Пример #1
 /// <param name="module">The module into which the duplicate IR will be grafted.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type into which the duplicate Member will be grafted. Ignored if entire type, or larger unit is duplicated.</param>
 public Duplicator(Module/*!*/ module, TypeNode type) {
   this.TargetModule = module;
   this.TargetType = this.OriginalTargetType = type;
   this.DuplicateFor = new TrivialHashtable();
   this.TypesToBeDuplicated = new TrivialHashtable();
   //^ base();
        private void CopyMissingMembers()
            Contract.Ensures(this.duplicatedMembers != null);

            this.duplicatedMembers = new TrivialHashtable(this.toBeDuplicatedMembers.Count * 2);
            foreach (var missing in this.toBeDuplicatedMembers)
                Contract.Assume(missing.Value != null);
                Contract.Assume(missing.Key != null);

                InstanceInitializer ctor = missing.Key as InstanceInitializer;
                if (ctor != null && ctor.ParameterCount == 0)

                var targetType = missing.Value;

                Trace("COPYOOB: copying {0} to {1}", missing.Key.FullName, targetType.FullName);

                this.Duplicator.TargetType = targetType;

                var dup = (Member)this.Duplicator.Visit(missing.Key);

                duplicatedMembers[missing.Key.UniqueKey] = missing;
Пример #3
 public virtual AttributeNode GetClosestMatch(AttributeNode/*!*/ nd1, AttributeList/*!*/ list1, AttributeList list2, int list1pos, ref int list2start,
   TrivialHashtable/*!*/ matchedNodes, out Differences closestDifferences, out int list2pos) {
   closestDifferences = null; list2pos = -1;
   if (list2 == null) return null;
   if (nd1 == null || list1 == null || matchedNodes == null ||  list1pos < 0 || list1pos >= list1.Count || list2start < 0 || list2start >= list2.Count) {
     Debug.Assert(false); return null;
   AttributeNode closest = null;
   Differences winnerSoFar = null;
   for (int j = list2start, m = list2.Count; j < m; j++){
     AttributeNode nd2 = list2[j];
     if (list2start == j) list2start++;
     if (nd2 == null) continue;
     if (matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
     Differences diff = this.GetDifferences(nd1, nd2);
     if (diff == null){Debug.Assert(false); continue;}
     if (diff.Similarity <= 0.5){
       //Not a good enough match
       if (list2start == j+1) list2start--; //The next call to GetClosestMatch will start looking at list2start, so this node will be considered then
       continue; //ignore it for the rest of this call
     if (winnerSoFar != null && winnerSoFar.Similarity >= diff.Similarity) continue;
     winnerSoFar = closestDifferences = diff;
     closest = nd2;
     list2pos = j;
     if (diff.NumberOfDifferences == 0) return closest; //Perfect match, no need to look for other matches
   if (closest != null){
     //^ assert winnerSoFar != null;
     //closest is closer to nd1 than any other node in list2, but this is no good if some other node in list1 has a better claim on closest
     for (int i = list1pos+1, n = list1.Count; i < n; i++){
       AttributeNode nd1alt = list1[i];
       if (nd1alt == null) continue;
       if (matchedNodes[nd1alt.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
       Differences diff = this.GetDifferences(nd1alt, closest);
       if (diff == null){Debug.Assert(false); continue;}
       if (diff.Similarity <= winnerSoFar.Similarity) continue;
       //nd1alt has a better claim on closest. See if it wants closest.
       Differences diff2;
       int j, k = list2start;
       AttributeNode nd2alt = this.GetClosestMatch(nd1alt, list1, list2, i, ref k,  matchedNodes, out diff2, out j);
       if (nd2alt != closest){
         Debug.Assert(nd2alt != null && diff2 != null && diff2.Similarity >= diff.Similarity);
         continue; //nd1alt prefers nd2alt to closest, so closest is still available
       //nd1alt wants closest, take it out of the running
       matchedNodes[closest.UniqueKey] = nd1alt;
       //Now that closest is out of the running, try again
       k = list2start;
       AttributeNode newClosest = this.GetClosestMatch(nd1, list1, list2, i, ref k, matchedNodes, out winnerSoFar, out list2pos);
       //put closest back in the running so that the next call to this routine will pick it up
       matchedNodes[closest.UniqueKey] = closest;
       closest = newClosest;
   closestDifferences = winnerSoFar;
   return closest;
Пример #4
 public virtual SwitchCase VisitSwitchCase(SwitchCase switchCase, Class scope,
                                           TrivialHashtable targetFor, IdentifierList labelList)
     if (switchCase == null)
     this.VisitBlock(switchCase.Body, scope, targetFor, labelList);
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Walks the statement list of the given block gathering information from declarations for use by forward references. Does not recurse into nested blocks.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="block">The block whose declarations are to be processed</param>
 /// <param name="scope">Maps identifiers to Metadata nodes (e.g. Fields).</param>
 /// <param name="targetFor">Maps labels (Identifiers) to the corresponding labeled blocks (single statements are promoted to blocks for this purpose).</param>
 /// <param name="labelList">A list of all the labels encountered by Declarer.</param>
 public virtual void VisitBlock(Block block, Class scope, TrivialHashtable targetFor, IdentifierList labelList){
   if (block == null) return;
   this.scope = scope;
   this.targetFor = targetFor;
   this.labelList = labelList;
   StatementList statements = block.Statements;
   if (statements == null) return;
   for (int i = 0, n = statements.Count; i < n; i++)
     statements[i] = (Statement)this.Visit(statements[i]);
Пример #6
 public MemberReferenceFinder(TrivialHashtable membersToFind, bool omitMethodBodies)
     if (membersToFind == null)
         Debug.Assert(false); membersToFind = new TrivialHashtable();
     this.MembersToFind = membersToFind;
     this.AllReferencesAreConfinedToMethodBodies = true;
     this.insideMethodBody = false;
     this.omitMethodBodies = omitMethodBodies;
Пример #7
 public Normalizer(TypeSystem typeSystem){
   this.typeSystem = typeSystem;
   this.exitTargets = new StatementList();
   this.continueTargets = new StatementList();
   this.currentTryStatements = new Stack();
   this.exceptionBlockFor = new TrivialHashtable();
   this.visitedCompleteTypes = new TrivialHashtable();
   this.EndIfLabel = new TrivialHashtable();
   this.foreachLength = 7;
   this.WrapToBlockExpression = true;
   this.useGenerics = TargetPlatform.UseGenerics;
Пример #8
 public Checker(ErrorHandler errorHandler, TypeSystem typeSystem, TrivialHashtable scopeFor, TrivialHashtable ambiguousTypes, TrivialHashtable referencedLabels)
   : base(errorHandler) {
   this.typeSystem = typeSystem;
   this.Errors = errorHandler == null ? null : errorHandler.Errors;
   this.scopeFor = scopeFor;
   this.ambiguousTypes = ambiguousTypes;
   this.referencedLabels = referencedLabels;
   this.MayNotReferenceThisFromFieldInitializer = true;
   this.allowedExceptions = new TypeNodeList();
   this.useGenerics = TargetPlatform.UseGenerics;
   this.AllowPropertiesIndexersAsRef = true;
        public AbbreviationDuplicator(Method sourceMethod, Method targetMethod, ContractNodes contractNodes,
                                      Method abbreviation, Expression targetObject, ExpressionList actuals)
            : base(targetMethod.DeclaringType.DeclaringModule, sourceMethod, targetMethod, contractNodes, false)
            this.targetObject = targetObject;
            this.abbreviation = abbreviation;
            this.actuals      = actuals;

            this.localsInActuals = new TrivialHashtable();

Пример #10
 public override Statement VisitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement lStatement){
   if (lStatement == null) return null;
   lStatement.Scope = this.scope as BlockScope;
   if (this.localLabels == null) this.localLabels = new TrivialHashtable();
   if (this.localLabels[lStatement.Label.UniqueIdKey] == null){
     this.localLabels[lStatement.Label.UniqueIdKey] = lStatement;
     this.targetFor[lStatement.Label.UniqueIdKey] = lStatement;
     this.HandleError(lStatement.Label, Error.LabelIdentiferAlreadyInUse, lStatement.Label.ToString());
   lStatement.Statement = (Statement)this.Visit(lStatement.Statement);
   return lStatement;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Walks the statement list of the given block gathering information from declarations for use by forward references. Does not recurse into nested blocks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="block">The block whose declarations are to be processed</param>
        /// <param name="scope">Maps identifiers to Metadata nodes (e.g. Fields).</param>
        /// <param name="targetFor">Maps labels (Identifiers) to the corresponding labeled blocks (single statements are promoted to blocks for this purpose).</param>
        /// <param name="labelList">A list of all the labels encountered by Declarer.</param>
        public virtual void VisitBlock(Block block, Class scope, TrivialHashtable targetFor, IdentifierList labelList)
            if (block == null)
            this.scope     = scope;
            this.targetFor = targetFor;
            this.labelList = labelList;
            StatementList statements = block.Statements;

            if (statements == null)
            for (int i = 0, n = statements.Count; i < n; i++)
                statements[i] = (Statement)this.Visit(statements[i]);
Пример #12
 public Looker(Scope scope, ErrorHandler errorHandler, TrivialHashtable scopeFor, TypeSystem typeSystem, TrivialHashtable ambiguousTypes, TrivialHashtable referencedLabels)
   : base(errorHandler){
   //TODO: verify that crucial system types have either been imported or defined by the Parser
   this.scope = scope;
   this.scopeFor = scopeFor;
   this.ambiguousTypes = ambiguousTypes;
   this.referencedLabels = referencedLabels;
   this.alreadyReported = new TrivialHashtable();
   this.hasExplicitBaseClass = new TrivialHashtable();
   this.typesToKeepUninstantiated = new TrivialHashtable();
   this.UsedNamespaces = new UsedNamespaceList();
   this.targetFor = new TrivialHashtable();
   this.labelList = new IdentifierList();
   this.AbstractSealedUsedAsType = Error.NotAType;
   Debug.Assert(typeSystem != null);
   this.typeSystem = typeSystem;
   this.useGenerics = TargetPlatform.UseGenerics;
   this.inMethodParameter = false;
   this.inEventContext = false;
Пример #13
        public Expression DecompileBooleanExpression(BlockExpression be)
            if (be == null)
            TypeReconstructorAndExpressionSimplifier tr = new TypeReconstructorAndExpressionSimplifier();

            be = tr.VisitBlockExpression(be) as BlockExpression;
            if (be == null)
            Block b = be.Block;

            #region Make sure the block expression has the right shape
            foreach (Statement s in b.Statements)
                Block b_prime = s as Block;
                Debug.Assert(b_prime != null);
            Block firstBlock = (Block)b.Statements[0];
            block2Index = new TrivialHashtable(b.Statements.Count);
            blocks      = new BlockList(b.Statements.Count);
            for (int i = 0, n = b.Statements.Count; i < n; i++)
                block2Index[b.Statements[i].UniqueKey] = i;
                blocks.Add(b.Statements[i] as Block);
            Expression e = DecompileBooleanExpression(firstBlock);
            // BUGBUG: this isn't a good place to do this because then it gets done for all contracts,
            // not just postconditions!! Plus, we could just leave Result in the contracts and let the
            // BPL translation recognize it.
            //ReplaceResult repResult = new ReplaceResult(this.localToUseForResult, this.contractNodes.ResultTemplate,
            //  this.contractNodes.ParameterTemplate);
            //e = repResult.VisitExpression(e);
Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Walks the supplied System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit and produces a corresponding CompilationUnit.
 /// Enters declarations into the supplied Module and errors into the supplied ErrorNodeList. 
 /// Calls back to the supplied compiler to resolve assembly references and to create appropriate documents for code snippets.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="compiler">Called upon to resolve assembly references and to create Documents for snippets.</param>
 /// <param name="compilationUnit">The root of the CodeDOM tree to be translated into an IR CompileUnit.</param>
 /// <param name="targetModule">The module or assembly to which the compilation unit will be compiled.</param>
 /// <param name="errorNodes">Errors in the CodeDOM tree that are found during translation are added to this list.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public CompilationUnit Translate(Compiler compiler, CodeCompileUnit compilationUnit, Module targetModule, ErrorNodeList errorNodes){
   Debug.Assert(compiler != null); 
   Debug.Assert(compilationUnit != null); 
   Debug.Assert(targetModule != null); 
   Debug.Assert(errorNodes != null);
   this.compiler = compiler;
   this.errorNodes = errorNodes;
   this.targetModule = targetModule;
   CodeSnippetCompileUnit cscu = compilationUnit as CodeSnippetCompileUnit;
   CompilationUnit cunit = cscu != null ? new CompilationUnitSnippet() : new CompilationUnit();
   this.Translate(compilationUnit.AssemblyCustomAttributes, targetModule.Attributes);
   StringCollection references = compilationUnit.ReferencedAssemblies;
   if (references != null && references.Count > 0){
     AssemblyReferenceList arefs = targetModule.AssemblyReferences;
     TrivialHashtable alreadyReferencedAssemblies = new TrivialHashtable();
     for (int i = 0, n = arefs.Count; i < n; i++)
       alreadyReferencedAssemblies[arefs[i].Assembly.UniqueKey] = this;
     foreach (string rAssemblyName in references)
       compiler.AddAssemblyReferenceToModule(null, targetModule, rAssemblyName, null, errorNodes, alreadyReferencedAssemblies, false);
   Namespace defaultNamespace = new Namespace(Identifier.Empty, Identifier.Empty, null, null, new NamespaceList(), null);
   NamespaceList nspaceList = defaultNamespace.NestedNamespaces;
   CodeNamespaceCollection nspaces = compilationUnit.Namespaces;
   if (nspaces != null) 
     foreach (CodeNamespace cns in nspaces) 
   if (cscu == null) return cunit;
   Document doc = null;
   if (cscu.LinePragma == null)
     doc = compiler.CreateDocument(targetModule.Name, 1, cscu.Value);
     doc = compiler.CreateDocument(cscu.LinePragma.FileName, cscu.LinePragma.LineNumber, cscu.Value);
     cunit.Name = Identifier.For(cscu.LinePragma.FileName);
   cunit.SourceContext = new SourceContext(doc);
   defaultNamespace.SourceContext = cunit.SourceContext;
   return cunit;
Пример #15
 public override Statement VisitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement lStatement)
     if (lStatement == null)
     lStatement.Scope = this.scope as BlockScope;
     if (this.localLabels == null)
         this.localLabels = new TrivialHashtable();
     if (this.localLabels[lStatement.Label.UniqueIdKey] == null)
         this.localLabels[lStatement.Label.UniqueIdKey] = lStatement;
         this.targetFor[lStatement.Label.UniqueIdKey]   = lStatement;
         this.HandleError(lStatement.Label, Error.LabelIdentiferAlreadyInUse, lStatement.Label.ToString());
     lStatement.Statement = (Statement)this.Visit(lStatement.Statement);
Пример #16
 public virtual Differences VisitTypeNodeList(TypeNodeList list1, TypeNodeList list2,
   out TypeNodeList changes, out TypeNodeList deletions, out TypeNodeList insertions){
   changes = list1 == null ? null : list1.Clone();
   deletions = list1 == null ? null : list1.Clone();
   insertions = list1 == null ? new TypeNodeList() : list1.Clone();
   //^ assert insertions != null;
   Differences differences = new Differences();
   //Compare definitions that have matching key attributes
   TrivialHashtable matchingPosFor = new TrivialHashtable();
   TrivialHashtable matchedNodes = new TrivialHashtable();
   for (int j = 0, n = list2 == null ? 0 : list2.Count; j < n; j++){
     //^ assert list2 != null;
     TypeNode nd2 = list2[j];
     if (nd2 == null || nd2.Name == null) continue;
     string fullName = nd2.FullName;
     if (fullName == null) continue;
     matchingPosFor[Identifier.For(fullName).UniqueIdKey] = j;
   for (int i = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count; i < n; i++){
     //^ assert list1 != null && changes != null && deletions != null;
     TypeNode nd1 = list1[i];
     if (nd1 == null || nd1.Name == null) continue;
     string fullName = nd1.FullName;
     if (fullName == null) continue;
     object pos = matchingPosFor[Identifier.For(fullName).UniqueIdKey];
     if (!(pos is int)) continue;
     //^ assert pos != null;
     //^ assume list2 != null; //since there was entry int matchingPosFor
     int j = (int)pos;
     TypeNode nd2 = list2[j];
     //^ assume nd2 != null;
     //nd1 and nd2 have the same key attributes and are therefore treated as the same entity
     matchedNodes[nd1.UniqueKey] = nd1;
     matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] = nd2;
     //nd1 and nd2 may still be different, though, so find out how different
     Differences diff = this.VisitTypeNode(nd1, nd2);
     if (diff == null){Debug.Assert(false); continue;}
     if (diff.NumberOfDifferences != 0){
       changes[i] = diff.Changes as TypeNode;
       deletions[i] = diff.Deletions as TypeNode;
       insertions[i] = diff.Insertions as TypeNode;
       insertions[n+j] = nd1; //Records the position of nd2 in list2 in case the change involved a permutation
       //Debug.Assert(diff.Changes == changes[i] && diff.Deletions == deletions[i] && diff.Insertions == insertions[i]);
       differences.NumberOfDifferences += diff.NumberOfDifferences;
       differences.NumberOfSimilarities += diff.NumberOfSimilarities;
       if (nd1.DeclaringModule == this.OriginalModule || 
         (nd1.DeclaringType != null && nd1.DeclaringType.DeclaringModule == this.OriginalModule)){
         if (this.MembersThatHaveChanged == null) this.MembersThatHaveChanged = new MemberList();
     changes[i] = null;
     deletions[i] = null;
     insertions[i] = null;
     insertions[n+j] = nd1; //Records the position of nd2 in list2 in case the change involved a permutation
   //Find deletions
   for (int i = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count; i < n; i++){
     //^ assert list1 != null && changes != null && deletions != null;
     TypeNode nd1 = list1[i]; 
     if (nd1 == null) continue;
     if (matchedNodes[nd1.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
     changes[i] = null;
     deletions[i] = nd1;
     insertions[i] = null;
     differences.NumberOfDifferences += 1;
     if (nd1.DeclaringModule == this.OriginalModule || 
       (nd1.DeclaringType != null && nd1.DeclaringType.DeclaringModule == this.OriginalModule)){
       if (this.MembersThatHaveChanged == null) this.MembersThatHaveChanged = new MemberList();
   //Find insertions
   for (int j = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count, m = list2 == null ? 0 : list2.Count; j < m; j++){
     //^ assert list2 != null;
     TypeNode nd2 = list2[j]; 
     if (nd2 == null) continue;
     if (matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
     insertions[n+j] = nd2;  //Records nd2 as an insertion into list1, along with its position in list2
     differences.NumberOfDifferences += 1; //REVIEW: put the size of the tree here?
   if (differences.NumberOfDifferences == 0){
     changes = null;
     deletions = null;
     insertions = null;
   return differences;
Пример #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a difference object representing the differences between node1 and node2. Caches the result and returns it for subsequent calls.
 /// I.e. this is a caching factory method for Differences instances. Calls GetNewDifferences to construct new instances when needed.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual Differences GetDifferences(Node/*!*/ node1, Node node2) {
   if (node1 == null || node2 == null) return new Differences(node1, node2);
   if (this.differencesMapFor == null) this.differencesMapFor = new TrivialHashtable();
   TrivialHashtable map = this.differencesMapFor[node1.UniqueKey] as TrivialHashtable;
   if (map == null) this.differencesMapFor[node1.UniqueKey] = map = new TrivialHashtable();
   Differences differences = map[node2.UniqueKey] as Differences;
   if (differences == null){
     map[node2.UniqueKey] = differences = this.Visit(node1, node2);
     if (differences != null && differences.NumberOfDifferences > 0 && differences.Changes == null)
       differences.Changes = node2;
   return differences;
Пример #18
 internal Scoper(TrivialHashtable scopeFor)
     : base(scopeFor)
Пример #19
 public virtual Differences VisitAssemblyReferenceList(AssemblyReferenceList list1, AssemblyReferenceList list2,
   out AssemblyReferenceList changes, out AssemblyReferenceList deletions, out AssemblyReferenceList insertions){
   changes = list1 == null ? null : list1.Clone();
   deletions = list1 == null ? null : list1.Clone();
   insertions = list1 == null ? new AssemblyReferenceList() : list1.Clone();
   //^ assert insertions != null;
   Differences differences = new Differences();
   //Compare references that have matching assembly names
   TrivialHashtable matchingPosFor = new TrivialHashtable();
   TrivialHashtable matchedNodes = new TrivialHashtable();
   for (int j = 0, n = list2 == null ? 0 : list2.Count; j < n; j++){
     //^ assert list2 != null;
     AssemblyReference nd2 = list2[j];
     if (nd2 == null || nd2.Name == null) continue;
     matchingPosFor[Identifier.For(nd2.Name).UniqueIdKey] = j;
   for (int i = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count; i < n; i++){
     //^ assert list1 != null && changes != null && deletions != null;
     AssemblyReference nd1 = list1[i];
     if (nd1 == null || nd1.Name == null) continue;
     object pos = matchingPosFor[Identifier.For(nd1.Name).UniqueIdKey];
     if (!(pos is int)) continue;
     //^ assert pos != null;
     //^ assume list2 != null; //since there was entry int matchingPosFor
     int j = (int)pos;
     AssemblyReference nd2 = list2[j];
     //^ assume nd2 != null;
     //nd1 and nd2 define the same alias name and are therefore treated as the same entity
     matchedNodes[nd1.UniqueKey] = nd1;
     matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] = nd2;
     //nd1 and nd2 may still be different, though, so find out how different
     Differences diff = this.VisitAssemblyReference(nd1, nd2);
     if (diff == null){Debug.Assert(false); continue;}
     if (diff.NumberOfDifferences != 0){
       changes[i] = diff.Changes as AssemblyReference;
       deletions[i] = diff.Deletions as AssemblyReference;
       insertions[i] = diff.Insertions as AssemblyReference;
       insertions[n+j] = nd1; //Records the position of nd2 in list2 in case the change involved a permutation
       Debug.Assert(diff.Changes == changes[i] && diff.Deletions == deletions[i] && diff.Insertions == insertions[i]);
       differences.NumberOfDifferences += diff.NumberOfDifferences;
       differences.NumberOfSimilarities += diff.NumberOfSimilarities;
     changes[i] = null;
     deletions[i] = null;
     insertions[i] = null;
     insertions[n+j] = nd1; //Records the position of nd2 in list2 in case the change involved a permutation
   //Find deletions
   for (int i = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count; i < n; i++){
     //^ assert list1 != null && changes != null && deletions != null;
     AssemblyReference nd1 = list1[i]; 
     if (nd1 == null) continue;
     if (matchedNodes[nd1.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
     changes[i] = null;
     deletions[i] = nd1;
     insertions[i] = null;
     differences.NumberOfDifferences += 1;
   //Find insertions
   for (int j = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count, m = list2 == null ? 0 : list2.Count; j < m; j++){
     //^ assert list2 != null;
     AssemblyReference nd2 = list2[j]; 
     if (nd2 == null) continue;
     if (matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
     insertions[n+j] = nd2;  //Records nd2 as an insertion into list1, along with its position in list2
     differences.NumberOfDifferences += 1;
   if (differences.NumberOfDifferences == 0){
     changes = null;
     deletions = null;
     insertions = null;
   return differences;
Пример #20
 public virtual AttributeNode VisitAttributeNode(AttributeNode attribute, Node target) {
   if (attribute == null || target == null) return null;
   attribute.Constructor = this.VisitAttributeConstructor(attribute, target);
   ExpressionList expressions = attribute.Expressions = this.VisitExpressionList(attribute.Expressions);
   MemberBinding mb = attribute.Constructor as MemberBinding;
   if (mb == null || mb.BoundMember == null) {
     Debug.Assert(attribute.Constructor == null);
     return null;
   //Check arguments for validity
   TypeNode attributeType = mb.BoundMember.DeclaringType;
   if (attributeType == null) return null;
   InstanceInitializer ctor = (InstanceInitializer)mb.BoundMember;
   ParameterList pars = ctor.Parameters;
   ExpressionList positionalArgs = new ExpressionList();
   TrivialHashtable alreadySeenNames = new TrivialHashtable();
   for (int i = 0, n = expressions == null ? 0 : expressions.Count; i < n; i++) {
     Expression e = expressions[i];
     this.TypeInVariableContext(e as Literal);
     NamedArgument narg = e as NamedArgument;
     if (narg == null) { positionalArgs.Add(e); expressions[i] = null; continue; }
     if (narg.Name == null) { expressions[i] = null; continue; }
     if (alreadySeenNames[narg.Name.UniqueIdKey] != null) {
       this.HandleError(narg.Name, Error.DuplicateNamedAttributeArgument, narg.Name.ToString());
       expressions[i] = null; continue;
     alreadySeenNames[narg.Name.UniqueIdKey] = narg.Name;
     Member mem = null;
     TypeNode aType = attributeType;
     while (aType != null) {
       MemberList members = this.GetTypeView(aType).GetMembersNamed(narg.Name);
       for (int j = 0, m = members == null ? 0 : members.Count; j < m; j++) {
         mem = members[j];
         if (mem == null) continue;
         switch (mem.NodeType) {
           case NodeType.Field:
             if (!mem.IsPublic) goto error;
             Field f = (Field)mem;
             if (f.IsInitOnly || f.IsLiteral || f.IsStatic) goto error;
             if (!this.IsValidTypeForCustomAttributeParameter(f.Type)) {
               this.HandleError(narg, Error.BadNamedAttributeArgumentType, this.GetMemberSignature(f));
               return null;
             this.CheckForObsolesence(narg, f);
             narg.IsCustomAttributeProperty = false;
             e = this.typeSystem.ImplicitCoercion(narg.Value, narg.Type = f.Type, this.TypeViewer);
             if (!this.IsValidTypeForCustomAttributeArgument(e, narg.Value)) return null;
             if (e is BinaryExpression && e.NodeType == NodeType.Box) {
               narg.ValueIsBoxed = true;
               e = ((BinaryExpression)e).Operand1;
             narg.Value = e;
             goto doneWithArg;
           case NodeType.Property:
             if (!mem.IsPublic) goto error;
             Property p = (Property)mem;
             if (!this.IsValidTypeForCustomAttributeParameter(p.Type)) {
               this.HandleError(narg, Error.BadNamedAttributeArgumentType, this.GetMemberSignature(p));
               return null;
             if (p.Setter == null || p.Getter == null || p.IsStatic || !p.Setter.IsPublic || !p.Getter.IsPublic) goto error;
             this.CheckForObsolesence(narg, p);
             narg.IsCustomAttributeProperty = true;
             e = this.typeSystem.ImplicitCoercion(narg.Value, narg.Type = p.Type, this.TypeViewer);
             if (!this.IsValidTypeForCustomAttributeArgument(e, narg.Value)) return null;
             if (e is BinaryExpression && e.NodeType == NodeType.Box) {
               narg.ValueIsBoxed = true;
               e = ((BinaryExpression)e).Operand1;
             narg.Value = e;
             goto doneWithArg;
       aType = aType.BaseType;
     if (mem != null) {
       this.HandleError(narg, Error.BadNamedAttributeArgument, narg.Name.ToString());
     } else
       this.HandleError(narg, Error.NoSuchMember, this.GetTypeName(attributeType), narg.Name.ToString());
   doneWithArg: ;
   ExpressionList exprs = positionalArgs.Clone();
   this.CoerceArguments(pars, ref positionalArgs, true, ctor.CallingConvention);
   attribute.Expressions = positionalArgs;
   for (int i = 0, n = positionalArgs == null ? 0 : positionalArgs.Count; i < n; i++) {
     Expression e = positionalArgs[i];
     if (e == null) continue;
     if (!this.IsValidTypeForCustomAttributeArgument(e, exprs[i])) return null;
     if (e is BinaryExpression && e.NodeType == NodeType.Box) e = ((BinaryExpression)e).Operand1;
     positionalArgs[i] = e;
   for (int i = 0, n = expressions == null ? 0 : expressions.Count; i < n; i++) {
     Expression e = expressions[i];
     if (e == null) continue;
   attribute.Expressions = positionalArgs;
   //Now call specific visitors to deal with any pseudo custom attributes that describe metadata settings for target
   switch (target.NodeType) {
     case NodeType.Assembly: return this.VisitAssemblyAttribute(attribute, (AssemblyNode)target);
     case NodeType.Field: return this.VisitFieldAttribute(attribute, (Field)target);
     case NodeType.InstanceInitializer:
     case NodeType.StaticInitializer:
     case NodeType.Method: return this.VisitMethodAttribute(attribute, (Method)target);
     case NodeType.Property: return this.VisitPropertyAttribute(attribute, (Property)target);
     case NodeType.Parameter: return this.VisitParameterAttribute(attribute, (Parameter)target);
       TypeNode t = target as TypeNode;
       if (t != null) return this.VisitTypeAttribute(attribute, t);
   return attribute;
Пример #21
 public Looker(Scope scope, Cci.ErrorHandler errorHandler, TrivialHashtable scopeFor)
     : this(scope, errorHandler, scopeFor, null, null)
     this.alreadyReported[StandardIds.Var.UniqueIdKey] = true;
Пример #22
 public virtual Method InferMethodTemplateArgumentsAndReturnTemplateInstance(Method method, ParameterList delegateParameters){
   if (method == null || method.Parameters == null || method.Parameters.Count == 0 || 
     method.TemplateParameters == null || method.TemplateParameters.Count == 0){Debug.Assert(false); return method;}
   if (delegateParameters == null) return method;
   int numParams = delegateParameters.Count;
   if (numParams == 0 || numParams != method.Parameters.Count){Debug.Assert(false); return method;}
   TrivialHashtable inferredTypeFor = new TrivialHashtable();
   for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++){
     Parameter dpar = delegateParameters[i]; if (dpar == null || dpar.Type == null) continue;
     Parameter mpar = method.Parameters[i]; if (mpar == null) continue;
     if (!this.InferMethodTemplateArguments(dpar.Type, null, mpar.Type, inferredTypeFor)) return method;
   int numTypeArgs = method.TemplateParameters.Count;
   TypeNodeList typeArguments = new TypeNodeList(numTypeArgs);
   for (int i = 0; i < numTypeArgs; i++){
     TypeNode templPar = method.TemplateParameters[i]; 
     if (templPar == null) return method;
     TypeNode templArg = inferredTypeFor[templPar.UniqueKey] as TypeNode;
     if (templArg == null) return method;
   return method.GetTemplateInstance(this.currentType, typeArguments);
Пример #23
 public override Property VisitProperty(Property property) {
   property = base.VisitProperty(property);
   if (property == null) return null;
   property.Attributes = this.VisitAttributeList(property.Attributes, property);
   if (property.Name != null && property.Name.UniqueIdKey == StandardIds.Item.UniqueIdKey &&
     property.Parameters != null && property.Parameters.Count > 0) {
     if (this.indexerNames == null) this.indexerNames = new TrivialHashtable();
     Identifier previousName = (Identifier)this.indexerNames[this.currentType.UniqueKey];
     if (previousName == null)
       this.indexerNames[this.currentType.UniqueKey] = StandardIds.Item;
     else if (previousName.UniqueIdKey != property.Name.UniqueIdKey) {
       this.HandleError(property.Name, Error.InconsistantIndexerNames);
       Identifier id = new Identifier(previousName.ToString());
       id.SourceContext = property.Name.SourceContext;
       property.Name = id;
   if (property.Type == SystemTypes.Void)
     this.HandleError(property.Name, Error.PropertyCantHaveVoidType, this.GetMemberSignature(property));
   else if (this.IsLessAccessible(property.Type, property)) {
     Error e = Error.PropertyTypeLessAccessibleThanProperty;
     if (property.Parameters != null && property.Parameters.Count > 0)
       e = Error.PropertyTypeLessAccessibleThanIndexedProperty;
     this.HandleError(property.Name, e, this.GetTypeName(property.Type), this.GetMemberSignature(property));
   this.CheckParameterTypeAccessibility(property.Parameters, property);
   if (property.Getter == null && property.Setter == null) {
     this.HandleError(property.Name, Error.PropertyWithNoAccessors, this.GetMemberSignature(property));
     return null;
   TypeNodeList implementedTypes = property.ImplementedTypes;
   for (int i = 0, n = implementedTypes == null ? 0 : implementedTypes.Count; i < n; i++) {
     TypeNode t = implementedTypes[i];
     if (t == null) continue;
     MemberList tmems = this.GetTypeView(t).GetMembersNamed(property.Name);
     Property p = null;
     for (int j = 0, m = tmems == null ? 0 : tmems.Count; j < m; j++) {
       p = tmems[j] as Property;
       if (p == null) continue;
       if (p.Type != property.Type) { p = null; continue; }
       if (!p.ParametersMatch(property.Parameters)) { p = null; continue; }
     if (p == null) {
       this.HandleError(property.Name, Error.InterfaceMemberNotFound, this.GetMemberSignature(property), this.GetTypeName(t));
     } else {
       if (p.Getter == null) {
         if (property.Getter != null) {
           this.HandleError(property.Getter.Name, Error.ExplicitPropertyAddingAccessor, this.GetMethodSignature(property.Getter), this.GetMemberSignature(p));
       } else {
         if (property.Getter == null) {
           this.HandleError(property.Name, Error.ExplicitPropertyMissingAccessor, this.GetMemberSignature(property), this.GetMethodSignature(p.Getter));
       if (p.Setter == null) {
         if (property.Setter != null) {
           this.HandleError(property.Setter.Name, Error.ExplicitPropertyAddingAccessor, this.GetMethodSignature(property.Setter), this.GetMemberSignature(p));
       } else {
         if (property.Setter == null) {
           this.HandleError(property.Name, Error.ExplicitPropertyMissingAccessor, this.GetMemberSignature(property), this.GetMethodSignature(p.Setter));
   return property;
Пример #24
 public override Method VisitMethod(Method method){
   if (method == null) return null;
   if (method.IsNormalized) return method;
   if (method.Scope != null) method.Scope.ThisTypeInstance = this.currentTypeInstance;
   method.Attributes = this.VisitAttributeList(method.Attributes);
   method.ReturnAttributes = this.VisitAttributeList(method.ReturnAttributes);
   method.SecurityAttributes = this.VisitSecurityAttributeList(method.SecurityAttributes);
   Method savedCurrentMethod = this.currentMethod;
   this.currentMethod = method;
   method.ReturnType = this.VisitTypeReference(method.ReturnType);
   TypeNodeList implementedTypes = method.ImplementedTypes = this.VisitTypeReferenceList(method.ImplementedTypes);
   method.Parameters = this.VisitParameterList(method.Parameters);
   method.TemplateArguments = this.VisitTypeReferenceList(method.TemplateArguments);
   method.TemplateParameters = this.VisitTypeParameterList(method.TemplateParameters);
   method.Contract = this.VisitMethodContract(method.Contract);
   method = this.CheckMethodProperties(method);
   if (method == null) {
     this.currentMethod = savedCurrentMethod;
     return method;
   method.Body = this.VisitBlock(method.Body);
   StreamTypeExpression stExpr = method.ReturnType as StreamTypeExpression;
   TypeUnionExpression tuExpr = stExpr != null ? (TypeUnionExpression)stExpr.ElementType : (method.ReturnType as TypeUnionExpression);
   if (tuExpr != null){
     TypeNodeList types = new TypeNodeList();
     TrivialHashtable alreadyPresent = new TrivialHashtable();
     //REVIEW: this seems redundant
     for (int i = 0, m = tuExpr.Types == null ? 0 : tuExpr.Types.Count; i < m; i++){
       TypeNode t = tuExpr.Types[i];
       if (t == null) continue;
       if (alreadyPresent[t.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
       alreadyPresent[t.UniqueKey] = t;
     if (types.Count == 1) 
       method.ReturnType = types[0];
       method.ReturnType = TypeUnion.For(types, this.currentType);
   if (stExpr != null)
     method.ReturnType = SystemTypes.GenericIEnumerable.GetTemplateInstance(this.currentType, method.ReturnType);
   int n = implementedTypes == null ? 0 : implementedTypes.Count;
   MethodList implementedInterfaceMethods = method.ImplementedInterfaceMethods = n == 0 ? null : new MethodList(n);
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
     Interface iface = implementedTypes[i] as Interface;
     Method meth = null;
     if (iface != null){
       MemberList members = this.GetTypeView(iface).GetMembersNamed(method.Name);
       for (int j = 0, m = members.Count; j < m; j++){
         Method im = members[j] as Method;
         if (im == null) continue;
         if (im.ReturnType == null || !im.ReturnType.IsStructurallyEquivalentTo(method.ReturnType)) continue;
         if (!im.ParametersMatchStructurally(method.Parameters)) continue;
         meth = im;
   this.currentMethod = savedCurrentMethod;
   return method;
Пример #25
 public virtual Method InferMethodTemplateArgumentsAndReturnTemplateInstance(Method method, ExpressionList arguments, bool allowPartialInference, TypeNode paramArrayElemType){
   if (method == null || method.Parameters == null || method.Parameters.Count == 0 || 
     method.TemplateParameters == null || method.TemplateParameters.Count == 0){Debug.Assert(false); return method;}
   if (arguments == null) return method;
   int numArgs = arguments.Count;
   int numPars = method.Parameters.Count;
   if (numArgs == 0 || (numArgs != numPars && paramArrayElemType == null && (!allowPartialInference || numArgs > numPars))){
     return method;
   TrivialHashtable inferredTypeFor = new TrivialHashtable();
   for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++){
     Expression arg = arguments[i]; if (arg == null) continue;
     TypeNode argType = TypeNode.StripModifiers(arg.Type);
     if (arg is Literal && argType == SystemTypes.Object && ((Literal)arg).Value == null) continue;
     if (arg is AnonymousNestedFunction) continue;
     Parameter par = method.Parameters[i]; if (par == null) continue;
     TypeNode parType = TypeNode.StripModifiers(par.Type);
     Reference reft = argType as Reference;
     if (reft != null && !(arg is UnaryExpression)) argType = reft.ElementType;
     if (i == numPars - 1 && paramArrayElemType != null)
       if (!(argType is ArrayType && parType is ArrayType))
         parType = paramArrayElemType;
     if (!this.InferMethodTemplateArguments(argType, arg as MemberBinding, parType, inferredTypeFor)) return method;
     if (i == numPars-1) break;
   int numTypeArgs = method.TemplateParameters.Count;
   TypeNodeList typeArguments = new TypeNodeList(numTypeArgs);
   for (int i = 0; i < numTypeArgs; i++){
     TypeNode templPar = method.TemplateParameters[i]; 
     if (templPar == null) return method;
     TypeNode templArg = inferredTypeFor[templPar.UniqueKey] as TypeNode;
     if (templArg == null && !allowPartialInference) return method;
     if (templArg == null) templArg = templPar;
   return method.GetTemplateInstance(this.currentType, typeArguments);
Пример #26
    public override Method VisitMethod(Method method){
      // body might not have been materialized, so make sure we do that first!
      Block body = method.Body;

      if (method == null) return null;
      BlockSorter blockSorter = new BlockSorter();
      BlockList sortedBlocks = blockSorter.SortedBlocks;
      this.SucessorBlock = blockSorter.SuccessorBlock;
      this.StackLocalsAtEntry = new TrivialHashtable();
      this.localsStack = new LocalsStack();
      ExceptionHandlerList ehandlers = method.ExceptionHandlers;
      for (int i = 0, n = ehandlers == null ? 0 : ehandlers.Count; i < n; i++){
        ExceptionHandler ehandler = ehandlers[i];
        if (ehandler == null) continue;
        Block handlerStart = ehandler.HandlerStartBlock;
        if (handlerStart == null) continue;
        LocalsStack lstack = new LocalsStack();
        this.StackLocalsAtEntry[handlerStart.UniqueKey] = lstack;
        if (ehandler.HandlerType == NodeType.Catch) {
          lstack.exceptionHandlerType = CoreSystemTypes.Object;
          if (ehandler.FilterType != null) lstack.exceptionHandlerType = ehandler.FilterType;
        } else if (ehandler.HandlerType == NodeType.Filter) {
          lstack.exceptionHandlerType = CoreSystemTypes.Object;
          if (ehandler.FilterExpression != null) {
            lstack = new LocalsStack();
            lstack.exceptionHandlerType = CoreSystemTypes.Object;
            this.StackLocalsAtEntry[ehandler.FilterExpression.UniqueKey] = lstack;
      for (int i = 0, n = sortedBlocks.Count; i < n; i++) {
        Block b = sortedBlocks[i];
        if (b == null) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; }
      return method;
Пример #27
 public MemberReferenceFinder(TrivialHashtable membersToFind, bool omitMethodBodies){
   if (membersToFind == null){Debug.Assert(false); membersToFind = new TrivialHashtable();}
   this.MembersToFind = membersToFind;
   this.AllReferencesAreConfinedToMethodBodies = true;
   this.insideMethodBody = false;
   this.omitMethodBodies = omitMethodBodies;
Пример #28
 public void ResetPragmaWarnInformation()
     this.PragmaWarnInformation = null;
 public PreDAStatus(TrivialHashtable created, TrivialHashtable committed, Hashtable oktable, Hashtable nonDelayArrayTable) {
   this.createdButNotCommitted = created;
   this.committed = committed;
   this.okTable = oktable;
   this.nonDelayArrayTable = nonDelayArrayTable;
Пример #30
 /// <summary>
 /// We pass the argument expression in case we are dealing with an implicit delegate construction
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="argExpr">This is the actual argument expression</param>
 public virtual bool InferMethodTemplateArguments(TypeNode argType, MemberBinding argExpr, TypeNode parType, TrivialHashtable inferredTypeFor){
   if (argType == null || parType == null) return false;
   if (inferredTypeFor == null){Debug.Assert(false); return false;}
   TypeNode modifiedArgType = argType;
   TypeNode modifiedParType = parType;
   argType = TypeNode.StripModifiers(argType);
   parType = TypeNode.StripModifiers(parType);
   if (parType is MethodTypeParameter || parType is MethodClassParameter){
     TypeNode prevInference = inferredTypeFor[parType.UniqueKey] as TypeNode;
     if (prevInference != null) {
       if (!prevInference.IsStructurallyEquivalentTo(modifiedArgType)) {
         if (!TypeNode.StripModifiers(prevInference).IsStructurallyEquivalentTo(argType)) return false;
         if (!this.typeSystem.ImplicitCoercionFromTo(argType, prevInference)) return false;
     } else
       inferredTypeFor[parType.UniqueKey] = modifiedArgType;
     return true;
   ArrayType pArrT = parType as ArrayType;
   ArrayType aArrT = argType as ArrayType;
   if (pArrT != null){
     if (aArrT == null || aArrT.Rank != pArrT.Rank) return false; //TODO: param arrays
     return this.InferMethodTemplateArguments(aArrT.ElementType, null, pArrT.ElementType, inferredTypeFor);
   Reference pRefT = parType as Reference;
   Reference aRefT = argType as Reference;
   if (pRefT != null) {
     if (aRefT == null) return false;
     return this.InferMethodTemplateArguments(aRefT.ElementType, null, pRefT.ElementType, inferredTypeFor);
   if (parType.IsStructural && argType.IsStructural){
     TypeNodeList parElemTypes = parType.StructuralElementTypes;
     TypeNodeList argElemTypes = argType.StructuralElementTypes;
     int n = parElemTypes == null ? 0 : parElemTypes.Count;
     int m = argElemTypes == null ? 0 : argElemTypes.Count;
     if (parType.Template != null && argType.Template != null && parType.Template == argType.Template) {
       for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
         TypeNode peType = parElemTypes[i]; if (peType == null) return false;
         TypeNode aeType = argElemTypes[i]; if (aeType == null) return false;
         if (!this.InferMethodTemplateArguments(aeType, null, peType, inferredTypeFor)) return false;
       if (parType.DeclaringType == null) return true;
       if (argType == parType) return true;
       if (argType.DeclaringType != null && parType.DeclaringType != null && this.InferMethodTemplateArguments(argType.DeclaringType, null, parType.DeclaringType, inferredTypeFor)) {
         if (argType.Template != null) argType = argType.Template;
         if (parType.Template != null) parType = parType.Template;
         return argType.Name != null && parType.Name != null && argType.Name.UniqueIdKey == parType.Name.UniqueIdKey;
       return true;
     } else {
       for (int i = 0, c = argType.Interfaces == null ? 0 : argType.Interfaces.Count; i < c; i++) {
         Interface aintf = argType.Interfaces[i];
         if (aintf == null) return false;
         if (this.InferMethodTemplateArguments(aintf, null, parType, inferredTypeFor)) return true;
       Class cl = argType as Class;
       if (cl != null)
         return this.InferMethodTemplateArguments(cl.BaseClass, null, parType, inferredTypeFor);
   if (argType == parType) return true;
   if (argType.DeclaringType != null && parType.DeclaringType != null && this.InferMethodTemplateArguments(argType.DeclaringType, null, parType.DeclaringType, inferredTypeFor))
     return argType.Name != null && parType.Name != null && argType.Name.UniqueIdKey == parType.Name.UniqueIdKey;
   if (argExpr != null && argType == SystemTypes.Delegate) {
     DelegateNode parDelegate = parType as DelegateNode;
     Method meth = argExpr.BoundMember as Method;
     if (meth != null && parDelegate != null) {
       // match up parameters and results
       int numArgs1 = meth.Parameters == null        ? 0 : meth.Parameters.Count;
       int numArgs2 = parDelegate.Parameters == null ? 0 : parDelegate.Parameters.Count;
       if (numArgs1 == numArgs2) {
         for (int j = 0; j < numArgs1; j++) {
           if (!InferMethodTemplateArguments(meth.Parameters[j].Type, null, parDelegate.Parameters[j].Type, inferredTypeFor)) return false;
         // do result type
         return InferMethodTemplateArguments(meth.ReturnType, null, parDelegate.ReturnType, inferredTypeFor);
   return this.typeSystem.ImplicitCoercionFromTo(argType, parType);
        public override Expression VisitOldExpression(OldExpression oldExpression)
            if (this.topLevelClosureClass != null)
                // In Closure ==> Create a field

                // Since we're within a closure, we can't create a local to hold the value of the old expression
                // but instead have to create a field for it. That field can be a member of the top-level
                // closure class since nothing mentioned in the old expression (except possibly for the
                // bound variables of enclosing quantifications) should be anything captured from
                // an inner anonymous delegate.

                // BUT, first we have to know if the old expression depends on any of the bound
                // variables of the closures in which it is located. If not, then we can implement
                // it as a scalar and just generate the assignment "closure_class.field := e" for
                // "Old(e)" to take a snapshot of e's value in the prestate. If it does depend on
                // any of the bound variables, then we need to generate a set of for-loops that
                // compute the indices and values of e for each tuple of indices so it can be retrieved
                // (given the indices) in the post-state.
                CollectBoundVariables cbv = new CollectBoundVariables(this.stackOfBoundVariables);

                SubstituteClosureClassWithinOldExpressions subst = new SubstituteClosureClassWithinOldExpressions(this.closureLocals);
                Expression e = subst.VisitExpression(oldExpression.expression);
                if (cbv.FoundVariables.Count == 0)
                    // Use a scalar for the old variable

                    Local closureLocal;
                    if (!this.closureLocals.TryGetValue(this.topLevelClosureClass, out closureLocal))
                        Contract.Assume(false, "can't find closure local!");

                    // Define a scalar

                    var   clTemplate = HelperMethods.Unspecialize(this.topLevelClosureClass);
                    Field f          = new Field(clTemplate,
                                                 FieldFlags.CompilerControlled | FieldFlags.Public,
                                                 Identifier.For("_old" + oldExpression.expression.UniqueKey.ToString()),
                                                 // unique name for this old expr.


                    // now produce properly instantiated field
                    f = (Field)Rewriter.GetMemberInstanceReference(f, this.topLevelClosureClass);

                    // Generate code to store value in prestate

                        new AssignmentStatement(new MemberBinding(closureLocal, f), e));

                    // Return expression to be used in poststate

                    // Return an expression that will evaluate in the poststate to the value of the old
                    // expression in the prestate. This will be this.up.f where "up" is the field C#
                    // generated to point to the instance of the top-level closure class.
                    if (this.PointerToTopLevelClosureClass == null)
                        // then the old expression occurs in the top-level closure class. Just return "this.f"
                        // where "this" refers to the top-level closure class.
                        return(new MemberBinding(new This(this.currentClosureClass), f));
                        return(new MemberBinding(
                                   new MemberBinding(new This(this.currentClosureClass), this.PointerToTopLevelClosureClass),
                    // the Old expression *does* depend upon at least one of the bound variable
                    // in a ForAll or Exists expression

                    // Use an indexed variable for the old variable

                    TypeNode oldVariableTypeDomain;

                    // Decide if domain is one-dimensional or not

                    bool oneDimensional = cbv.FoundVariables.Count == 1 && cbv.FoundVariables[0].Type.IsValueType;
                    if (oneDimensional)
                        // a one-dimensional old-expression can use the index variable directly
                        oldVariableTypeDomain = cbv.FoundVariables[0].Type;
                        oldVariableTypeDomain = SystemTypes.GenericList.GetTemplateInstance(this.module,

                    TypeNode oldVariableTypeRange = oldExpression.Type;
                    TypeNode oldVariableType      = SystemTypes.GenericDictionary.GetTemplateInstance(this.module,
                                                                                                      oldVariableTypeDomain, oldVariableTypeRange);

                    Local closureLocal;
                    if (!this.closureLocals.TryGetValue(this.topLevelClosureClass, out closureLocal))
                        Contract.Assume(false, "can't find closure local");

                    // Define an indexed variable

                    var clTemplate = HelperMethods.Unspecialize(this.topLevelClosureClass);

                    Field f = new Field(clTemplate,
                                        FieldFlags.CompilerControlled | FieldFlags.Assembly,
                                        // can't be private or protected because it needs to be accessed from inner (closure) classes that don't inherit from the class this field is added to.
                                        Identifier.For("_old" + oldExpression.expression.UniqueKey.ToString()),
                                        // unique name for this old expr.


                    // instantiate f
                    f = (Field)Rewriter.GetMemberInstanceReference(f, closureLocal.Type);

                    // Generate code to initialize the indexed variable

                    Statement init = new AssignmentStatement(
                        new MemberBinding(closureLocal, f),
                        new Construct(new MemberBinding(null, oldVariableType.GetConstructor()), null));


                    // Generate code to store values in prestate

                    // Create assignment: this.closure.f[i,j,k,...] = e;

                    Method setItem = oldVariableType.GetMethod(Identifier.For("set_Item"), oldVariableTypeDomain, oldVariableTypeRange);

                    Expression index;
                    if (oneDimensional)
                        index = cbv.FoundVariables[0];
                        //InstanceInitializer ctor =
                        //  ContractNodes.TupleClass.GetConstructor(SystemTypes.Int32.GetArrayType(1));
                        //Expression index = new Construct(new MemberBinding(null,ctor),new ExpressionList(
                        index = Literal.Null;

                    MethodCall mc = new MethodCall(new MemberBinding(new MemberBinding(closureLocal, f), setItem),
                                                   new ExpressionList(index, e));

                    Statement stat = new ExpressionStatement(mc);

                    List <Local>     locals   = new List <Local>(this.stackOfBoundVariables.Count);
                    TrivialHashtable paramMap = new TrivialHashtable();

                    // Generate a local for each bound variable to use in for-loop

                    foreach (Variable v in this.stackOfBoundVariables)
                        Local l = new Local(Identifier.Empty, v.Type);
                        paramMap[v.UniqueKey] = l;

                    // Substitute locals for bound variables in old expression *AND* in inner loop bounds

                    SubstituteParameters sps = new SubstituteParameters(paramMap, this.stackOfBoundVariables);

                    // Create nested for-loops around assignment

                    // keep track of when the first variable is used (from innermost to outermost)
                    // as soon as the first one is needed because the old expression depends on it,
                    // then keep all enclosing loops. It would be possible to keep only those where
                    // the necessary loops have loop bounds that depend on an enclosing loop, but I
                    // haven't calculated that, so just keep them all. For instance, if the old expression
                    // depends on j and the loops are "for i,0,n" and inside that "for j,0,i", then need
                    // both loops. If the inner loop bounds were 0 and n, then wouldn't need the outer
                    // loop.
                    bool usedAVariable = false;

                    for (int i = this.stackOfBoundVariables.Count - 1; 0 <= i; i--)
                        if (!usedAVariable &&
                        usedAVariable = true;
                        Expression lowerBound = new Duplicator(this.module, this.currentClosureClass).VisitExpression(

                        lowerBound = subst.VisitExpression(lowerBound);
                        lowerBound = sps.VisitExpression(lowerBound);

                        Expression upperBound = new Duplicator(this.module, this.currentClosureClass).VisitExpression(

                        upperBound = subst.VisitExpression(upperBound);
                        upperBound = sps.VisitExpression(upperBound);

                        stat = RewriteHelper.GenerateForLoop(locals[i], lowerBound, upperBound, stat);


                    // Return expression to be used in poststate

                    Method getItem = oldVariableType.GetMethod(Identifier.For("get_Item"), oldVariableTypeDomain);
                    if (oneDimensional)
                        index = cbv.FoundReferences[0];
                        //InstanceInitializer ctor =
                        //  ContractNodes.TupleClass.GetConstructor(SystemTypes.Int32.GetArrayType(1));
                        //Expression index = new Construct(new MemberBinding(null,ctor),new ExpressionList(
                        index = Literal.Null;

                    // Return an expression that will evaluate in the poststate to the value of the old
                    // expression in the prestate. This will be this.up.f[i,j,k,...] where "up" is the field C#
                    // generated to point to the instance of the top-level closure class.
                    MemberBinding thisDotF;

                    if (this.PointerToTopLevelClosureClass == null)
                        // then the old expression occurs in the top-level closure class. Just return "this.f"
                        // where "this" refers to the top-level closure class.
                        Contract.Assume(f != null);

                        thisDotF = new MemberBinding(new This(clTemplate), HelperMethods.Unspecialize(f));
                        thisDotF = new MemberBinding(
                            new MemberBinding(new This(clTemplate), this.PointerToTopLevelClosureClass),

                    return(new MethodCall(new MemberBinding(thisDotF, getItem), new ExpressionList(index)));
                // Not in closure ==> Create a local variable

                Local l = GetLocalForOldExpression(oldExpression);

                // Make sure local can be seen in the debugger (for the entire method, unfortunately)

                if (currentMethod.LocalList == null)
                    currentMethod.LocalList = new LocalList();

                currentMethod.Body.HasLocals = true;

                this.prestateValuesOfOldExpressions.Statements.Add(new AssignmentStatement(l, oldExpression.expression));

                // Return an expression that will evaluate in the poststate to the value of the old
                // expression in the prestate. When we're not in a closure, this is just the local
                // itself.
 public FindLocalsInActuals(TrivialHashtable target)
     this.localsFound = target;
Пример #33
 public virtual AttributeList VisitAttributeList(AttributeList attributes, Node target) {
   if (attributes == null) return null;
   TypeNode targetType = target as TypeNode;
   TrivialHashtable alreadyPresent = null;
   for (int i = 0, n = attributes.Count; i < n; i++) {
     AttributeNode attr = attributes[i];
     if (attr == null) continue;
     if (!attr.AllowMultiple) {
       TypeNode attrType = attr.Type;
       if (attrType == null) continue;
       if (alreadyPresent == null)
         alreadyPresent = new TrivialHashtable();
       else if (alreadyPresent[attrType.UniqueKey] != null) {
         if (attr.Constructor.SourceContext.Document != null) {
           Error e = Error.None;
           AttributeTargets attrTarget = attr.Target;
           for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
             AttributeNode a = attributes[j];
             if (a == null) a = alreadyPresent[attrType.UniqueKey] as AttributeNode;
             if (a == null) continue;
             if (a.Type == attr.Type && a.Target == attrTarget) {
               e = Error.DuplicateAttribute;
           if (e != Error.None)
             this.HandleError(attr.Constructor, e, attr.Constructor.SourceContext.SourceText);
         attributes[i] = null;
       alreadyPresent[attrType.UniqueKey] = attr;
     attributes[i] = this.VisitAttributeNode(attributes[i], target);
   return attributes;
Пример #34
 public void SetPragmaWarnInformation(TrivialHashtable pragmaWarnInformation)
     this.PragmaWarnInformation = pragmaWarnInformation;
Пример #35
    public override TypeNode VisitTypeNode(TypeNode typeNode) {
      if (typeNode == null) return null;
      TypeNode savedCurrentType = this.currentType;
      if (typeNode.IsNormalized) {
        this.currentType = this.typeSystem.currentType = typeNode;
        this.currentType = this.typeSystem.currentType = savedCurrentType;
        return typeNode;
      if (typeNode.Template == this.currentType && typeNode.IsNotFullySpecialized) return typeNode;
      if (typeNode.PartiallyDefines != null) {
        if (this.visitedCompleteTypes == null) this.visitedCompleteTypes = new TrivialHashtable();
        if (this.visitedCompleteTypes[typeNode.PartiallyDefines.UniqueKey] == null) {
          this.visitedCompleteTypes[typeNode.PartiallyDefines.UniqueKey] = typeNode;
        return typeNode;
      typeNode.Attributes = this.VisitAttributeList(typeNode.Attributes);
      //Flatten interface list
      InterfaceList interfaces = this.GetTypeView(typeNode).Interfaces;
      for (int i = 0, n = interfaces == null ? 0 : interfaces.Count; i < n; i++) {
        Interface iface = interfaces[i];
        if (iface == null || iface is TypeParameter) continue;
        if (this.GetTypeView(iface).IsAssignableTo(typeNode)) {
          this.HandleError(typeNode.Name, Error.CycleInInterfaceInheritance, this.GetTypeName(iface), this.GetTypeName(typeNode));
          if (iface != typeNode) this.HandleRelatedError(iface);
          for (int j = i; j < n-1; j++)
            interfaces[j] = interfaces[j+1];
          interfaces.Count = n-1;
        if (typeNode.NodeType == NodeType.Interface) {
          if (this.IsLessAccessible(iface, typeNode)) {
            this.HandleError(typeNode.Name, Error.BaseInterfaceLessAccessible, this.GetTypeName(iface), this.GetTypeName(typeNode));
        InterfaceList inheritedInterfaces = this.GetTypeView(iface).Interfaces;
        int m = inheritedInterfaces == null ? 0 : inheritedInterfaces.Count;
        for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
          Interface iiface = inheritedInterfaces[j];
          if (iiface == null) continue;
          bool mustAddInterface = true;
          for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
            if (interfaces[k] == iiface) {
              mustAddInterface = false;
          if (mustAddInterface) {
      typeNode.Attributes = this.VisitAttributeList(typeNode.Attributes, typeNode);
      this.currentType = this.typeSystem.currentType = typeNode;
      #region Deal with modelfields that are inherited from implemented interfaces.
      if (typeNode is Class) {
        StringCollection implementedModelfields = new StringCollection(); //contains the names of modelfields implemented so far
        foreach (Interface implInterface in typeNode.Interfaces) {
          if (implInterface == null) continue; //Why is Interfaces initialized to a List with a single null element? Means this check is essential.
          if (implInterface.Contract != null)
            foreach (ModelfieldContract mfCToImplement in implInterface.Contract.ModelfieldContracts)
              #region implement mfCToImplement in typeNode
              String fieldnameToImplement = mfCToImplement.Modelfield.Name.Name;
              if (implementedModelfields.Contains(fieldnameToImplement))
                this.HandleError(typeNode, Error.GenericError, "Class " + typeNode.Name.Name + " cannot implement two interfaces that both define a model field " + fieldnameToImplement);
                continue; //ignore this contract
                //Disallowed to prevent the unexpected modification of a modelfield in one interface by changing a modelfield in another interface.              
                ModelfieldContract mfCThatImplements = null; //represents the contract that will implement mfCToImplement
                Member implementingMember = null;
                #region if typeNode or a superclass already defines a member named fieldNameToImplement, store it in implementingMember.
                for (TypeNode classWithField = typeNode; classWithField != null && implementingMember == null; classWithField = classWithField.BaseType)
                  MemberList members = this.GetTypeView(classWithField).GetMembersNamed(mfCToImplement.Modelfield.Name);
                  foreach (Member m in members)
                    if (m.Name.Name == fieldnameToImplement)
                      implementingMember = m;
                      break; //implementing member found; stop looking
                #region if there is an implentingMember: if it is a modelfield in typeNode, then store its contract in mfCThatImplements, else complain
                if (implementingMember != null && implementingMember.DeclaringType != typeNode)
                  this.HandleError(typeNode, Error.GenericError, "Class " + typeNode.Name.Name + " does not define a model field " + fieldnameToImplement + " that implements " + mfCToImplement.Modelfield.FullName + " and hides " + implementingMember.FullName);
                  this.HandleRelatedError(implementingMember);  //TODO: suppress error typeNode does not implement implInterface.fieldnameToImplement.get
                  continue; //ignore this contract
                  //Disallowed to prevent the unexpected modification of a superclass member by changing a modelfield in an interface/the unexpected hiding of a superclass member by a modelfield in an interface.
                if (implementingMember != null && !(implementingMember is Field && (implementingMember as Field).IsModelfield))
                  this.HandleError(typeNode, Error.GenericError, "Class " + typeNode.Name.Name + " cannot implement " + mfCToImplement.Modelfield.FullName + " as it contains a non-modelfield member of that name");
                  this.HandleRelatedError(implementingMember); //TODO: suppress error typeNode does not implement implInterface.fieldnameToImplement.get
                  continue; //ignore this contract
                if (implementingMember != null)
                  //typeNode defines a modelfield (i.e., implementingMember) that can implement mfCToImplement
                  Debug.Assert(typeNode.Contract != null); //a class that defines a modelfield must have a modelfieldcontract that applies to it. 
                  foreach (ModelfieldContract mfC in typeNode.Contract.ModelfieldContracts)
                    if (mfC.Modelfield == implementingMember)
                      mfCThatImplements = mfC;
                  Debug.Assert(mfCThatImplements != null);
                #region if there is no implementingMember: add a new modelfield + contract to typeNode and store contract in mfCThatImplements
                //TODO: Unfortunately, qualified identifiers have already been resolved: currently references to the modelfield will produce an error. 
                if (implementingMember == null)
                  Identifier mfIdent = new Identifier(mfCToImplement.Modelfield.Name.Name);
                  mfCThatImplements = new ModelfieldContract(typeNode, new AttributeList(), mfCToImplement.ModelfieldType, mfIdent, typeNode.SourceContext);
                  Field mf = (mfCThatImplements.Modelfield as Field);
                  mf.SourceContext = mfCToImplement.SourceContext; //the modelfield does not appear in the code but implements mfCToImplement.
                  if (typeNode.Contract == null)
                    typeNode.Contract = new TypeContract(typeNode);
                #region Implement the property and property getter that represent mfCToImplement, let getter return mfCThatImplements.Modelfield
                //assert typeNode.Contract.ModelfieldContracts.Contains(mfCThatImplements); 
                //create Property:
                //  public <mfCThatImplements.ModelfieldType> <mfCThatImplements.Modelfield.Name>
                //    ensures result == <mfCThatImplements.Modelfield>;
                //  { [Confined] get { return <mfCThatImplements.Modelfield>; }  } 
                //  Note that getter needs to be confined because it inherits NoDefaultContract
                MemberBinding thisMf = new MemberBinding(new This(typeNode), mfCThatImplements.Modelfield);
                Statement ret = new Return(thisMf);
                Method getter = new Method(typeNode, new AttributeList(), (mfCToImplement.Modelfield as Property).Getter.Name, new ParameterList(), mfCThatImplements.ModelfieldType, new Block(new StatementList(ret)));
                getter.Flags = MethodFlags.Public;
                getter.CallingConvention = CallingConventionFlags.HasThis;
                if (getter.Contract == null)
                  getter.Contract = new MethodContract(getter);
                Expression resultOfGet = new ReturnValue(getter.ReturnType, mfCToImplement.SourceContext);
                BinaryExpression b = new BinaryExpression(resultOfGet, thisMf, NodeType.Eq, mfCToImplement.SourceContext);
                b.Type = SystemTypes.Boolean;
                //Give getter Confined (as it has NoDefaultContract)
                // That means make it [Pure][Reads(Reads.Owned)]
                InstanceInitializer pCtor = SystemTypes.PureAttribute.GetConstructor();
                if (pCtor != null)
                  getter.Attributes.Add(new AttributeNode(new MemberBinding(null, pCtor), null, AttributeTargets.Method));
                InstanceInitializer rCtor = SystemTypes.ReadsAttribute.GetConstructor(); // can use nullary ctor since default is confined
                if (rCtor != null)
                  getter.Attributes.Add(new AttributeNode(new MemberBinding(null, rCtor), null, AttributeTargets.Method));

                getter.Contract.Ensures.Add(new EnsuresNormal(b));
                Identifier implPropName = new Identifier(mfCToImplement.Modelfield.FullName, mfCToImplement.SourceContext); //use full name as typeNode might define modelfield with this name itself.
                Property implementingProperty = new Property(typeNode, new AttributeList(), PropertyFlags.None, implPropName, getter, null);
                #region Copy the info from mfCToImplement to typeNode's mfCThatImplements
                foreach (Expression satClause in mfCToImplement.SatisfiesList)
                //Don't copy the explicit witness from the implemented contract: can likely infer a better one.
      #endregion //needs to happen after CheckHidingAndOverriding, but before CheckAbstractMethods.
      this.CheckAbstractMethods(typeNode); //TODO: suppress duplicate errors generated by template instances
      // must do this *after* CheckForDuplicateDeclarations
      if (typeNode is Class && typeNode.IsSealed)
      TypeNode result = base.VisitTypeNode(typeNode);           
      #region infer and serialize witnesses where needed (for modelfields and pure methods). ALSO infers postconditions.
      if (this.currentOptions != null && !this.currentOptions.DisablePublicContractsMetadata && !this.currentOptions.DisableInternalContractsMetadata) {
        //Note that this code could move to the boogie end, except that we need a runtime witness for modelfields.      
        //We need to show that the contract of a modelfield mf is consistent in order to use the associated axioms.
        //An inferred witness is a guess at an expression e that will satisfy the contract, i.e., 
        //an expression e such that for each satisfies clause p, p[e/mf] holds. Checking this witness is left to Boogie.
        if (typeNode.Contract != null) {
          foreach (ModelfieldContract mfC in typeNode.Contract.ModelfieldContracts) {
            if (mfC.ModelfieldType == null) continue; //signals error, but will be reported elsewhere
            Expression satisfies = null;
            foreach (Expression sat in mfC.SatisfiesList) { //construct a single expression to take advantage of the fact that multiple clauses act as an &&
              if (sat == null) continue;
              if (satisfies == null)
                satisfies = sat;
                satisfies = new BinaryExpression(sat, satisfies, NodeType.LogicalAnd, SystemTypes.Boolean);
            WUCs witnesses = Checker.GetWitnesses(satisfies, mfC.Modelfield, mfC.ModelfieldType);
            this.SerializeWUCs(witnesses, mfC); //also serializes explicitly specified witnesses.
            if (mfC.Witness == null) {  //we need to set a witness as runtime witness (do this afterwards as it will be serialized otherwise)
              //But as we have only one runtime witness, we can't guarantuee that we pick the right one. For now, just hope for the best.
              if (witnesses.RuntimeWitness != null)
                mfC.Witness = witnesses.RuntimeWitness;
                mfC.Witness = this.GetInferredWitness(mfC); //this calculates a runtime witness 
        foreach (Member m in typeNode.Members) {
          Method method = m as Method;
          if (method == null || method.ReturnType == null) continue;
          if (!method.IsPure && !method.IsConfined && !method.IsStateIndependent) continue;
          if (method.CciKind != CciMemberKind.Regular) continue; //no need to check consistency of methodology method contracts
          if (method.ReturnType == SystemTypes.Void) continue; //no witness needed for void        
          #region infer potential method contract witnesses and add them as WitnessAttributes
          //A pure method can be used in specifications and assert statements. 
          //Therefore, we need to show that the contract of a pure method is consistent in order to use purity axioms.
          //An inferred witness is a guess at an expression e that will satisfy all postconditions, i.e., 
          //an expression e such that for each postcondition p, p[e/result] holds. Checking this witness is left to Boogie.                
          Expression postcondition = null;
          if (method.Contract != null) {
            foreach (Ensures ens in method.Contract.Ensures) {
              if (ens.PostCondition != null) {
                if (postcondition == null)
                  postcondition = ens.PostCondition;
                  postcondition = new BinaryExpression(ens.PostCondition, postcondition, NodeType.LogicalAnd, SystemTypes.Boolean);
          WUCs witnesses = Checker.GetWitnesses(postcondition, null, method.ReturnType);
          #region find witnesses in method code and infer postconditions
          if (method.Body != null && method.Body.Statements != null) {
            WitnessFromCodeFinderVisitor codeWitnessFinder = new WitnessFromCodeFinderVisitor();
            if (!method.IsVirtual && //don't infer postcondition: the absence might be intentional, to give overriding method more freedom               
                (method.Contract == null || method.Contract.Ensures.Count == 0)) //don't infer post if user specified a postcondition
          { //look for inferred postconditions
              codeWitnessFinder.methodToInferPostFrom = method;
            if (method.ReturnType != SystemTypes.Boolean && method.ReturnType.NodeType != NodeType.EnumNode) //check if all possible witnesses have already been added, finder was only run to infer postconditions
              foreach (Expression witness in codeWitnessFinder.Witnesses)
                witnesses.Exact.Add(new WitnessUnderConstruction(witness, null, 0));
          this.SerializeWUCs(witnesses, method);

      // do this here so the serialized contracts reflect any modifications made during Checker
      // serialized contracts should be pre-Normalized ASTs, *but* they should not reflect
      // any contract inheritance that has happened.
      // Note that this (possibly) adds things to the Attributes of the typeNode
      // Those attribute nodes will not be checked as part of Checker

      this.currentType = this.typeSystem.currentType = savedCurrentType;
      return result;
Пример #36
 public Looker(Scope scope, Cci.ErrorHandler errorHandler, TrivialHashtable scopeFor, TrivialHashtable ambiguousTypes, TrivialHashtable referencedLabels)
     : base(scope, errorHandler, scopeFor, new TypeSystem(new ErrorHandler(errorHandler.Errors)), ambiguousTypes, referencedLabels)
     this.alreadyReported[StandardIds.Var.UniqueIdKey] = true;
Пример #37
 public virtual void CheckForDuplicateDeclarations(TypeNode type) {
   if (type == null) return;
   MemberList members = type.Members;  // just check the members syntactically in this type or extension
   if (members == null) return;
   bool partialType = type.PartiallyDefines != null;
   if (partialType) type = type.PartiallyDefines;
   TrivialHashtable firstDeclaration = new TrivialHashtable();
   for (int i = 0, n = members.Count; i < n; i++) {
     Member mem = members[i];
     if (mem == null) continue;
     Identifier name = mem.Name;
     if (name == null) continue;
     if (partialType) {
       //Do not check injected constructors for duplication
       InstanceInitializer ctor = mem as InstanceInitializer;
       if (ctor != null && ctor.HasCompilerGeneratedSignature && (ctor.Parameters == null || ctor.Parameters.Count == 0)) {
       StaticInitializer cctor = mem as StaticInitializer;
       if (cctor != null && cctor.HasCompilerGeneratedSignature) continue;
     int key = name.UniqueIdKey;
     object fmem = firstDeclaration[key];
     if (fmem == null) {
       firstDeclaration[key] = mem;
       // check this type's member against all like-named members everywhere else:
       MemberList potentialDups = this.GetTypeView(type).GetMembersNamed(name);
       if (name.UniqueIdKey == StandardIds.opImplicit.UniqueIdKey) {
         MemberList explicits = this.GetTypeView(type).GetMembersNamed(StandardIds.opExplicit);
         int k = explicits == null ? 0 : explicits.Count;
         if (k > 0) {
           potentialDups = potentialDups.Clone();
           for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
       this.CheckForDuplicateDeclarations(mem, potentialDups);
Пример #38
 static Checker() {
   OperatorName = new TrivialHashtable();
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opAddition.UniqueIdKey] = "operator +";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opBitwiseAnd.UniqueIdKey] = "operator &";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opBitwiseOr.UniqueIdKey] = "operator |";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opDecrement.UniqueIdKey] = "operator --";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opDivision.UniqueIdKey] = "operator /";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opEquality.UniqueIdKey] = "operator ==";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opExclusiveOr.UniqueIdKey] = "operator ^";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opExplicit.UniqueIdKey] = "explicit operator";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opFalse.UniqueIdKey] = "operator false";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opGreaterThan.UniqueIdKey] = "operator >";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opGreaterThanOrEqual.UniqueIdKey] = "operator >=";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opImplicit.UniqueIdKey] = "implicit operator";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opIncrement.UniqueIdKey] = "operator ++";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opInequality.UniqueIdKey] = "operator !=";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opLeftShift.UniqueIdKey] = "operator <<";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opLessThan.UniqueIdKey] = "operator <";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opLessThanOrEqual.UniqueIdKey] = "operator <=";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opLogicalNot.UniqueIdKey] = "operator !";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opModulus.UniqueIdKey] = "operator %";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opMultiply.UniqueIdKey] = "operator *";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opOnesComplement.UniqueIdKey] = "operator ~";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opRightShift.UniqueIdKey] = "operator >>";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opSubtraction.UniqueIdKey] = "operator -";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opTrue.UniqueIdKey] = "operator true";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opUnaryNegation.UniqueIdKey] = "operator -";
   OperatorName[StandardIds.opUnaryPlus.UniqueIdKey] = "operator +";
Пример #39
        public override void CompileParseTree(Compilation compilation, ErrorNodeList errorNodes)
            if (compilation == null)
                Debug.Assert(false, "wrong compilation"); return;
            CONTEXT.useComputeMath = ((ZonnonCompilerParameters)compilation.CompilerParameters).UseComputeMath;
            // Before the actual back-end compilation takes place,
            // we perform the Zonnon-tree to CCI-tree conversion.
            // Notice that we do that for the overall tree (i.e., for all sources)
            // and store the resulting CCI tree to CompilationUnits[0],
            // but do not spread subtrees to corresponding CompilationUnits.
            ERROR.errCount = 0;
            bool mainCompilationFailed = ERROR.errCount > 0;

            //    ERROR.EndOfMessages();

            //  Module symbolTable = compilation.TargetModule;
            //  compilation.GlobalScope = this.GetGlobalScope(symbolTable);

            ZonnonCompilerParameters options = compilation.CompilerParameters as ZonnonCompilerParameters;

            if (options == null)
                options = new ZonnonCompilerParameters();
            // Walk IR looking up names
            if (options.Debug)
                System.Console.Write("Scoper is working...");
            ErrorHandler     eh               = new ErrorHandler(errorNodes);
            TrivialHashtable ambiguousTypes   = new TrivialHashtable();
            TrivialHashtable referencedLabels = new TrivialHashtable();
            TrivialHashtable scopeFor         = new TrivialHashtable();
            TypeSystem       typeSystem       = new TypeSystem(eh);

            Scoper scoper = new Scoper(scopeFor);
            if (options.Debug)
                System.Console.Write("Looker is working... ");
            Looker looker = new Looker(compilation.GlobalScope, eh, scopeFor, typeSystem, ambiguousTypes, referencedLabels);

            // Walk IR inferring types and resolving overloads
            if (!mainCompilationFailed) // Resolve only if no errors
                Resolver resolver = new Resolver(eh, typeSystem);

                // Walk IR checking for semantic errors and repairing it so that it the next walk will work
                Checker checker = new Checker(eh, typeSystem, ambiguousTypes, referencedLabels);

                // Walk IR reducing it to nodes that have predefined mappings to MD+IL
                Normalizer normalizer = new Normalizer(typeSystem);

                Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(typeSystem, compilation);
            if (options.Debug)
Пример #40
 public virtual AttributeNode VisitPropertyAttribute(AttributeNode attr, Property property) {
   if (attr == null || property == null) return null;
   ExpressionList args = attr.Expressions;
   MemberBinding mb = attr.Constructor as MemberBinding;
   if (mb == null || mb.BoundMember == null) return null;
   if (mb.BoundMember.DeclaringType == SystemTypes.IndexerNameAttribute) {
     if (property.OverridesBaseClassMember)
       this.HandleError(attr, Error.IndexerNameAttributeOnOverride);
     else if (property.ImplementedTypes != null && property.ImplementedTypes.Count > 0)
       this.HandleError(attr, Error.AttributeOnBadTarget, "IndexerName", "non interface implementation property");
     if (args == null || args.Count < 1) { Debug.Assert(false); return null; }
     Literal lit = args[0] as Literal;
     if (lit == null) return null;
     string indexerName = lit.Value as string;
     if (indexerName == null) {
       this.HandleError(args[0], Error.InvalidAttributeArgument, "IndexerName");
       return null;
     if (!this.IsValidIdentifier(indexerName)) {
       this.HandleError(args[0], Error.IndexerNameNotIdentifier);
       return null;
     Identifier id = new Identifier(indexerName);
     if (this.indexerNames == null) this.indexerNames = new TrivialHashtable();
     Identifier previousName = (Identifier)this.indexerNames[this.currentType.UniqueKey];
     if (previousName == null)
       this.indexerNames[this.currentType.UniqueKey] = id;
     else if (previousName.UniqueIdKey != id.UniqueIdKey) {
       this.HandleError(args[0], Error.InconsistantIndexerNames);
       id = new Identifier(previousName.ToString());
     id.SourceContext = property.Name.SourceContext;
     property.Name = id;
     if (property.Getter != null && property.Getter.Name != null) {
       id = new Identifier("get_" + indexerName);
       id.SourceContext = property.Getter.Name.SourceContext;
       property.Getter.Name = id;
     if (property.Setter != null && property.Setter.Name != null) {
       id = new Identifier("set_" + indexerName);
       id.SourceContext = property.Setter.Name.SourceContext;
       property.Setter.Name = id;
     attr.IsPseudoAttribute = true;
     return attr;
   return attr;
 public SubstituteParameters(TrivialHashtable map, List <Parameter> parameters)
     this.map        = map;
     this.parameters = parameters;
Пример #42
 /// <summary>
 /// This method checks all of the methods in a class or structure to make sure that
 /// if the method implements an interface method (either explicitly or implicitly),
 /// then the contract inheritance rules are not violated.
 /// It also introduces the default expose block around the body of whichever methods
 /// should get the default.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type that will have all of its methods checked.</param>
 public virtual void CheckContractInheritance(TypeNode type) {
   if (type == null || type is Interface) return;
   InterfaceList ifaces = this.GetTypeView(type).Interfaces;
   for (int i = 0, n = ifaces == null ? 0 : ifaces.Count; i < n; i++) {
     Interface iface = ifaces[i];
     if (iface == null) continue;
     TrivialHashtable processedContracts = new TrivialHashtable();
     MemberList members = this.GetTypeView(iface).Members;
     for (int j = 0, m = members == null ? 0 : members.Count; j < m; j++) {
       Method meth = members[j] as Method;
       if (meth == null) continue;
       processedContracts[meth.UniqueKey] = meth;
       Method impl = this.GetTypeView(type).GetImplementingMethod(meth, false); //Look only in type and get explicit implementation
       if (impl == null || impl.ImplementedInterfaceMethods == null || impl.ImplementedInterfaceMethods.Count == 0)
         impl = this.GetTypeView(type).GetImplementingMethod(meth, true); //No explicit interface method was found, look again, this time looking only at public methods, but including base types
       if (impl == null) continue; // If this is an error, then it will get caught in other methods in Checker.
       if (impl.Contract != null && impl.Contract.OriginalDeclaringMethod != null) {
         if (processedContracts[impl.Contract.OriginalDeclaringMethod.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
       bool ifaceHasThrows = false;
       bool overriddenMethodHasThrows = false;
       for (int ensuresIndex = 0, ensuresLength = meth.Contract == null || meth.Contract.Ensures == null ? 0 : meth.Contract.Ensures.Count; ensuresIndex < ensuresLength; ensuresIndex++) {
         EnsuresExceptional e = meth.Contract.Ensures[ensuresIndex] as EnsuresExceptional;
         if (e != null) {
           ifaceHasThrows = true;
       for (int ensuresIndex = 0, ensuresLength = impl.OverriddenMethod == null || impl.OverriddenMethod.Contract == null || impl.OverriddenMethod.Contract.Ensures == null ? 0 : impl.OverriddenMethod.Contract.Ensures.Count; ensuresIndex < ensuresLength; ensuresIndex++) {
         EnsuresExceptional e = impl.OverriddenMethod.Contract.Ensures[ensuresIndex] as EnsuresExceptional;
         if (e != null) {
           overriddenMethodHasThrows = true;
       if (impl.OverriddenMethod != null) {
         if (ifaceHasThrows || overriddenMethodHasThrows) {
           this.HandleError(type.Name, Error.ContractInheritanceRulesViolated, this.GetMethodSignature(meth), this.GetMethodSignature(impl));
       bool ok = true;
       if (impl.DeclaringType != type) {
         // Then the implementation for the interface method has been inherited. Figure out if
         // there are any contract inheritance violations.
         ok |= this.CheckContractRules(meth, impl, type);
   // MB - 01/06/2005 - commented out, but leave here because at some point we may want to introduce
   // the defaults here again. They are currently introduced in Normalizer.
   //      #region Introduce Specsharp-specific defaults for each method
   //      // REVIEW: Other types besides classes?
   //      // MB: 04 January 2005: Change default expose around body to a default precondition of this.IsConsistent
   //      if (this.GetTypeView(type).IsAssignableTo(SystemTypes.IGuardedObject) && type.NodeType == NodeType.Class
   //        && type.GetAttribute(SystemTypes.NoDefaultActivityAttribute) == null){
   //        MemberList members = this.Members;  // just check the members syntactically in this type or extension
   //        for (int i = 0, n = members == null ? 0 : members.Length; i < n; i++){
   //          Method m = members[i] as Method;
   //          if (m == null) continue;
   //          if (m.IsAbstract || m.IsStatic) continue;
   //          if (m.HasCompilerGeneratedSignature) continue;
   //          if (m.NodeType == NodeType.InstanceInitializer || m.NodeType == NodeType.StaticInitializer)
   //            continue;
   //          if (m.Body == null || m.Body.Statements == null || !(m.Body.Statements.Length > 0))
   //            continue;
   //          if (m.GetAttribute(SystemTypes.NoDefaultActivityAttribute) != null)
   //            continue;
   //          if (m.Contract == null){
   //            m.Contract = new MethodContract();
   //          }
   //          if (m.Contract.Requires == null){
   //            m.Contract.Requires = new RequiresList(1);
   //          }
   //          m.Contract.Requires.Add(new RequiresPlain(
   //            new MethodCall(new MemberBinding(new This(type),SystemTypes.IGuardedObject_IsConsistent.Getter),new ExpressionList(),NodeType.Callvirt,SystemTypes.Boolean)
   //            ));
   //        }
   //      }
   //      #endregion Introduce Specsharp-specific defaults for each method
Пример #43
 public virtual Differences VisitUsedNamespaceList(UsedNamespaceList list1, UsedNamespaceList list2,
   out UsedNamespaceList changes, out UsedNamespaceList deletions, out UsedNamespaceList insertions){
   changes = list1 == null ? null : list1.Clone();
   deletions = list1 == null ? null : list1.Clone();
   insertions = list1 == null ? new UsedNamespaceList() : list1.Clone();
   //^ assert insertions != null;
   Differences differences = new Differences();
   for (int j = 0, n = list2 == null ? 0 : list2.Count; j < n; j++){
     //^ assert list2 != null;
     UsedNamespace nd2 = list2[j];
     if (nd2 == null) continue;
   TrivialHashtable savedDifferencesMapFor = this.differencesMapFor;
   this.differencesMapFor = null;
   TrivialHashtable matchedNodes = new TrivialHashtable();
   for (int i = 0, k = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count; i < n; i++){
     //^ assert list1 != null && changes != null && deletions != null;
     UsedNamespace nd1 = list1[i]; 
     if (nd1 == null) continue;
     Differences diff;
     int j;
     UsedNamespace nd2 = this.GetClosestMatch(nd1, list1, list2, i, ref k, matchedNodes, out diff, out j);
     if (nd2 == null || diff == null){Debug.Assert(nd2 == null && diff == null); continue;}
     matchedNodes[nd1.UniqueKey] = nd1;
     matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] = nd2;
     changes[i] = diff.Changes as UsedNamespace;
     deletions[i] = diff.Deletions as UsedNamespace;
     insertions[i] = diff.Insertions as UsedNamespace;
     insertions[n+j] = nd1; //Records the position of nd2 in list2 in case the change involved a permutation
     Debug.Assert(diff.Changes == changes[i] && diff.Deletions == deletions[i] && diff.Insertions == insertions[i]);
     differences.NumberOfDifferences += diff.NumberOfDifferences;
     differences.NumberOfSimilarities += diff.NumberOfSimilarities;
   //Find deletions
   for (int i = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count; i < n; i++){
     //^ assert list1 != null && changes != null && deletions != null;
     UsedNamespace nd1 = list1[i]; 
     if (nd1 == null) continue;
     if (matchedNodes[nd1.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
     changes[i] = null;
     deletions[i] = nd1;
     insertions[i] = null;
     differences.NumberOfDifferences += 1;
   //Find insertions
   for (int j = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count, m = list2 == null ? 0 : list2.Count; j < m; j++){
     //^ assert list2 != null;
     UsedNamespace nd2 = list2[j]; 
     if (nd2 == null) continue;
     if (matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
     insertions[n+j] = nd2;  //Records nd2 as an insertion into list1, along with its position in list2
     differences.NumberOfDifferences += 1; //REVIEW: put the size of the tree here?
   if (differences.NumberOfDifferences == 0){
     changes = null;
     deletions = null;
     insertions = null;
   this.differencesMapFor = savedDifferencesMapFor;
   return differences;
Пример #44
    public override MethodContract VisitMethodContract(MethodContract contract) {
      if (contract == null) return null;
      // don't visit contract.DeclaringMethod
      // don't visit contract.OverriddenMethods
      bool savedInsideMethodContract = this.insideMethodContract;
      bool savedUnsafe = this.typeSystem.insideUnsafeCode;
      this.insideMethodContract = true;

      Yield savedYield = this.yieldNode;

      Method method = contract.DeclaringMethod;
      insidePureContract = method.IsPure || method.IsConfined || method.IsStateIndependent;

      if (method != null) {

        this.typeSystem.insideUnsafeCode = method.IsUnsafe;
        if (contract.Ensures != null && contract.Ensures.Count > 0) {
          TrivialHashtable /*TypeNode*/ throwsSet = new TrivialHashtable();
          for (int i = 0, n = contract.Ensures.Count; i < n; i++) {
            EnsuresExceptional e = contract.Ensures[i] as EnsuresExceptional;
            if (e == null) continue;
            if (e.Inherited) continue;
            if (e.Type == null) continue;
            if (!this.GetTypeView(e.Type).IsAssignableTo(SystemTypes.ICheckedException)) {
              this.HandleError(e, Error.UncheckedExceptionInThrowsClause, this.GetTypeName(method.DeclaringType) + "." + method.Name.ToString());
              contract.Ensures[i] = null;
            if (throwsSet[e.Type.UniqueKey] != null) {
              this.HandleError(method, Error.DuplicateThrowsType, this.GetTypeName(method.DeclaringType) + "." + method.Name.ToString());
              contract.Ensures[i] = null;
            } else {
              throwsSet[e.Type.UniqueKey] = e.Type;

        contract.Requires = this.VisitRequiresList(contract.Requires);
        InstanceInitializer ctor = this.currentMethod as InstanceInitializer;
        bool savedMayReferenceThisAndBase = this.MayReferenceThisAndBase;
        if (ctor != null) {
          // method contracts are visited as part of visiting the methods to which they
          // are attached. So their ability to reference "this" is usually the same as
          // the method's ability. But the postcondition of a ctor can mention instance
          // variables.
          this.MayReferenceThisAndBase = true;
        bool savedInsideEnsures = this.insideEnsures;
        this.insideEnsures = true;
        contract.Ensures = this.VisitEnsuresList(contract.Ensures);
        this.insideEnsures = savedInsideEnsures;
        this.MayReferenceThisAndBase = savedMayReferenceThisAndBase;
        bool savedInsideModifies = this.insideModifies;
        this.insideModifies = true;
        contract.Modifies = this.VisitExpressionList(contract.Modifies);
        this.insideModifies = savedInsideModifies;

        //if (method.IsVirtual) {
        //  // use FindNearest..., can't rely on method.OverriddenMethod since it might not be set further up the chain
        //  Method overridden = method.DeclaringType.FindNearestOverriddenMethod(method);
        //  if (overridden != null) {
        //    this.CheckEnsuresListsCompatibility(overridden, method);
        //  }
        //  for (int i = 0, n = method.ImplementedInterfaceMethods == null ? 0 : method.ImplementedInterfaceMethods.Count; i < n; i++) {
        //    Method ifaceMethod = method.ImplementedInterfaceMethods[i];
        //    this.CheckEnsuresListsCompatibility(ifaceMethod, method);
        //  }
        //  for (int i = 0, n = method.ImplicitlyImplementedInterfaceMethods == null ? 0 : method.ImplicitlyImplementedInterfaceMethods.Count; i < n; i++) {
        //    Method ifaceMethod = method.ImplicitlyImplementedInterfaceMethods[i];
        //    this.CheckEnsuresListsCompatibility(ifaceMethod, method);
        //  }
      this.insideMethodContract = savedInsideMethodContract;
      this.typeSystem.insideUnsafeCode = savedUnsafe;
      this.yieldNode = savedYield;      
      return contract;
Пример #45
 public virtual Differences GetMemberDifferences(Member member1, Member member2) {
   if (member1 == null || member2 == null) return new Differences(member1, member2);
   if (this.memberDifferencesMapFor == null) this.memberDifferencesMapFor = new TrivialHashtable();
   TrivialHashtable map = this.memberDifferencesMapFor[member1.UniqueKey] as TrivialHashtable;
   if (map == null) this.memberDifferencesMapFor[member1.UniqueKey] = map = new TrivialHashtable();
   Differences differences = map[member2.UniqueKey] as Differences;
   if (differences == null){
     map[member2.UniqueKey] = differences = new Differences(member1, member2);
     if (member1 == member2) differences.NumberOfSimilarities++;
   return differences;
Пример #46
 public override Namespace VisitNamespace(Namespace nspace) {
   nspace = base.VisitNamespace(nspace);
   if (nspace == null) return null;
   TypeNodeList types = nspace.Types;
   UsedNamespaceList usedNspaces = nspace.UsedNamespaces;
   if (usedNspaces != null) {
     TrivialHashtable alreadyUsedNamespaces = new TrivialHashtable();
     for (int i = 0, n = usedNspaces.Count; i < n; i++) {
       UsedNamespace uns = usedNspaces[i];
       if (uns == null || uns.Namespace == null) continue;
       if (alreadyUsedNamespaces[uns.Namespace.UniqueIdKey] != null)
         this.HandleError(uns.Namespace, Error.DuplicateUsedNamespace, uns.Namespace.ToString());
       alreadyUsedNamespaces[uns.Namespace.UniqueIdKey] = uns;
   AliasDefinitionList aliasDefinitions = nspace.AliasDefinitions;
   if (aliasDefinitions != null) {
     TrivialHashtable alreadyUsedAliases = new TrivialHashtable();
     for (int i = 0, n = aliasDefinitions == null ? 0 : aliasDefinitions.Count; i < n; i++) {
       AliasDefinition aliasDef = aliasDefinitions[i];
       if (aliasDef == null) continue;
       AliasDefinition dup = (AliasDefinition)alreadyUsedAliases[aliasDef.Alias.UniqueIdKey];
       if (dup == null)
         alreadyUsedAliases[aliasDef.Alias.UniqueIdKey] = aliasDef;
       else {
         this.HandleError(aliasDef.Alias, Error.DuplicateAliasDefinition, nspace.Name.ToString(), aliasDef.Alias.ToString());
         this.HandleError(dup.Alias, Error.RelatedErrorLocation);
       if (aliasDef.ConflictingType != null) {
         string nsName = nspace.Name == null || nspace.Name == Identifier.Empty ? "<global namespace>" : nspace.Name.ToString();
         this.HandleError(aliasDef.Alias, Error.ConflictBetweenAliasAndType, nsName, aliasDef.Alias.ToString());
   return nspace;
Пример #47
        public override Method VisitMethod(Method method)
            // body might not have been materialized, so make sure we do that first!
            Block body = method.Body;

            if (method == null)
            BlockSorter blockSorter  = new BlockSorter();
            BlockList   sortedBlocks = blockSorter.SortedBlocks;

            this.SucessorBlock      = blockSorter.SuccessorBlock;
            this.StackLocalsAtEntry = new TrivialHashtable();
            this.localsStack        = new LocalsStack();
            ExceptionHandlerList ehandlers = method.ExceptionHandlers;

            for (int i = 0, n = ehandlers == null ? 0 : ehandlers.Count; i < n; i++)
                ExceptionHandler ehandler = ehandlers[i];
                if (ehandler == null)
                Block handlerStart = ehandler.HandlerStartBlock;
                if (handlerStart == null)
                LocalsStack lstack = new LocalsStack();
                this.StackLocalsAtEntry[handlerStart.UniqueKey] = lstack;
                if (ehandler.HandlerType == NodeType.Catch)
                    lstack.exceptionHandlerType = CoreSystemTypes.Object;
                    if (ehandler.FilterType != null)
                        lstack.exceptionHandlerType = ehandler.FilterType;
                else if (ehandler.HandlerType == NodeType.Filter)
                    lstack.exceptionHandlerType = CoreSystemTypes.Object;
                    if (ehandler.FilterExpression != null)
                        lstack = new LocalsStack();
                        lstack.exceptionHandlerType = CoreSystemTypes.Object;
                        this.StackLocalsAtEntry[ehandler.FilterExpression.UniqueKey] = lstack;
            for (int i = 0, n = sortedBlocks.Count; i < n; i++)
                Block b = sortedBlocks[i];
                if (b == null)
                    Debug.Assert(false); continue;
Пример #48
 public Scoper(TrivialHashtable scopeFor)
     this.ScopeFor = scopeFor;