//TODO: Moet een dokter ook niet de treatment details kunnen inzien?
        public IActionResult Details(long id)
            // Check if id is set
            if (id < 1)
                return(BadRequest("No user found"));

            // Retrieve from db
            TreatmentType model             = repository.GetById(id);
            TreatmentTypeDetailViewModel vm = converter.ModelToViewModel(model);

            // Get all departments for select list
            List <Department>            departments = departmentRepository.GetAll();
            IEnumerable <SelectListItem> items       =
                from value in departments
                select new SelectListItem
                Text     = value.Name,
                Value    = value.Id.ToString(),
                Selected = (value.Id == vm.DepartmentId)

            vm.Departments = items.ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Method gets all objects form departments and institutions and coverts them to a viewmodel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IActionResult Create()
            // Retrieve for dropdown
            List <Department>  departments  = departmentRepository.GetAll();
            List <Institution> institutions = institutionRepository.GetAll();

            List <SelectListItem> items = new List <SelectListItem>();
            SelectListGroup       group;

            // Create dropdownlist for treatmenttype
            foreach (Institution i in institutions)
                group = new SelectListGroup
                    Name = i.Name

                foreach (Department dm in departments.Where(d => d.InstitutionId == i.Id))
                    items.Add(new SelectListItem
                        Value = dm.Id.ToString(),
                        Text  = dm.Name,
                        Group = group

            TreatmentTypeDetailViewModel vm = new TreatmentTypeDetailViewModel
                Departments = items

        public IActionResult Create(TreatmentTypeDetailViewModel vm)
            // Check if model is valid
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Push to database
                TreatmentType tt = converter.ViewModelToModel(vm);
                long          id = repository.Insert(tt);

                // Return details page of just inserted record
                return(RedirectToAction("details", new { id }));
        /// <summary>
        /// Method gets all objects form departments and institutions and coverts them to a viewmodel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IActionResult Edit(long id)
            // Check if model is valid
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Get
                TreatmentType tt = repository.GetById(id);

                if (tt == null)
                    return(BadRequest("User not found."));

                // Get dropdown for treatmenttype
                List <Department>  departments  = departmentRepository.GetAll();
                List <Institution> institutions = institutionRepository.GetAll();

                List <SelectListItem> items = new List <SelectListItem>();
                SelectListGroup       group;
                foreach (Institution i in institutions)
                    group = new SelectListGroup
                        Name = i.Name

                    foreach (Department dm in departments.Where(d => d.InstitutionId == i.Id))
                        items.Add(new SelectListItem
                            Value = dm.Id.ToString(),
                            Text  = dm.Name,
                            Group = group

                // Convert to vm
                TreatmentTypeDetailViewModel vm = converter.ModelToViewModel(tt);
                vm.Departments = items;

        public IActionResult Edit(TreatmentTypeDetailViewModel vm)
            // Check if model is valid
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Update in database
                TreatmentType tt = converter.ViewModelToModel(vm);

                if (tt.Active)
                    return(RedirectToAction("details", new { id = tt.Id }));