/// <summary>
        ///     Called by the scheduler at the time of the trigger firing, in order to
        ///     produce a <see cref="T:Quartz.IJob" /> instance on which to call Execute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     It should be extremely rare for this method to throw an exception -
        ///     basically only the the case where there is no way at all to instantiate
        ///     and prepare the Job for execution.  When the exception is thrown, the
        ///     Scheduler will move all triggers associated with the Job into the
        ///     <see cref="F:Quartz.TriggerState.Error" /> state, which will require human
        ///     intervention (e.g. an application restart after fixing whatever
        ///     configuration problem led to the issue wih instantiating the Job.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="bundle">
        ///     The TriggerFiredBundle from which the <see cref="T:Quartz.IJobDetail" />
        ///     and other info relating to the trigger firing can be obtained.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scheduler">a handle to the scheduler that is about to execute the job</param>
        /// <throws>SchedulerException if there is a problem instantiating the Job. </throws>
        /// <returns>
        ///     the newly instantiated Job
        /// </returns>
        public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
            if (bundle == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("bundle");
            if (scheduler == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("scheduler");

            var jobType = bundle.JobDetail.JobType;
            return jobType.IsAssignableTo<IInterruptableJob>()
                ? new InterruptableJobWrapper(bundle, _lifetimeScope, _scopeName)
                : new JobWrapper(bundle, _lifetimeScope, _scopeName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the scheduler at the time of the trigger firing, in order to
        /// produce a <see cref="T:Quartz.IJob" /> instance on which to call Execute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bundle">The TriggerFiredBundle from which the <see cref="T:Quartz.IJobDetail" />
        /// and other info relating to the trigger firing can be obtained.</param>
        /// <param name="scheduler">a handle to the scheduler that is about to execute the job</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// the newly instantiated Job
        /// </returns>
        /// <throws>  SchedulerException if there is a problem instantiating the Job. </throws>
        /// <remarks>
        /// It should be extremely rare for this method to throw an exception -
        /// basically only the the case where there is no way at all to instantiate
        /// and prepare the Job for execution.  When the exception is thrown, the
        /// Scheduler will move all triggers associated with the Job into the
        /// <see cref="F:Quartz.TriggerState.Error" /> state, which will require human
        /// intervention (e.g. an application restart after fixing whatever
        /// configuration problem led to the issue wih instantiating the Job.
        /// </remarks>
        public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
                if (this.container.HasComponent(bundle.JobDetail.JobType))
                    this.logger.DebugFormat("Resolving component for job '{0}'.", bundle.JobDetail.JobType);
                    return (IJob)this.container.Resolve(bundle.JobDetail.JobType);

                this.logger.WarnFormat("No component registered for job '{0}'. Probably there are dirty data into the db", bundle.JobDetail.JobType);
                return null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.logger.FatalFormat("Unable to resolve the job '{0}'", ex, bundle.JobDetail.JobType);
        public void SetUp()
            var cb = new ContainerBuilder();
            _state = new State();


            _jobDetail = new Mock<IJobDetail>();
            _executionContext = new Mock<IJobExecutionContext>();
            _executionContext.Setup(c => c.JobDetail)

            _trigger = new Mock<IOperableTrigger>();
            _calendar = new Mock<ICalendar>();

            _container = cb.Build();

            _bundle = new TriggerFiredBundle(_jobDetail.Object, _trigger.Object, _calendar.Object, false, null,
                null, null, null);

            _wrapper = new AutofacJobFactory.JobWrapper(_bundle, _container.Resolve<ILifetimeScope>(), "nested-scope");
Пример #4
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     return(_serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <JobRunner>());
Пример #5
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     return(new ScheduleExecutor(_logger));
Пример #6
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
Пример #7
 private IJob GetEconomicReleaseJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     return(new EconomicReleaseUpdateJob(_erb, GetEmailSender(), _updateJobSettings));
Пример #8
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     return(container.GetService(bundle.JobDetail.JobType) as IJob);
Пример #9
        public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
            var job = _container.Resolve(bundle.JobDetail.JobType);

            return(job  as IJob);
Пример #10
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     return(_container.Resolve <IJob>(bundle.JobDetail.JobType));
Пример #11
 public InterruptableJobWrapper(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IUnityContainer unityContainer)
     : base(bundle, unityContainer)
Пример #12
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     return(Container.GetService(bundle.JobDetail.JobType) as IJob);
     //throw new NotImplementedException();
 public InterruptableJobWrapper(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, ILifetimeScope lifetimeScope,
     string scopeName) : base(bundle, lifetimeScope, scopeName)
            /// <summary>
            ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Object" /> class.
            /// </summary>
            public JobWrapper(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, ILifetimeScope lifetimeScope,
                string scopeName)
                if (bundle == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("bundle");
                if (lifetimeScope == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("lifetimeScope");
                if (scopeName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("scopeName");

                _bundle = bundle;
                _lifetimeScope = lifetimeScope;
                _scopeName = scopeName;
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
 => _schedulerJobResolver.Resolve <IQuartzSchedulerJob>(bundle.JobDetail.JobType);
        /// <summary>
        /// The main processing loop of the <see cref="QuartzSchedulerThread" />.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Run()
            bool lastAcquireFailed = false;

            while (!halted)
                    // check if we're supposed to pause...
                    lock (sigLock)
                        while (paused && !halted)
                                // wait until togglePause(false) is called...
                                Monitor.Wait(sigLock, 1000);
                            catch (ThreadInterruptedException)

                        if (halted)

                    int availThreadCount = qsRsrcs.ThreadPool.BlockForAvailableThreads();
                    if (availThreadCount > 0) // will always be true, due to semantics of blockForAvailableThreads...
                        IList <IOperableTrigger> triggers = null;

                        DateTimeOffset now = SystemTime.UtcNow();

                            triggers = qsRsrcs.JobStore.AcquireNextTriggers(
                                now + idleWaitTime, Math.Min(availThreadCount, qsRsrcs.MaxBatchSize), qsRsrcs.BatchTimeWindow);
                            lastAcquireFailed = false;
                            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                                log.Debug("Batch acquisition of {0} triggers", (triggers == null ? 0 : triggers.Count));
                        catch (JobPersistenceException jpe)
                            if (!lastAcquireFailed)
                                    "An error occurred while scanning for the next trigger to fire.",
                            lastAcquireFailed = true;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            if (!lastAcquireFailed)
                                Log.Error("quartzSchedulerThreadLoop: RuntimeException "
                                          + e.Message, e);
                            lastAcquireFailed = true;

                        if (triggers != null && triggers.Count > 0)
                            now = SystemTime.UtcNow();
                            DateTimeOffset triggerTime      = triggers[0].GetNextFireTimeUtc().Value;
                            TimeSpan       timeUntilTrigger = triggerTime - now;

                            while (timeUntilTrigger > TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2))
                                if (ReleaseIfScheduleChangedSignificantly(triggers, triggerTime))
                                lock (sigLock)
                                    if (halted)
                                    if (!IsCandidateNewTimeEarlierWithinReason(triggerTime, false))
                                            // we could have blocked a long while
                                            // on 'synchronize', so we must recompute
                                            now = SystemTime.UtcNow();
                                            timeUntilTrigger = triggerTime - now;
                                            if (timeUntilTrigger > TimeSpan.Zero)
                                                Monitor.Wait(sigLock, timeUntilTrigger);
                                        catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
                                if (ReleaseIfScheduleChangedSignificantly(triggers, triggerTime))
                                now = SystemTime.UtcNow();
                                timeUntilTrigger = triggerTime - now;

                            // this happens if releaseIfScheduleChangedSignificantly decided to release triggers
                            if (triggers.Count == 0)

                            // set triggers to 'executing'
                            IList <TriggerFiredResult> bndles = new List <TriggerFiredResult>();

                            bool goAhead = true;
                            lock (sigLock)
                                goAhead = !halted;

                            if (goAhead)
                                    IList <TriggerFiredResult> res = qsRsrcs.JobStore.TriggersFired(triggers);
                                    if (res != null)
                                        bndles = res;
                                catch (SchedulerException se)
                                    qs.NotifySchedulerListenersError("An error occurred while firing triggers '" + triggers + "'", se);
                                    // QTZ-179 : a problem occurred interacting with the triggers from the db
                                    // we release them and loop again
                                    foreach (IOperableTrigger t in triggers)

                            for (int i = 0; i < bndles.Count; i++)
                                TriggerFiredResult result    = bndles[i];
                                TriggerFiredBundle bndle     = result.TriggerFiredBundle;
                                Exception          exception = result.Exception;

                                IOperableTrigger trigger = triggers[i];
                                // TODO SQL exception?
                                if (exception != null && (exception is DbException || exception.InnerException is DbException))
                                    Log.Error("DbException while firing trigger " + trigger, exception);
                                    // db connection must have failed... keep
                                    // retrying until it's up...

                                // it's possible to get 'null' if the triggers was paused,
                                // blocked, or other similar occurrences that prevent it being
                                // fired at this time...  or if the scheduler was shutdown (halted)
                                if (bndle == null)
                                    catch (SchedulerException se)
                                            "An error occurred while releasing triggers '" + trigger.Key + "'", se);
                                        // db connection must have failed... keep retrying
                                        // until it's up...

                                // TODO: improvements:
                                // 2- make sure we can get a job runshell before firing trigger, or
                                //   don't let that throw an exception (right now it never does,
                                //   but the signature says it can).
                                // 3- acquire more triggers at a time (based on num threads available?)

                                JobRunShell shell = null;
                                    shell = qsRsrcs.JobRunShellFactory.CreateJobRunShell(bndle);
                                catch (SchedulerException)
                                        qsRsrcs.JobStore.TriggeredJobComplete(trigger, bndle.JobDetail,
                                    catch (SchedulerException se2)
                                            "An error occurred while placing job's triggers in error state '" +
                                            trigger.Key + "'", se2);
                                        // db connection must have failed... keep retrying
                                        // until it's up...

                                if (qsRsrcs.ThreadPool.RunInThread(shell) == false)
                                        // this case should never happen, as it is indicative of the
                                        // scheduler being shutdown or a bug in the thread pool or
                                        // a thread pool being used concurrently - which the docs
                                        // say not to do...
                                        Log.Error("ThreadPool.runInThread() return false!");
                                        qsRsrcs.JobStore.TriggeredJobComplete(trigger, bndle.JobDetail,
                                    catch (SchedulerException se2)
                                                          "An error occurred while placing job's triggers in error state '{0}'",
                                                          trigger.Key), se2);
                                        // db connection must have failed... keep retrying
                                        // until it's up...

                            continue; // while (!halted)
                    else // if(availThreadCount > 0)
                        // should never happen, if threadPool.blockForAvailableThreads() follows contract
                        // while (!halted)

                    DateTimeOffset utcNow            = SystemTime.UtcNow();
                    DateTimeOffset waitTime          = utcNow.Add(GetRandomizedIdleWaitTime());
                    TimeSpan       timeUntilContinue = waitTime - utcNow;
                    lock (sigLock)
                        if (!halted)
                                Monitor.Wait(sigLock, timeUntilContinue);
                            catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
                catch (Exception re)
                    if (Log != null)
                        Log.Error("Runtime error occurred in main trigger firing loop.", re);
            } // while (!halted)

            // drop references to scheduler stuff to aid garbage collection...
            qs      = null;
            qsRsrcs = null;
Пример #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a JobRunShell instance with the given settings.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scheduler">The <see cref="IScheduler" /> instance that should be made
 /// available within the <see cref="IJobExecutionContext" />.</param>
 /// <param name="bndle"></param>
 public JobRunShell(IScheduler scheduler, TriggerFiredBundle bndle)
     this.scheduler          = scheduler;
     this.firedTriggerBundle = bndle;
     log = LogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
Пример #18
		public TriggerFiredBundle TriggerFired(Trigger trigger) {
			lock (_triggerLock) {
				TriggerWrapper tw = _triggersDictionary[trigger.Name] as TriggerWrapper;
				// was the trigger deleted since being acquired?
				if (tw == null || tw.Trigger == null)
					return null;
				// was the trigger completed since being acquired?
				if (tw.State == InternalTriggerState.Complete)
					return null;
				// was the trigger paused since being acquired?
				if (tw.State == InternalTriggerState.Paused)
					return null;
				// was the trigger blocked since being acquired?
				if (tw.State == InternalTriggerState.Blocked)
					return null;
				// was the trigger paused and blocked since being acquired?
				if (tw.State == InternalTriggerState.PausedAndBlocked)
					return null;

				NullableDateTime prevFireTime = trigger.GetPreviousFireTimeUtc();
				// in case trigger was replaced between acquiring and firering
				//tw.state = TriggerWrapper.StateExecuting;
				tw.State = InternalTriggerState.Waiting;

				IScheduledJob job = RetrieveJob(trigger.JobName);
				TriggerFiredBundle bndle = new TriggerFiredBundle(job, trigger, false, DateTime.UtcNow,
										   trigger.GetPreviousFireTimeUtc(), prevFireTime, trigger.GetNextFireTimeUtc());

				NullableDateTime d = tw.Trigger.GetNextFireTimeUtc();
				if (d.HasValue) {
					lock (_triggerLock) {

				return bndle;
Пример #19
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
Пример #20
        public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
            var job = _serviceProvider.GetService(bundle.JobDetail.JobType) as IJob;

Пример #21
        public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
            var jobType = bundle.JobDetail.JobType;

            return(ObjectUtils.InstantiateType <IJob>(jobType));
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// The main processing loop of the <see cref="QuartzSchedulerThread" />.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task Run()
            bool lastAcquireFailed = false;

            while (!halted)
                    // check if we're supposed to pause...
                    lock (sigLock)
                        while (paused && !halted)
                                // wait until togglePause(false) is called...
                                Monitor.Wait(sigLock, 1000);
                            catch (ThreadInterruptedException)

                        if (halted)

                    int availThreadCount = qsRsrcs.ThreadPool.BlockForAvailableThreads();
                    if (availThreadCount > 0)
                        List <IOperableTrigger> triggers;

                        DateTimeOffset now = SystemTime.UtcNow();

                            var noLaterThan = now + idleWaitTime;
                            var maxCount    = Math.Min(availThreadCount, qsRsrcs.MaxBatchSize);
                            triggers          = new List <IOperableTrigger>(await qsRsrcs.JobStore.AcquireNextTriggers(noLaterThan, maxCount, qsRsrcs.BatchTimeWindow, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false));
                            lastAcquireFailed = false;
                            if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                                Log.DebugFormat("Batch acquisition of {0} triggers", triggers?.Count ?? 0);
                        catch (JobPersistenceException jpe)
                            if (!lastAcquireFailed)
                                var msg = "An error occurred while scanning for the next trigger to fire.";
                                await qs.NotifySchedulerListenersError(msg, jpe, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            lastAcquireFailed = true;
                            await HandleDbRetry(CancellationToken.None);

                        catch (Exception e)
                            if (!lastAcquireFailed)
                                Log.ErrorException("quartzSchedulerThreadLoop: RuntimeException " + e.Message, e);
                            lastAcquireFailed = true;
                            await HandleDbRetry(CancellationToken.None);


                        if (triggers != null && triggers.Count > 0)
                            now = SystemTime.UtcNow();
                            DateTimeOffset triggerTime      = triggers[0].GetNextFireTimeUtc().Value;
                            TimeSpan       timeUntilTrigger = triggerTime - now;

                            while (timeUntilTrigger > TimeSpan.Zero)
                                if (await ReleaseIfScheduleChangedSignificantly(triggers, triggerTime).ConfigureAwait(false))
                                lock (sigLock)
                                    if (halted)
                                    if (!IsCandidateNewTimeEarlierWithinReason(triggerTime, false))
                                            // we could have blocked a long while
                                            // on 'synchronize', so we must recompute
                                            now = SystemTime.UtcNow();
                                            timeUntilTrigger = triggerTime - now;
                                            if (timeUntilTrigger > TimeSpan.Zero)
                                                Monitor.Wait(sigLock, timeUntilTrigger);
                                        catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
                                if (await ReleaseIfScheduleChangedSignificantly(triggers, triggerTime).ConfigureAwait(false))
                                now = SystemTime.UtcNow();
                                timeUntilTrigger = triggerTime - now;

                            // this happens if releaseIfScheduleChangedSignificantly decided to release triggers
                            if (triggers.Count == 0)

                            // set triggers to 'executing'
                            List <TriggerFiredResult> bndles = new List <TriggerFiredResult>();

                            bool goAhead;
                            lock (sigLock)
                                goAhead = !halted;

                            if (goAhead)
                                    var res = await qsRsrcs.JobStore.TriggersFired(triggers, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                    if (res != null)
                                        bndles = res.ToList();
                                catch (SchedulerException se)
                                    var msg = "An error occurred while firing triggers '" + triggers + "'";
                                    await qs.NotifySchedulerListenersError(msg, se, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                    // QTZ-179 : a problem occurred interacting with the triggers from the db
                                    // we release them and loop again
                                    foreach (IOperableTrigger t in triggers)
                                        await qsRsrcs.JobStore.ReleaseAcquiredTrigger(t, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            for (int i = 0; i < bndles.Count; i++)
                                TriggerFiredResult result    = bndles[i];
                                TriggerFiredBundle bndle     = result.TriggerFiredBundle;
                                Exception          exception = result.Exception;

                                IOperableTrigger trigger = triggers[i];
                                // TODO SQL exception?
                                if (exception != null && (exception is DbException || exception.InnerException is DbException))
                                    Log.ErrorException("DbException while firing trigger " + trigger, exception);
                                    await qsRsrcs.JobStore.ReleaseAcquiredTrigger(trigger, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);


                                // it's possible to get 'null' if the triggers was paused,
                                // blocked, or other similar occurrences that prevent it being
                                // fired at this time...  or if the scheduler was shutdown (halted)
                                if (bndle == null)
                                    await qsRsrcs.JobStore.ReleaseAcquiredTrigger(trigger, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);


                                // TODO: improvements:
                                // 2- make sure we can get a job runshell before firing trigger, or
                                //   don't let that throw an exception (right now it never does,
                                //   but the signature says it can).
                                // 3- acquire more triggers at a time (based on num threads available?)

                                JobRunShell shell;
                                    shell = qsRsrcs.JobRunShellFactory.CreateJobRunShell(bndle);
                                    await shell.Initialize(qs, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                catch (SchedulerException)
                                    await qsRsrcs.JobStore.TriggeredJobComplete(trigger, bndle.JobDetail, SchedulerInstruction.SetAllJobTriggersError, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);


                                var threadPoolRunResult = qsRsrcs.ThreadPool.RunInThread(() => shell.Run(CancellationToken.None));
                                if (threadPoolRunResult == false)
                                    // this case should never happen, as it is indicative of the
                                    // scheduler being shutdown or a bug in the thread pool or
                                    // a thread pool being used concurrently - which the docs
                                    // say not to do...
                                    Log.Error("ThreadPool.RunInThread() returned false!");
                                    await qsRsrcs.JobStore.TriggeredJobComplete(trigger, bndle.JobDetail, SchedulerInstruction.SetAllJobTriggersError, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            continue; // while (!halted)
                    else // if(availThreadCount > 0)
                        // while (!halted)

                    DateTimeOffset utcNow            = SystemTime.UtcNow();
                    DateTimeOffset waitTime          = utcNow.Add(GetRandomizedIdleWaitTime());
                    TimeSpan       timeUntilContinue = waitTime - utcNow;
                    lock (sigLock)
                        if (!halted)
                                // QTZ-336 A job might have been completed in the mean time and we might have
                                // missed the scheduled changed signal by not waiting for the notify() yet
                                // Check that before waiting for too long in case this very job needs to be
                                // scheduled very soon
                                if (!IsScheduleChanged())
                                    Monitor.Wait(sigLock, timeUntilContinue);
                            catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
                catch (Exception re)
                    Log.ErrorException("Runtime error occurred in main trigger firing loop.", re);
            } // while (!halted)
Пример #23
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     return(new JobWrapper(_provider, bundle.JobDetail.JobType));
Пример #24
 private IJob GetDataUpdateJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     //only provide the email sender if data exists to properly initialize it with
     return(new DataUpdateJob(_hdb, GetEmailSender(), _updateJobSettings, _localStorage, new InstrumentRepository(new MyDBContext())));
Пример #25
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
Пример #26
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     return(Factory.Create(bundle.JobDetail.JobType) as IJob);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an instance of the specified job class.
 /// <p>
 /// Can be overridden to post-process the job instance.
 /// </p>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bundle">
 /// The TriggerFiredBundle from which the JobDetail
 /// and other info relating to the trigger firing can be obtained.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>The job instance.</returns>
 protected virtual object CreateJobInstance(TriggerFiredBundle bundle)
Пример #28
 protected virtual IJob InstantiateJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     return(base.NewJob(bundle, scheduler));
Пример #29
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取一个Job
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bundle">触发器发射束?</param>
 /// <param name="scheduler">调度器</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     return(_iocResolver.Resolve(bundle.JobDetail.JobType).As <IJob>());
Пример #30
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     return(serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IJob)) as IJob);
Пример #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a JobRunShell instance with the given settings.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scheduler">The <see cref="IScheduler" /> instance that should be made
 /// available within the <see cref="IJobExecutionContext" />.</param>
 /// <param name="bundle"></param>
 public JobRunShell(IScheduler scheduler, TriggerFiredBundle bundle)
     this.scheduler     = scheduler;
     firedTriggerBundle = bundle;
     log = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
Пример #32
        public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
            var jobType = bundle.JobDetail.JobType;

            return(Activator.CreateInstance(jobType, _service) as IJob);
Пример #33
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
            Logger.Debug("Get new observer job");

            return(new CallObserversWithNewDataJob(this.observers));
Пример #34
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     return(_serviceProvider.GetRequiredService(bundle.JobDetail.JobType) as IJob);
Пример #35
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     return(serviceProvider.GetService <HttpJob>());
        /// <summary>
        ///     Called by the scheduler at the time of the trigger firing, in order to
        ///     produce a <see cref="T:Quartz.IJob" /> instance on which to call Execute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     It should be extremely rare for this method to throw an exception -
        ///     basically only the the case where there is no way at all to instantiate
        ///     and prepare the Job for execution.  When the exception is thrown, the
        ///     Scheduler will move all triggers associated with the Job into the
        ///     <see cref="F:Quartz.TriggerState.Error" /> state, which will require human
        ///     intervention (e.g. an application restart after fixing whatever
        ///     configuration problem led to the issue wih instantiating the Job.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="bundle">
        ///     The TriggerFiredBundle from which the <see cref="T:Quartz.IJobDetail" />
        ///     and other info relating to the trigger firing can be obtained.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scheduler">a handle to the scheduler that is about to execute the job</param>
        /// <throws>SchedulerException if there is a problem instantiating the Job. </throws>
        /// <returns>
        ///     the newly instantiated Job
        /// </returns>
        public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
            if (bundle == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("bundle");
            if (scheduler == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("scheduler");

            var jobType = bundle.JobDetail.JobType;

            var nestedScope = _lifetimeScope.BeginLifetimeScope(_scopeName);

            IJob newJob = null;
                newJob = (IJob) nestedScope.Resolve(jobType);
                var jobTrackingInfo = new JobTrackingInfo(nestedScope);
                RunningJobs[newJob] = jobTrackingInfo;

                if (s_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    s_log.DebugFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Scope 0x{0:x} associated with Job 0x{1:x}",
                        jobTrackingInfo.Scope.GetHashCode(), newJob.GetHashCode());

                nestedScope = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (nestedScope != null)
                    DisposeScope(newJob, nestedScope);
                throw new SchedulerConfigException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                    "Failed to instantiate Job '{0}' of type '{1}'",
                    bundle.JobDetail.Key, bundle.JobDetail.JobType), ex);
            return newJob;
Пример #37
 public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
     return(new TaskJob(_service));