public static void FogSimulation(FogPost fog, TuplePost tuple, string policy, string GatewaypolicyType, string NodeLevelPolicyType, int CommunicationType, int Service, List <string> DataCenter, string gateway, string cooperation, string fogType) { if (gateway == "0") { WithGateway = true; } if (cooperation == "0") { WithCoo = true; } Random rnd = new Random(); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); var result = new Results(); resultList = new List <Results>(); fogList = new List <FogDevice>(); tupleList = new List <Models.Tuple>(); PowerUtility.FillNumRange(); string JsonReturn, path; #region DataSet reading if (fogType == "0") { #region Fog Homogenious path = (new FileInfo(Path.Combine(FileInformation.GetDirectory(), "H**o\\JsonFog.txt"))).ToString(); JsonReturn = SimJson.ReadJsonFile(path); fogList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <FogDevice> >(JsonReturn); FogSize = fogList.Count; #endregion Fog #region Tuple homogenious path = (new FileInfo(Path.Combine(FileInformation.GetDirectory(), "H**o\\JsonTuple.txt"))).ToString(); JsonReturn = SimJson.ReadJsonFile(path); tupleList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Models.Tuple> >(JsonReturn); #endregion Tuple } else { #region Fog Hetrogenous path = (new FileInfo(Path.Combine(FileInformation.GetDirectory(), "Hetro\\JsonFog.txt"))).ToString(); JsonReturn = SimJson.ReadJsonFile(path); fogList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <FogDevice> >(JsonReturn); FogSize = fogList.Count; #endregion Fog #region Tuple Hetrogenious path = (new FileInfo(Path.Combine(FileInformation.GetDirectory(), "Hetro\\JsonTuple.txt"))).ToString(); JsonReturn = SimJson.ReadJsonFile(path); tupleList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Models.Tuple> >(JsonReturn); #endregion Tuple } #endregion SmartThreadPool s = new SmartThreadPool(); //s.MaxThreads = 1000; //s.MinThreads = 1000; List <Task> myTaskList = new List <Task>(); if (policy == "1") { //tupleList = tupleList.Take(10).ToList(); tupleList = tupleList.ToList(); //FCFS #region P1 FCFS if (WithGateway) { GlobalGateway.GatewayPathDecider(tupleList, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, true); } else { s = new SmartThreadPool(); watch.Start(); foreach (var item in tupleList) { item.QueueDelay = watch.Elapsed.Milliseconds; // FogUtility.FogSim(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter); s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.FogSim(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter), new object()); } watch.Stop(); try { s.WaitForIdle(); s.Shutdown(); } catch { }; } #endregion } else if (policy == "2") { #region P2 SJF var localtupleList = tupleList.OrderBy(x => x.MIPS).ToList(); if (WithGateway) { GlobalGateway.GatewayPathDecider(localtupleList, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, true); } else { s = new SmartThreadPool(); s.MaxThreads = 1000; s.MinThreads = 1000; watch.Start(); foreach (var item in localtupleList) { item.QueueDelay = watch.Elapsed.Milliseconds; s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.FogSim(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter), new object()); } watch.Stop(); try { s.WaitForIdle(); s.Shutdown(); } catch { }; } #endregion } else if (policy == "3") { #region P3 LJF var localtupleList = tupleList.OrderByDescending(x => x.MIPS).ToList(); if (WithGateway) { GlobalGateway.GatewayPathDecider(localtupleList, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, true); } else { s = new SmartThreadPool(); s.MaxThreads = 1000; s.MinThreads = 1000; watch.Start(); foreach (var item in localtupleList) { item.QueueDelay = watch.Elapsed.Milliseconds; //FogUtility.FogSim(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter); s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.FogSim(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter), new object()); } watch.Stop(); try { s.WaitForIdle(); s.Shutdown(); } catch { }; } #endregion } //inserted new policy #change //LBFC Learning based fog cloud else if (policy == "4") { //Learning based cloud fog #region policy 4 try { IsCreateCache = true; s = new SmartThreadPool(); ///*getting 10% to inital execute*/ double initialRandomTuplesCount = Math.Ceiling((double)((tupleList.Count() * 10) / 100)); initial_tupleList = tupleList.Take(Convert.ToInt32(initialRandomTuplesCount)).ToList(); final_tupleList = tupleList.Skip(Convert.ToInt32(initialRandomTuplesCount)).ToList(); myTaskList = new List <Task>(); var split = LinqExtensions.Split(initial_tupleList, 5).ToList(); watch.Start(); for (int j = 0; j < split.Count(); j++) { foreach (var item in split[j]) { int[] ranIndex = { 0, 1, 0, 1 }; var randCloudIndex = rnd.Next(ranIndex.Length); if (randCloudIndex == 0) { //myTaskList.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => // { var tupleTime = new TupleTimes() { TupleArrival = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt"), Name = item.Name }; FogSimulator.TupleTimings.Add(tupleTime); FogUtility.FogSim_LR(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, "0"); // })); } else { //comment threading code for debugging // create service var service = ServicesUtility.GetServices()[Service]; myTaskList.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { CloudSimulator.CloudSimulationForFog(item, false, Service, DataCenter); })); } } } Task.WaitAll(myTaskList.ToArray()); #region threadpool base try { FogCache F_cache; CloudCache C_cache; foreach (var item in final_tupleList) { lock (Lock) { F_cache = FogUtility.fogCahce.Where(x => x.DataType == item.DataType).OrderBy(x => x.InternalProcessingTime).OrderBy(x =>; C_cache = CloudUtility.cloudCahce.Where(x => x.DataType == item.DataType).OrderBy(x => x.InternalProcessingTime).OrderBy(x =>; } bool f, c; f = F_cache == null ? true : false; c = C_cache == null ? true : false; if (F_cache == null || C_cache == null) { if (f) { var tupleTime = new TupleTimes() { TupleArrival = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt"), Name = item.Name }; FogSimulator.TupleTimings.Add(tupleTime); s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.FogSim_LR(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, "0"), new object()); } if (c) { // create service var service = ServicesUtility.GetServices()[Service]; s.QueueWorkItem(o => CloudSimulator.CloudSimulationForFog(item, false, Service, DataCenter), new object()); } } else { //for predication base double _CTime = C_cache.InternalProcessingTime +; double _FTime = F_cache.InternalProcessingTime +; if (_CTime >= _FTime) { var tupleTime = new TupleTimes() { TupleArrival = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt"), Name = item.Name }; FogSimulator.TupleTimings.Add(tupleTime); try { Debug.WriteLine(" Fog Serving ID" + F_cache.FogServer); s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.FogSim_LR(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, F_cache.FogServer.ToString()), new object()); //FogUtility.FogSim_LR(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, F_cache.FogServer.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } else { #region Cloud // create service var service = ServicesUtility.GetServices()[Service]; #endregion s.QueueWorkItem(o => CloudSimulator.CloudSimulationForFog(item, false, Service, DataCenter), new object()); } } } try { s.WaitForIdle(); s.Shutdown(); } catch { }; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message); } #endregion #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message); } //end } ////policy 5 else if (policy == "5") { //In memory allocation #region policy 5 try { IsCreateCache = true; var localtupleList = tupleList.OrderBy(x => x.MIPS).ToList(); if (WithGateway) { GlobalGateway.MemoryGatewayPathDecider(localtupleList, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, true); } else { //commented by ali for testing s = new SmartThreadPool(); s.MaxThreads = 1000; s.MinThreads = 1000; watch.Start(); foreach (var item in localtupleList) { item.QueueDelay = watch.Elapsed.Milliseconds; s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.Memory(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter), new object()); //FogUtility.Memory(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter); } watch.Stop(); try { s.WaitForIdle(); s.Shutdown(); } catch { }; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message); } #endregion } // Policy 6 else if (policy == "6") { #region policy 6 try { //s = new SmartThreadPool(); double[] nodes = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }; var prepathLink = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; List <NodeLinkList> linklist; using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(prepathLink + "//" + "INodes.json")) { string json = r.ReadToEnd(); fogList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <FogDevice> >(json); } // fetching nodes // path = (new FileInfo(Path.Combine(FileInformation.GetDirectory(), "LinkSeq.json"))).ToString(); using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(prepathLink + "//" + "LinkSeq.json")) { string json = r.ReadToEnd(); linklist = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <NodeLinkList> >(json); } // getting 100 jobs List <Tuple> Tuples = tupleList;//.Take(100).ToList(); // setting the Source and Destinations foreach (var job in Tuples) { string S = nodes[rnd.Next(nodes.Length)].ToString(); string D = nodes[rnd.Next(nodes.Length)].ToString(); job.Source = S; if (D != S)//define destination { job.Destination = D; } else { if (Convert.ToInt32(D) == 15) { job.Destination = (Convert.ToInt32(D) - 1).ToString(); } else if (Convert.ToInt32(D) != 1) { job.Destination = (Convert.ToInt32(D) - 1).ToString(); } else { job.Destination = (Convert.ToInt32(D) + 1).ToString(); } } } List <NodeLinkList> FinalLinks = FogUtility.LinkRouting(fogList, Tuples, linklist).ToList(); watch.Start(); foreach (var item in tupleList.Take(100).ToList()) { // Message // Relibility Maximum item.QueueDelay = watch.Elapsed.Milliseconds; //s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.MPRouting(item, FinalLinks), new object()); FogUtility.MPRouting(item, FinalLinks); } watch.Stop(); //try //{ // s.WaitForIdle(); // s.Shutdown(); //} //catch { }; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message); } #endregion } else if (policy == "7") { //Round Robin #region Policy 7 try { //tupleList = tupleList.ToList().GetRange(6186,10); tupleList = tupleList.ToList(); //O means non agent based on gatway level if (GatewaypolicyType == "0") { //if nodel level policy is simple round robin call this function //Do Simple Round Robin if (NodeLevelPolicyType == "0") { FogUtility.GenerateNodeLevelQueuesSimpleRoundRobin(tupleList, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, WithGateway); } //Do Mean Round Robin else { // FogUtility.GenerateNodeLevelQueuesOnMeanRoundRRobinBasis(tupleList, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, WithGateway); FogUtility.GenerateNodeLevelQueuesOnMeanRoundRRobinBasisWithMultiThreading(tupleList, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, WithGateway); } } else { var hPTuples = new Queue <Tuple>(tupleList.Where(x => x.Priority == "high" && x.IsServed == false).ToList()); var mPTuples = new Queue <Tuple>(tupleList.Where(x => x.Priority == "medium" && x.IsServed == false).ToList()); var lpTuples = new Queue <Tuple>(tupleList.Where(x => x.Priority != "medium" && x.Priority != "high" && x.IsServed == false).ToList()); if (NodeLevelPolicyType == "0") { FogUtility.GenerateNodeLevelQueuesSimpleRoundRobin(hPTuples, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, WithGateway); mPTuples = new Queue <Tuple>(tupleList.Where(x => x.Priority == "medium" && x.IsServed == false).ToList()); lpTuples = new Queue <Tuple>(tupleList.Where(x => x.Priority != "medium" && x.Priority != "high" && x.IsServed == false).ToList()); FogUtility.GenerateNodeLevelQueuesSimpleRoundRobin(mPTuples, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, WithGateway); FogUtility.GenerateNodeLevelQueuesSimpleRoundRobin(lpTuples, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, WithGateway); } else { FogUtility.GenerateNodeLevelQueuesOnMeanRoundRRobinBasis(hPTuples, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, WithGateway); //foreach (var item in fogList) //{ // item.MaxCapacity = MaxFogCapacity; //} FogUtility.GenerateNodeLevelQueuesOnMeanRoundRRobinBasis(mPTuples, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, WithGateway); //foreach (var item in fogList) //{ // item.MaxCapacity = MaxFogCapacity; //} FogUtility.GenerateNodeLevelQueuesOnMeanRoundRRobinBasis(lpTuples, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, WithGateway); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message); } #endregion } else { #region random try { var split = LinqExtensions.Split(tupleList, 16).ToList(); watch.Start(); if (WithGateway) { GlobalGateway.GatewayPathDecider(tupleList, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter, false); } else { s = new SmartThreadPool(); s.MaxThreads = 1000; s.MinThreads = 1000; for (int j = 0; j < split.Count(); j++) { foreach (var item in split[j]) { var tupleTime = new TupleTimes() { TupleArrival = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt"), Name = item.Name }; s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.FogSim(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter), new object()); //FogUtility.FogSim(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter); } } try { s.WaitForIdle(); s.Shutdown(); } catch { }; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } #endregion } watch.Stop(); if (policy == "4") { if (resultList != null) { Excel.CreateExcelSheetForFog(resultList, FogTimings.ToList(), TupleTimings.ToList()); } if (CloudSimulator.resultList.ToList().Count() > 0) { Excel.CreateExcelSheetForCloud(CloudSimulator.resultList.ToList()); } } else { Excel.CreateExcelSheetForFog(resultList, FogTimings.ToList(), TupleTimings.ToList()); } }
public static void EdgeSimulation(FogPost edge, TuplePost tuple, string policy, int CommunicationType, int Service, List <string> DataCenter, string gateway, string cooperation, string edgeType) { if (cooperation == "0") { WithCoo = true; } Random rnd = new Random(); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); var result = new Results(); edgeResultList = new List <Results>(); edgeList = new List <FogDevice>(); tupleList = new List <Models.Tuple>(); PowerUtility.FillNumRange(); string JsonReturn, path; #region DataSet population if (edgeType == "0") { #region Edge Homogenious path = (new FileInfo(Path.Combine(FileInformation.GetDirectory(), "EHomo\\JsonEdge.txt"))).ToString(); JsonReturn = SimJson.ReadJsonFile(path); edgeList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <FogDevice> >(JsonReturn); EdgeSize = edgeList.Count; #endregion Edge #region Tuple homogenious path = (new FileInfo(Path.Combine(FileInformation.GetDirectory(), "EHomo\\JsonTuple.txt"))).ToString(); JsonReturn = SimJson.ReadJsonFile(path); tupleList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Models.Tuple> >(JsonReturn); #endregion Tuple } else { #region Edge Hetrogenous path = (new FileInfo(Path.Combine(FileInformation.GetDirectory(), "EHetro\\JsonEdge.txt"))).ToString(); JsonReturn = SimJson.ReadJsonFile(path); edgeList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <FogDevice> >(JsonReturn); EdgeSize = edgeList.Count; #endregion Edge #region Tuple Hetrogenious path = (new FileInfo(Path.Combine(FileInformation.GetDirectory(), "EHetro\\JsonTuple.txt"))).ToString(); JsonReturn = SimJson.ReadJsonFile(path); tupleList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Models.Tuple> >(JsonReturn); #endregion Tuple } #region create fog for Edge-fog cloud if (CommunicationType == 1) { int fCount = Convert.ToInt32(EdgeSize / 2); for (int i = 0; i < fCount; i++) { bool[] bit = { true }; var b = rnd.Next(bit.Length); int[] randomRam = { 512, 1024, 2048, 3072, 3584, 4096 }; // var randomRamIndex = rnd.Next(randomRam.Length); var index = rnd.Next(randomRam.Length); int[] randomMips = { 2000, 4000, 8000, 12000, 18000, 20000 }; var randomMipsIndex = rnd.Next(randomMips.Length); int[] randomPe = { 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 }; var randomPeIndex = rnd.Next(randomPe.Length); int[] randomSize = { 4000, 5000, 7000, 10000, 12000, 15000 }; var randomSizeIndex = rnd.Next(randomSize.Length); int[] randomDownBW = { 400, 500, 700, 1000, 1200, 1500 }; var randomDownBWIndex = rnd.Next(randomDownBW.Length); int[] randomUpBW = { 500, 700, 1000, 1200, 1500, 2000 }; var randomUpBWIndex = rnd.Next(randomUpBW.Length); int[] randomStorage = { 2500, 4500, 5000, 7000, 10000, 12000 }; var randomStorageIndex = rnd.Next(randomStorage.Length); int[] timeSlice = { 15, 20, 25, 30 }; var timeSliceIndex = rnd.Next(timeSlice.Length); Array NodeTypevalues = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EnumNodeType)); EnumNodeType randomDataType = (EnumNodeType)NodeTypevalues.GetValue(rnd.Next(NodeTypevalues.Length)); fogServers.Add(new FogDevice( Guid.NewGuid(), 1, randomMips[index], randomPe[index], randomRam[index], randomUpBW[index], randomDownBW[index], randomSize[index], randomStorage[index], "fog" + "-" + i, randomDataType.ToString(), new CloudletScheduler(), GeoDistance.RandomGeoLocation(rnd), bit[b], 0, PowerUtility.SetIdlePower(), timeSlice[timeSliceIndex]) ); } } #endregion #endregion SmartThreadPool s = new SmartThreadPool(); s.MaxThreads = 1000; s.MinThreads = 1000; List <Task> myTaskList = new List <Task>(); if (policy == "1") { //FCFS #region P1 FCFS s = new SmartThreadPool(); watch.Start(); foreach (var item in tupleList) { // item.QueueDelay = watch.Elapsed.Milliseconds; // FogUtility.EdgeSim(item, edgeList, CommunicationType); s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.EdgeSim(item, edgeList, CommunicationType), new object()); } watch.Stop(); try { s.WaitForIdle(); s.Shutdown(); } catch { }; #endregion } else if (policy == "2") { #region P2 SJF var localtupleList = tupleList.OrderBy(x => x.MIPS).ToList(); s = new SmartThreadPool(); watch.Start(); foreach (var item in localtupleList) { s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.EdgeSim(item, edgeList, CommunicationType), new object()); } watch.Stop(); try { s.WaitForIdle(); s.Shutdown(); } catch { }; #endregion } else if (policy == "3") { #region P3 LJF var localtupleList = tupleList.OrderByDescending(x => x.MIPS).ToList(); s = new SmartThreadPool(); watch.Start(); foreach (var item in localtupleList) { s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.EdgeSim(item, edgeList, CommunicationType), new object()); } watch.Stop(); try { s.WaitForIdle(); s.Shutdown(); } catch { }; #endregion } //inserted new policy #change //LBFC else if (policy == "4") { try { IsCreateCache = true; s = new SmartThreadPool(); ///*getting 5% to inital execute*/ double initialRandomTuplesCount = Math.Ceiling((double)((tupleList.Count() * 5) / 100)); initial_tupleList = tupleList.Take(Convert.ToInt32(initialRandomTuplesCount)).ToList(); final_tupleList = tupleList.Skip(Convert.ToInt32(initialRandomTuplesCount)).ToList(); myTaskList = new List <Task>(); var split = LinqExtensions.Split(initial_tupleList, 5).ToList(); for (int j = 0; j < split.Count(); j++) { foreach (var item in split[j]) { int[] ranIndex = { 0, 1, 0, 1 }; var randCloudIndex = rnd.Next(ranIndex.Length); watch.Start(); if (randCloudIndex == 0) { myTaskList.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var tupleTime = new TupleTimes() { TupleArrival = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt"), Name = item.Name }; lock (Lock) EdgeSimulator.TupleTimings.Add(tupleTime); FogUtility.EdgeSim(item, edgeList, CommunicationType); })); } else { myTaskList.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var tupleTime = new TupleTimes() { TupleArrival = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt"), Name = item.Name }; lock (Lock) FogSimulator.TupleTimings.Add(tupleTime); FogUtility.FogSimulationForEdge(item, fogServers); })); } } } Task.WaitAll(myTaskList.ToArray()); #region threadpool base try { FogCache F_cache, C_cache; ///both are same for edge also foreach (var item in final_tupleList) { lock (Lock) { F_cache = FogUtility.fogCahce.Where(x => x.DataType == item.DataType).OrderBy(x => x.InternalProcessingTime).OrderBy(x =>; C_cache = EdgeCahce.Where(x => x.DataType == item.DataType).OrderBy(x => x.InternalProcessingTime).OrderBy(x =>; } watch.Start(); if (F_cache == null || C_cache == null) { int[] ranIndex = { 0, 1, 0, 1 }; var randCloudIndex = rnd.Next(ranIndex.Length); watch.Start(); if (randCloudIndex == 0) { s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.EdgeSim(item, edgeList, CommunicationType), new object()); } else { s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.FogSimulationForEdge(item, fogServers), new object()); } } else { //for predication base double _CTime = C_cache.InternalProcessingTime +; double _FTime = F_cache.InternalProcessingTime +; if (_CTime >= _FTime) { s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.EdgeSim(item, edgeList, CommunicationType), new object()); } else { s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.FogSimulationForEdge(item, fogServers), new object()); } } } try { s.WaitForIdle(); s.Shutdown(); } catch { }; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message); } } else { #region random try { var split = LinqExtensions.Split(tupleList, 16).ToList(); watch.Start(); s = new SmartThreadPool(); for (int j = 0; j < split.Count(); j++) { foreach (var item in split[j]) { s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.EdgeSim(item, edgeList, CommunicationType), new object()); } } try { s.WaitForIdle(); s.Shutdown(); } catch { }; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } #endregion } watch.Stop(); if (policy == "4") { if (edgeResultList != null) { Excel.CreateExcelSheetEdgeFog(edgeResultList, FogTimings.ToList(), TupleTimings.ToList(), DropedtupleList.ToList()); } } else { Excel.CreateExcelSheetEdgeFog(edgeResultList, FogTimings.ToList(), TupleTimings.ToList(), DropedtupleList.ToList()); if (CommunicationType == 1) { Excel.CreateExcelSheetForFog(FogSimulator.resultList, FogSimulator.FogTimings.ToList(), FogSimulator.TupleTimings.ToList()); } } }
public static void GatewayPathDecider(List <Models.Tuple> tupleList, List <FogDevice> fogList, int CommunicationType, int Service, List <string> DataCenter, bool fcfs) { SmartThreadPool s = new SmartThreadPool(); s.MaxThreads = 1000; s.MinThreads = 1000; List <Task> myTaskList = new List <Task>(); if (fcfs) { foreach (var item in tupleList) { if (SendToCloud(item) && CommunicationType == 1) { var tupleTime = new TupleTimes() { TupleArrival = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt"), Name = item.Name }; lock (Lock) FogSimulator.TupleTimings.Add(tupleTime); CloudSimulator.CloudSimulationForFog(item, false, Service, DataCenter); item.IsServedByFC_Cloud = false; } else { var tupleTime = new TupleTimes() { TupleArrival = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt"), Name = item.Name }; lock (Lock) FogSimulator.TupleTimings.Add(tupleTime); s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.FogSim(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter), new object()); } } try { s.WaitForIdle(); s.Shutdown(); } catch { }; } else { var split = LinqExtensions.Split(tupleList, 16).ToList(); for (int j = 0; j < split.Count(); j++) { foreach (var item in split[j]) { if (SendToCloud(item) && CommunicationType == 1) { var tupleTime = new TupleTimes() { TupleArrival = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt"), Name = item.Name }; lock (Lock) FogSimulator.TupleTimings.Add(tupleTime); CloudSimulator.CloudSimulationForFog(item, false, Service, DataCenter); item.IsServedByFC_Cloud = false; } else { var tupleTime = new TupleTimes() { TupleArrival = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt"), Name = item.Name }; lock (Lock) FogSimulator.TupleTimings.Add(tupleTime); s.QueueWorkItem(o => FogUtility.FogSim(item, fogList, CommunicationType, Service, DataCenter), new object()); } } } try { s.WaitForIdle(); s.Shutdown(); } catch { }; } }