,
                        forwardCurve: fwdCurve,
                        nTimeSteps: settings.NumberOfTimesteps,
                        name: Settings.FuturesMappingTable[assetId],
                        pastFixings: fixings,
                        futureSettingsProvider: _futureSettingsProvider
                    var fwdCurve = new Func <double, double>(t =>
                        var c = model.GetPriceCurve(assetId);
                        var d = originDate.AddYearFraction(t, DayCountBasis.ACT365F);
                        if (c is PriceCurve pc)
                            d = d.AddPeriod(RollType.F, pc.SpotCalendar, pc.SpotLag);
                        else if (c is ContangoPriceCurve cc)
                            d = d.AddPeriod(RollType.F, cc.SpotCalendar, cc.SpotLag);

                    IATMVolSurface adjSurface  = null;
                    var            correlation = 0.0;

                    if (settings.ReportingCurrency != model.GetPriceCurve(assetId).Currency)
                        var fxAdjPair    = settings.ReportingCurrency + "/" + model.GetPriceCurve(assetId).Currency;
                        var fxAdjPairInv = model.GetPriceCurve(assetId).Currency + "/" + settings.ReportingCurrency;
                        if (!(model.FundingModel.GetVolSurface(fxAdjPair) is IATMVolSurface adjSurface2))
                            throw new Exception($"Vol surface for fx pair {fxAdjPair} could not be cast to IATMVolSurface");
                        adjSurface = adjSurface2;
                        if (model.CorrelationMatrix != null)
                            if (model.CorrelationMatrix.TryGetCorrelation(fxAdjPair, assetId, out var correl))
                                correlation = correl;
                            else if (model.CorrelationMatrix.TryGetCorrelation(fxAdjPairInv, assetId, out var correl2))
                                correlation = -correl2;

                    if (settings.McModelType == McModelType.LocalVol)
                        var asset = new LVSingleAsset
                            startDate: originDate,
                            expiryDate: lastDate,
                            volSurface: surface,
                            forwardCurve: fwdCurve,
                            nTimeSteps: settings.NumberOfTimesteps,
                            name: assetId,
                            pastFixings: fixings,
                            fxAdjustSurface: adjSurface,
                            fxAssetCorrelation: correlation
                    else if (settings.McModelType == McModelType.TurboSkew)
                        var asset = new TurboSkewSingleAsset
                            startDate: originDate,
                            expiryDate: lastDate,
                            volSurface: surface,
                            forwardCurve: fwdCurve,
                            nTimeSteps: settings.NumberOfTimesteps,
                            name: assetId,
                            pastFixings: fixings,
                            fxAdjustSurface: adjSurface,
                            fxAssetCorrelation: correlation
                        var asset = new BlackSingleAsset
                            startDate: originDate,
                            expiryDate: lastDate,
                            volSurface: surface,
                            forwardCurve: fwdCurve,
                            nTimeSteps: settings.NumberOfTimesteps,
                            name: assetId,
                            pastFixings: fixings,
                            fxAdjustSurface: adjSurface,
                            fxAssetCorrelation: correlation
                    if (settings.AveragePathCorrection)
                        corrections.Add(assetId, new SimpleAveragePathCorrector(new SimpleAveragePathCalculator(assetId)
                            CompactMode = settings.CompactMemoryMode
                        }, surface, fwdCurve, assetId, fixings, adjSurface, correlation));

            //fx pairs
            var pairsAdded = new List <string>();
            var fxPairs    = portfolio.FxPairs(model).Concat(fxAssetsToAdd);
            var payoutCcys = portfolio.Instruments.Select(i => i.Currency);

            if (payoutCcys.Any(p => p != settings.ReportingCurrency))
                var ccysToAdd  = payoutCcys.Where(p => p != settings.ReportingCurrency).Distinct();
                var pairsToAdd = ccysToAdd.Select(c => $"{c.Ccy}/{settings.ReportingCurrency}");
                fxPairs = fxPairs.Concat(pairsToAdd).Distinct();
            foreach (var fxPair in fxPairs)
                var fxPairName = fxPair;
                var pair       = fxPairName.FxPairFromString(_currencyProvider, _calendarProvider);

                if (pairsAdded.Contains(pair.ToString()))

                if (!(model.FundingModel.VolSurfaces[fxPairName] is IATMVolSurface surface))
                    throw new Exception($"Vol surface for fx pair {fxPairName} could not be cast to IATMVolSurface");

                var fwdCurve = new Func <double, double>(t =>
                    var date     = originDate.AddYearFraction(t, DayCountBasis.ACT365F);
                    var spotDate = pair.SpotDate(date);
                    return(model.FundingModel.GetFxRate(spotDate, fxPairName));


                if (settings.McModelType == McModelType.LocalVol)
                    var asset = new LVSingleAsset
                        startDate: originDate,
                        expiryDate: lastDate,
                        volSurface: surface,
                        forwardCurve: fwdCurve,
                        nTimeSteps: settings.NumberOfTimesteps,
                        name: fxPairName

                    if (settings.AveragePathCorrection)
                        corrections.Add(fxPairName, new SimpleAveragePathCorrector(new SimpleAveragePathCalculator(fxPairName)
                            CompactMode = settings.CompactMemoryMode
                        }, surface, fwdCurve, fxPairName));
                else if (settings.McModelType == McModelType.TurboSkew)
                    if (fxPairName.Substring(fxPairName.Length - 3, 3) != settings.ReportingCurrency)
                    {//needs to be drift-adjusted
                        var fxAdjPair = settings.ReportingCurrency + "/" + fxPairName.Substring(fxPairName.Length - 3, 3);
                        if (!(model.FundingModel.VolSurfaces[fxAdjPair] is IATMVolSurface adjSurface))
                            throw new Exception($"Vol surface for fx pair {fxAdjPair} could not be cast to IATMVolSurface");
                        var correlation = fxPair == fxAdjPair ? -1.0 : 0.0;
                        if (correlation != -1.0 && model.CorrelationMatrix != null)
                            if (model.CorrelationMatrix.TryGetCorrelation(fxAdjPair, fxPair, out var correl))
                                correlation = correl;

                        var asset = new TurboSkewSingleAsset
                            startDate: originDate,
                            expiryDate: lastDate,
                            volSurface: surface,
                            forwardCurve: fwdCurve,
                            nTimeSteps: settings.NumberOfTimesteps,
                            name: fxPairName,
                            fxAdjustSurface: adjSurface,
                            fxAssetCorrelation: correlation

                        if (settings.AveragePathCorrection)
                            corrections.Add(fxPairName, new SimpleAveragePathCorrector(new SimpleAveragePathCalculator(fxPairName)
                                CompactMode = settings.CompactMemoryMode
                            }, surface, fwdCurve, fxPairName, null, adjSurface, correlation));
                        var asset = new TurboSkewSingleAsset
                            startDate: originDate,
                            expiryDate: lastDate,
                            volSurface: surface,
                            forwardCurve: fwdCurve,
                            nTimeSteps: settings.NumberOfTimesteps,
                            name: fxPairName

                        if (settings.AveragePathCorrection)
                            corrections.Add(fxPairName, new SimpleAveragePathCorrector(new SimpleAveragePathCalculator(fxPairName)
                                CompactMode = settings.CompactMemoryMode
                            }, surface, fwdCurve, fxPairName));
                    if (fxPairName.Substring(fxPairName.Length - 3, 3) != settings.ReportingCurrency)
                    {//needs to be drift-adjusted
                        var fxAdjPair = settings.ReportingCurrency + "/" + fxPairName.Substring(fxPairName.Length - 3, 3);
                        if (!(model.FundingModel.VolSurfaces[fxAdjPair] is IATMVolSurface adjSurface))
                            throw new Exception($"Vol surface for fx pair {fxAdjPair} could not be cast to IATMVolSurface");
                        var correlation = fxPair == fxAdjPair ? -1.0 : 0.0;
                        if (correlation != -1.0 && model.CorrelationMatrix != null)
                            if (model.CorrelationMatrix.TryGetCorrelation(fxAdjPair, fxPair, out var correl))
                                correlation = correl;

                        var asset = new BlackSingleAsset
                            startDate: originDate,
                            expiryDate: lastDate,
                            volSurface: surface,
                            forwardCurve: fwdCurve,
                            nTimeSteps: settings.NumberOfTimesteps,
                            name: fxPairName,
                            fxAdjustSurface: adjSurface,
                            fxAssetCorrelation: correlation

                        if (settings.AveragePathCorrection)
                            corrections.Add(fxPairName, new SimpleAveragePathCorrector(new SimpleAveragePathCalculator(fxPairName)
                                CompactMode = settings.CompactMemoryMode
                            }, surface, fwdCurve, fxPairName, null, adjSurface, correlation));
                        var asset = new BlackSingleAsset
                            startDate: originDate,
                            expiryDate: lastDate,
                            volSurface: surface,
                            forwardCurve: fwdCurve,
                            nTimeSteps: settings.NumberOfTimesteps,
                            name: fxPairName

                        if (settings.AveragePathCorrection)
                            corrections.Add(fxPairName, new SimpleAveragePathCorrector(new SimpleAveragePathCalculator(fxPairName)
                                CompactMode = settings.CompactMemoryMode
                            }, surface, fwdCurve, fxPairName));
            //apply path correctin
            if (settings.AveragePathCorrection && corrections.Any())
                foreach (var pc in corrections)
                foreach (var pc in corrections)

            _payoffs = assetInstruments.ToDictionary(x => x.TradeId, y => new AssetPathPayoff(y, _currencyProvider, _calendarProvider, settings.ReportingCurrency));
            if (!settings.AvoidRegressionForBackPricing && _payoffs.Any(x => x.Value.Regressors != null))
                var regressorsToAdd = _payoffs.Where(x => x.Value.Regressors != null)
                                      .SelectMany(x => x.Value.Regressors)

                foreach (var regressor in regressorsToAdd)
                    foreach (var payoff in _payoffs.Where(x => x.Value.Regressors != null))
                        if (payoff.Value.Regressors.Any(x => x == regressor))

            foreach (var product in _payoffs)
                if (settings.AvoidRegressionForBackPricing && (product.Value.AssetInstrument is BackPricingOption || product.Value.AssetInstrument is MultiPeriodBackpricingOption))
                    product.Value.VanillaModel = VanillaModel;


            var metricsNeedRegression = new[] { BaseMetric.PFE, BaseMetric.KVA, BaseMetric.CVA, BaseMetric.FVA, BaseMetric.EPE };

            //Need to calculate PFE
            if (settings.CreditSettings != null && settings.CreditSettings.ExposureDates != null && settings.ReportingCurrency != null && metricsNeedRegression.Contains(settings.CreditSettings.Metric))//setup for PFE, etc

                switch (settings.CreditSettings.PfeRegressorType)
                case PFERegressorType.MultiLinear:
                    _regressor = new LinearPortfolioValueRegressor(settings.CreditSettings.ExposureDates,
                                                                   _payoffs.Values.ToArray(), settings);

                case PFERegressorType.MonoLinear:
                    _regressor = new MonoIndexRegressor(settings.CreditSettings.ExposureDates,
                                                        _payoffs.Values.ToArray(), settings, true);

            //Need to calculate expected capital
            if (settings.CreditSettings != null && settings.CreditSettings.ExposureDates != null && settings.ReportingCurrency != null && settings.CreditSettings.Metric == BaseMetric.ExpectedCapital)
                _capitalCalc = new ExpectedCapitalCalculator(Portfolio, settings.CreditSettings.CounterpartyRiskWeighting, settings.CreditSettings.AssetIdToHedgeGroupMap, settings.ReportingCurrency, VanillaModel, settings.CreditSettings.ExposureDates);
