Пример #1
        //typedef typename DA_t::state_type da_state_t;
        //typedef typename Algorithm_t::state_t algo_state_t;
        //typedef typename Algorithm_t::result_t algo_result_t;
        //typedef TreeWithAcceptance<algo_state_t, typename Acceptance::signature_type> stuttered_state_t;
        //typedef typename stuttered_state_t::ptr stuttered_state_ptr_t;

        //typedef std::pair<stuttered_state_ptr_t, da_state_t*> unprocessed_value_t;
        //typedef std::stack<unprocessed_value_t> unprocessed_stack_t;

        /** Convert the NBA to the DA */
        public void convert()
            APSet ap_set = _da_result.getAPSet();

            if (_algo.checkEmpty())


            TreeWithAcceptance s_start     = new TreeWithAcceptance(_algo.getStartState());
            DA_State           start_state = _da_result.newState();

            if (_detailed_states)

            _state_mapper.add(s_start, start_state);

            Stack <KeyValuePair <TreeWithAcceptance, DA_State> > unprocessed;

            _unprocessed.Push(new KeyValuePair <TreeWithAcceptance, DA_State>(s_start, start_state));

            bool   all_insensitive     = _stutter_information.isCompletelyInsensitive();
            BitSet partial_insensitive = _stutter_information.getPartiallyInsensitiveSymbols();

            while (_unprocessed.Count > 0)
                KeyValuePair <TreeWithAcceptance, DA_State> top = _unprocessed.Pop();

                TreeWithAcceptance from    = top.Key;
                DA_State           da_from = top.Value;

                //for (APSet::element_iterator it_elem=ap_set.all_elements_begin();it_elem!=ap_set.all_elements_end();++it_elem)
                for (int it_elem = ap_set.all_elements_begin(); it_elem != ap_set.all_elements_end(); ++it_elem)
                    APElement elem = new APElement(it_elem);

                    if (da_from.edges().get(elem) == null)
                        // the edge was not yet calculated...

                        if (!all_insensitive && partial_insensitive.get(it_elem) == null)
                            // can't stutter for this symbol, do normal step
                            SafraTree          next_tree  = _algo.delta(from.getTree() as SafraTree, elem).getState();
                            TreeWithAcceptance next_state = new TreeWithAcceptance(next_tree);
                            add_transition(da_from, next_state, elem);


                        // normal stuttering...

                        calc_delta(from, da_from, elem);

                        if (_limit != 0 && _da_result.size() > _limit)
                            //THROW_EXCEPTION(LimitReachedException, "");
                            throw new Exception("LimitReachedException");
Пример #2
        /** Calculate and add transitions to the successor state.
         * @param from the source stuttered_state
         * @param da_from the source DA state
         * @param elem the edge label
        void calc_delta(TreeWithAcceptance from, DA_State da_from, APElement elem)
            //StateMapper<SafraTree, int , ptr_hash<algo_state_t>> intermediate_state_map_t;  //, PtrComparator<algo_state_t>

            Dictionary <StateInterface, int> state_map    = new Dictionary <StateInterface, int>();
            List <StateInterface>            state_vector = new List <StateInterface>();

            StateInterface start_tree = from.getTree();

            //state_map[start_tree] = null;
            state_map.Add(start_tree, 0);
            state_vector.Add(start_tree); //push_back

            std::cerr << "Calculate from state [" << da_from->getName() << "], " << (unsigned
                                                                                     int )
                elem << ":" << std::endl;
            std::cerr << start_tree->toString() << std::endl;

            StateInterface cur_tree = start_tree;
            while (true)
                StateInterface next_tree = _algo.delta(cur_tree as SafraTree, elem).getState();

                //typename intermediate_state_map_t::iterator it;
                //int it = state_map.find(next_tree);
                //if (it == state_map.end())

                if (!state_map.ContainsKey(next_tree))
                    // tree doesn't yet exist...
                    // add tree
                    //state_map[next_tree] = state_vector.size();
                    state_map.Add(next_tree, state_vector.Count);
                    state_vector.Add(next_tree); //push_back

                    cur_tree = next_tree;
                    // found the cycle!
                    int cycle_point = state_map[next_tree];

                    std::cerr << "-----------------------\n";
                    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < state_vector.size(); i++)
                        std::cerr << "[" << i << "] ";
                        if (cycle_point == i)
                            std::cerr << "* ";
                        std::cerr << "\n" << state_vector[i]->toString() << std::endl;
                    std::cerr << "-----------------------\n";

                    prefix_and_cycle_state_t pac = calculate_prefix_and_cycle_state(state_vector, cycle_point);

                    //DA_State da_prefix = null;
                    DA_State da_cycle = null;

                    if (pac.prefix_state != null && !(pac.prefix_state == pac.cycle_state))
                        DA_State da_prefix = add_transition(da_from, pac.prefix_state, elem);
                        da_cycle = add_transition(da_prefix, pac.cycle_state, elem);
                        da_cycle = add_transition(da_from, pac.cycle_state, elem);

                    da_cycle.edges().set(elem, da_cycle);

Пример #3
        /** Calculate and add transitions to the successor state.
         * @param from the source stuttered_state
         * @param da_from the source DA state
         * @param elem the edge label
        void calc_delta(TreeWithAcceptance from, DA_State da_from, APElement elem)
            //StateMapper<SafraTree, int , ptr_hash<algo_state_t>> intermediate_state_map_t;  //, PtrComparator<algo_state_t>

            Dictionary<StateInterface, int> state_map = new Dictionary<StateInterface, int>();
            List<StateInterface> state_vector = new List<StateInterface>();

            StateInterface start_tree = from.getTree();
            //state_map[start_tree] = null;
            state_map.Add(start_tree, 0);
            state_vector.Add(start_tree); //push_back

            #if STUTTERED_VERBOSE
            std::cerr << "Calculate from state [" << da_from->getName() << "], " << (unsigned
            int )
            elem << ":" << std::endl;
            std::cerr << start_tree->toString() << std::endl;

            StateInterface cur_tree = start_tree;
            while (true)
                StateInterface next_tree = _algo.delta(cur_tree as UnionState, elem).getState();

                //typename intermediate_state_map_t::iterator it;
                //int it = state_map.find(next_tree);
                //if (it == state_map.end())

                if (!state_map.ContainsKey(next_tree))
                    // tree doesn't yet exist...
                    // add tree
                    //state_map[next_tree] = state_vector.size();
                    state_map.Add(next_tree, state_vector.Count);
                    state_vector.Add(next_tree); //push_back

                    cur_tree = next_tree;
                    // found the cycle!
                    int cycle_point = state_map[next_tree];

            #if STUTTERED_VERBOSE
            std::cerr << "-----------------------\n";
            for (unsigned int i=0;i<state_vector.size();i++) {
            std::cerr << "[" << i << "] ";
            if (cycle_point==i) {
            std::cerr << "* ";
            std::cerr << "\n" << state_vector[i]->toString() << std::endl;
            std::cerr << "-----------------------\n";

                    prefix_and_cycle_state_t pac = calculate_prefix_and_cycle_state(state_vector, cycle_point);

                    //DA_State da_prefix = null;
                    DA_State da_cycle = null;

                    if (pac.prefix_state != null && !(pac.prefix_state == pac.cycle_state))
                        DA_State da_prefix = add_transition(da_from, pac.prefix_state, elem);
                        da_cycle = add_transition(da_prefix, pac.cycle_state, elem);
                        da_cycle = add_transition(da_from, pac.cycle_state, elem);

                    da_cycle.edges().set(elem, da_cycle);
