/// <summary>
        /// Adds word to Trei
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="word">Word to add</param>
        /// <returns>true if word was added, false otherwise, returns false if word already exists</returns>
        internal bool AddWord(string word)
            //Cannot add empty or null string
            if ((word?.Length ?? 0) == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Word canot be empty or null");

            var curNode   = root;
            var isNewWord = false;
            //Used to keep track of nodes traversed. We want to keep track of how
            //many words go through a particular node.
            //We will increment number of words in the end
            //if new word was created
            var traversedNodes = new List <TreiNode>();


            //loop through each character in the string
            foreach (var c in word.ToLower())
                //Check if child node for character exists
                if (!curNode.Children.TryGetValue(c, out TreiNode node))
                    //Add new character if it does not currently exist
                    node = new TreiNode(c);
                    curNode.Children[c] = node;
                    //if a new node is created this is a new word
                    isNewWord = true;

                //traverse down to new or existing node that represents the next character.
                curNode = node;

                //Add node to list of traversed nodes

            //Update word count for each traversed node if this is a new word.
            //If an existing word is added isNewWord will remain false
            if (isNewWord)
                traversedNodes.ForEach(t => t.WordCount++);

            //Mark last node as IsWord. This is required
            //Example: When we add word "cat" we don't want the FindWord to return
            //true if we search for "ca". By setting IsWord on last node only
            //we can determine that if we end up on node representing character "a"
            //from "ca" it is not a word
            traversedNodes[traversedNodes.Count - 1].IsWord = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a Trei
 /// </summary>
 internal Trei()
     root = new TreiNode((char)0);