protected override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { if (!CompilationStore.Compilation.Diagnostics.Any()) { return; } composer.Element("errors-space", body: () => { composer.Element( name: "title-row", events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClick = args => this.areErrorsExpanded = !this.areErrorsExpanded }, body: () => { composer.Element("icon"); composer.Element("errors-count", body: () => { composer.Text(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, EditorResources.Errors_Count, CompilationStore.Compilation.Diagnostics.Count)); }); composer.Element(this.areErrorsExpanded ? "caret-opened" : "caret-closed"); }); if (!this.areErrorsExpanded) { return; } composer.Element("header-line", body: () => { composer.Element("line-number", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.Errors_Line)); composer.Element("description", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.Errors_Description)); }); composer.Element("errors-list", body: () => { foreach (var error in CompilationStore.Compilation.Diagnostics.OrderBy(d => d.Range.Start.Line)) { var range = error.Range.ToMonacoRange(); composer.Element( name: "error-line", events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClickAsync = args => JSInterop.Monaco.SelectRange(range) }, body: () => { composer.Element("line-number", body: () => composer.Text(range.startLineNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); composer.Element("description", body: () => composer.Text(error.ToDisplayString())); }); } }); }); }
protected override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element( name: "text-display", capture: element => this.textDisplayRef = element, styles: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "background-color", this.backgroundColor } }, attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "tabindex", "0" }, // required to receive focus }, events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnKeyDownAsync = args => this.AcceptInput(args.Key) }, body: () => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Title)) { composer.Element( name: "title", body: () => composer.Text(this.Title)); } foreach (var chunk in this.outputChunks) { composer.Element( name: "span", body: () => composer.Text(chunk.Text), styles: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "color", chunk.HexColor } }); if (chunk.AppendNewLine) { composer.Element("br"); } } composer.Element("input-field", capture: element => this.inputFieldRef = element, body: () => { if (this.mode != AcceptedInputMode.None) { composer.Element("span", body: () => composer.Text(this.inputBuffer)); composer.Element(name: "span", body: () => { composer.Element("cursor", body: () => { composer.Markup("█"); }); }); } }); }); }
public static void DisabledAction(TreeComposer composer, string name, string title, string message) { composer.Element("disabled-action-container", body: () => { composer.Element("action", body: () => { composer.Element("icon-" + name); composer.Text(title); }); composer.Element("disabled-message", body: () => composer.Text(message)); }); }
private void ComposeCallStack(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element("call-stack-member", body: () => { composer.Element("member-title-area", body: () => { composer.Element("logo-area", body: () => composer.Element("logo")); composer.Element("title-text", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.MemoryExplorer_CallStack)); }); composer.Element("member-table-header", body: () => { composer.Element("left-text", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.MemoryExplorer_Line)); composer.Element("right-text", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.MemoryExplorer_Module)); }); this.ComposeOnlyIfNotRunning(composer, showEvenIfTerminated: false, body: () => { composer.Element("call-stack", body: () => { composer.Element("blue-box"); composer.Element("container-box", body: () => { bool firstFrame = true; foreach (var frame in this.Engine.GetSnapshot().ExecutionStack.Reverse()) { string name; if (firstFrame) { firstFrame = false; name = "stack-frame-highlighted"; } else { name = "stack-frame"; } composer.Element(name, body: () => { var line = frame.CurrentSourceLine + 1; // Monaco editor is one-based composer.Element("line-cell", body: () => composer.Text(line.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); composer.Element("module-name-cell", body: () => composer.Text(frame.Module.Name)); }); } }); }); }); }); }
private void ComposeHeader(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element("header-area", body: () => { composer.Element( name: "logo-area", events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClick = args => this.isExpanded = !this.isExpanded }, body: () => { composer.Element("logo"); }); composer.Element("empty-scroll-area"); if (this.isExpanded) { composer.Element("title-area", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.MemoryExplorer_Title)); composer.Element( name: "minimize-button", events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClick = args => this.isExpanded = false }, body: () => { composer.Element("angle-left"); }); } }); }
public override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { var attributes = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "x", this.X.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "y", this.Y.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "dy", this.Styles.FontSize.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) } }; if (this.Width.HasValue) { attributes.Add("textLength", this.Width.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); } composer.Element( name: "text", styles: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "fill", this.Styles.BrushColor }, { "font-weight", this.Styles.FontBold ? "bold" : "normal" }, { "font-style", this.Styles.FontItalic ? "italic" : "normal" }, { "font-family", $@"""{this.Styles.FontName}""" }, { "font-size", $"{this.Styles.FontSize}px" }, { "pointer-events", "none" } }, attributes: attributes, body: () => composer.Text(this.Text)); }
private void ComposeOnlyIfNotRunning(TreeComposer composer, bool showEvenIfTerminated, Action body) { switch (this.Engine.State) { case ExecutionState.BlockedOnNumberInput: case ExecutionState.BlockedOnStringInput: case ExecutionState.Paused: { body(); break; } case ExecutionState.Running: { composer.Element("running-block", body: () => { composer.Element("icon-container", body: () => composer.Element("program-running-icon")); composer.Element("text-container", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.MemoryExplorer_ProgramRunning)); }); break; } case ExecutionState.Terminated: { if (showEvenIfTerminated) { body(); } else { composer.Element("running-block", body: () => { composer.Element("icon-container", body: () => composer.Element("program-ended-icon")); composer.Element("text-container", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.MemoryExplorer_ProgramEnded)); }); } break; } default: { throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(this.Engine.State); } } }
protected override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { if (!this.IsVisible) { return; } composer.Element( name: "graphics-display", attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "tabindex", "0" }, // required to receive focus }, styles: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "cursor", this.IsMouseVisible ? "initial" : "none" } }, body: () => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Title)) { composer.Element( name: "title", body: () => composer.Text(this.Title)); } composer.Element( name: "svg", capture: element => this.RenderArea = element, attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "height", "100%" }, { "width", "100%" }, }, events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnMouseDown = args => GraphicsDisplayStore.NotifyMouseDown(args.ClientX, args.ClientY, GetMouseButton(args.Button)), OnMouseUp = args => GraphicsDisplayStore.NotifyMouseUp(args.ClientX, args.ClientY, GetMouseButton(args.Button)), OnMouseMove = args => GraphicsDisplayStore.NotifyMouseMove(args.ClientX, args.ClientY), }, body: () => { if (!this.Libraries.IsDefault()) { this.Libraries.ImageList.EmbedImages(composer); this.Libraries.GraphicsWindow.ComposeTree(composer); this.Libraries.Shapes.ComposeTree(composer); this.Libraries.Turtle.ComposeTree(composer); } }); if (!this.Libraries.IsDefault()) { this.Libraries.Controls.ComposeTree(composer); } }); }
public override void ComposeTree(ControlsLibrary library, TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element( name: "button", body: () => composer.Text(this.Caption), events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClick = args => library.NotifyButtonClicked(this.Name) }, styles: this.Styles); }
public static void Action(TreeComposer composer, string name, string title, Func <Task> onClick) { composer.Element( name: "action", events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClickAsync = args => onClick() }, body: () => { composer.Element("icon-" + name); composer.Text(title); }); }
protected sealed override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element("main-layout", body: () => { composer.Element("header-row", body: () => { composer.Element("logo-area", body: () => { composer.Element( name: "logo", events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClickAsync = args => OpenExtrernalLink("") }); }); composer.Element("header-links", body: () => { foreach (var pair in HeaderLinks) { composer.Element( name: "header-link", events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClickAsync = args => OpenExtrernalLink(pair.Value) }, body: () => { composer.Text(pair.Key); }); } }); }); Actions.Row(composer, left: () => this.ComposeLeftActions(composer), right: () => this.ComposeRightActions(composer)); composer.Element("page-contents", body: () => { this.ComposeBody(composer); }); }); }
private void ComposeVariables(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element("variables-member", body: () => { composer.Element("member-title-area", body: () => { composer.Element("logo-area", body: () => composer.Element("logo")); composer.Element("title-text", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.MemoryExplorer_Variables)); }); composer.Element("member-table-header", body: () => { composer.Element("left-text", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.MemoryExplorer_Name)); composer.Element("right-text", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.MemoryExplorer_Value)); }); this.ComposeOnlyIfNotRunning(composer, showEvenIfTerminated: true, body: () => { var memory = this.Engine.GetSnapshot().Memory; if (memory.Any()) { composer.Element("variables-block", body: () => { foreach (var variable in memory) { composer.Element("variable", body: () => { composer.Element("name-cell", body: () => { composer.Element("icon-container", body: () => { switch (variable.Value) { case StringValue stringValue: case BooleanValue booleanValue: composer.Element("string-type-icon"); break; case NumberValue numberValue: composer.Element("number-type-icon"); break; case ArrayValue arrayValue: composer.Element("array-type-icon"); break; default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(variable.Value); } }); composer.Element("name-container", body: () => composer.Text(variable.Key)); }); composer.Element("value-cell", body: () => composer.Text(variable.Value.ToDisplayString())); }); } }); } }); }); }
protected override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element("library-body", body: () => { composer.Element("library-title", body: () => { composer.Element("icon", body: () => Micro.FontAwesome(composer, this.Library.ExplorerIcon)); composer.Element("name", body: () => composer.Text(this.Library.Name)); }); composer.Element("library-description", body: () => composer.Text(this.Library.Description)); if (this.Library.Methods.Any()) { composer.Element("group-title", body: () => { composer.Element("icon", body: () => Micro.FontAwesome(composer, "cube")); composer.Element("name", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.LibraryExplorer_Methods)); }); foreach (var method in this.Library.Methods.Values) { LibraryMethod.Inject( composer, isSelected: method == this.selectedMethod, library: this.Library, method: method, onHeaderClick: () => this.OnMethodHeaderClick(method)); } } if (this.Library.Properties.Any()) { composer.Element("group-title", body: () => { composer.Element("icon", body: () => Micro.FontAwesome(composer, "wrench")); composer.Element("name", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.LibraryExplorer_Properties)); }); foreach (var property in this.Library.Properties.Values) { composer.Element("member", body: () => { composer.Element(name: "member-header-selected", body: () => { composer.Element("member-title", body: () => { composer.Element("caret"); composer.Element("name", body: () => composer.Text($"{this.Library.Name}.{property.Name}")); }); composer.Element("member-description", body: () => composer.Text(property.Description)); }); }); } } if (this.Library.Events.Any()) { composer.Element("group-title", body: () => { composer.Element("icon", body: () => Micro.FontAwesome(composer, "neuter")); composer.Element("name", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.LibraryExplorer_Events)); }); foreach (var @event in this.Library.Events.Values) { composer.Element("member", body: () => { composer.Element(name: "member-header-selected", body: () => { composer.Element("member-title", body: () => { composer.Element("caret"); composer.Element("name", body: () => composer.Text($"{this.Library.Name}.{@event.Name}")); }); composer.Element("member-description", body: () => composer.Text(@event.Description)); }); }); } } }); }
protected override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element("member", body: () => { composer.Element( name: this.IsSelected ? "member-header-selected" : "member-header", events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClick = arg => this.OnHeaderClick() }, body: () => { composer.Element("member-title", body: () => { composer.Element("caret", body: () => { Micro.FontAwesome(composer, this.IsSelected ? "caret-down" : "caret-right"); }); composer.Element("name", body: () => composer.Text($"{this.Library.Name}.{this.Method.Name}()")); }); composer.Element("member-description", body: () => composer.Text(this.Method.Description)); }); if (this.IsSelected) { composer.Element("member-body", body: () => { composer.Element("example", body: () => { composer.Text(string.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}{1}.{2}({3})", this.Method.ReturnsValue ? "result = " : string.Empty, this.Library.Name, this.Method.Name, this.Method.Parameters.Keys.Join(", "))); }); if (this.Method.Parameters.Any()) { composer.Element("block", body: () => { composer.Element("arguments-area", body: () => { foreach (var parameter in this.Method.Parameters.Values) { composer.Element("name", body: () => composer.Text(parameter.Name)); composer.Element("description", body: () => composer.Text(parameter.Description)); } }); }); } composer.Element("block", body: () => { composer.Element("result-area", body: () => { if (this.Method.ReturnsValue) { composer.Element("name", body: () => composer.Text("result")); composer.Element("description", body: () => composer.Text(this.Method.ReturnValueDescription)); } else { composer.Element("description", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.LibraryExplorer_ReturnsNothing)); } }); }); }); } }); }