Пример #1
     * Create a textured .obj
     * From list of walls generate mesh. From list of cameras generates it texture
     * return the path of the .obj created
     * //TODO use script https://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/ExportOBJ#:~:text=Select%20an%20object%20in%20the,OBJ%20file.
    public static string Export(List <Camera> cameras, List <GameObject> gos, string objname = "export")
        // Calculate UV
        Debug.Log("Calculate UV");
        foreach (GameObject go in gos)
            TriangleTexture tt = go.GetComponent <TriangleTexture>() ?? go.AddComponent <TriangleTexture>();

        // Export Mat & Objs
        Debug.Log("Export material");
        ExportMaterial(objname, cameras);
        Debug.Log("Export obj");
        return(ExportObjs(objname, gos));
Пример #2
    private static string ExportOneGameObject(GameObject go, ref int offsetV, ref int offsetVT)
        Mesh            m  = go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;
        TriangleTexture tt = go.GetComponent <TriangleTexture>();

        // cube: 6 faces, 36 triangles, 24 vertices
        //Debug.Log("vertices: " + m.vertices.Length + " triangles: " + m.triangles.Length + " offsetV:" + offsetV + " offsetVT:" + offsetVT);

        string wavefrontV  = "";
        string wavefrontVT = "";
        string wavefrontF  = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < m.vertices.Length; i++)
            Vector3 wVertex = go.transform.TransformPoint(m.vertices[i]);
            wavefrontV += "v " + wVertex.x + " " + wVertex.y + " " + wVertex.z + " 1.0\n";

        int    vt      = 0;
        string matname = null;

        for (int t = 0; t < m.triangles.Length / 3; t++)
            TriangleTextureData ttex = tt.vts[t];

            int va = m.triangles[t * 3 + 0] + offsetV;
            int vb = m.triangles[t * 3 + 1] + offsetV;
            int vc = m.triangles[t * 3 + 2] + offsetV;

            if (ttex.uvs3 != null)
                foreach (Vector2 uv in ttex.uvs3)   //do not handle when same uv twice (duplicate date) //should group by texture (ttex['cube'] = [])
                    wavefrontVT += "vt " + uv.x + " " + uv.y + " # angle=" + ttex.angle + " distance=" + ttex.distance + "\n";

                string matnamecur = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ttex.photo);
                if (matname == null || matname != matnamecur)
                    matname     = matnamecur;
                    wavefrontF += "usemtl material_" + matname + "\n";

                wavefrontF += "f " + (va + 1) + "/" + (offsetVT + vt + 1) + " " + (vb + 1) + "/" + (offsetVT + vt + 2) + " " + (vc + 1) + "/" + (offsetVT + vt + 3) + "\n";
                vt         += 3;
                wavefrontF += "f " + (va + 1) + " " + (vb + 1) + " " + (vc + 1) + "\n";

        offsetV  += m.vertices.Length;
        offsetVT += vt;

            ("o " + go.name + "\n\n" +
             wavefrontV + "\n" +
             wavefrontVT + "\n" +
             wavefrontF +
             "#" + System.DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " " + System.DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " v=" + m.vertices.Length + "; vt=" + vt + "; f=" + m.triangles.Length + ";" + "\n");